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Value Advice


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11 hours ago, DarylDixon said:

Shiny secret ponyta 31 sp.atk 31 speed gender male, nature: gentlevalue?

Between 30m and 40m

Because 1 x31 shiny secret mâle is àround 20m.. So 2x31 is 40m...nature is bad.. Fast sell is 30m

Quick cash u get old limited vanity as investment & u move on.. 

U want big cash u will spend more time.. Ppl i guess now lose their big interest for secret shinies.. But buyers of secret shinies always there

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Hi! Haven't played that much so you could say these have just been napping in my depot for the last 10 years, but are they even worth anything? All from 2012, none with great ivs and most from 13/11. Wanted to build some decent teams but i'm kinda out of cash and have no clue what to post any of these for. 



Skärmbild 2022-07-21 190226.png


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On 7/17/2022 at 6:58 PM, GokuSSGSS said:

How much is Ghost Costume worth ?

2b or more I guess. 


On 7/15/2022 at 10:09 PM, arkanumSM said:

How much: Dratini, Adamant, 6x31


Maybe 1m imo


3 hours ago, Humm said:

Hi! Haven't played that much so you could say these have just been napping in my depot for the last 10 years, but are they even worth anything? All from 2012, none with great ivs and most from 13/11. Wanted to build some decent teams but i'm kinda out of cash and have no clue what to post any of these for. 



Skärmbild 2022-07-21 190226.png


Collectors pay 1-2m for each I think 


37 minutes ago, Wagyu said:

Is this worth selling? If so what range?





30-40k maybe

Edited by CaptnBaklava
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  • 2 weeks later...

Quería saber qué significa esto? Ósea que no se puede extinguir cosméticos u objetos? Para subirles el precio? O significa otra cosa---Quería saber que significa esto? Entonces, ¿no puedes extinguir cosméticos u objetos? ¿Para subir el precio? O significa algo más IMG_20220729_201916.thumb.jpg.de25f0c239d11046bbf47c585a01de4a.jpg

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2 hours ago, odemuu said:

How much do 2013 mons usually go like charizard etc?

They're not as desired as 2012. They can go for a few 100k though. Where as the 2012's can go for a few mil

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  • 2 weeks later...
54 minutes ago, SrWhiteS said:

How much cost it, have pumpkid and Pumpcat, and is comp, i need one price .-.




Hard to fix a price on it, i would take as base 2 points:

- price of pumpkid in genderless pokemons not shiny is atm on gtl 70% of a poke with gender like lucario
- price of pumpkid Shiny mons with gender are at 80m-90 range now

i would say 60m for the pumpkid, 15m for all the others particles, and then add the price of a genderless comp 4x31
voltorb atm 1x31 shiny on gtl is 3,5-4m, a 4x31 breeder with nature needs 15 pokes in worst case at sh breed, (3,5-4)*15 =52,5-60m


In total would be 125~135m, but as i said is hard to fix a price on it since shinys prices varies a lot

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On 9/2/2022 at 10:43 PM, Biqueta said:

Hard to fix a price on it, i would take as base 2 points:

- price of pumpkid in genderless pokemons not shiny is atm on gtl 70% of a poke with gender like lucario
- price of pumpkid Shiny mons with gender are at 80m-90 range now

i would say 60m for the pumpkid, 15m for all the others particles, and then add the price of a genderless comp 4x31
voltorb atm 1x31 shiny on gtl is 3,5-4m, a 4x31 breeder with nature needs 15 pokes in worst case at sh breed, (3,5-4)*15 =52,5-60m


In total would be 125~135m, but as i said is hard to fix a price on it since shinys prices varies a lot

Nah it's around 85 to be fair. Reason is it can't pass on the pumpkin treat particle and not a very "desired" shiny. Also the seller was selling it for 80mil pure or something a couple of days ago. 

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Returning player who just played through 2 regions before being told 2012 pokemon had value, I wish I knew that before I sold some off for 31 iv cash, but you live and you learn.

Outside of the Hoenn stuff these are all 2012 pokemon, what do you think the value would be?

Some people already had interest in the feebas so I'll link that one.

Poke pic 1.PNG

Poke pic 2.PNG


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