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I can't speak to all of it, but releasing a bunch of HA's would go a huge way to giving the meta a shake for a while. It's super weird which were decided to be added and which weren't. There are so many that aren't even super good that aren't in the game.


Turn counters are also a no brainer tbh.


PVP rewards are also super lacking, it should be enticing to play on the ladder but right now it is definitely lacking a bit.

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Posted (edited)

For PVP reward mon please just make them 3x31 with HA as an option. As they stand now they are practically worthless for anyone even semi serious. No one is getting one if they are super casual to make the 4x25 useful, it takes 40-50 wins. They also don't really affect economy cause u cant trade them and can only get one every 2 weeks so I think a 3x31 would remain balanced.  As it stands now this is how useful they are.



Edited by ZPORSCHE
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Hard agree with these points. There’s so many Pokémon that are normally considered to be great that are just straight up unviable due to not having their hidden abilities. some of these are as follows:


Alomomola would be a great wish passer if it had regenerator. In gen 9 it’s considered to be among the best due to having a pivoting move too, but even without something like flip turn I can still see a solid use case, especially since it’s physically bulky enough to pass wish in front of the likes of Scizor o Garchomp. 

Blaziken would probably be fine with having Speed Boost, and it would “Speed Boost” its way from NU all the way to OU. even then, however, it can struggle into a physical wall like Alomomola or Slowbro, or even into offensive mons such as Dragonite. Speed boost would not break Blaziken from a PvP perspective, and I can’t see it being too heavy hitting on the PvE scene either. If you’re that worried about it do what you did with wonder guard, where it only activates once in PvE but works normally in PvP. 

Slowbro and Slowking would be buffed hugely with Regenerator due to the teleport buff. They’ll probably make for better physical walls than Alomomola without being able to pass wishes. They would be something the meta would have to shift too, but I could see them fitting in well. 

I’m not in any position to talk about PvP rewards. Yes they’re a bit lack luster, like why would I want a 2x31 Serperior with Overgrow when I probably used a 3x31 Serperior with Contrary to get it? Yes they need work, but I won’t complain about it too much here since I can’t really offer any valuable insight as to what would make for good PvP rewards. 

I would like to see some additions somewhat soon to cater to the PvP player base. Maybe that’s a later gen move being added (think something like Flip Turn or Body Press maybe?), it could be a later gen item (Heavy Duty Boots? Eject Pack?), or even just adding the fairy type to balance out the dragon-dominated OU metagame. It could even be in the form of some new releases, something you could please everyone with, like dropping the Lati twins in Hoenn or the forces of nature in Unova. If you’re still worried about how they might affect the meta, then maybe it’s time to monitor the meta more and see what’s happening there. 


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Posted (edited)

Atleast we got our lovely legendary birds and dogs implemented in a fun and interactive way.

Atleast we got the raids we waited for 10 years to get implemented.

Atleast we got replayable multiplayer content we desperatly wanted for years.

Atleast we got a questsystem for that MMO.

Atleast we got a teamlog.

Atleast we got Kyu 4 Rolex watches

Edited by CaptnBaklava
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I believe that when raids are released (genuinely hopefully by end of year/start of event SZN) We'll see a ton of raid pokemon and their corresponding Alpha forms have HA access, which in turn will shake up the meta. Its going to be the next big update surely.

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Posted (edited)

Well atleast we got iron fist ledian and skill link ambipom with johto, I really think ledian has to potential to shake up the ou meta if people start using it Over garchomp/scizor. Idk, I have a hard time having any sympathy for this community at this point, ive seen posts almost identical to this downvoted into oblivion, ive been personally told by tc members and staff and then had it parroted by people who have even liked this post that  adding these has would be insane and horrible. Unless people learn how to be a community we wont get the change we want.  

Edited by TheKrimsonKang
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Agree with things said above.


Also, if you ever implement Legendaries, please consider making the encounter literally anything other than what you did for the birds/dogs. 
Not everyone enjoys shiny hunting, and making them 1/100k or w/e is ridiculous, rather do a harder boss fight with a chance of encounter or something of the sort.



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Posted (edited)

Clearly you're new to this game and have no idea how it is run by its devs. Hope you still have fun despite all those requests you made that will likely not be fulfilled 😕 


- Weather/Screens counter hopefully will come, we have been asking for it for years tho.

- PVP rewards same thing, they really need a revamp especially the Pokemon that they give for free being release fodder.

- About Dugtrio ban leaving Diglet available, just know that's how TC works in general, they didn't want Arena Trap ban to punish Diglet/Trapinch which are Untiered even with the ability. I'm of the same opinion as yours that we should just get rid of trapping abilities.

- About other legendaries, the next to be implemented will be the Regi trio most likely. It will take a lot of time before legendaries such as Landorus or Heatran are made available I think

- About other HAs, some of them are unreleased right now because they would be over powered (Blaziken, Slowbro, Tangrowth ...) and some of them just couldn't be released as an "Alpha" encounter yet because they don't have any Overworld Sprite (mostly for gen5 ones) or are too rare as high IV (fossils, male only pokemon). These are likely coming with the "Raids" system so let's be patient


Edited by TohnR
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The PvP rewards need to be increased heavily for the average joe. Right now only the top percentage can enjoy good rewards from tournaments, but I can't imagine the new player feeling rewarded for playing hundreds of matches just to get less money than 1 hour of gym rerunning. Make a daily 500k reward for 10 wins of pvp in ranked matchmaking of any tier but randoms. This can potentially take 5 hours and is sure as hell more skilled and more demanding than brainless gym rerunning (for context you get 500k for 1hr of work Daily from gyms).

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Posted (edited)

All the suggestions are fine but a knock off buff would break OU. Can't happen. 


I have lost countless games to a lack of a weather counter, it's so needed it's not even funny lol

Edited by Luke
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I agree with most things on the list. I enjoy PvE almost as much as the average sweet scenter. but PvP seriously needs some more love.


Even if I'm personally not a fan of adding *every* legendary because I understand that would have PvE and economy implications, many, if not most, non-Ubers would probably be healthy for the game, like the remaining mythicals (Mew/Celebi etc.). From a balance standpoint, the devs or the council or whoever is really in charge (?) seem to wanna drip-feed us these changes and monitor how they affect "the meta". but honestly.... we already have the benefit of hindsight of how everything interacts with everything from future gens, so what's the hold up? If anything, I think we've been too gung ho about adding learnsets etc. from gen 9. Those changes were untested even in their own meta.


I sorta understand being hesitant about adding the gen 6+ type chart, because that would definitively pull the gen 5~ish identity of this game in question even more than it already is, but.... I would personally dump most of the rest these suggestions into the game, see how it plays out and then just dial down the problematic parts (like Draco Latios as Spidget mentioned). I don't like this weird cherrypicking of things that whoever is in charge of PvP likes. We can have Sharpness Gallade at full strength but not Magic Guard Alakazam.... OK... We can have Assault Vest from gen 6, but WOAH, 65 base power Knock Off. from the same gen? That's too much.


I honestly don't care too much what side PokeMMO ends up picking for all these things we see as issues, I just want them to get off the fence, tell us what their philosophy is and make decisions consistent with said philosophy. From where I stand all these selective nerfs, bans and cherrypicked later gen abilities and items as mentioned above (and things like 90 bp Outrage etc.) looks like a wishy washy mess. It feels like an identity crisis. Either stay more faithful to gen 5, or FULLY lean into the "what if we had gen 5 mons, but they can do everything they can do in later gens?" thing.


19 hours ago, TohnR said:


- About other HAs, some of them are unreleased right now because they would be over powered (Blaziken, Slowbro, Tangrowth ...) 


How is Magic Guard Alakazam, Reckless Mienshao, Swarm Volc etc. in any way shape or form more overpowered than Contrary Leaf Storm Serperior (didn't exist in gen 5) or Sharpness Gallade (which doesn't currently have a clean counter) or Neutralizing Gas Weezing that are just allowed to roam free in this game. Nah, the powerlevel of PokeMMO is way higher than original gen 5 OU and you can't convince me that we couldn't handle adding more HAs. Regenerator mons like Slowbro would breathe some life into balance or bulky teams that are suffering in this HO meta. Sure, the fear is that stall could use them too, but they wouldn't be nearly as good for them as for everyone else.


12 hours ago, Luke said:

All the suggestions are fine but a knock off buff would break OU. Can't happen. 

Again, how would it break OU? Our powerlevel is much closer to later gens, maybe minus some important later gen moves, and stall in particular feels oppressive and uninteresting to play against. Knock Off is a great progress-maker against stall players just turtling up and mindlessly switching between the same 2-3 mons, and buffing it to not be useless against other matchups should not pose a problem to our weird game meta. We don't even have gen 6+ typing yet, so Dark really isn't as offensively viable as it could be.

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9 hours ago, Lilyrain said:

Sharpness Gallade (which doesn't currently have a clean counter) or Neutralizing Gas Weezing

These are not HAs but new gen abilities, Devs somewhat decided to add them and nobody really knows why but it is what it is ... :'D

Don't think the community asked for them either actually, at least Weezing is cool to have !



9 hours ago, Lilyrain said:

Reckless Mienshao, Swarm Volc etc. in any way shape or form more overpowered than Contrary Leaf Storm Serperior

Remember how I mentionned some of them from Gen5 don't have overworld sprites to be made into Alphas ?

Mienshao is one of them. Volcarona only has a "front" sprite so maybe that's the reason, I don't know really. But clearly those are not strong and I never claimed so

Magic Guard Alakazam has for sure been kept for a raid boss or something, it's obviously one of the "meta" HAs with the regenerators. If they released all the good stuff from the get go there would be nothing left to be excited about ...


Edited by TohnR
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Heavily agree with this post. Honestly, it feels like every 5 suggestions we get the same question asked by posters; "Can we please have some more transparancy from the devs?" and I don't think that's too much to ask for. The metagame really does need new life breathed into it though, great post.

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8 hours ago, Utsa said:

Bro wants more stall

Future sight + teleport slowbro into a breaker (think gallade) would actually demolish stall...not cause more of it. 

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22 hours ago, Scootter said:

Future sight + teleport slowbro into a breaker (think gallade) would actually demolish stall...not cause more of it. 

How would you answer a counter back to slowbro? 

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