@Gunthug That's why I like shaymin special attacker with leech/leftos, it is a pretty good lure. The decision of nik to stay with tran was probably reinforced by the fact that shaymin was putting a great pressure. I did hp ice on bliss because I wanted to eventually deal some safe damage to gengar who was scaring af, and nothing else could switch in.
About the breloom vs weakened shaymin situation, I had the same reasoning as nik's. Mach punch was predicable and I could have saved a good sack. However, I could have lost the game if I switched out, so I preferred to stay and was ready to sack shaymin.
Someone finally noticed the superpower/fpunch set. Nobody said a fucking word in the chat, they prefer to yell when an useless freeze happens at the end of the game. This double switch + surprising superpower on bliss was like my only way to win (with trick rotom eventually), so I'm glad it worked perfectly.
Also sorry guys but this week I was busier than usual. I didn't even bother turning on my computer when I was coming back home at the beginning of the week. I could have easily dodged sweet by telling him that I couldn't fight on his days and then I would have battled a much less experienced player, but that was clearly not my intention. Also I'm a competitor and it's not really in my interest to let sweet win the dpp award easily, I would have 100% preferred to fight for it, which is now impossible. The double sub is kinda fair tho. Hopefully we meet again in playoffs.