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Everything posted by Imperial

  1. I'm fine (I think?) thanks, been busy but browsing forum and playing showdown now and again
  2. Another spanish guy got a shiny, and it wasn't just any shiny, it was a shiny "chick" @DarylDixon Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah <3
  3. Man, @jonulo sure has a lot of active ALT accounts here.
  4. That would have probably taken at least another 20 turns, generally I would hope for struggle because 'counter' still had alot of PP and that did double the damage ratio mine did to the opponent. Ideally if I had a Pokemon with Toxic it would have ended the game much quicker, I didn't know how defensive that Pokemon can be too (still learning gen 7 mechanics as I don't play sun/moon)
  5. You deserve a crown for your pk :D I feel so stupid not figuring that out, especially when it's in the team screenshot that was taken by me in Silph Co lmao. Anyway hru, I miss you <3
  6. I should totally enter after this match ... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7randombattle-493350979 Warning: This could have easily been the longest match ever.
  7. Rules for somebody wants to trash talk a team they were once in, in this case RISE... 1. Make an ALT because your too scared to stand up to your masters. 2. Try not be taken seriously by speaking in shitty broken English 3. Confirm to people that you are in fact serious by referencing yourself as the "goon" Thank me when necessary - The "goon" sidekick
  8. I know I've been really busy lately, I've come online a few times and I browse the forums sometimes but I'll be gone for a month again. College, family and social shit. Dont worry though I'll never leave you guys #Rise01!
  9. Oh lmao didn't know you were in SASS that's where all your birthday messages were xD
  10. *Plays the McDonalds trailer song quietly in the background*
  11. How come only certain staff members can do this? Personally I think we should just do with a size limit such as 1800 x 900 (example) where you can add up to 2 images there and nothing more.
  12. lmao I actually thought that was one of my colleagues at work, looked really similar
  13. Just practice on Showdown, that's what I'm doing atm
  14. Late reply, but congrats @xSparkie Black Friday Sale!! Shiny rate reduced to 1/100!!! (unless your @DarylDixon)
  15. I know it's the Anime and not the game, but take a look at this lmfao - Hello 8 year old Ash / Goku (Dragonball) how are you today? Idk how I feel about the new animation.
  16. lmao my friend showed me this on Discord - It's a Jigglypuff lmao.
  17. Send me a PM. I'd usually be online between 8 - 10pm GMT, I just need your username and we can take it from there?
  18. Well the only good thing I have really is an OT Squirtle Shiny Duskull.
  19. Long live 2016 ... And @Champlooo I bet this would've made you vote Donald Trump - (In Japan they decided to make a manga out of the day Trump got elected lol)
  20. Let's be real bruh, shinies fucked us over long ago. I mean I'm stuck with the same shinies for 3-4 months now, and everyones desperate to rip us off by hunting shinies we already had.
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