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Imperial last won the day on June 7 2024

Imperial had the most liked content!

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  1. I'm not saying that I disagree, but pretend that all the hidden abilities and legends get released, then what? Will everyone start spamming for Gen 6 and fairy types like what we're already seeing? I would much rather have a fully functional game with QOL features and features not currently added (e.g. Battle Frontier) implemented with a twist and cool prizes rather than things which will takes ages to implement only for the community to get bored of within a few days/weeks. There's only so much you can do on a game which primarily is compatible up to gen 5 graphics, the game has been around since 2012 and they've made massive progress in recent years. Am I saying the staff are perfect? Of course not, but the community are incredibly self entitled and have the most unrealistic expectations. And no, I'm not a bootlicker, just someone that appreciates having a successful game with a community where I've met amazing people.
  2. Go Miltanks!!
  3. Lmao you will just rig it to show up for the remainder of the year Why would I bet money on something you can easily manipulate?
  5. Who wants to bet half these teams won't sign up after January?
  6. Shame I can't make this one, but looking forward to seeing similar tours like this in the future - keep up the good work!
  7. I respect you as a player, but didn't you also get banned at one point for wintrading and preventing spelenn from getting top 3 in the OU ladder? I think that anyone who win trades in general should be looked into regardless of what team they are in. Having said that, I hope qqqianx is able to sort their issue out, a very nice person respected by the community.
  8. I think the pandora's box was how Gallade was handled - if Sharpness was never implemented and then continuously adjusted in the first place, then I highly believe that a lot of people would have different viewpoints about how devs/TC implement things, etc. It's nice to have new additions as a 'surprise' factor especially when the meta and game overall are stagnating, however, there always needs to be a healthy balance and I think as long as there's a guarantee that no game-changing content will be randomly 'dropped' to make the game more interesting ignoring the consequences (e.g. your clarification on HDB), I think the community overall should be a lot more accepting.
  9. Congratulations to everyone at lava, best of luck in future tournaments.
  10. You should see the competitive discussion thread and you will realise why it's needed
  11. Yes please
  12. They had two weeks to sign up with a clear deadline, if they really wanted to join they would have done it sooner.
  13. Team Logo complete: Our try-out message is on the PSL Discord for those interested playing for our team - good luck to everyone!
  14. When I see the same person who brought Porygon2 + Wobbuffet to counter-team me in an OU Tournament also complain about Heatran being too broken in OU because of Magma Storm, I won't make any comments.
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