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November 2023-Movement Discussion

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On 10/28/2023 at 2:23 PM, Munya said:

5.5% usage and up to move up, 3% and below to go down this month.


To UU from NU:




To NU from UU:


Anything else need discussing this month? Bring it up here.

just for asking does it happened to  bring up mons from UT to NU? i see so many braviarys, audinos with 7%+ usage and close to 5 scyther 


(also mb about milo thing , i was thinking it's way too much for nu tier as wall, but im back to compete on this tier after 2 years i still need to learn alot of stuff.

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42 minutes ago, DarylDixon said:

just for asking does it happened to  bring up mons from UT to NU? i see so many braviarys, audinos with 7%+ usage and close to 5 scyther 

nope. UT <-> NU moves happens at end of season only(Good news for PCL players, they won't need to change teams because of usage changes until the end of season.), even if the argumment by doing that is flawed as ***. Munya, TC and High-ranked players, says that Untiered exists only to be a place to put all bad mons from NU. However, when a mon gains a HA that makes it perfectly viable on NU(Qwilfish Intimidate, Sableye Prankster, those was pretty decent on NU), they refuse on moving it up and helping novices with teambuild purposes. They only move it after the end of the season. I even got a warning point iirc due to criticize that.

Edited by caioxlive13
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Caoix is right i usually do those at the end of the season(UT/NU changes). 

Also re: why something was bannned, we did kind of a poor job in the past on stating why something was banned an even poorer job keeping logs of such things, starting very recently, this last month I believe for the Medicham thing, we're keeping internal logs of the discussions and the thread to be able to be reference.

The discussion threads are still publicly viewable as well in the archive.

The usage movements are now in game.

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