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Posts posted by NagaX

  1. 1 hour ago, JuancitoZ said:


    Report to all of us who were present at this historic event for the community ES!


    Repórtense todos los que estuvimos presente en este acontecimiento histórico para la comunidad!

    (censuro su nombre para proteger su privacidad GG)

    1212 - copia.png

    Privacy?? Wtf hahaha, gg @Elregurgitador2!!!

    First alpha shiny OT AaronRC, first legendary shiny OT elregur, spanish OT have extra luck haha


  2. 1 hour ago, Molstre said:

    Wenas quisiera preguntar por qué los shynys criados salen sin  OT del criador , se que conseguir un shyny es algo prestigioso además que lleve tu ot ,pero de igual manera es un gran esfuerzo conseguir el dinero para criar un shyny ... Y que no salga con la ot del criador es frustrante.

    Buscar un shyny como tener el dinero para criar lo lleva mucho esfuerzo y me parece un poco injusto que el shyny criado no lleve la ot del criador. 

    ¿Opiniones ?¿Explicaciones?

    Cuando crias un shiny con tu OT y la cria es de la misma cadena evolutiva, nace con tu OT. Si compras dos shinys sin tu OT, random, la cria nace "UnknownOT". Es sencillamente una manera de reconocer a quienes buscan sus propios shiny salvajes mas alla de snipear un par del GTL y pegarles un cruce. 
    Si te gusta que un shiny tenga tu OT, buscalo salvaje y usalo de breed.

    Aparte, añadi siempre una traduccion al ingles de tus post (son reglas del foro) para evitar que te borren los post/comentarios. 


    When u breed a shiny with your OT and the breed is from the same specie he keep your OT. If you buy two shinys without your OT the hatchling is born "UnknownOT". It's simply a way of recognizing those looking for their own shiny beyond just snipe two shiny from gtl.
    If you like a shiny to have your OT, look for it in the wild and use it as a breed.

    Always add an English translation of your post (these are forum rules) to avoid having your post/comments deleted.


  3. 10 hours ago, caioxlive13 said:

    1st controversial problem - Pay to Enter event 

    U want play? Make a little effort. If u cant make a team with +10 players who can donate 1m aprox each, maybe u guys arent interested enough.


    10 hours ago, caioxlive13 said:

    2nd controversial - Little Cup Forced.

    Listen to the community. After a WC with A LOT of problems, including problems with prize payments, whit a very questionable LC ban, we haved a LCPL. The tournament with the biggest reward (until now) on our community. U can saw how many GREAT LC players we have in the community and u can saw what happened with the correct motivation. U want play LC on WC but yes on LCPL? Maybe u arent motivated, and if thats the preoblem better didnt sign up. 



    10 hours ago, caioxlive13 said:

    3rd controversial - Gbwead hearing who he wants.

    Again, listen to community. PGS host identity isnt a mistery. With ALL the comp community saying to you "Stop, be better and stop with ur terribles ideas and arguments", why u though any bigger host need hear to you? GB even said to you "PLEASE didnt tag me again" and u cant handle that...

    Read to Quinn bro, at this point ur posts arent even funny like months ago when u rage against walls. 

  4. 19 minutes ago, jonulo said:

    Me a encantado este post de revivir tu historia con los shinys , comentandolo y añadiendo fotos , gran trabajo naga, incluso añadiendo los shinys que no son de tu OT y mencionar como los obtuviste.


    I loved this post to relive your story with the shinies, commenting on it and adding photos, great job naga, even adding the shinies that are not from your OT and mentioning how you got them.


    Espero el tuyo ahora jajajaj

    Waiting for your post now!

  5. 1 minute ago, Himothy said:

    bro I get ur time and effort trust me thats why I would love for the pokemmo community to be bigger cause everyone here puts in hella hours and my view on shinies is that it can bring in viewers and new players that can help make the game bigger with donos or just making the game big enough for more opportunities. 

    Ok, so on all arguments u gotted today, u still reply "trust me, more shiny = more content = more players = more money = bigger game"
    Cant debate that, its feel like try to explain to Caiox why isnt good keep ferrothorn vs darmanitan.

    Just a last advice, join to SRIF crew

  6. "Look ik this is a hard topic no ones that's played the game since the start wants too talk about but I really do think the rates should be brought down from the current 20k to at least the regular 8k or more like 10k, im not saying to bring it down like the new Pokemon games but bring it down enough for content creators to have more content since Shiny Pokémon are a big part of The Pokemon community not just pokemmo."

    - No, its a very bad idea. Actually with a 1/30k rate we saw a strong decrease on shiny prices, mons like Dragonite or Salamence dropped on GTL... Even secret shinies dropped his price incredibly faster. Imagine with 1/8k or 1/10k.

    "And honestly I don't think it would change the market so much it would just make it so ur able too shiny hunt for The Pokemon you want and not just something easy and also have more competitive Shiny Pokémon."

    - If u really think that u didnt played a big time PokeMMO, nobody with some experience on this game would said that.

    "There's not much of content of pokemmo on YouTube cause the regular player just beats the game and quits since pvp takes too long since you gotta breed a team and that can cost millions of pokeyen and they won't even try too shiny hunt since the odds are so high."

    - PVP takes too long? u breed a comp mon with aprox 300k, even less with all rewards we have now. U can just play randoms, get some BPs and breed for free. If u want a easy hunt go to SV, Arceus, SwSh... On a MMO game shinies have market value, thats why they need be "harder" to get. If u wont play PVP bcs "takes too long" and wont make a hunt bcs "the odds are so high", maybe PokeMMO isnt the option for u.

    "I just recently watched pats video on the shiny wars and its such a good idea but I feel it lacks on the variety since most go for an easy hunt or worst they don't get what they want like pat having too wait 17 months for the cranidos."

    - I wanted a shiny Cranidos and took exactly a year and five days to hatch a red Cranidos. Guess what? That feel was GREAT! Again, guess what? That was great bcs I really put effort on there. If u can walk to grass and got shinies faster, without effort, well where is the point on be a shiny hunter? All the time u dedicate, all effort u make on catch your favorite mon shiny, thats what makes it special. 

    "Maybe he doesnt mind but too me I saw it as him not making the best content even tho he puts in the hours. Personally I love the game and I might not have the most hours but I have been playing since 2017 on and off and i don't see much content on YouTube when the game has so much potential but that potential is only reached if we have content creators thriving getting views and most people that watch content on Pokemon watch for shinys, nuzlocking or challenges."

    - If a content creator cant adapt to a platform or game he are making content, maybe he should rethink how much of a "content creator" he is or if thats really their best option.

    "Im not trynna start a war or anything but think about it shiny hunters are gonna win since they can go for harder hunts now, there's gonna be a higher chance of seeing shiny competitive teams and content creators will have content so the community has a chance of growing and getting the game out too more people."

    - As a player with 21k hs ingame and a shiny hunter who LOVE play PVP with my perfect OT shiny mons, no, we dont won nothing if all be more easy. See a shiny team are great bcs u can apreciate all the effort to make that team. If get a shiny its common, we lose that "special" feeling on shinies.



    Con motivo de celebrar el sexto aniversario de nuestro team, queremos nuevamente invitar a todos a nuestro torneo. Esperamos contar con la mayor participación posible, así como lograr pasar un momento entretenido tal como el año pasado. 

    Este año tendremos solo un tag de 5 jugadores con opcion a un sustituto, recuerden que al momento de iniciar el tour las inscripciones se cierran para los sustitutos incluidos!



    FECHA: 06/05/2023 (Sabado 06 de Mayo de 2023)


    HORA: 18hs BST - 14hs Hora Argentina - 19hs Hora España. 


    LUGAR: Pueblo Caelestis, Sinnoh, CH1




    Contaran las 5 tiers para el torneo, OU, UU, NU, Dubs y LC.




    Cada equipo registrara 5 jugadores como minimo, con opcion de incluir un sustituto. 
    Los equipos seran libres, cada uno puede armar su equipo como mas le parezca, no necesitan ser del mismo equipo en el juego. 

    Los equipos anotados NO PODRAN MODIFICARSE LUEGO DE INICIADO EL TORNEO. Una vez que esten anotados en el challonge y los brackets armados, la inscripcion y tiempo de modificacion de equipos quedan cerrados.
    Al no poder modificarse los equipos, si uno de los jugadores necesita retirarse durante el torneo y el equipo no tiene suplente NO PODRA INCLUIR UN SUSTITUTO, por lo que ese equipo debera dar una win al equipo rival y jugar solo 4 tiers, a eleccion del equipo perjudicado. 

    Todo el torneo se hara a traves de challonge.com, y este sera publico para todos los participantes.

    En el caso de que alguno busque equipo puede utilizar este mismo post para buscar compañeros.

    PREMIO de 15m al equipo ganador y 5m al 2ndo lugar.





    Completamente gratuito. Las inscripciones están abiertas a partir del momento de publicación de este post, pudiendo anotarse aca en este post.

    Por motivos de organizacion como maximo se aceptaran 32 equipos para el tag team (Por determinar).


    Para cualquier duda o consulta que se tenga pueden escribirnos ingame a NagaHex o RealDevilLegend.
    Al seguir sumando cash para este evento, los premios seguiran subiendo desde esta publicacion hasta el momento del torneo.
    Si alguien quiere aportar algo para los premios, todo lo que envien por correo a la cuenta "BancoHDLM" sera añadido.






    Teams (9/32):



    1. JubilacionALos30: SecretPlayerZ, zVelociRaptor, WarriorPast, TiburoncinDS, Facursa, Sub: DiositoSlurpuff

    2. Caballitos del Renacimiento: enchanteur, zLumiere, CarolML, BadButWin, Belesy. sub flacusky
    3. El Minero de Tu hermana: 
    locoll mugi teog, Qmanzanop, badbarsito
    4. Loava: PoseidonWrath, ArtOfKilling, ZioMOJI, GodXebex, KokenoCastro
    CØRË: darmoiz, KazzKz, Alesic, Cfaustorolando, zkot, Sub: xJossue
    6: ENDO'S Army: VadimEmpoleon, DaveSnake,Albus,Spais,TheBlueJoker. Sub: Rohmartinez
    7: FckDubs: 
    TheDH Zokuru MadaraSixSix TehKharma Lunarck, Sub: Azphiel
    8: Danone Company ElYogurt: Manuelsalas JasonSparrowX LoveSiNiLe UOR PanaderoQQ, Sub: PettyFireDragon
    9: Yaser'sMommyLovers: NobruApelaunn, iYaseer, iHasvik, Edstorm, YJos
    10: Panas: Gabuchox, Wolfangt, zDeviljho, SpartaFS, xwhinkz, Sub: Shiroecchi
    11: Goat's Army: GoldenNovember, GautSamm, LunaDarkrose, Joshuagabriel, Quinn, Sub Princesuyash
    12: Magical Don Limpios: Killuminatis, Makx, aspacee, Mamboking, DONFLAMINGO
    13: Cochinos: Huargensy, NguyenHuuTai, Wickedwanga, AngelosRed, xJhonatan, Sub: SumiSakurasawa
    14: Guangdong Tigers: JustaChamp, HALOTT, Incognition, Skylux, Tomaselio, Sub: BernardZhenga
    15: QLASH: ElMoltresOwO, Estratsgema, sebastianRVM, Mertie, Herry 





    To celebrate the sixth anniversary of our team, we want to invite everyone to our tournament. It will be open to all, whether or not members of HDLM and of course we hope to have the greatest possible participation, as well as to achieve an entertaining moment.
    This year we will do two events! A tag team with 5 tiers and a catch event.





    DATE: 06/05/2023.


    TIME: 18hs BST. 


    PLACE: Celestic Town, Sinnoh, CH1.




    All 5 tiers count on this tournament, OU, UU, NU, Dubs y LC




    Each team will register a minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 6 (in order to have a substitute if the team wants it that way).

    The teams will be free, each one can build his team as it seems, they do not need to be from the same team in the game.

    The teams listed CAN NOT BE MODIFIED AFTER THE TOURNAMENT HAS STARTED. Once they are written down in the challonge and armed brackets, the registration and modification time of teams are closed.




    Each team will designate a captain, who will be the one who registers and receives the prize in case of winning.

    Direct elimination.

    The entire tournament will be done through challonge.com, and this will be public for all participants.

    The inscriptions will close one hour before the start of the tournament, 17hs BST - 13hs Argentina Time - 18hs Spain Time.


    PRIZE: 15m for winner team and 5m for 2nd place






    Completely free.

    Registration is open from the time of publication of this post.

    For organization reasons as maximum of 32 teams will be accepted for tag team.

    If u want help us with a donative, all cash send to acc "BancoHDLM" will be added to prices.
    For any doubt u have, can write ingame to NagaHex, RealDevilLegend.


  8. 9 hours ago, skyluxNG said:


    Better Call Seel (0)   VS  Mantyke's Aqua Squadron (0)

    LCOU2: DridrigoFK(200k)vs Zymogen

    LCUU: Filantropiavs Arca(200k)

    MC2 LCUU: ChronoRike vs Zhiko(200k) @Bertolfoso

    Woobat Lubba Dub Dub (0) VS One Punch Chan (0)

    LCOU2: Gabuchox vs Kokeno(200k)

    LCUbers: Badbaarsito(200k) vs Pachima @Bertolfoso

    MC2 LCSS: Huargensy(200k) vs zLithium


    Pichu The Rock! (0) VS The Hornys Cyndaquils (0)

    LCOU1: Lunarck(200k) vs Kiiritox

    LCUU: Skylux (200k)vs Cristi

    LCDoubles: Gasyflour(200k)vs Rohmartinez

    MC1 LCDoubles: AkaruKokuyo(200k) vs Darkquiller


    The Capsikid Pirates (0) VS Mau Mau Mauve Maushold (0)

    LCUU: Mkns(200k) vs Kimiwakuzu

    MC1 LCSS: MadaraSixSix vs Queest(200k)


    Only one take per game

    Take Kimiwakuzu y Kiiritox

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