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About This Club

A club where members can bet on the outcome of matches in various events.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Discord name is: Nathylution
  3. SIÂ (0) vs (0) Real OU 1: MadaraSixSix vs. JFmnnm NU: getovaherez vs. TPOQ Dubs: Jgaw vs. AAAMoonOvO LC: Smadagos vs. skytianm MC LC: TheDH vs. jiekejunA Up to 5M on each bolded bet
  4. 3-1, you owe me 2m. ign: rongrongji
  5. take qqqianx take pppianx take SKYaspera take Uitmxc
  6. OU 1: MadaraSixSix vs. qqqianx (taken by @rongrongji) OU 2: Azphiel vs. EEQi UU: Gbwead vs. pppianx (taken by @rongrongji) NU: Smadagos vs. SKYaspera (taken by @rongrongji) LC: TheDH vs. ZZgggg MC OU: Zokuru vs. Uitmxc (taken by @rongrongji) 1M on each bolded bet
  7. Discord Name: Cochetillas
  8. Guest

    Discord Server

    Discord Name: SzPD .
  9. TCL 4 Betting Thread Discord Server The purpose of this thread is to centralize all bets relative to the [TCL 4] PokeMMO's 4th Team Champions League. Before making or accepting a bet, please read the Betting Rules of the Club. When posting on this thread, please make sure your post(s) abide by the General Forum Rules. Since this thread is in a Club, following the thread is strongly suggested to get notifications:
  10. Sizas
  11. edstorm
  12. razachu
  13. fdshadow
  14. canadasorry
  15. azphiel
  16. Discord name: gautsam
  17. discord name: scottaz24
  18. Bets can also be done on the following discord server: https://discord.gg/KtW8Xv4qjR
  19. Discord Name: gbwead
  20. In order to gain full access to the Betting Club Discord Server (https://discord.gg/KtW8Xv4qjR), you need to post your discord name here. Keep in mind that all the the forum betting club rules also apply on discord, so blaclisted players on the forum will also be blacklisted on discord and vice versa.
  21. @Scootter u won 200k, paid @Bertolfoso I won 300k @DrakeHope u won 300k, I send to your mail @Azphiel u won 600k, I send to your mail @Sebat ganaste 300k, te mando al mail @Imperial Tie! gg! @jorgemaximo ganaste 300k, te mando al mail
  22. take tkmroh
  23. Take myself
  24. The Cacneanderthal (0) VS The MukDonalds Crew (0) OULC1: Smadagos vs zKupo UULC: TheDH vs BartekDolar DoublesLC: GodXebec vs MapleLily SVLC: Zokuru vs PoseidonWrath The Pichu L.A.S (0) VS Dude, where's my Carvanha (0) OULC2: YeyoxD vs KokenoCastro Doubles LC: aldahirramirez vs MeetMew SVLC: Mendeez vs RealDevilLegend The Toxellent Purple Haze (0) VS Clever Big Ekans (0) Doubles LC: RohMartinez vs Gasyflour @Sebat SVLC: PolarPallas vs CarolML Fire Dogs Return (0) VS Cancering Krabbies (0) Doubles LC: YJos vs AkaruKokuyo SVLC: Incognition vs QuinnW @Quinn010 300k each bold, void if sub etc...
  25. LCPL 4 Week 2: The Cacneanderthal (0) VS The MukDonalds Crew (0) OULC1: Smadagos vs zKupo OULC2: enchanteur vs Sargeste UULC: TheDH vs BartekDolar UbersLC: Sizas vs EEdays DoublesLC: GodXebec vs MapleLily SVLC: Zokuru vs PoseidonWrath The Pichu L.A.S (0) VS Dude, where's my Carvanha (0) OULC1: gbwead vs Tawlaa OULC2: YeyoxD vs KokenoCastro UULC: Filantropia vs SebastianRVM UbersLC: JorgeFirebolt vs Bertolfoso DoublesLC: aldahirramirez vs MeetMew SVLC: Mendeez vs RealDevilLegend The Toxellent Purple Haze (0) VS Clever Big Ekans (0) OULC1: DarkQuiler vs xWhinkz OULC2: Skylux vs MaTforU UULC: Flacusaurio vs Cristi UbersLC: Sebat vs NagaHex DoublesLC: RohMartinez vs Gasyflour SVLC: PolarPallas vs CarolML Fire Dogs Return (0) VS Cancering Krabbies (0) OULC1: Hernjet vs Axoa OULC2: ArtOfKilling vs Azphiel UULC: MonkeyDMatthew vs ChronoRike UbersLC: Edstorm vs SweeTforU DoublesLC: YJos vs AkaruKokuyo SVLC: Incognition vs QuinnW

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