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Value Advice


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5 hours ago, Ramallero said:

Hi, I want to price check this please:


4x31 1x30

Nat: Timid

Evs: 252speed 252 s.atak 6HP

Moves: CalmMind/Flamethrower/Shadow Ball/Substitute

Ab: Flash Fire


About 650K. 

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On 3/14/2023 at 8:02 PM, DomainExpansion said:

Price check please



You're looking at 5.4mil I'd say. You take the standard value of the shiny and the value of what it'd be to get the extra 31IV. A typical field male will set you back like 2mil right now.

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58 minutes ago, RiseVisual said:

Looking to price check the following?

Moves - [Hydro Pump] [Volt Switch] [Uproar] [Thunder Wave]


Screenshot 2023-03-19 031658.jpg

About 300k. Seems like a gimmick IV mon and not a pvp one and 30 IV Pokemon are quite cheap. So breeding a 6x30 instead of a 6x31 will cost you far far less. 

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Neutral nature.No idea what it should be valued at. I searched for dittos with the same 31 IV's but the cheapest is around 2 million yen which seems pretty overpriced. Would really appreciate some advice here.


Edited by Wxzzd
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44 minutes ago, DeathByWii said:

I would like a price check for these pokemons , the 2x31 meowth has impish nature , the other one is lonely and the diglet is calm




Easiest way to check values of these mons is to search the gtl for other "Same egg group mons" with similar iv's and nature. That's the easiest eay to get a solid value

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Yanmega Alpha Female

Nature Hardy no status Change

HP          31

Atak        31

Def          31

Sp Atak  17

Sp Def    31

Speed     31



Victreebell Alpha Female




Atak        31

Def          31

Sp Def    31

Speed     31



Chandelure Alpha

particle Halloween 2023

Nature Random

HP          31


Def          31

Sp Atak  31

Sp Def    31

Speed     31



Nature Timid

Particle shiny Halloween 2023 


HP          31


Def          31

Sp Atak  31

Sp Def    31

Speed     31




Garchomp Alpha 

Nature forgot kkkk

Particle Halloween 2023 

HP          31

Atak        31

Def          31

Sp Atak  31

Sp Def    31

Speed     31




Nature Modest

Particle Halloween 2023 

HP          31

Atak        31

Def          31

Sp Atak  31

Sp Def    31

Speed    31

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