Bestfriends Posted February 11, 2022 Posted February 11, 2022 (edited) Swarms in PokeMMO (2nd Edition) Before you read this guide, I would like to thank @Guizmobese for your work here on the Swarm Documentations. Feel free to check out the First Edition of this guide. Also, if you would like to see what normal encounters look like, then feel free to check out the Pokemon Encounter Index for PokeMMO. What is a swarm? In PokeMMO, a swarm is a wild group of Pokemon. It appears at a given place at a given time for a limited time. A swarm is composed of 4 Pokemons that appear in overworld as sprites. Sometimes, Pokemons appear outside their usual location. Official presentation of swarms by PokeMMO. This is the official presentation from PokeMMO. We can see: - Top Left : Absol swarm at Lost Cave (Kanto) - Top Right : Vileplume swarm at Route 230 (Sinnoh) - Bottom Left : Wailmer swarm in the sea (unknown place) - Bottom Right : Scyther swarm at Route 14 (Kanto) Why are swarms useful? A swarm is an easy way to catch a Pokemon outside its usual location. Somtimes swarm are composed of Pokemon you can't find in the wild. Where do swarms appear? As far as we know, a swarm can appear in many places: grass, cave, routes (even without grass), sea, lakes, Power Plant, Pokemon Mansion, and even cities What Pokemon could be in swarms? We haven't seen enough swarms to have an accurate list of what Pokemon can appear in swarm. But we think there is no limit as the Pokemon is available in the game. We noticed some kind of combinations. The pokemon that appear and its locations seem to be linked Notable appearances: Magnezone (at Power Plant), Dusknoir (at Memorail Pillar), Lapras (in the sea), Chansey at Route 15 in Kanto, etc. When does a swarm or swarm(s) appear? As far as we know, a swarm can appear at any time of the day or the night. How long do they appear? We don't know precisely. Usually 20 minutes (IRL Time) How to know if there is a swarm active? There are two ways to be aware of a swarm and its location Check your Town Map and a System Message should pop up. As a note, Unova does not have the pokemon's icon active. Spoiler Kanto Spoiler Hoenn Spoiler Sinnoh Spoiler Unova Spoiler Johto Spoiler Some Questions... Do swarms appear for everyone? Yes. Are IVs the same for everyone? No. How many swarms a day? We don't know for now Have swarms better shiny rate? No. This has been answered by official PokeMMO Facebook page. What do we still don't know... Many things!!! We would like to: - write a full list of Pokemon from swarms - write a full list of places where swarms appear - be able to know if a moment in a day is best to see a swarm appears How can I contribute? Feel free to drop a comment on this guide of any swarm pokemon that are missing on the list or locations that were not covered in this guide. Once the swarm is noted, then you will be credited just like the Community Pickup Guide (2nd Edition). Known combinations so far Kanto Spoiler Route 1 Pikachu Bidoof Route 2 Beedrill (report by sohamanand) Butterfree Kricketot Zangoose Zigzagoon Route 3 Baltoy Charmander Gulpin (report by @Cheemsito) Route 4 Buizel Route 5 Plusle Minun Shinx Route 6 Linoone Route 7 Porygon Route 8 Ninetales Arcanine Route 9 Mawile Sableye Route 10 Plusle Minun Bibarel Loudred Route 11 Luxio Snorlax Riolu Route 12 Relicanth (in water) Route 13 Chansey Floatzel Route 14 Scyther Pinsir (report by @Cheemsito) Route 15 Chansey Tauros Route 16 Snorlax Swalot Route 17 Minun Plusle Route 18 Minun Plusle Bonsly Route 19 Dratini (in water) Starmie (in water) Clamperl (in water) Route 20 Clamperl (in water) Cloyster (in water) Wailmer (in water) Route 21 Victreebel Vileplume Starmie (in water) Wailmer (in water) Route 22 Zigzagoon Bidoof Whismur (Report by @Cheemsito) Route 23 Exeggutor Nidoqueen Nidoking Route 24 Squirtle (Report by @Dip) - lvl 14~16 Buneary (Report by @Cheemsito) Route 25 Buneary Viridian Forrest Budew Kricketot Bulbasaur Mt. Moon Cleffa Clefable Chingling Vermillion City Wingull Diglett Cave Bronzor Makuhita Rock Tunnel Sableye - lvl 24~25 Kangaskhan Mawile Bibarel Pokemon Tower Gengar Shuppet Misdreavus (report by @Ggenelchatxd2) Duskull (report by @Cheemsito) Safari Zone Nidoking Nidoqueen Power Plant Magnezone Electivire Luxray Seafoam Islands Bronzor Snorunt Seel (report by @DragoTamer) Pokémon Mansion Ninetales - lvl 39~40 Arcanine Magmortar Victory Road Hitmontop Absol Hariyama Dragonite Cerulean Cave Wigglytuff Raichu Treasure Beach Pelipper Gabite Kindle Road Torkoal Numel (report by @Cheemsito) Mt. Ember Charmeleon Torkoal Camerupt Cape Brink Wartortle Bond Bridge Roselia Kirlia Berry Forest Carnivine Ivysaur Spoink Icefall Cave Spheal Water Labyrinth Dragonite (in water) Kingdra (in water) Resort Gorgeous Pelipper (in water) Feebas (in water) Lost Cave Mismagius - lvl 54 Absol Honchkrow Five Isle Meadow Togepi Jigglypuff Lopunny Memorial Pillar Dusknoir Ruin Valley Yanmega - lvl 55 Grumpig Xatu Water Path Slowking Carnivine Politoed Pattern Bush Scyther Pinsir Beautifly (report by @scootysauce) Outcast Island Dragonite (in water) Green Path Gorebyss (in water) Huntail (in water) Canyon Entrance Tyranitar Absol (report by @Cheemsito) Sevault Canyon Steelix Absol Claydol Tanoby Ruins Relicanth (in water) - lvl 55 Trainer Tower Mantyke (in water) - lvl 52~53 Hoenn Spoiler Route 101 Starly Route 102 Meowth Shinx Route 103 Zorua Shellos Route 104 Petilil Cottonee Chatot Mudkip Route 105 Qwilfish (in water) Seadra (in water) Route 106 Remoraid (in water) Octillery (in water) Staryu (in water) Krabby (in water) Route 107 Qwilfish (in water) Route 108 Gyarados (in water) Dratini (in water) Route 109 Wailmer (in water) Staryu (in water) Route 110 Shellos Chatot Route 111 Gible Kricketot Krokorok Route 112 Tyrogue Ponyta Route 113 Magby Growlithe (report by @Cheemsito) Route 114 Misdreavus Skorupi Gligar Route 115 Clefairy Staravia Jigglypuff Route 116 Torchic Delcatty Route 117 Deerling - lvl 19 Roserade Route 118 Raichu Aipom Route 119 Vileplume Carnivine (report by @jasean) Route 120 Carnivine Wooper (in water) Grovyle Route 121 Bellossom Aipom Hypno Route 122 Gastly (in water) Misdreavus (in water) Route 123 Bellossom Route 124 Cloyster (in water) (report by Mosamuel) Starmie (in water) Route 125 Lapras (in water) Seel (in water) Route 126 Finneon (in water) Dragonair (in water) Gorebyss (in water) Route 127 Wailord (in water) Huntail (in water) Route 128 Qwilfish (in water) - lvl 38~39 Lumineon (in water) Route 129 Finneon (in water) Route 130 Altaria (in water) Hoppip (in water) Route 131 Dratini (in water) Altaria (in water) Route 132 Kingdra (in water) Skorupi (in water) Gyarados (in water) Route 133 Hoppip Gyarados (in water) Route 134 Kingdra (in water) Petalburg Woods Spinarak - lvl 12 Petilil Cottonee Treecko Granite Cave Onix Rusturf Tunnel Mime Jr. Jigglypuff Fiery Path Tyrogue Diglett Jagged Pass Combusken Mirage Tower Gible Magma Hideout Camerupt Aqua Hideout Sharpedo (in water) Meteor Falls Salamence Steelix Bagon Clefairy Beldum Metagross (report by @Cheemsito) New Mauville Elekid Rotom Porygon Pikachu (report by @Cheemsito) Scorched Slab Crobat Safari Zone Buneary Pidgeotto Kakuna Sootopolis City Feebas (in water) (report by @Dip) - lvl 42~44 Mt. Pyre Bronzor Bronzong Cubone Munna Musharna Growlithe Arcanine Gastly Chingling Shoal Cave Dewgong Delibird Underwater Octillery Corsola Seafloor Cavern Crobat Sky Pillar Flygon Pidgeot Staraptor Ever Grande City Altaria (in water) Victory Road Himtonlee Hitmonchan Battle Frontier Mantyke (in water) (report by Dip) - lvl 54~56 Artisan Cave Smeargle (report by @Dip) Desert Underpass Dugtrio Loudred Exploud Gabite Abandoned Ship Marshtomp (report by @Dip) Quagsire Spiritomb (report by @Bertolfoso) Golduck (report by @Cheemsito) Sinnoh Spoiler Route 201 Nidoran♀ (report by @Dip) Nidoran♂ Growlithe (report by @Cheemsito) Doduo (report by @Cheemsito) Route 202 Sentret Zigzagoon Route 203 Seedot Route 204 Lotad Sunkern Piplup Pineco (report by @Cheemsito) Route 205 Elekid Turtwig Route 206 Stantler Larvitar Baltoy (report by @Cheemsito) Route 207 Chimchar Phanpy Larvitar (report by @Cheemsito) Route 208 Smeargle Pidgeotto Gyarados (in water) Dunsparce Zangoose Route 209 Vulpix Snubbull Cubone Route 210 Bagon (report by @Dip) - lvl 32~33 Miltank Dratini Zangoose Kecleon Tauros (report by @Cheemsito) Route 211 Teddiursa Monferno Tyrogue Route 212 Grotle (report by @Harfa) Ekans Lombre Smeargle Grimer (report by @Cheemsito) Route 213 Swellow Krabby Route 214 Mightyena Hypno Vulpix Houndoom Route 215 Gliscor (Report by @Dip) - lvl 27 Drowzee Hypno Route 216 Ursaring Delibird Route 217 Ursaring Froslass Route 218 Ditto Voltorb Route 219 Mantyke (in water) Krabby (Report by @Cheemsito) Route 220 Mantine (in water) Route 221 Primeape Bonsly Farfetch'd Route 222 Skitty Kingler Flaaffy Route 223 Lapras (in water) Route 224 Shuckle Xatu (Report by @Cheemsito) Route 225 Makuhita Route 226 Primeape Kingler Route 227 Spinda Route 228 Sandslash Dunsparce Vibrava Route 229 Venomoth Forretress Route 230 Victreebel Vileplume Togekiss (report by @Dip) - lvl 55~57 Lake Verity Wobbuffet Surskit (report by @Cheemsito) Oreburgh Mine Diglett Sandshrew Aron Ravaged Path Krokorok Floaroma Meadow Cherubi Combee Muchlax Valley Windworks Electrike Mareep Eterna Forest Beedrill (report by @Dip) Nuzleaf Butterfree Petilil Cottonee Nincada (report by @Cheemsito) Old Chateau Raticate Spinarak (report by @Aidenjc) Wayward Cave Sandshrew Mt. Coronet Cleffa Clefable Chingling Delibird Milotic (in water) Metang Exploud (report by @Cheemsito) Valor Lakefront Nidorina Nidorino Lake Valor Solrock Lickilicky (report by @Cheemsito) Pastoria City Chinchou (in water) Great Marsh Arbok Exeggcute Kangaskhan Shroomish Kecleon Croagunk Gulpin Skorupi (report by @Cheemsito) Trophy Garden Roserade Raichu Iron Island Beldum Skarmory Mawile Lairon (report by @Cheemsito) Fuego Ironworks Skiploom Aron Acuity Lakefront Prinplup Mamoswine (report by @Cheemsito) Lake Acuity Smoochum Lunatone (in water) spear pillar Metagross Sendoff Spring Deerling Dusknoir Lunatone (in water) Victory Road Garchomp Dragonite Rhydon Gabite (report by @DragoTamer) Turnback Cave Dusknoir Stark Mountain Magmortar Torkoal snowpoint temple Weavile Unova Spoiler Route 1 Farfetch'd Dunsparce Route 2 Lickitung Wynaut Route 3 Yanma Illumise Volbeat (report by @Cheemsito) Psyduck Buizel (report by @Cheemsito) Route 4 Sandshrew Minccino Skorupi (report by @Cheemsito) Hippopotas (report by @Cheemsito) Route 5 Mareep natu (report by @Cheemsito) Smeargle (report by @Cheemsito) Route 6 Loudred Plusle (report by @Cheemsito) Minun (report by @Cheemsito) Marill (report by @Cheemsito) Route 7 Furret Zangoose (report by @Cheemsito) Seviper (report by @Cheemsito) Route 8 Quagsire Croagunk Route 9 Muk Houndour Swalot (report by @Cheemsito) Mightyena (report by @Cheemsito) Route 10 Tyrogue Riolu Route 11 Parasect (report by @Cheemsito) Masquerain (report by @Cheemsito) Breloom (report by @Cheemsito) Route 12 Pinsir (report by @Cheemsito) Dunsparce (report by @Cheemsito) Route 13 Banette Tangrowth Drapion Route 14 Yanmega Dragonite Route 15 Mankey (report by @Cheemsito) Route 16 Pineco Sunkern (report by @Cheemsito) Route 18 Tropius Exeggcute Carnivine (report by @Cheemsito) Dreamyard Rotom (report by Wailord) - lvl 60 Golbat Mareep Wigglytuff Jigglypuff (report by @Cheemsito) Musharna (report by @Cheemsito) Wellspring Cave Plusle Zubat (report by @Cheemsito) Psyduck (report by @Cheemsito) Pinwheel Forrest Slakoth Vigoroth Croagunk Paras Shroomish Carnivine (report by @Cheemsito) Desert Resort Numel Sandshrew Trapinch Skarmory (report by @Cheemsito) Skorupi (report by @Cheemsito) Relic Castle Flygon Tyranitar (report by @Cheemsito) Drapion (report by @Cheemsito) Lostlorn Forrest Pinsir (report by @Cheemsito) Combee (report by @Cheemsito) Heracross (report by @Cheemsito) Cold Storage Sneasel (report by @Cheemsito) Wingull (report by @Cheemsito) Buizel (report by @Cheemsito) Mistraliton Cave Riolu Aron (report by @Cheemsito) Chargestone Cave Magnemite nosepass Celestial Tower Chimecho (report by @Cheemsito) Shuppet (report by @Cheemsito) Twist Mountain Larvitar (report by @Cheemsito) Moor of Iccirus Croagunk Dragonspirl Tower Riolu Dragonair Shelgon Altaria Vibrava (report by @Cheemsito) Victory Road Skarmory (report by @Dip) Aggron Sandslash Steelix (report by @Cheemsito) Altaria (report by @Cheemsito) Challenger Cave Tyranitar (report by @Cheemsito) Aggron (report by @Cheemsito) Lickilicky (report by @Cheemsito) Lucario (report by @jasean) Village Bridge Eevee Dunsparce Seviper (report by @Cheemsito) Giant Chasm Tangrowth Crobat Metagross Bronzong Weavile Clefable (report by @Cheemsito) Mamoswine (report by @Cheemsito) P2 Laboratory Weezing (report by @Cheemsito) Undella Bay Lapras (in water) Kingdra (in water) abundant shrine Slowpoke (report by @Cheemsito) Growlithe (report by @Cheemsito) Johto Spoiler Route 29 Shinx Route 31 Chikorita Route 34 Riolu Route 36 Vigoroth Route 37 Zorua Route 38 Plusle Route 40 Wailmer (in water) Route 41 (in water) Sharpedo (in water) Route 42 Floatzel Route 43 Kirlia Route 44 Masquerain Route 45 Typhlosion Route 47 Pelipper (in water) Route 48 Meganium Route 27 medicham Route 26 medicham Route 28 Absol Dark Cave Sableye Union Cave Shellos (West Sea) Slowpoke Well Barboach Ruins of Alph Baltoy Ilex Forest Roselia burned tower Houndoom Bellchime Trail Chimecho Cliff Cave Lairon Lake of Rage Lotad (in water) Dragon's Den Shelgon Tojoh Falls Feraligatr Mt. Silver Cave Froslass Edited October 8, 2024 by Bestfriends Added more Johto Swarm Locations. (10/8/2024) Minks, NataliaSad, SupaFlyNinjaGuy and 16 others 8 9 2
caioxlive13 Posted February 11, 2022 Posted February 11, 2022 (edited) 9 hours ago, Bestfriends said: Where do swarms appear? As far as we know, a swarm can appear in many places: grass, cave, routes (even without grass), sea, lakes, Power Plant, Pokemon Mansion We haven't seen any swarm in cities for now. In vermilion, we take notice of swarms occuring in city. Not happen in Middle of vermilion, but in bordes of him, that have water. Usually, is Wingull Swarm(Other swarm isn't catalogated.) . So, it's only one "City Swarm". Hope that i helped. Edited February 11, 2022 by caioxlive13 Bestfriends 1
Bestfriends Posted February 13, 2022 Author Posted February 13, 2022 On 2/11/2022 at 4:42 PM, caioxlive13 said: In vermilion, we take notice of swarms occuring in city. Not happen in Middle of vermilion, but in bordes of him, that have water. Usually, is Wingull Swarm(Other swarm isn't catalogated.) . So, it's only one "City Swarm". Hope that i helped. The part you mentioned has now been modified. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
SaKuRaluv Posted February 21, 2022 Posted February 21, 2022 Thank you for this guide! Can you remove this line "Pokemon from swarms often have good IV stats." since it might make people think pokemon from swarms have a higher chance of better IVs (that's only for phenos).
Bestfriends Posted February 22, 2022 Author Posted February 22, 2022 8 hours ago, SaKuRaluv said: Thank you for this guide! Can you remove this line "Pokemon from swarms often have good IV stats." since it might make people think pokemon from swarms have a higher chance of better IVs (that's only for phenos). I did the necessary fix, thank you for your feedback SakuRaluv!
Bertolfoso Posted March 30, 2022 Posted March 30, 2022 Fantastic guide! I want to add that Spiritomb can Swarm in Abandoned Ship (Hoenn) Bestfriends 1
Bestfriends Posted March 30, 2022 Author Posted March 30, 2022 2 hours ago, Bertolfoso said: Fantastic guide! I want to add that Spiritomb can Swarm in Abandoned Ship (Hoenn) The addition has been made, thank you for your contribution Bertolfoso!
Cheemsito Posted March 30, 2022 Posted March 30, 2022 Some Unova swarms that are not in the list: Route 4: Skorupi, Hippopotas Route 5: Natu, Smeargle Route 7: Seviper, Zangoose Route 11: Parasect, Masquerain, Breloom Route 12: Pinsir Route 15: Mankey Route 16: Sunkern Route 18: Carnivine Victory Road: Steelix, Altaria Giant Chasm: Clefable Pinwheel Forest: Carnivine Lostlorn Forest: Pinsir, Combee, Heracross Wellspring Cave: Zubat Desert Resort: Skarmory Relic Castle: Tyranitar Mistralton Cave: Aron Challenger Cave: Aggron, Tyranitar, Lickilicky Cold Storage: Sneasel Bestfriends 1
Bestfriends Posted March 31, 2022 Author Posted March 31, 2022 41 minutes ago, Cheemsito said: Some Unova swarms that are not in the list: Route 4: Skorupi, Hippopotas Route 5: Natu, Smeargle Route 7: Seviper, Zangoose Route 11: Parasect, Masquerain, Breloom Route 12: Pinsir Route 15: Mankey Route 16: Sunkern Route 18: Carnivine Victory Road: Steelix, Altaria Giant Chasm: Clefable Pinwheel Forest: Carnivine Lostlorn Forest: Pinsir, Combee, Heracross Wellspring Cave: Zubat Desert Resort: Skarmory Relic Castle: Tyranitar Mistralton Cave: Aron Challenger Cave: Aggron, Tyranitar, Lickilicky Cold Storage: Sneasel Thank you for your massive contribution Cheemsito. All of those pokemon locations have been documented. Cheemsito 1
Cheemsito Posted March 31, 2022 Posted March 31, 2022 3 hours ago, Bestfriends said: Thank you for your massive contribution Cheemsito. All of those pokemon locations have been documented. No problem, thank you for this awesome guide <3. Btw Pinsir goes on Route 12, not 15. And you forgot to add Mankey on Route 15. Bestfriends 1
Cheemsito Posted April 1, 2022 Posted April 1, 2022 New swarms spotted 9 hours ago: Kanto Route 3: Gulpin Unova Route 9: Swalot Bestfriends 1
Guest Posted April 2, 2022 Posted April 2, 2022 New swarms I've seen before (recently): Unova Challenger Cave: Lucario Hoenn Route 119: Also has Carnivine
Bestfriends Posted April 3, 2022 Author Posted April 3, 2022 On 4/1/2022 at 2:55 PM, Cheemsito said: New swarms spotted 9 hours ago: Kanto Route 3: Gulpin Unova Route 9: Swalot On 4/1/2022 at 10:14 PM, jasean said: New swarms I've seen before (recently): Unova Challenger Cave: Lucario Hoenn Route 119: Also has Carnivine Added all the pokemon as mentioned, thank you for giving me those locations.
DragoTamer Posted April 9, 2022 Posted April 9, 2022 Are there any spots you would like me to look into specifically to help?
Cheemsito Posted April 14, 2022 Posted April 14, 2022 (edited) Sinnoh, Lake Valor: Lickilicky Unova, Village Bridge: Seviper Unova, Route 3: Buizel Edited April 17, 2022 by Cheemsito Bestfriends 1
Ggenelchatxd2 Posted April 24, 2022 Posted April 24, 2022 Kanto, Pokemon Tower: Misdreavus Bestfriends 1
Cheemsito Posted May 8, 2022 Posted May 8, 2022 Hoenn, Abandoned Ship: Golduck Unova, Desert Resort: Skorupi Unova, Dreamyard: Jigglypuff Bestfriends 1
Cheemsito Posted May 14, 2022 Posted May 14, 2022 Unova, Route 12: Dunsparce Unova, Abundant Shrine: Slowpoke Unova, Giant Chasm: Mamoswine Kanto, Route 14: Pinsir Sinnoh, Route 207: Larvitar Prande and Bestfriends 1 1
Aidenjc Posted May 17, 2022 Posted May 17, 2022 Sinnoh, Old Chateau : Spinarak Prande and Bestfriends 1 1
Cheemsito Posted May 22, 2022 Posted May 22, 2022 Kanto, Kindle Road: Numel Unova, Relic Castle: Drapion Bestfriends 1
Cheemsito Posted May 29, 2022 Posted May 29, 2022 Hoenn, Meteor Falls: Metagross Sinnoh, Great Marsh: Skorupi Sinnoh, Lake Verity: Surskit Unova, Abundant Shrine: Growlithe Bestfriends 1
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