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PrinceAdjahni last won the day on July 21 2022

PrinceAdjahni had the most liked content!

About PrinceAdjahni

  • Birthday February 17

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    United States
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PrinceAdjahni's Achievements

  1. I'm gonna have to somehow pull off a magical masterclass to get to 10 points ☠️
  2. Do I only qualify if I get to 10 points or can I qualify based on where my points position me at the end of all the weeks?
  3. After 5 basculins and about a year I've finally gotten the pink worm Mr Rares>>>>>>>>
  4. This Venusaur move is one of the most pointless moves. Roserade does the same thing it does if not better it is the same reason why Vileplume got moved out of UU too. I don't see why moving it to UU is reliant since all it will do is be a worse alternative to Roserade.
  5. IGN: PrinceAdjahni Time Zone: GMT-5 Tiers: NU/Doubles Fluff: 3-0 vs MadaraSixSix (pls don't kill me Madara xD), Top 50 Doubles, Third place Doubles tournament finisher.
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