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Draekyn last won the day on October 30 2023

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About Draekyn

  • Birthday 07/21/1994

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  1. [VOW] Solemn Promise Registered Players: iloveyoubro DrewQ NecasInTrouble OliverXL zAlberthPujols JeanMarcH HogniRagnar Sargeste Draekyn CHUCKunso Senjutsuka Razachu Susume Sebat Atlewis Team Captain: Draekyn
  2. Thanks, that was fast. You can trash this thread
  3. @Kyu Yall fucked White Herb It resets stat boosts as well See [NU] My Mom is a Fighter - Finals, last turn surf roll It did not matter in this instance, but pretty important bug
  4. For posterity, posting team rosters, regular season records and stats, MVP awards, the regular season recap & manager rankings here. Team Rosters Regular Season Records Regular Season Stats and MVPs MVP Awards OU HogniRagnar & SweeTforU had the best overall runs this season in OU, both boasting a 3-1 record against similar opponents. They'll be battling it out for the MVP OU title & reward. Congratulations to them both. Honorable mention goes to JorgeFirebolt for the clean 2-0 against tough opponents. [They decided to share the award and the prize] UU TristanGC performed exceptionally well this season, going undefeated in UU, facing difficult opponents each time & ending on a 3-0 record. The one week he dipped his toes out of UU was to land yet another win in OU. The only non-RD perfect 4-0 performance this season. For that reason, I'm awarding Tristan UU MVP. Honorable mention goes to Flacum. who boasts an amazing 3-1 record against similar opponents, a strong contender without a doubt. NU DrewQ stuck to NU the whole way through, and for good reason. Finishing on a great 3-1 record, he outpaces his competition both in number of matches won & in winrate. A solid showing. Honorable mention goes to Bulbasaur who won the head to head against DrewQ and finished on a respectable 2-1. DB Gabuchox, Imabetheverybest, NecasInTrouble & Razachu decided to make my job difficult and to entangle themselves in a 4 way tie. A 3-1 record with the Doubles competition in V League II is very solid, and they will all be rewarded with more Doubles games to play :peepohypers: They will be battling one another in a Round Robin mini-tournament to get the MVP title and prize. [Razachu took MVP with a 2-1, winning the head to head against Gabuchox, also 2-1] RD iRusher and BartekDolar ran a perfect Regular Season in Randoms, both finishing 4-0. Now, I know what you might be thinking, it's Randoms, surely it can't be that difficult. Surely they just got lucky. You'd be wrong: not squandering a good team, making the most of a bad team, limiting the information your opponent gains on your team while forcing them to reveal theirs, there can be real skill there. Not to mention having to retain the knowledge of Rache's idea of Randoms sets, that's no easy feat. They will both battle it out for the title and the prize. Honorable mention goes to Poufilou, who holds a very solid 3-1 record. [BartekDolar won the MVP tiebreaker] UT Susume is the only UT-fielded player to come out of the fray with 3 wins. Holding a very solid 3-1 record over a stiff competition, Susume edges it out. Honorable mentions go to Kalankokkg and CarolML for their clean 2-0 in Group A. Regular Season Recap This V League season was bigger, better, faster and stronger than the original edition. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in making this one a fun season. A few hiccups here and there with a few of you overestimating your availabilities, but I’m willing to forgive and forget those hiccups as we did have quite a few of you willing to step up and sub in to get those matches played. The Group Phase showed an unparalleled level of balance in the drafts, chiefly in group B with a 5-way tie, separated only by a couple of points. The introduction of UT into the tier mix has proven to be a fantastic collective decision. I personally had a lot of fun with it, made over 40 new UTs for this season and enjoyed building for it every week. It allowed us to see a decent amount of innovation, fun builds, and great matches with interactions we are not used to: a real breath of fresh air. Overall, a very enjoyable season! Best of luck to @VOW To Win and their soon-to-be-decided opponents for the Finals! [Spoilers: their opponents ended up being the Dridriging Druddigons and I successfully jynxed them.] Manager Rankings 10th: LukertTTV Team Placing: 8th Lukert started disappointing everyone as early as he could with a draft he couldn’t get to himself. The draft ended up being decent enough but did not take into account the realities of the draft pool. Pitting his first pick, - RDL, a great all-rounder - against one of the most difficult Doubles competition he could face was in my opinion a poor management choice, and it ended up costing him. Not a single Doubles match was won by The Colo Smackers. On the topic of roster usage, 7 out of 8 Colo Smackers saw the field. A fact that might surprise you until you learn that this is how Lukert handpicks his lineups: Lukert himself played 2 weeks and won 1 game, respectable enough. Or so you’d think. Of course, Lukert, aiming to dedicate as little time to the competition as he could, re-used a team Dindra made (one we had already seen 2 times by that point) to win his match against RexB, going so far as to ask Dindra for a couple pointers during the match. Not too much, but enough for it to be disappointing. The last section on these I’ll dedicate to pure management skills, essentially problem-solving. When it comes to Lukert though there was very little problem-solving, mostly problem-causing. He did manage to use his 2 subs smartly to get Bartek an opportunity to play Randoms, which is commendable. On the other hand, he failed to send his lineup for week 5 and I ended up randomizing his lineup. Ironically, that was the only week The Colo Smackers won. Overall I’m disappointed, I expected more from Lukert. We’ll forgive him though, he helped make the event fun, in his own special way. 9th – Hymothy Team Placing: 10th Hymothy’s V League II run was impaired by what I consider to be a failed draft. Starting by drafting 2 all-rounders back-to-back is not necessarily a bad move, but when they are both gunning for the same tier, it quickly becomes awkward. Add to that the fact that a lot of his draft consisted of single-tier players: even the 2 all-rounders proved to be insufficient to fix that draft. Make Her Swellow’s lack of success cannot all be put on Hymothy though. Funkykong and Tehkalseru disappeared early in the season like farts in the wind and AmineTheWhite had to be subbed out the one week he was put on their lineup, reducing his roster’s strength from an advantageous 9 to an insufficient 6. Although he is now known for being the inventor of the “whoops, randomized lineup” before Lukert thought it would be a cool move to imitate, Hymothy at least had a solid excuse for his tardiness. Additionally, and to be fair to him, he was only late by 3 minutes. Hymothy himself played 3 times and lost all 3 matches. Sadly, again, the reason he played 2 of these matches is because he drafted the aforementioned farts in the wind for whom he had to sub in last minute. When it comes to managerial skills, aside from the failed lineup I have little to reproach Hymothy. He made sure his team’s matches were played, even taking a hit to his personal winrate in the process. Good man, unfortunate season. 8th – Incognition Team Placing: 9th Incognition did try, he tried his best. His draft was impressive and seemed well thought out: a good all-rounder pick in round 1, straight into securing a Doubles pick in round 2 and a nice round 5 steal in the form of Kiwikidd. Now you might be asking yourself, where did it all go wrong? I’m sure Incognition is asking himself that same question. If I were to venture a guess, I would say that although it might be through no fault of his own, he failed to motivate his players. There was mention of TehKarma not trying his best until the very end, which would make sense: it shows in the results. Incognition’s personal performance stands at a respectable 2-2 as he filled his roster’s UT hole himself with some success. When it comes to managerial skills, Incognition once again tried, he tried to such an extent as to be obtuse to the realities of team competitions. Think back to a few lines ago, when I mentioned that Hymothy lost 2 of his players for the whole season? Well, similarly, Godhell went MIA for week 1 and Incognition started to flip out, drawing the ire of the host. [Not pictured are 35 lines of yours truly spitting bars, facts, and logic at poor Incognition] That aside, successful attempts were made to rectify his players’ issues with scheduling, and even though he was one of the 2 Captains who produced the only No Contest of the season, no one can say that he sat idly by. He did his job from A to Z. 7th – ChronoRike Team Placing: 6th ChronoRike’s draft was good. As a lower tier main, the decision to start his draft by spending his first 2 picks on a very safe Doubles pick and an OU pick makes a lot of sense. He managed to field all the members of his team at least once and his lineup was particularly unpredictable when it came to the 3 main MMO Singles tiers, which is a positive. His personal performance was an acceptable 1-2, winning his NU match to a rusty Suneet but losing to the arguably tougher TristanGC and Kaizakikun. I’m trying my hardest to sugarcoat this next point: getting banned while managing a team in a public event is not the smartest way to go about it. To his credit, ChronoRike handled being banned correctly and continued to manage his team to the best of his ability. Being a 100% certified woman, one would expect ChronoRike to exhibit the tender qualities of the gentler sex in his management style and to be a good communicator. However, I am disappointed to report that reading a message from ChronoRike that is neither clowning nor flaming is akin to encountering a shiny. Outside of the game, ChronoRike has put effort into giving his team the support it needed. Sometimes his support was not particularly welcome. But I’m sure that most of the time it was appreciated, as was the well-structured Discord server he provided his players. Overall, I would say that ChronoRike performed adequately. 6th – DridrigoFK Team Placing: 1st DridrigoFK’s draft was fantastic in many aspects, you’ll excuse the obvious bias. Arguably the best all-rounder pick in round 1 into a secure Doubles pick in round 2. As I mentioned earlier with Incognition, it is a good strategy for Captains who specialize in Singles. The one facet of DridrigoFK’s draft and roster use that is not on par came with his failure to use his draft’s versatility, preferring to restrict himself to a safe configuration. He became predictable in the process. DridrigoFK has not only performed up to his standard so far with a respectable 3-2, but he has also used the little amount of time he has had on his hands to help his teammates with their builds. Despite a great draft and a solid personal performance, DridrigoFK pales in comparison to his competitors in one aspect, which drags him down significantly: presence. Whether you chalk it up to having to manage team Brasil in World Cup or to his busy personal life, the end result remains the same: in my observations, DridrigoFK was not available enough to not lose points on the management aspect of this ranking. Did DridrigoFK go above and beyond in his management of The Dridriging Druddigons? He did not. However, it is fair to say that he still performed competently. 5th – NecasInTrouble Team Placing: 7th NecasInTrouble’s team placing does not reflect his team’s performance this season, a combination of group B being much tighter than group A and 4 heartbreaking Randoms losses landed him in that position. Case in point: The Agency’s regular season was on par with VOW To Win who are currently en route to the Finals. His draft was good, solid. One could argue he fell for the “I’m going to draft all of my friends because they’re my friends and I love them” trap, but he managed to do so and still draft a dangerous team. All part of his masterful calculations or big old Lady Luck? My money is on a bit of both. On potential alone, managing to grab Dithyrambique in round 6 was poised to be one of the steals of the draft, unfortunately it was not meant to be as he had to face 2 of the most accomplished players in his pool on the only 2 weeks he was fielded, as he shared the OU slot with RohMartinez. NecasInTrouble himself performed admirably, finishing 3-1 against some of the most dangerous Doubles players in the game… excluding LukertTTV and Atlewis. Although with these last 3 words on figurative paper I am now slightly regretting the use of the word admirably, he still managed to defeat Imabetheverybest, so I will leave it at that. Whoever said all traps were bad? The “I’m going to draft all of my friends because they’re my friends and I love them” trap landed NecasInTrouble in a very comfortable position when it came to managing his team. That is not to say that he slacked in his duties, he was responsive, engaged and all his team’s matches were played without a hitch. A good season for NecasInTrouble despite the seemingly grim end result. 4th – zAlberthPujols Team Placing: 5th zAlberthPujols went full Latam with the early part of his draft, and it served him well. Opting to secure a Doubles player with his first pick. Ponchoh likewise ended up being a very cost-effective 7th pick. zAlberthPujols managed to field all his players at least once. He went out with a solid 2-2 under his belt and the Airline Braviarys delivered the only clean 6-0 this season, an impressive feat. zAlberthPujols was decently active and although out of the loop sometimes, he was always there, albeit sometimes late, when his team had scheduling issues. That being said, where he really shone was in managing to remain sane the entire season while having drafted the unhinged baboon that is Kanzo. The Airline Braviarys might have bid farewell to the competition in the Quarterfinals, but that is a special kind of victory in itself. All in all, I only had to call zAlberthPujols a mongoloid twice this season, I would say he did a pretty good job. 3rd – Razachu Team Placing: 4th Razachu maining Doubles allowed him to plan a daunting draft. Settling on versatility with his first pick before moving on to unambiguous specialists for the rest of his picks. My only nitpick is that he did not attempt to field MeetMew until the Quarter-Finals and opting for Randoms then, essentially getting very little value out of his 4th pick, a puzzling move. Bozochu Crew had an incredible start, kicking off the new Season with 2 unequivocal wins and coming out of the Regular Season as Group B’s 1st seed by a hair’s breadth. Razachu’s personal performance was equally impressive, narrowly managing to snatch the Doubles MVP Award out of the hands of the toughest competition in the game. All of Bozochu Crew’s matches were played without the need for any substitutions — granted that was easier done in Group B — but it’s still a testament to Razachu’s management. He handled the Bulbasaur VS BernardZhenga scheduling conflict properly as well. He kept up to date with the captains’ chat and butted in to add his thoughts, prompted or unprompted. True to himself, he has truly remained irritatingly active throughout. A very good season for Razachu, he earned himself a well-deserved 3rd spot in these rankings. 2nd – Atlewis Team Placing: 2nd Much like Razachu, Atlewis made use of the fact that he plays Doubles to focus on Singles players in his early draft; his first 4 picks were precise and deliberate. As much as BaliAds’ presence (or lack thereof) in their roster weakened VOW To Win’s draft, Drifloo performing phenomenally for a 7th pick bolsters it back up to par. In a trajectory very much contrasting that of Bozochu Crew’s, VOW To Win made Playoffs by the skin of their teeth, with a narrow one-point edge over The Agency. As 3rd seed, they had to face Group A’s 2nd seed and made it through by a nose yet again, this time in a tiebreaker. They thrived in Semi-Finals and are now more confident than ever heading into the Finals against the weakened Dridriging Druddigons. Throughout these rankings, I have been putting some focus on the challenge that is V League II’s Doubles pool, and right here is where it shows. Atlewis confronted that challenge head-on and came out the other end with half his teeth and 5 crushing losses. And that is not to mean that Atlewis’ performance was inadequate, it is proof that you really need to believe in the heart of the cards to make it through that gauntlet of Doubles players unscathed. Where VOW To Win really shines is in their cohesiveness, something that Atlewis’ management style enables. It is both hands-on and coddling at the same time, something I have found PokeMMO players appreciate, as they often find themselves out of the loop. It is a management style I recommend to all prospecting captains. Simultaneously, I advise against going too far down that route. Captains adamant about protecting their players’ interests at all costs — especially when their players are at fault — are bound to find themselves on the wrong side of an argument. Arguing with the host with the tenacity of a cornered rodent in distress for one’s players is admirable, yet it is both not a good look and unlikely to yield positive results. Atlewis did an exceptional job as captain, I’m eager to see what he does from here. 1st – CarolML Team Placing: 3rd After struggling to grasp that the draft would be done in a voice channel, some technical difficulties and the draft spreadsheet being linked a 2nd time… …CarolML’s adventure in managing a team in V League II could finally begin! In Azuma Eleven’s draft started well with a bold all-rounder pick in Pablobacas. From the draft strategies discussed thus far, you might have expected that CarolML would start by securing a Doubles player, but she knew who she wanted to fill that role: her mum. Surely her mum would still be available in Round 2 as the other Captains gravitated towards other Doubles players. Now that that’s clear, the rest of the draft was also very solid, most notably Kalankokkj providing a very cost-efficient 2-0 for a 6th pick. CarolML managed to field all of her players at least once. In Azuma Eleven finished the Group Stage by earning the unequivocal 1st seed in Group A with 4 wins and a staggering 16 points. They were poised to be the team to look out for in the Playoffs. Unfortunately, they fell just short against The Dridriging Druddigons, still pushing them to a tiebreaker. CarolML’s personal run ended with a great 3-1. Interestingly, her fantastic 2-0 performance in the Group Phase ended up not being needed as In Azuma Eleven would have still gotten 1st seed with the 2 week ties her losses would have brought them. It is nonetheless with this praiseworthy performance that CarolML finds a microscopic edge over her competition in these rankings. CarolML shared the only No Contest of the competition with Incognition, but she also shared his responsiveness and diligence in managerial duties, qualities she unquestionably needed with mr-3-extensions and mrs-what-are-timezones in her roster. Overall, a wonderful season for CarolML, congratulations. Season End After a hard-fought Final round, @VOW To Win honorably bow out and @The Dridriging Druddigons emerge victorious! I'd like to thank everyone for participating in this 2nd edition of V League, it was a fun, frustrating, and exciting season for me, the whole package. I hope it was for you as well. @VOW To Win players win 14.7M to be divided amongst themselves. @The Dridriging Druddigons players win the V League II Champions title, a unique Discord Role @VL2 Champions and 34.3M to be divided amongst themselves.
  5. Welcome to the Teams Champions League III's Preliminary Round thread. During the week from the 6th to the 11th of November, 6 hopeful competing teams will duke it out to join their peers in TCL III's main competition. Relevant Links TCL III General Thread TCL III Signups Thread TCL Discord Server • Please refer to the Little Cup Rules for LC. Join the Little Cup Club for further tiering information. • We follow regular monthly movements for UT, with the same cutoffs. Anything above 5.5% usage in NU in October cannot be used in UT (Audino, Braviary). • Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines for Scheduling, Disconnections and Ghosting. Preliminary Round PØRY (1) vs (3) EØS OU: bocajrmatt vs RohMartinez OU: RobertLegende vs Abstractt UU: PowerLolxD vs Aerithz NU: Pollitojjk vs JasonSparrowX DB: VadimEmpoleon vs aldahirramirez LC: cjmystogan vs KiiritoX UT: PEPEDLT vs AnthonyAshZ SY (1) vs (2) Lâst OU: Jharek vs xRazt OU: FrancoFts vs Ryuner UU: MallyJu vs Bellosom NU: YamiGod vs CfaustoRolando DB: Astrico vs ShadownGMK LC: Torpi vs ElRichMO UT: IIAlexisII vs Knlves RÓSE (2) vs (2) ENIX OU: DiabloRG vs GoldenNovember OU: Harlamgamer vs DOKIgood UU: Astthian vs CDomS NU: ManuCaceres vs Renpai DB: SrFigaro vs PolarPallas LC: MarleneD vs zKupo UT: Zoruix vs LunaDarkrose Preliminary Round Lineup Submission Deadline Sunday 5th, November 2023 – 11:59 UTC Preliminary Round Deadline Saturday 11th, November 2023 – 23:59 UTC Once opponents have settled on a day and time to have their match, that scheduled time must be posted in #scheduled-matches in the TCL Discord Server. Matches must be played in Silph Co ch.4 (tables) and announced in this thread or on the TCL Discord Server at least 10 minutes prior to their start in #match-ping. Once a player is subbed out, that player is out for the week and can no longer be subbed in. A screenshot with the match results must be provided either in this thread or on the TCL Discord Server in the #win-screenshots channel.
  6. The purpose of this thread is to announce the first 13 teams selected to participate in this TCL Season by the TCL Host and Council. Additionally, this thread presents TCL’s preliminary round of competition: from Monday 6th, 2023 to Saturday 11th 2023, 6 teams which were not selected to participate will have a chance to battle it out for the remaining 3 spots, for a total of 16 teams. Relevant Links TCL III General Thread TCL III Signups Thread TCL Discord Server Team Selection The following 13 teams, listed below in no particular order, were selected to participate by the TCL Host and Council based on roster size and competitive achievements. • Aw – Asgard Warriors Captain: ILatios - @Latiosrol • SLSY – Soul Society Captain: Gabuchox - @Gabriel20 • VOW – Solemn Promise Captain: Sargeste - @Sargeste • NORE – NoRematch Captain: iRusher - @Lumiere • Läva – Läva Captain: GodXebec - @GodXebec • SIÂ – Sic Itur Ad Astra Captain: Mkns - @Mkns1070 • Lo – Romantic Captain: LoveSiNiLe - @WOYONGYUANAINIA • BR – Brasil Captain: Jhowteon - @JhowCrazy • RmW – Red Mark Warriors Captain: MugiwaraBru - @Mugiwarabru • ZËRØ – Elitewarriors Captain: DavidAkd - @DavidAkd • NWÖ – ProjectBlueBeam Captain: zVelociraptor - @VelociRaptorr • VGC – Vermilion Golden Champions Captain: Juanchoqui - @Juanchoqui • Oa - Original Captain: JR Congratulations to these 13 teams. Prepare well, we will see you for Week 1 on Monday 13th! Preliminary Round | Monday 6th, 2023 to Saturday 11th 2023 The remaining 3 spots are still contested. Competing for these 3 spots are the following teams: • Lâst – TheLastOrder Captain: Knlves - @Kn • PØRY – PorygonFactory Captain: Cjmystogan - @cjmystogan • SY – Synergy Captain: FrancoFts - @FrancoFts • RÓSE – BloodAndRoses Captain: Zoruix - @zoruix • EØS – EagleOutlawSports Captain: MaxDuci - @MaxiDuci • ENIX – Phoenix Captain: zKupo - @Queza The Preliminary Round matchups will be drawn at random. To ensure transparency, the draw will happen on the TCL Discord, streamed in Voice Chat General. I would like representatives of the teams Lâst, PØRY, SY, RÓSE, EØS and ENIX to join me for the draw on Tuesday 31st, October – @20:00 UTC. Preliminary Round Format 7vs7 OU, OU, UU, NU, DB, LC, UT Preliminary Round Lineup Submission Deadline Sunday 5th, November 2023 – 11:59 UTC Preliminary Round Start Monday 6th, November 2023 - 00:01 UTC Preliminary Round Deadline Saturday 11th, November 2023 – 23:59 UTC
  7. Team Name: Solemn Promise Team Tag: VOW Registered Players: Onraider Sargeste Imabetheverybest Incognition DrewQ OrangeManiac SnowOT zAlberthPujols Parke Sebat DaveSnake Pottina Kaizakikun EverDaryl SpartaFS Team Captain: Draekyn
  8. Team Tag: VOW Team Name: Solemn Promise Team Captain: Sargeste Players: 1. Draekyn - [2022-02-03] 2. CHUCKunso - [2022-02-03] 3. Pottina - [2022-02-07] 4. DrewQ - [2023-04-05] 5. Imabetheverybest - [2022-02-04] 6. Dindra - [2023-07-02] 7. DridrigoFK - [2022-06-16] 8. OoExcoveroO - [2022-08-08] 9. Sebat - [2023-09-29] 10. zAlberthPujols - [2023-06-24] 11. Razachu - [2023-02-17] 12. Susume - [2022-03-08] 13. Onraider - [2023-05-28] 14. HogniRagnar - [2023-06-27] 15. SpartaFS - [2023-09-06] 16. Kaizakikun - [2023-06-19] 17. OrangeManiac - [2022-02-03] 18. Incognition - [2023-05-28] 19. NecasInTrouble - [2023-02-23] 20. JeanMarcH - [2022-03-07] 21. iloveyoubro - [2023-10-01] 22. lOkkotsu - [2023-08-24] 23. Senjutsuka - [2022-02-03] 24. Sargeste - [2022-03-30] 25. Drifloo - [2023-08-04] 26. OliverXL - [2023-10-01] 27. Hymothy - [2023-04-11] 28. DaveSnake - [2023-10-08] 29. Unflinchable - [2023-08-25] 30. Archaludon - [2023-10-04] 31. Powerdrib - [2023-05-28] 32. SweeTforU - [2022-02-27] 33. RexB - [2022-02-07] 34. Bulbasaur - [2022-02-04]
  9. How do you propose the host ensures no tweaking can be made to the disconnecting player's team in that 1 hour period? Because that's the whole point of the rule, not allowing that.
  10. First, as I said in the post you literally just quoted, new teams are allowed and have every opportunity to distinguish themselves enough to be voted in by the council. We are perfectly capable of gauging potential and depth of roster from their signup. Second, as mentionned above, a pre-season with spots as the prize would not achieve much as it does not account for activity, which is something we value as to not repeat the errors of the previous edition. Third, it has now been mentionned to you twice that we are not opposed to expanding the number of participating teams. If you still believe it is a "bad way to choose teams", I don't know what to tell you.
  11. You are either confused about the phrasing, missing the point, or intellectually dishonest. TT allows any team to show their potential as the low player requirement makes it accessible. The point made here is that it allows teams to show the full depth of their roster in a way that 3vs3 just cannot allow. Nowhere in this post is it implied that one of the positives of the event is its accessibility. A 10vs10 format inherently shallows the pool of eligible teams. With that in mind, it only makes sense to start the selection process by picking the teams that have a proven roster. That does not account for the teams which get voted in, they will have the opportunity to make a case for themselves. Finally, the number of teams is not set in stone. I personally see it as flexible, based on interest and the potential of the applicants. We’re flexible, so tune down the aggression.
  12. @Kyu It’s been 5 days, comp community is at a clear consensus to anyone with a pair of eyes and a functional brain. A plethora of suggestions have been given. Some good, some bad, most if not all better than what was initially proposed. Read Luke’s message and reply to it. He is right & speaks for all of us, even those who don’t know better. I doubt you care much for competitive balance, I get that it’s mostly about being able to provide the shiny new gen toys. And that in a vacuum isn’t bad, the intent is commendable. Sometimes the additions are going to work out and fit right into the frankenstein of a metagame we’re creating, sometimes they won’t. Massively different metagames, newer gens powercreeps, new gen gimmicks… I’m sure you’re aware. It’s fine to have a vision for your game. It’s your game. But you set the TC as your shield to comp players’ complaints, and for them to do their job properly - i.e. shielding you from complaints - they have to have the reins on these things. Either let them do their job or remove them and own up to your vision. Natural progression if you go over their heads is that the competent ones will quit (as so many already have), and you’ll just be left with more complaints.
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