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[Sig] Draekyn's Signatures

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Posted (edited)

Name: Aerun

Team (optional): VVVV

Background (optional): it's up to you bby

Render (Pokemon/Character): you know what I like

Additional information (optional): we will share a pizza when we meet soon hue

Edited by Aerun

Name: Zymogen

Team (optional): MDVN

Background (optional): Varying shades of purple (and dark blue if you can make it look good), try something you'd see in a sci-fi; something space-related

Render (Pokemon/Character):


Donation: 20k


Name: TheChampionMike

Team (optional): PokeMMO Staff

Background (optional): A dark cave or sumthin

Render (Pokemon/Character): Mewtwo 

Donation: 50k


Thanks in advance


Can you make me one of them gif sigs? Those look fyah

Name: LifeStyle

Team: RNSC

Pokemon: Blaziken/Arcanine/Charizard One of those 3 would be lit, pick w/e makes the sig look better

Notes: If you want me to pay for this just let me know, been getting lots of free sigs feelsweirdman

1 hour ago, Draekyn said:

@DarylDixon There literally was no decent render for that thing so I used a normal one and tweaked the colors to make it look shiny, let me know if it doesn't





if u make with a normal it's ok no problem i can accept too this ^^


Name: Nelfy

Team (optional): TN

Background (optional): Close to a volcanic eruption ( Night Time If Possible )

Render (Pokemon/Character): Camerupt

Posted (edited)


Name: FuzzyRegirock

Team (optional):

Background (optional): Whatever works the best

Render (Pokemon/Character): Pyroar (male)

Additional information (optional): Great Signatures man, keep it up

Edited by FuzzyRegirock

Name: Suffer

Team (optional): 

Background (optional): roses and shit i guess

Render (Pokemon/Character): Shiny Duskull

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