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Everything posted by bobliu

  1. 公会名称 Penguins 公会会长 MainSett 本次活动为组队赛,详细规则如下: 第三届老登杯·劳动节组队pvp活动,队长4.30晚8点以拍卖形式选择队员,每位队长具备初始100虚拟币,队长轮流指定队员并默认2虚拟币起拍竞价选择队员。 完成竞拍后,将于次日开始正式比赛。 正式比赛通过2-3轮淘汰赛决出冠亚军,总奖池10m+,具体奖池根据报名人数决定。奖金由队长自由选择平分或更多分配给拿分选手。 暂定每轮比赛ou若干场,每场积一分;次分级各一场,每场积2分(根据报名选手分级倾向可能调整),积分多的队伍获胜。 活动日期: 5.1~5.4视报名人数决定。 具体时间: 5.1~5.4 晚上21:00 活动地点:唐草镇 Ch4 主持人:bobliu, zhenimalipu, SYoruichiSAMA 活动奖品 总奖池: 8m纯金 200*2023万圣礼袋 头目成品若干 冠亚季军按照50%,25%,10%分配奖池, 剩下部分为主持人奖金及参与奖
  2. Shout out to Shadow and Queest, u guys are the true pioneer of pokemmo in PVP fields. ❤️
  3. Wait, that's incredible. GOAT shadow, i love u so much.
  4. #WeNeed11:00pmGMT+8back #CNplayerNeedToPlayAt3:00amAndGetToWorkAt9:00amForMarchAndAprilTT (due to the festival TiaoXiu)
  5. Doctor’s Regret when the pandemic is over "I have saved thousands of lives" "My love, how I wish I could also save your life..." IGN: bobliu
  6. 更新下上赛季上榜成绩呀会长大人~
  7. Team Name: Penguin Statistics Team Tag: Exu Registered Players: bobliu syxkl OrdinaryConfiden akanetakeda dlunaj xiwuabc SYoruichiSAMA Fallenman zhenimalipu CLCC sannuo ghostvvi LanceDC Axcvy Team Captain: bobliu
  8. what is that, just curious. Mistyping?
  9. Offensive trends back to UU and NU again.
  10. ou分级 冠军:CLCC 亚军:sannuo 四强:littlepuck,OvOfateOvO uu分级 冠军:sannuo 亚军:bobliu nu分级 冠军:sannuo 亚军:bobliu db分级 超级冠军:sannuo 名誉冠军:bobliu 亚军:sjkr
  11. 老登杯系列赛次分级结果: uu:冠军sannuo,亚军bobliu nu:冠军sannuo,亚军bobliu db:超级冠军sannuo,名誉冠军bobliu,亚军sjkr 所有奖品已发放完毕
  12. 老登的试炼系列赛,第一届感恩老登ou分级 冠军@CLCC 亚军@sannuo 四强:@littlepuck @OvOfateOvO 次分级将于3.17举行
  13. 公会名称 Penguins 公会会长 MainSett 本次活动包含4场子活动,分别为ou/uu/nu/db的淘汰赛。 日期: 3.15举行16席位ou淘汰赛 3.17举行uu nu db淘汰赛,席位取决于参赛选手数量,如果参赛选手多于预期,则酌情提前开赛 具体时间: 星期五,3月15日 21:00;星期日,3月17日20:00 活动地点:唐草镇 Ch4 活动规则:同pvp ou/uu/nu/db规则。 主持人: bobliu 活动奖品 ou分级,冠军3m+c5的雷公, 亚军2m, 第三第四80w+头目, 8强有头目参与奖励 uu/nu/db分级,奖池取决于报名人数 (初步计划为人数*50w奖池)。 奖金分配由主持决定 副主持人: 1m (至少在场3个分级比赛) : 特别鸣谢老登们的无私捐赠,感谢! kashen:白鸟嘴*1 skbm: 23万圣礼袋*250 Zhuoka: 10m现金+金龙坐骑+红龙坐骑 Mainsett: 成品若干 xiwuabc: 黑猫质子雷公
  14. IGN: bobliu Time Zone (UTC Format): UTC+8 Discord: bobliu3653 Preferred Tiers: OU DB UU>NU Fluff: First time for the PSL event, hope to make friends with more guys Donation: 500k
  15. Team Name: Penguin Statistics Team Tag: Exu Registered Players: bobliu syxkl OrdinaryConfiden akanetakeda dlunaj xiwuabc SYoruichiSAMA Fallenman zhenimalipu CLCC sannuo ghostvvi LanceDC Ajiekejun Team Captain: bobliu
  16. Lmao U should first learn how to read XD. Don't want to explain more to the people who ignore the context, I already post the related info in this thread
  17. You should first understand the difference between Counter vs. trap&kill
  18. lol U still avoid the question about the trap ability. Go read the text XD
  19. bro, you get it wrong. You need to read the post before that It is Zio who mentioned about the topic of crobat, he take crobat as an example to object my points; thus, I ask him what will happen if crobat can do the trap work. That's it. I will not compare these 2 pokemons, if zio do not mention that
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