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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Team Name: MastersxDivision

    Team Tag: MDVN
    Registered Players: xSparkie, Rendizzlefoshizzle, DatBoiArchon, Leevee, DaChumpionMiek, KoasuxD, JessicaJung, xSkyy, Mr Duck, Zymom, Thunderpryme, Bilburto, xSkyy's fat cousin, Cresswoman, BiggieSax, ibadss, Schloopio, Murder, ShadowGaryyyy, Juniour, Bigbangattack, Hassan, pepperpoots
    Team Captain: xSparkie





  2. God does the guydingo himself Lord Michaelangelo IV have to keep this club alive by himself? SO BE IT HAVE YET ANOTHER..... MIKE'S© RANDOM FACT OF THE DAY®™ WOOOO YAY *claps*


    Did you know that Mark Zuckerberg has made some considerable and litigious moves to ensure his privacy. He bought a $100 million plot of land in Hawaii in 2014, and is recently decided not to suethe people who own pieces of the property through generational ties. He also tried to tear down four houses in and around his home in Palo Alto, Calif.


    Isn't that ironic? H m m m  m m m 

  3. 16 hours ago, Xatu said:

    Inb4 12 people tell me to quit because I dislike some of the recent decisions being made. No I'm not quitting, I joined almost 6 years ago,  every post I've ever made on these boards offering my honest advice (as a game dev myself I might add) has been out of LOVE for this game.   I've seen it go from a thriving MMO to one with 4 matchmaking matches all with the same players over and over and that's so sad to see. 


    People play MMOs because there long term time investments actually mean something.  Literally the last 3 updates have done nothing but shit on your long term players and the game has never been so dead.  Learn from your mistakes.  Move forward with some respect for the players.  Add actual MMO features ffs.

    I got annoyed by this part, mainly because of the fact how wrong you are but you won't admit to that no matter how many people say you are.


    The game hasn't been this active since forever really, in weekends pretty much all day the servers are at high and it generally feels more alive in game. The game isn't necessarily dying, just the older players are quitting which makes it feel like it is (Which is inevitable really). However I do not think the developers have necessarily 'shat' on the long term players. The previous updates were moreso changes for the future of the game and will most likely make more sense once everything has been added. The game will no longer be just PvP and shiny hunting as end game, from what Darkshade/Kyu etc. has said on forums is that dungeons are actually gonna be high end PvE content. This game will most likely be less enjoyable for the competitive players as they will most likely be semi forced to do PvE stuff to get everything(this is my guess, don't take my word for it as I know as much as anyone else) thus 'shitting on them'.


    Also idk what you mean with 'add actual MMO features' when they've been literally talking about adding dungeons, which are the most staple feature is pretty much every MMO. From what they have said is that the security update delayed everything as they find security more important than content. And if you ask me that is pretty much respecting the players.


    Some people dislike change, some do. I personally feel that this game is headed in the right direction, it just needs some time before it reached what it is meant to be.



    Did you know that the name xSparkie actually originates from all the way back in 150 B.C. It was when a meteor hit the earth and this brown ish baby boy was inside the crater. Because he sparked like no one has anyone ever seen spark so bright, the name Sparkie was made. However, in the current day and age people steal names. So he was forced to put an x infront of it, and maybe a little because he is an edgelord. 


    The past is truly fascinating.

  5. @skyjuju my apologies but I was mistaken, the tree graphical thing is also a bug and it happens when you take the ash off the grass and switch channels. And the no encounters is also a bug. Thank you very much for your report.

  6. 2 hours ago, gatocacheton said:


    Well looks like it is a set in stone decision then, if that is the way the things are going to be in the next update, thats great, DEVS and council have the right to change the game as they think is best, just dont forget, we players have the right to choose if we do stay in your game.


    and i do hope you all have sucess with this, who knows may be the best thing ever done to pokemon games!


    But for me, will just be the ultimate butcher of a game i love. 

    I feel bad for u, read the first letter of every paragraph in the OP.

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