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Captcha while Shunting

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Since yesterday i´ve been getting a Captcha every 30 minutes or so while shunting. I understand that this is to prevent botting but i find it highly annoying while im watching youtube videos etc. Is there any specific reason why this is happening now, because i knew this can happen form time to time when your character is performing repetetive actions ( i saw it on a Patrouski Stream once) but i´m definitely not being highly efficient or remotely "bot-like".


In case anyone is interested i´m shunting Staryu in Unova on Route 13.

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Posted (edited)

Thx for the quick response, but i am not making anwhere near 250000. At most i have 60000 or something like that a the end of a session ( i rarely hunt for an entore hour). And i´ve been getting it now 3 times today and yesterday (total of 6 times). And i have huge issues solving the Captchas displayed.


EDIT: Just had to solve my 5th Captcha today. This cannot be normal.


EDIT 2: And number 6 done. I´m giving up for now. But this is a real issue. I just want a shiny Staryu :´(

Edited by Ashmodai
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9 minutes ago, TechnoVortex said:

Take a break from the game and they'll stop appearing so frequently. Like a few hours probably.

I did. I now had a break of about 10 hours. And just wanted to collect my berries. Saw the Alpha and after catching it got the captcha again. 

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i have same issue, i did payday wailmer for two days last week(way too much sorry for not having a life), i got flagged for captcha
at first wasn't an issue, almost proud to finaly get one lol but they started to came more and more frequently
and now i'm getting captcha every time i dare press payday or thief make it the game almost unplayable :(((((

it is all for fighting the bot but it make the game unplayable for regular player it is so sad, my main account just can't use payday or thief anymore

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2 hours ago, AstralFish said:

i have same issue, i did payday wailmer for two days last week(way too much sorry for not having a life), i got flagged for captcha
at first wasn't an issue, almost proud to finaly get one lol but they started to came more and more frequently
and now i'm getting captcha every time i dare press payday or thief make it the game almost unplayable :(((((

it is all for fighting the bot but it make the game unplayable for regular player it is so sad, my main account just can't use payday or thief anymore

Do something that isn’t paydaying for a while and the bot leaves you alone for a long time, it’s really not that big of an issue. It’s just that once you reach the point where the bot decides that you might be cheating it doesn’t reset with you logging off, you gotta do something else for it to chill

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13 minutes ago, Doctor said:

Do something that isn’t paydaying for a while and the bot leaves you alone for a long time, it’s really not that big of an issue. It’s just that once you reach the point where the bot decides that you might be cheating it doesn’t reset with you logging off, you gotta do something else for it to chill

I watered my berries and went for an Alpha swarm. Got a Captcha on both. 

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3 hours ago, RysPicz said:

I still have no idea how you guys are doing it. 12 years and not a single captcha... tell me your secrets

Up until now I never had an issue. Normal Paydaying in Unova in Route 13. 

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