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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Glad I could contribute to such a great cause. Good luck everyone!
  2. I didn't understand a word you said but I like the idea regardless
  3. PokeMMO has 4 main tiers in OU/UU/NU/Doubles which have a matchmaking ladder w/seasonal rewards, as well as daily tournaments. We also have community hosted events such as the World Cup, which just entered the signup phase. If you're curious about what our meta is like, you can spectate any game of matchmaking, any tournament, or use the statistics page to see usage stats for each tier.
  4. I see this as a pretty big issue unless we have multiple teams for U.S./China/etc.
  5. I feel like these two things clash a little bit, no? Showdown would already be challenging for some countries, but especially for an older tier that hasn't been mainstream for quite some time.
  6. I agree. I don't see the issue with allowing players to select any Pokémon within the tier they're playing. It could allow people to experiment with unique sets without having to invest money into them, or allow newer players to get a head start on their 2nd/3rd team.
  7. kevin durant owns you giannis
  8. Bold move, Dusty. Kyu will make sure you go 70k without another shiny now
  9. when it's the same 30 people participating in every event, sure, but there a ton of people who would love to be a part of things like this who are rarely given the chance to. If managers of PSL/WC would stop selecting the same old players every event, the events would be much more fresh & active. Especially considering these are forum based events & most players don't touch the forums. It seems these events are more of a popularity contest for old players than an actual competition.
  10. weirdest thing I've ever seen on the forums. L
  11. I disagree with the idea of the game being optimized to benefit people using multiple devices more than it already does. Gym runs are already easy enough to do on multiple devices at one time, I don't want every method to be afk-friendly.
  12. I was looking at buying one the last time I was active and they were around 200, if this is true it just further shows the point I was trying to make. thanks for the correction Also didn't intend to take away from the OP mainly focusing on PvP, I saw it was posted in GD and assumed it was an open discussion. The issues with the economy go much further than just the PvP scene and thought I'd add some thoughts.
  13. I did some rough estimates to show how dogshit it is to earn money on this game as a casual player, and PvP players earn much less Flaming Skull (for the sake of this argument) 200m Gym Runs aprox. 250k per hour 800 total hours of nonstop gym running required 5 hours per day = 160 total days of nonstop gym running (also not including the time it takes to complete multiple alt accounts) and in 160 days the price of that item will likely increase again. I understand it's meant to be a rare & valuable item but my point is to show how demotivating it is to play this game long-term due to how agonizing it is to earn money. I'd love someone who plays a lot of MM to do this same math but with the amount of money they earn from PvP, - the amount they spend on making new teams. and if my math is wrong it's 10 a.m. and I haven't slept yet
  14. The economy is the driving force behind me constantly playing on-and-off and I'll just mention some of the reasons off the top of my head The wealth gap between competitive & casual players is astounding to me, and the fact that it's still difficult for competitive players to profit is unfortunate. With no real money sinks for the wealthy, and no indication of massively buffing PvP rewards, I don't see this changing unless they make massive changes to how everyone earns/spends money, which is unlikely. Even if you're not a PvP player, but you're a new casual player starting in 2021, you will likely never see the day where you have enough resources to obtain the most desired items in the game, due to how far the gap has become. I think this is pretty demotivating for a lot of people who aren't sure if they want to play long-term, and ends up pushing some away from the game, including myself at times. On top of having very few money sinks, there are also very few items within the game that are truly desired long-term. Shiny Pokemon are luck-based and vanity items can be bought using real money, so there's really a lack of value for money at this point. This causes wealthy players to hold onto their money & dump it all into vanities, causing them to skyrocket in price & locking out everyone else from ever obtaining them. I had suggested in the past that the seasonal PvP matchmaking vanities could be made more difficult to obtain, tradable, limited, and farmable (so if you already earned it, you can earn a 2nd) I thought this would give PvP players an opportunity to control some portion of the market, as PvE players constantly do with event/limited time items. This idea didn't seem too popular so I'm not sure how else we can fix the lack of value & money sinks in the game.
  15. Which one of these items best resembles Dogecoin? I'm ready to go all-in.
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