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Huargensy last won the day on May 28

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About Huargensy

  • Birthday 09/09/1872

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    Alex's #8791

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  1. I understand that mean look is disabled when using baton pass so the other movements should also do it, I'm not sure
  2. Enough caiox get out of that body
  3. Allowing dugtrio in the lower levels just shows hypocrisy at its finest, dugtrio does the same in every tier, trapp and kill something that weakens the other team while you get a non-competitive advantage, if we leave it in UU it will do the same, in NU same. Furthermore, complex prohibitions are the worst, we have enough to have it on movements to have to deal with complex prohibitions on tiers, not to mention that it makes no sense to allow it in UU and NU and not in OU, which is a higher tier.
  4. Lc and UT do not exist, if something happens just correct your rules when sending the duel or I don't know, but our decisions will not take into account 2 levels that do not exist.
  5. I've been arguing about the sand trap problem for so long that I don't even bother talking about it anymore.
  6. Ign: Huargensy Motivation: bench people who play badly and give people who play decent a chance kkkk, besides, i have never been a manager in anything like that in the time I have been playing and I want to try it. PSL seasons in which you participated as a player: 3 PSL seasons in which you participated as a manager: None How much will you/have you donate(d) to PSL XVI? Idk I haven't thought about it yet In any case, if I am chosen, I accept DM's in DC to do tests, so I can have them in mind at the time of the draft.
  7. Ok, it already worked for me, is there a way to change the background of one? For example change the pvp
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