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  1. What's new in this club
  2. la pau se la come translation: pau is cute
  3. Si no me kickearon me suben a officer asi aparezco en el Roster xd.. by: Oxizakre (algún dia me conectaré para saludarlos xD)
  4. Teodoro esta roto Date and Time Date: 20th December, 2022 Time: 7 PM Argentina | 10 PM UTC Location Route 10, Ch 4 Event #1 Metronome Details 3v3 Single Battle Only Togepis are allowed PP max metronome and get your leppas ready! 1st Place Prize 4,000,000 Yen 2nd Place Prize 2,000,000 Yen 3rd Place Prize 1,000,000 Yen Prizes will be sent to your mail! Bracket https://challonge.com/MetronomedeAw Event #2 Trivia Details 20 Rounds Questions will be about Pokémon zMigoata como host Prize per round 1 x Goodie Bag - 2018 Prizes will be sent to your mail! Event #3 Gotta catch them all Details You have to catch 6 Pokémon that will be selected at the start of the event The first 3 players to capture all 6 will receive prizes Whoever is fastest will claim the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize 1st Place Prize 2,500,000 Yen 2nd Place Prize 1,250,000 Yen 3rd Place Prize 750,000 Yen Prizes will be sent to your mail! Event #4 Randoms Details Randoms Battle 1st Place Prize 2,000,000 Yen 2nd Place Prize 1,000,000 Yen 3rd Place Prize 500,000 Yen Bracket https://challonge.com/RandomsdeAw Event #5 Skribbl.io 1st Place Prize 600,000 Yen 2nd Place Prize 300,000 Yen 3rd Place Prize 100,000 Yen Host Axellgor
  5. Y yo donde estoy camilo aun no acepta nuestro destino 💔
  6. Boss enchanteur Executive Frags LKrenz Axellgor Zhiko Arca Haazuu FABBROoo Legendl Craneo Commander Facursa TiToooo OoKingoO KiiritoX zMisaka JamesFaul lLatios zMauri zKuroko Officer timwaps AntiWall Akles Sicklonerr

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