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spelenn last won the day on September 16 2024

spelenn had the most liked content!


About spelenn

  • Birthday 01/20/1998

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  1. Just imagine grinding all season with 2k games for that #1 spot. U rightfully get IT and then get reported by some kids sharing a joke video. Just lift the ban
  2. I cant they will try to ban me too
  3. This video shouldnt have been sent in the 1st place anyway and even so it literally shows nothing. Every pvp player should know that. qqqianx has a fast sub gliscor in front of wrath at plus 6 which can easily stall it out with tect sub. Even if u say the other guy can predict the protect and press lovely kiss or bd qqqianx can do the same and double sub or toxic on that move. Plus the rest of his team is walled by 100% hp chansey. The other guy most likely realised in order to win had to play a 25-30 min game and forfeited. Thats it
  4. U just realised that people dont want to play 1 hour game in ladder vs 6 walls and they insta ff?
  5. I mean lets be honest bro. if someone knows they have to go over 30 min of game of protect sub toxics etc they would surrender. Apart from wrath, chansey walls his entire team and it was full hp as well. I personally have surrendered games like this
  6. The only reason that qqqianx should be banned from this video is that his skarm is called boldneverflinch and gets flinched ( what a liar). We all know his gliscor is speedy af and outspeeds wrath so he can pp stall it. This shows nothing. Bro prob didnt have the patience to play it out thats all I mean he can also predict the lovely kiss and click toxic
  7. its a RAT not a rat bro
  8. IGN: Spelenn Name (Showdown/Smogon Forums): Spelenn Time Zone (UTC): GTM+2 Discord: Spelenn Preferred tiers: OU/BO3 OU Motivation: hey guys summrs here Accolades or experience outside MMO (Showdown, Smogon): none
  9. Shinies in order : 5x Horde: 14 3x Horde: 2 Single encounter: 3
  10. Ig finding ss tar is easier to find than zapdos
  11. Ordered it yesterday. Today was ready. Great and fast service
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