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Posts posted by CanadaSorry

  1. I believe it works out to 30k encounters giving a shiny 64% of the time, (binomial distribution yadda, yadda) but you can often land in that bad 36% where you dont get it. For many many encounters, sometimes its  41k or sometimes its 120-150k before you finally "hit" the right number


    Its 50/50 really. Its either shiny or it isnt.


    What you put into it, is what you get from it


    If you get 25k and give up, then sure, it was a "waste" to get nothing

    But if you grind to 35k or 48k or whatever is required, then its all worth-while


    The best thing to do imo is to stop counting so it doesnt feel so incredibly harsh. 


    Best of luck on your future hunts,


  2. 46 minutes ago, WolfgangDamien said:

    I have a question. Since theres another christmas themed art contest going on, ( see spoiler ) can I submit the same drawing to both contests? So long as they fit the theme?


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    Assuming you are going to create an image of both porygon and furret, i want to say yes


    Also, way to get two birds stoned at once. Youve earned my respect. Looking forward to your masterpiece. With 2 weeks- to go, i am looking forward to your vision ♡



  3. Very happy and excited to see all the reserved slots open up with their beautiful art! If you know of any other artists that could join in the fun, definitely give them a tag :] the more the merrier


    On a side note, just a friendly reminder that the art doesnt have to ONLY be a christmas porygon. Other pokemon can join along too, just be sure to feature a porygon somewhere in there


    Good luck everyone!!! 



  4. 2 hours ago, YanNewOrigin said:

    My bad, you're absolutely right. No date was advertised, rather they were more like insinuations. I'm kinda new at the forums so I don't know how to quote the messages were Kyu and Rache have mentioned "dates". You can find them with some research though. As far as I've seen, I remember at first it was settled on June or July, but Jhoto came on the way. Then it was supposed to be celebrated before halloween, didn't happened either. Finally we arrived at the current state with no ETA.

    Youre all good. My major "beef" with this subject at hand in particular, is that staff get held to some order of degree higher than what they intended. Like we ask for communication and we ask for things like johto, and staff try to communicate by saying "we are working on adding a new region soon" and the community goes full on "telephone game" and go "OmG KYU himself said JoHtOmoRrOw" and in 1 month johto will be released."


    Which they never do. Even the events we KNOW release on ceartain days....aka...halloween....every year someone tries to post the "hot and trending thread" to be the coolest one to predict the launch of the event. We all know it will be released oct.30th but we also pretend to have the "inside scoop" and "maybe this year is different".


    Tomato tomahto. What happens, happens. What doesnt, simply doesnt. Today is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is our present. People need to touch some grass amd just enjoy the present instead of wishing for changes they will soon find out they dont want.


    No official date has ever been announced








  5. 40 minutes ago, YanNewOrigin said:

    Devs have not confirmed that officially. They still intend to make aniversary event, and though multiple dates have been advertised intention it's still the same. We just need to wait patiently and play another game to aleviate how boring Pokemmo gets without events and remarkable content. 😄

    Whats dates were advertised?

  6. 7 hours ago, Prande said:

    I'd advise not to get your hopes up, last year the first date set for the 10th anniversary celebration was in March, the second in May, the third I forget


    ...... Anyway, it finally got underway officially in November



    Well.....i mean.. june...but i guess thats only 5 months away, and thats only 1 month away from christmas. Which is basically the start of the new year, so i guess we just shouldnt have had one in the first place



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