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economic renewal for current pokemmo problems [Español] [English] [中国人]

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Plan económico para revivir pokemmo. Para entender el siguiente planteo, hay que saber que, las únicas maneras de hacerse rico en pokemmo es de formas no convencionales. Cómo el GTL Sniping, reventas de shinys o invertir en vanity's (entre otros).


Volviendo al último ejemplo de la lista, la inversión en vanity's es muy común.

Pero... Porque ?

La inversion en vanity's es algo que se hace desde los comienzos de pokemmo, pero ya no es efectiva, y te explico porque:


El valor económico de algo varía según su: Calidad y Escasez (Cantidad) 

Y es por eso que los vanity's de antes valen tanto, porque no solo no había la cantidad de jugadores que hay ahora, sino que los jugadores de antes eran jugadores casuales, que podían conectarse un par de veces y no volver a conectarse nunca más. 

Haciendo que esos vanity's sean super Escasos, y por ende caros.

Esto no puede pasar acutalmente porque la cantidad de jugadores ricos y/o inversores es muy grande, haciendo que el pilar "Calidad y Escasez" se desplome.

La cantidad de jugadores que gastan más de 100m de forma individual en vanity's es abrumadora, haciendo que la oferta supere por creces la demanda.


También hay que aceptar que en PokeMMO hay una inflación, y cada vez es más y más grande. Pero es una inflación que tiene que existir, ya que no deja de ser un juego donde los jugadores nuevos necesitan recursos para empezar.

Pero esto no quiere decir que no haya que contrarrestarla.

En los sistemas económicos más fuertes, la inflación (Imprimir dinero) es una aberración, algo que en PokeMMO se hace de forma indirecta farmeando NPC's.

No estoy en contra del farmeo de NPC's, es algo necesario en el juego.

El problema empieza cuando hay miles de personas farmeando todos los NPC's en 3 cuentas distintas, están en su libertad de hacerlo y no los juzgo por hacerlo, no soy quien. Pero no podemos negar que es un problema para el juego, un problema para nosotros.

Así que en vez de evitar que esas personas hagan eso, generando inflacion y desequilibrio monetario, propongo un sistema para contrarrestar ese dinero de más, incentivando a los jugadores a seguir jugando, poder volver a invertir en vanity's con el dinero en circulación y eliminar/reducir la inflación: 


Cómo se puede lograr esto ? 

Dándole una "dificultad" más haya de solo tener el dinero (3,720,000¥ o 1,500 RP) para comprar el vanity.

Me refiero al factor "Cantidad" ya mencionada, si en vez de comprar el vanity de entrada, compraríamos un sobre con "X" cantidad de objetivos/ropa en los que en una de ellas te pueda tocar el vanity de evento. Esto haría que en vez de comprar el vanity al precio ya mencionado, tengas la opción de comprar 3 sobres, y está la posibilidad de que salga, o que no salga. Haciendo que se gaste más y baje la cantidad de dinero en circulación, haciendo que baje la inflación.

Esto te beneficia, ya que aparte de bajar la inflación, hará que comprar y guardar el vanity sea una inversión real, ya que sube su Escasez, y por ende sube su demanda, ya que será un objeto realmente limitado, haciendo factible poder invertir en ellas de forma segura ya que aumentarán su precio de forma rápida, no como los vanity's de ahora. 


Ya terminé con el punto de la "Cantidad", ahora voy con el punto de la "Calidad" haciendo que un mismo varíe su precio, haciendo lo más exclusivo y único que antes.

Esto se implementa con las funciones ya existentes en algunos vanity's en el juego.

El vanity se clasificará de las siguientes formas:


- Vanity Normal: ------ .

- Vanity Raro: Luces .

- Vanity Ultra Raro: Luces y animación.


Y no olvidemos que hablamos de un mismo vanity.

Es necesario que el ratio de aparición tiene que ser bajo, entre más bajo, más difícil y exclusivo se vuelve.

Empezando por un 15% en su versión normal, y bajando hasta los 3% en su versión Ultra Raro (Siempre hablando del vanity raro de sobre)

También cabe recordar que este sistema es totalmente Free2Play, los mecánicos de compra serán los mismos que están implementados actual mente (RP o PokeMonedas).


Con esto contrarestariamos la inflación, generaríamos un valor real a los vanity's y incentivamos a los jugadores a seguir jugando y/o volver a jugar, incluso cuando lo tiene todo.


Estoy seguro de que si implementamos esto, la poke moneda no perderá su valor de la forma en que lo está perdiendo actualmente, los vanity's volverán a ser una forma de inversión real, dándole razones para tryhardear a los coleccionistas y inversores, sin molestar a los casual players y generando dinero para que los desarrolladores puedan seguir invertirtiendo en el juego , cómo: eventos, mecanismos de juegos y diseñadores gráficos.

Creando un juego bueno como el de antes.


Pero esto depende de los jugadores y los admins. Los quiero mucho y que tengan un hermoso Thanksgiving.







Economic plan to revive pokemmo. To understand the following approach, you have to know that the only ways to get rich in pokemmo is in unconventional ways. Like GTL Sniping, reselling shinys or investing in vanity's (among others).


Going back to the last example on the list, investing in vanity's is very common.


But why ?


The investment in vanity's is something that has been done since the beginning of pokemmo, but it is no longer effective, and I'll explain why:


The economic value of something varies according to its: Quality and Scarcity (Quantity)


And that's why the vanity's from before are worth so much, because not only were there not the number of players that there are now, but the players from before were casual players, who could connect a couple of times and never connect again.


Making those vanity's super Scarce, and therefore expensive.

This cannot currently happen because the number of rich players and/or investors is very large, causing the "Quality and Scarcity" pillar to collapse.

The number of players individually spending over 100m on vanity's is overwhelming, making the supply far outstrip the demand.


You also have to accept that in PokeMMO there is inflation, and it is getting bigger and bigger. But it is an inflation that has to exist, since it is still a game where new players need resources to start.


But this does not mean that it should not be counteracted.


In stronger economic systems, inflation (printing money) is an aberration, something that in PokeMMO is done indirectly by farming NPC's.


I'm not against NPC's farming, it's something necessary in the game.


The problem starts when there are thousands of people farming all the NPC's in 3 different accounts, they are free to do it and I don't judge them for doing it, I'm not the one. But we can't deny that it's a problem for the game, a problem for us.


So instead of preventing these people from doing that, generating inflation and monetary imbalance, I propose a system to counteract that extra money, encouraging players to continue playing, being able to reinvest in vanity's with the money in circulation and eliminate/ reduce inflation:



How can you get this ?


Giving it a "difficulty" more than just having the money (3,720,000 ¥ or 1,500 RP) to buy the vanity.


I am referring to the "Quantity" factor already mentioned, if instead of buying the entry vanity, we would buy an envelope with "X" amount of objectives/clothes in which one of them can touch the event vanity. This would mean that instead of buying the vanity at the already mentioned price, you have the option of buying 3 envelopes, and there is the possibility that it will come out, or that it will not come out. Making more spending and lowering the amount of money in circulation, causing inflation to fall.


This benefits you, since apart from lowering inflation, it will make buying and saving the vanity a real investment, since its Scarcity increases, and therefore its demand increases, since it will be a really limited object, making it feasible to invest in them safely as they will increase their price quickly, not like the vanity's of now.

I'm done with the "Quantity" point, now I'm going with the "Quality" point, making the same price vary, making it more exclusive and unique than before.


This is implemented with the already existing functions in some vanity's in the game.

The vanity will be classified in the following ways:

-Vanity Normal: ------ .

- Vanity Rare: Lights.

- Vanity Ultra Rare: Lights and animation.

And let's not forget that we are talking about the same vanity.


It is necessary that the spawn rate has to be low, the lower, the more difficult and exclusive it becomes.


Starting with 15% in its normal version, and going down to 3% in its Ultra Rare version (Always talking about the rare vanity envelope)


It should also be remembered that this system is totally Free2Play, the purchase mechanics will be the same as those currently implemented (RP or PokeCoins).


With this we would counteract inflation, we would generate real value for vanity's and we encourage players to continue playing and/or play again, even when they have everything.



I'm sure if we implement this, the poke coin won't lose its value the way it is currently losing it, vanity's will go back to being a form of real investment, giving collectors and investors reasons to tryhard, without upsetting the casual players and generating money so that developers can continue investing in the game, how: events, game mechanisms and graphic designers.


Creating a good game like before.



But this depends on the players and the admins. I love you very much and have a beautiful Thanksgiving.








复兴神奇宝贝的经济计划。 要理解下面的说法,你必须知道,只有通过非常规的方式才能在神奇宝贝中致富。 GTL 如何狙击、转售闪亮物品或投资虚荣心(以及其他)。


但为什么 ?











个人在时装上花费超过 1 亿的玩家数量多得惊人,导致供大于求。

您还必须接受 PokeMMO 中存在通货膨胀,而且越来越大。 但这是必须存在的通货膨胀,因为它仍然是一个新玩家需要资源才能开始的游戏。



在更强大的经济体系中,通货膨胀(印钞)是一种反常现象,在 PokeMMO 中,这种现象是由种植 NPC 间接造成的。




当有成千上万的人在 3 个不同的帐户中耕种所有 NPC 时,问题就开始了,他们可以自由地做这件事,我不会因为他们这样做而评判他们,我不是那个人。 但我们不能否认这是比赛的问题,是我们的问题。







给它一个“困难”,而不是仅仅有钱(3,720,000 ¥ 或 1,500 RP)来购买虚荣心。


我指的是已经提到的“数量”因素,如果我们不购买入口时装,而是购买一个装有“X”数量目标/衣服的信封,其中一个可以触及事件时装。 这意味着您可以选择购买 3 个信封,而不是以已经提到的价格购买梳妆台,并且有可能会出现,也可能不会出现。 增加支出并减少流通中的货币量,从而导致通货膨胀率下降。













- 虚荣心稀有:灯光。


- Vanity Ultra Rare:灯光和动画。






从普通版本的 15% 开始,到 Ultra Rare 版本下降到 3%(总是谈论稀有的时装信封)

还应记住,该系统完全是 Free2Play,购买机制与当前实施的机制(RP 或 PokeCoins)相同。





我敢肯定,如果我们实施了这一点,poke 硬币将不会像现在这样失去它的价值,虚荣心将重新成为一种真正的投资形式,让收藏家和投资者有理由努力尝试,而不会让偶然的人感到不安玩家和赚钱,以便开发者可以继续投资于游戏,方式:事件、游戏机制和图形设计师。





但这取决于玩家和管理员。 我非常爱你,祝你有个美好的感恩节。

















































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It seems you got disappointed because the upcoming vanities did not appreciate a lot. Golden Tiger Masks, Werewolves started at a higher price and currently are in a very low price. Maybe that happens because you didn't buy the mask for your personal use, but you bought several to resell and there is not people interested in pay for a higher price.


I see the solution you gave the same solution of increase the limited cosmetic price from 1500 to 4500 (every 3 envelopes you get 1). But I think that's too much money. What I like from PokeMMO is that cosmetics are very cheap.


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3 minutes ago, MightyMichele said:

It seems you got disappointed because the upcoming vanities did not appreciate a lot. Golden Tiger Masks, Werewolves started at a higher price and currently are in a very low price. Maybe that happens because you didn't buy the mask for your personal use, but you bought several to resell and there is not people interested in pay for a higher price.


I see the solution you gave the same solution of increase the limited cosmetic price from 1500 to 4500 (every 3 envelopes you get 1). But I think that's too much money. What I like from PokeMMO is that cosmetics are very cheap.


I play this game from 2016, and I'm not asking if I'm right or I'm wrong, I'm just appealing to the admins. The people who knows about the game and know clearly that is really happening to the game. So, thanks for your opinion and keep being a sheep 🐑.

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I've been playing since 2013 - 2014 I think it's the first time I've seen this topic


I believe that you are right and it is a good step to see a small problem that has persisted for some time

for example the ultra rare items:
currently the first ultra rare item the psychic training helmet worth about 1.3m which is kind of weird 

Being an ultra rare item as a characteristic he says I hope it is worth approximately 3m or for those economic levels

It is not that I am the best expert based on economics but this is funny XD


It seems strange to me that no matter how much I've thought "I tried so hard to farm this to make it worth it"?
I don't know if it's because of people's level of farming or because of the consumerism of the new event, the new is worth more and the old, being "rare" is worth less


I hope multiple opinions develop and then see that I can get out of here




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Investing in vanities is already becoming an obsolete way to get money, as has happened with various types of farming that emerge and will only leave you profit until other players find out and make it less profitable, some farms to get money have been renewed and over time they stop being profitable again, I think the same would happen with the vanities, this idea could work for a while but then we would return to the same situation and the cost of obtaining them would only increase, but it is not a bad idea to renew the way to get the vanities, trying in the process to turn them into a way to get money similar to what was done before.


There are too many other things to invest your money that are not vanities that only pass from one player to another player, like some limited things that can deplete all existence.

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@IIZapperIIAbsolutely there is need to renew the way to make money. There is now prismatics pearls and alphas, for example  recently you could add particles from Pumpking to alphas that was a nice protit unfortunately I didn't do that but I notice in gtl these particles in alpha are very in a high price for the dittos.


You could buy dittos alpha for 80-90k and add a particle to sell them for 300k.

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Hey guys, I appreciate your thoughts about the économic model of the game.. 

The purpose is to become rich, whatever legal means available, some has made bad choices with trading.. Assume that all vanities fluctuate in value dépending on many reasons,however théy will Rise through time, some will Rise drastically and others will Just Rise à little (like the famous fail ufo hat). 

Those ultra rare vanities means thé low rate of getting Those cosmetics from bags so, many players farm so many bags lead to many cosmetics. So prices of vanities fluctuate and will come to stabilize. U Just have to make good décisions at thé right time. 

From à personal view i présume that the actual economic model is very stable and logic, adding alphas is so Nice as an idea and to revive somehow the community..

The créator of this thread has made à good analysis, but good models Can never be replaced.. Just fit yourself to the actual model and good luck 

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I'm agree, but at the same time I think that the actual model is a balanced one, its difficult make money and it must be like that. 


if u can make billionaire with a couple of days farming something well, the economy will be unbalanced.


I don't think that "the economy on this game it's dead", it's most like we are on a balanced site, however vanity's items will be limited by all the time, that's means that with time they'll rise their prices. 


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On 11/22/2022 at 1:51 PM, Jgaw said:

Hey guys, I appreciate your thoughts about the économic model of the game.. 

The purpose is to become rich, whatever legal means available, some has made bad choices with trading.. Assume that all vanities fluctuate in value dépending on many reasons,however théy will Rise through time, some will Rise drastically and others will Just Rise à little (like the famous fail ufo hat). 

Those ultra rare vanities means thé low rate of getting Those cosmetics from bags so, many players farm so many bags lead to many cosmetics. So prices of vanities fluctuate and will come to stabilize. U Just have to make good décisions at thé right time. 

From à personal view i présume that the actual economic model is very stable and logic, adding alphas is so Nice as an idea and to revive somehow the community..

The créator of this thread has made à good analysis, but good models Can never be replaced.. Just fit yourself to the actual model and good luck 

I literally explain why this vanity's and de next ones don't gonna elevate theirs prices xxdd

On 11/26/2022 at 10:56 PM, Thekingofglory said:

what are u talking about?


the translator of chinese is garbage

and there are so many words i dont want to read lol

I tried my best, mb xdd

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On 11/26/2022 at 10:40 PM, moises6541 said:

I'm agree, but at the same time I think that the actual model is a balanced one, its difficult make money and it must be like that. 


if u can make billionaire with a couple of days farming something well, the economy will be unbalanced.


I don't think that "the economy on this game it's dead", it's most like we are on a balanced site, however vanity's items will be limited by all the time, that's means that with time they'll rise their prices. 



Balanced? A lot of ppl have multi accounts autofarming all the region's every day, even if u just farm 1 account every day u can get easily 2m

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2 minutes ago, DaBrais said:

I literally explain why this vanity's and de next ones don't gonna elevate theirs prices xxdd

Didn't read post above cause this is all but a meme, anyway just to answer you regarding this, the reality is, this game population wasn't that big before the chinese invasion, nor had as many whales buying insane amounts of RP, abusing farming methods like Berries to NPC (before nerf) etc which created massive inflaction, now it's done and dusted, they can at best introduce ways of you burning cash, like breeding for example, where you effectively lose cash to braces etc. Now there's too many of the newer vanities and none will ever climb in price as fast, maybe just alpha starters and particles, maybe the shadow bone club if nothing better shows up within a year.

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1 minute ago, razimove said:

Didn't read post above cause this is all but a meme, anyway just to answer you regarding this, the reality is, this game population wasn't that big before the chinese invasion, nor had as many whales buying insane amounts of RP, abusing farming methods like Berries to NPC (before nerf) etc which created massive inflaction, now it's done and dusted, they can at best introduce ways of you burning cash, like breeding for example, where you effectively lose cash to braces etc. Now there's too many of the newer vanities and none will ever climb in price as fast, maybe just alpha starters and particles, maybe the shadow bone club if nothing better shows up within a year.




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You are indeed right about the issue and how it has been scaling since the Chinese invasion, but having a gacha system doesn't seem as helpful as you think.

You won't directly have the effect on the limited vanities but the new "loot boxes", and that won't solve the issue of those players using x ammount of alts to farm.

Btw the limited vanities are not scaling that much in price mainly for 2 reason:

-There are way more players than back in 2013-2017

-Vanities have been way more terrible designed lately (UFO, Werewolf, Snow Glove and so on). Damn, I think the only good vanity we've had is the Dragon Mask.

Edited by Ryuto
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21 hours ago, DaBrais said:

Balanced? A lot of ppl have multi accounts autofarming all the region's every day, even if u just farm 1 account every day u can get easily 2m

What do you mean by auto farming? Any type of automation = Ban. Sure they have multiple accounts farming but it all is still done manually.

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I disagree with the idea of PokeMMO having inflation.

It has been the case for a long time, but the inflation was balanced with a deflation (little during every weekends, and a long bigger one during the summer)

The cycle was : prices go up between October and Mars and then go slowly down until the cycle restarts.


But 2022 had the 10th anniversary event that created a big FOMO and people panick selling anything and everything.

All the prices went more down than ever, and at this time I made a post about how the PokeMMO economy would take a year at least to recover.


But then came the introduction of Alphas, and that just made the whole market go even lower, cancelling years of inflation.

All PvP players had to adapt to the new meta and buy huge amounts of Pokemons or pearls to stay in the competition.


Selling old Pokemons that were 5x31 + nature but no egg moves,  or just 2x31, and making the whole market of Pokemons going down, at the same time Alphas made all Pokemons with 2x31 way less valuable, look at the dittos for example.


So traditional ways to farm by hunting pokemons with 31 IV has become less profitable.


Of course we can still rebattle the gym and the trainers but let's be honest, it gets boring really fast.

Same for berry farming.


The economy of PokeMMO is gonna be way more offer than demand until Johto comes out at least. Hopefully it will bring a huge amount of new players and the inflation will go up again.


I think one of the solution would be to give better rewards for the PvP players.

For exemple some exclusive vanities that can be sold, and giving more battle points to players even if they lose.

Maybe having more items that can be bought with Battle Points would be a nice idea.


The purpose of this kind of measure : it will push more players into PvP, which is the real end game of PokeMMO, the way to make the game bigger.

This would have a direct consequence on the economy, because all other method of farming will be more profitable.


PvP players should be the core of the economy, not hoarding vanities.   






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12 hours ago, ScizoMonkey said:

I disagree with the idea of PokeMMO having inflation.

??? You're legit printing money everytime you do gyms, everytime you sell anything towards a npc, etc, how does it not have inflation? In fact, it's not even controllable anymore.


12 hours ago, ScizoMonkey said:

but the inflation was balanced with a deflation (little during every weekends, and a long bigger one during the summer)

No it wasnt, market is player driven, so if a lot are selling, and not as many are buying, prices crash supply and demand. Also this isn't relevant to the discussion since it's a paralel player market, where you trade Player to Player, and not Player to NPC. Also about your 'it gets boring really fast' does it really matter when you have objectives? People farm gyms or other npcs with 8-12 accounts per day, some with a lot more.



12 hours ago, ScizoMonkey said:

The economy of PokeMMO is gonna be way more offer than demand until Johto comes out at least. Hopefully it will bring a huge amount of new players and the inflation will go up again.

Can you please, google the definition of inflation? I'm pretty sure you're not aware about what you're trying to discuss or even argue.

Edited by razimove
typo correction ty
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3 hours ago, razimove said:

??? You're legit printing money everytime you do gyms, everytime you sell anything towards a npc, etc, how does it not have inflaction? In fact, it's not even controllable anymore.


No it wasnt, market is player driven, so if a lot are selling, and not as many are buying, prices crash supply and demand. Also this isn't relevant to the discussion since it's a paralel player market, where you trade Player to Player, and not Player to NPC. Also about your 'it gets boring really fast' does it really matter when you have objectives? People farm gyms or other npcs with 8-12 accounts per day, some with a lot more.



Can you please, google the definition of inflaction? I'm pretty sure you're not aware about what you're trying to discuss or even argue.

Inflation means the prices of everything is increasing. That's exactly the opposite that is happening to PokeMMO since introduction of Alphas.


I don't know what you mean by "inflaction" but I am gonna assume you are speaking about inflation.


There is more supply than demands, which is driving the prices down.

Inflation means that money is loosing its value compared to everything else.


Right now in PokeMMO (and it has been the case since at least 6 months) all prices are decreasing (except maybe for a couple of very old vanities and I am not even sure that's the case) 

Look at Dragon Mask for exemple, the price went down and it's a very popular vanity.


I don't know where you see an inflation that would have a big effect on the economy, while it's pretty obvious for everyone that all the prices are really low, especially with Alphas and New swarms, look the prices of Milotic for exemple, and tell me where there is an inflation when the price has been divided by 4


It looks like you are confusing inflation and deflation

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51 minutes ago, ScizoMonkey said:

Inflation means the prices of everything is increasing. That's exactly the opposite that is happening to PokeMMO since introduction of Alphas.


I don't know what you mean by "inflaction" but I am gonna assume you are speaking about inflation.


There is more supply than demands, which is driving the prices down.

Inflation means that money is loosing its value compared to everything else.


Right now in PokeMMO (and it has been the case since at least 6 months) all prices are decreasing (except maybe for a couple of very old vanities and I am not even sure that's the case) 

Look at Dragon Mask for exemple, the price went down and it's a very popular vanity.


I don't know where you see an inflation that would have a big effect on the economy, while it's pretty obvious for everyone that all the prices are really low, especially with Alphas and New swarms, look the prices of Milotic for exemple, and tell me where there is an inflation when the price has been divided by 4


It looks like you are confusing inflation and deflation

thanks for the correction on my typo, no, you're the one that is completely clueless of what you're saying, there will never be a 'deflation' when there's people with tens of billions, and hundreds closing in on that aswell, the game currently is past that point. 6 years ago, 100mil was considered somewhat of a lot, it was still not that amazing, but it was a lot. Nowadays 100mil is nothing to most. Once again what you just saw was market supply and demand, and it wasn't due to alphas, but due to halloween event and previously anniversary event, this happens on every event, people rush sell some vanities to buy RP/gamble on boxes/invest further, therefor a lot more pop up on market and they lose value.

What creates inflation is 'printing' money, not trading, that's what you need to understand, and this is the main problem this game always had, the main concern about this was berry spam to npc, which was nerfed few years back, but even then the damage was already made. But to this days, npc runs, gym runs, e4, all contribute to this. Also pls don't say dragon mask is popular, only popular vanity are pre-chinese invasion ones due to rarity/value, dragon mask is worthless, no 10-20mil item is 'popular' or that sought after, therefor why they're unstable on market.

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39 minutes ago, razimove said:

thanks for the correction on my typo, no, you're the one that is completely clueless of what you're saying, there will never be a 'deflation' when there's people with tens of billions, and hundreds closing in on that aswell, the game currently is past that point. 6 years ago, 100mil was considered somewhat of a lot, it was still not that amazing, but it was a lot. Nowadays 100mil is nothing to most. Once again what you just saw was market supply and demand, and it wasn't due to alphas, but due to halloween event and previously anniversary event, this happens on every event, people rush sell some vanities to buy RP/gamble on boxes/invest further, therefor a lot more pop up on market and they lose value.

What creates inflation is 'printing' money, not trading, that's what you need to understand, and this is the main problem this game always had, the main concern about this was berry spam to npc, which was nerfed few years back, but even then the damage was already made. But to this days, npc runs, gym runs, e4, all contribute to this. Also pls don't say dragon mask is popular, only popular vanity are pre-chinese invasion ones due to rarity/value, dragon mask is worthless, no 10-20mil item is 'popular' or that sought after, therefor why they're unstable on market.

There was an inflation for a long time in PokeMMO, but that's not the case since at least 3 years,


Are you talking only about limited vanities of 2016 and before?


Because everything else is going down in price, it's really easy to check, compare the average price of fossils, everstones, amulet coins, of previous years and you'll see the everything went down pretty harshly.


When I started PokeMMO on 2013 any Abra would go for 12k, any Dratini for 18k.

Ten times more than today.


Where do you see an inflation exactly 


Check this 





And I don't know what game your

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3 hours ago, ScizoMonkey said:

There was an inflation for a long time in PokeMMO, but that's not the case since at least 3 years,


Are you talking only about limited vanities of 2016 and before?


Because everything else is going down in price, it's really easy to check, compare the average price of fossils, everstones, amulet coins, of previous years and you'll see the everything went down pretty harshly.


When I started PokeMMO on 2013 any Abra would go for 12k, any Dratini for 18k.

Ten times more than today.


Where do you see an inflation exactly 


Check this 





And I don't know what game your

you still don't really understand the concept do you? Once again, inflation isn't market to market driven, but player to npc, what generates inflaction is that people print the ingame currency, with no drawbacks and with little to no ways of burning it, aside from buying TMs, buying braces, pokeballs, stuff like this, and that alone can't combat the current inflation, it helps, but it isn't the solution the game needs. Vanities past that time hold significantly lower value after reapers since that's about when the chinese invasion started and there's just too many of each vanity, the supply:demand prevents them from ever climbing in price. Also no thanks on some random video from a guy that from what I've seen in the past, doens't really understand concepts either. market depreciation happens due to supply:demand, once again this is all that controls said market, it has nothing to do with inflation, inflation exists yes, it's a massive problem, this isn't it. If 10 people farmed dratini and 10 other bought them back then, price could normalize at lets say your 18k, now if 1000 people sell them, and only 10 are buying, in a competitive market, what do you think will happen?

Edited by razimove
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19 minutes ago, razimove said:

 If 10 people farmed dratini and 10 other bought them back then, price could normalize at lets say your 18k, now if 1000 people sell them, and only 10 are buying, in a competitive market, what do you think will happen?

Exactly. The price will drop. My secret is exchange in trade chat something that is not selling in gtl + some Pokeyen to something in a higher price so you pass the problem to someone else without reduce the price, unfortunately that is. But this person might not be interested in that at all and will reduce the price



In halowen my Krokodile 4x31 +1x30 lvl 100 could be selled for 1.2-1.3m without particle. But after the event even with shiny menace particle nobody buys that for 650k. I struggled to sell the Krokodikes. 

Edited by MightyMichele
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18 minutes ago, razimove said:

you still don't really understand the concept do you? Once again, inflation isn't market to market driven, but player to npc, what generates inflaction is that people print the ingame currency, with no drawbacks and with little to no ways of burning it, aside from buying TMs, buying braces, pokeballs, stuff like this, and that alone can't combat the current inflation, it helps, but it isn't the solution the game needs. Vanities past that time hold significantly lower value after reapers, since from there on, there's just too many, the supply:demand prevents them from ever climbing in price. Also no thanks on some random video from a guy that from what I've seen in the past, doens't really understand concepts either. market depreciation happens due to supply:demand, once again this is all that controls said market, it has nothing to do with inflation, inflation exists yes, it's a massive problem, this isn't it. If 10 people farmed dratini and 10 other bought them back then, price could normalize at lets say your 18k, now if 1000 people sell them, and only 10 are buying, in a competitive market, what do you think will happen?

You don't understand the concept of inflation, it means that money is loosing its value, which is exactly the opposite of what is happening in PokeMMO.


If all the prices go up : inflation

If all the prices go down : deflation


The monetary mass can increase without creating inflation as long as the production is increasing as well.

And in PokeMMO there is way more supply than demands.

Besides this phenomenon there are already a lot of money sinks in the game, besides the ones you mentioned there are : loosing your investment by messing up with berry farming, GTL fees (which might be the biggest money sink in the game if it's not the breeding) gardening tools, the choice of specific genders while breeding, removing moves of movesets, vanities available in shops, TMs and TMs again to change the movesets many times when the PvP meta changes, secret bases decorations.


The crazy inflation was nerfed when the berries sold to NPCs were nerfed, and a lot of other prices when selling to pokemarts have been nerfed as well.

Amulet coins have been nerfed 2 years ago, and have been made a consumable 4 or 5 years ago.


So you didn't answer my question, where do you see inflation in the economy ? (except old vanities from before 2017 and also the recent nerf of Timer Ball which had nothing to do with monetary mass)

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