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🎃Halloween today?

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Na real pode falar em outros idiomas, mas tradução em Ingles é requisitada. Por ser forum Internacional, entendo os motivos.

Mas acho que poderia ter um clube entre os Brasileiros no forum(Tão usando até pra apostas, então não é algo complicado), ai não iria precisar nesse clube de tradutor 24/7 pra mandar mensagens.



Actually you can talk in other languages, but an english translation is required. Because this is a International Forum, i understand the reasons.

However a club for Brazilian People could be possible(They're using clubs for betting, so it's not a big deal), and on there we wouldn't need translators turned on at all time to talk.


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15 minutes ago, xLari said:

Só tem BR aqui e falando tudo em inglês kkk @Allenyatsura@Biqueta@MightyMichele@caioxlive13


Falta a @Teddiursa mandar um hellow tbm!


Viva o google tradutor! xD



Hi! It's because it's part of the rules to talk in english or add an english translation in your posts in the forum. Please either post in english from now on or add a translation, and make sure to stay in the topic of the thread. Thanks.


Oi! É porque faz parte das regras usar inglês ou acrescentar uma tradução em inglês aos seus posts aqui no fórum. Por favor poste em inglês ou coloque uma tradução de agora em diante, e certifique-se de permanecer no assunto do tópico. Obrigada!

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19 minutes ago, caioxlive13 said:

Some regions, the week doesn't end on Sunday. On Brazil for instance, the week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

but in some it's considered, so you should take it into account aswell, life isn't only those countries which do consider Sunday as their first day

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5 minutes ago, Allenyatsura said:
We stayed like this, waiting, as there were events that 
took place well before the 31st


No expectations for it be before 29th October. TT is tomorrow, and devs even if they need to launch updates, they(usually) respects the event calendar, and the TT is impossible to postpone for less than 1 week.

(Usually because idk if they changed the policy, like they did with the policy of nerfing things(before they would try to stay loyal to games, now no longer is the case), so i can't tell 100% that they will respect this time)

Edited by caioxlive13
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8 hours ago, boleame said:

Hi everyone, Can we ask kyu to start Halloween event tomorrow saturday so we can make the most on this weekend? I really want to play this weekend because in the midle of the week i got job 😞

Yeah yeah absolutely, ur request will with no doubt be taken in consideration

Côme on guys 

Make this Guy à favor 😛

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