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Quackin' Eggs- Breed and EV shop

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how much would it cost me fro you to breed a



nature-impish +10 def /-10 sp.atk

31/31/31/random/31/31 ived all 31 but sp.atk

6/0/252/0/252/0 evs 252 in def and sp.def 6 in hps




sleep talk





discord:scyero dragatagious#1142


  • hannahtaylor changed the title to Hannah's Breeding- Closed until the 8th
  • hannahtaylor changed the title to Hannah's Breeding- closed until 18th
Posted (edited)

Hey Hannah,


I need:


1. Adamant shroomish 31 hp / 31 atk / 30 def / X sp.atk / 30 sp.def / 31 speed no egg moves

2. Modest exeggcute 31 hp / X atk / 30 def / 31 sp.atk / 30 sp.def / 31 speed with moonlight egg move.


also as always leave last breeds for me :)

Edited by magneto2k4

Hi Hannah, 


I would like a Brave Larvitar with no egg moves and 31/31/25+/x/25+/7-* IVs 

*For the speed IVs, between 0 and 7 is fine, so I'm prepared to pay 350k

Please let me know if the speed IV is an inconvinence

I'll mail you the details and money, fab service!

48 minutes ago, Rakhmaninov said:

Hi Hannah, 


I would like a Brave Larvitar with no egg moves and 31/31/25+/x/25+/7-* IVs 

*For the speed IVs, between 0 and 7 is fine, so I'm prepared to pay 350k

Please let me know if the speed IV is an inconvinence

I'll mail you the details and money, fab service!

Thank you for choosing me, the pokemon is bred and should be in your mail!

  • hannahtaylor changed the title to Hannah's Breeding- closed this week
1 hour ago, hannahtaylor said:

~closed until I prepare for my WC battle~

Good luck on your Wrong Chat battle ;o

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