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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/22 in all areas

  1. 5th OT - Fail Shiny Koffing, i only took a step forward and this comes out ?
    5 points
  2. I've been playing for over half a year now and there hasn't been a single update other than some vanities and the yearly events. Just implement anything please, I just want something new and I don't even care anymore what it is. Show us that you actually read these suggestions and give a damn about the game and its players.
    3 points
  3. Here's my small shop Shiny Pokemon Skarmory: male, 23/30/20/17/31/12 lax nature Swalot: male, 1/0/24/18/15/11 Modest nature Wooper: female, 26/18/30/2/4/12 Sassy nature (2013) Pawniard: male, 8/15/3/29/8/31 Careful nature 2012 shinies (empty) milotic from first xmas event sold Noctowl from first halloween event sold Butterfree sold Budget Comps Medicham f- Adamant: 25/31/27/x/26/31 Starmie- Timid: 30/x/29/31/25/31 Starmie- timid: 31/x/28/29/25/31 Donphan f- impish: 30/31/31/x/28/25 Flygon m- adamant: 27/31/24/28/26/31 Mismagius m- timid: 29/x/26/31/30/31 Lapras f- Careful: 29/31/31/x/26/26 Gyarados f- Adamant: 28/31/27/x/25/31 Tentacruel f- timid: 27x/29/28/27/31 Cloyster f- Jolly: 29/31/26/x/26/31 Heracross m- adamant: 30/31/24/x/25/31 Gardevoir m- timid: 27/x/23/31/29/31 Gengar f- timid: 28/x/24/31/29/31 Lucario m- Jolly: 25/31/26/x/27/31 Charizard m- Jolly: 29/30/30/x/27/31 Toxicroak f- Adamant: 27/26/25/x/31/31 Gallade m- Jolly: 27/28/26/x/31/31 Luxray m- Jolly: 31/29/31/x/25/31 Primeape m- Jolly: 27/31/30/x/23/31 Linoone f- Adamant: 25/31/23/x/29/31 Galvantula f- timid: 27/x/27/31/23/31 Metagross- Jolly: 31/31/28/x/28/31 Hitmontop- Careful: 30/25/31/x/26/20 Other 2012 randoms: I have some 2013-2014 old mons too- including starters and npc tradeables just ask me
    2 points
  4. 咕咕咕了,经过多次讨论,目前与团队先整小程序;具体进度与设计原型在有一定成果之后公布 这是仿制Ping's pokedex的一个专属于pokemmo的口袋图鉴pc端。 目前开发进度分为四个方向说明一下 数据解析: 当前状态:录入精灵、道具、位置、技能、特性等基础数据, 下一步:数据纠错,数据补充,优质图片资源录入 已有功能开发: 当前状态:正在开发宝可梦查询页面 下一步:特性查询页面 开发阻碍: 当前状态:1.框架不精简,需要边写边优化 2.缺失大量用于计算的数据 3.单人开发效率低 4 图片资源劣质 下一步:我自己优化代码的同时,希望得到仅关于该软件制作方面上的帮助。 建立小团队招收人员。 框架搭建: 当前状态:pc桌面应用搭建,目前只开发window系统,(ps:ios貌似也玩不了mmo) 下一步:安装包大小控制,ui优化 如果有意愿加入且满足以下任意一条的可以call我,我将个人QQ信息放在个人主页 。 1:已毕业,有稳定闲暇时间,开发前端vue 2:有意愿整理已有数据,补充各种缺失数据 3:学过且意愿进行UI设计 我希望这是一个同ping‘s pokedex一样具有高效查询功能的图鉴。 功能完善后,且代码结构优化具有学习意义时,我会开源处理。 目前准备开发的功能如下图 暂不考虑在未完成以下功能时,开发其他功能 开发顺序:宝可梦->特性->技能->道具->... 目前开发周期: 2022.03.09 -2022.03.19 五天录入数据,五天搭建框架 进度预览
    2 points
  5. The rng: ??? I got absolutely destroyed ? JESUS!!
    2 points
  6. Comparing weak ass Choice Scarf Togekiss to a boosted Cloyster with King's Rock/Razor Fang is pretty hilarious. I guess we'll all just need to keep running Lucario and Infernape with Vacuum Wave.
    2 points
  7. Nothing has changed. There are multiple rematch tiers that scale to different percentages of your team's highest level. When you beat one, you automatically progress to the next. The final tier scales to 100% of your level and that's where you are now.
    2 points
  8. .... I feel like i was robbed of some reputation points on that suggestion xd. People were up voting but not liking it. Anyway they did implement some suggestions by the community. Like the one above, the team name change plagues among others. They may just be waiting for the 10th anniversary to release one huge update so we should give them a little more time.
    2 points
  9. I love this games because this is the most fantastic and enjoy to play, one of the best pokemon online in the world like i imagine when i was child and became come true and then now I decided to create theme that i dream of. I have taken inspiration from the default theme, ABDG (A Better Default Gui), Wild Berry, gen 5 and gen 8 then created a theme that looks like this transparent clear and simple look makes your eyes comfortable to play this game for a long time hope you all love this and this is such as my contribution for pokemmo because i love this community This is it POKEMON VOLT WHITE PURIZUMU WIND THEME, POKEMON BLACK SOUL ENDLESS RAIN THEME & POKEMON GENERATION MARNIE THEME !! NEW THEME RELEASE!! POKEMON GENERATION MARNIE Transparent Clean MAIN UI PC Deposite Box Tribal Design, Pokemon Summary, Trainer Card Recolor V.1.6 ROTOM POKEDEX (update V.1.5) GTS / GLOBAL TRADE STATION (Update V.1.5) Battle UI Rounded and Transparent with Color Coded Chart Pokemon Selection Item Selection COLOR-CODED CHART BY NUREE PURPOSE: to see types and which types it is effective against. common elements on top-left: fire, water, grass, electric less used types on bottom-left: rock, ground, bug, poison, ice top-right: normal, flying, steel, fighting bottom-right: psychic, dark, ghost, dragon Rainbow Sword / Shield Bubble Chat Item Bag Gift Shop POKEMON BLACK SOUL ENDLESS RAIN! OPENING BACKGROUND BLACK! PC, Pokemon Summary, Trainer Card BLACK! ROTOM POKEDEX BLACK! MONOCHROME GLOBAL TRADE LINK BLACK! Battle UI Rounded and Transparent with Color Coded Chart BLACK! ITEM BAGS, GIFT SHOP & UI NEW RELEASE!! POKEMON GENERATION MARNIE OPENING BACKGROUND GEN MARNIE! PC, Pokemon Summary, Trainer Card GEN MARNIE! ROTOM POKEDEX GEN MARNIE! MONOCHROME GLOBAL TRADE LINK GEN MARNIE! Battle UI Rounded and Transparent Install Instructions: 1.) Download the file called "POKEMON VOLT WHITE PURIZUMU WIND THEME.zip / POKEMON BLACK SOUL ENDLESS RAIN THEME.zip" 2.) Extract the folder to: \PokeMMO\data\themes 3.) Replace all data for the new one 4.) Open PokeMMO 5.) Go to Settings -> Interface -> Theme 6.) Select: POKEMON VOLT WHITE PURIZIMU WIND THEME / POKEMON BLACK SOUL ENDLESS RAIN THEME Really Like the theme? Feel free to donate by PMing me to show your appreciation towards the hard work I put into making this theme / ** DONATION IS NOT REQUIRED OF COURSE ** Thanks to POKEMMO developer Team and Admin, Nuree, AnonymousPoke, TooManyLuigis My Discord ID: Task Manager#5416 POKEMON VOLT WHITE PURIZUMU WIND DOWNLOAD LINK POKEMON BLACK SOUL ENDLESS RAIN DOWNLOAD LINK POKEMON GENERATION MARNIE DOWNLOAD LINK LINK & VERSION UPDATES: @budadeth @Ivanyxu2000 @PikachuyEmolga On 8/3/2023 at 7:11 AM NOOB SAIBOT !! WELCOMING YOU!
    1 point
  10. 欢迎来到 Clara's Shiny Journey 是一个运气特别差的家伙 但是有着全世界最棒的朋友和旅程! ✨ 自己刻名: 42只 ✨ 目前目标: 闪光水跃鱼
    1 point
  11. ====================================================================================================== ========================================================================================= ================================================================================= =========================================================================== ======================================================= _ https://i.pinimg.com/474x/d4/56/a2/d456a24c48a8dfd611b23ab551ffad04--pokemon-plus-play-pokemon.jpg_ _ __________________________________________ Sick of the same song in PvP all the time? Well, I have the solution to your problem my friend this mod changes the pvp music for the most iconic songs of the franchise, such as the theme of N, the theme of guzma, among others https://www.pngkit.com/png/detail/308-3084366_dj-pokemon-dj-lugia-gif.png Now let's get down to business, here are the links to the mods Archie and maxie ORAS theme Alola tittle defense theme Blue & red theme (sun and moon) Colress theme Frontier brain theme (emerald) Gladion theme Guzma theme Hugh theme Klara theme Iris theme N theme Marnie theme Necrozma theme PWT Red theme
    1 point
  12. luokaiyuanqi

    [FF] 非凡公会

    欢迎来到非凡公会 (不是狒狒) 这是由2021年7月14日成立的公会 入会条件: 1、在群里要活跃 2、三通/资产8m/游戏时长400小时,pvp600分以上四项满足三项(如有工会成员邀请可以降低标准 ) 3、不要小号 (诚招pvp大佬,700分以上可降低标准) 公会审核群:1012190207 公会高层 会长:SIVwang(脾气超好) 副会长: ANP 会长助理: oneby 前会长:ybaisa 团宠: oneby 邀请各位萌新大佬进工会 ,群内有都是萌新,没有严格的制度,进来的都说好,有家一样的感觉 ( ๑ŏ ﹏ ŏ๑ ),每月都有活动 ,内有pvp仓库,不需要任何会费,欢迎各位萌新大佬加入
    1 point
  13. Zwi

    1 point
  14. Breeders D̶i̶t̶t̶o̶ ̶-̶ ̶3̶0̶/̶2̶8̶/̶3̶1̶/̶x̶/̶3̶1̶/̶3̶1̶ ̶(̶J̶o̶l̶l̶y̶)̶ SOLD D̶i̶t̶t̶o̶ ̶-̶ ̶2̶9̶/̶3̶1̶/̶3̶1̶/̶x̶/̶3̶0̶/̶x̶ ̶(̶J̶o̶l̶l̶y̶)̶̶ SOLD Ditto - 30/x/31/x/30/30 (Careful) Ditto - 30/31/26/x/30/x (Careful) Ditto - 29/31/29/x/x/31 (Impish) w/ King's Fall Particle Ditto - 30/31/31/x/25/x (Impish) Ditto - 30/31/27/x/29/31 Ditto - 3̶0̶/̶3̶1̶/̶2̶5̶/̶x̶/̶3̶1̶/̶3̶1̶ Ditto - 30/x/31/x/31/31 Male-Only Mons Tyrogue - 31/31/31/x/29/31 (Careful) Tyrogue - 30/31/31/x/30/31 (Careful) Tyrogue - 29/30/31/x/31/31 (Jolly) ALL EGG MOVES (IMPORTANT ONES) - R̶u̶f̶f̶l̶e̶t̶ ̶-̶ ̶3̶0̶/̶3̶1̶/̶3̶1̶/̶x̶/̶3̶0̶/̶3̶1̶ ̶(̶A̶d̶a̶m̶a̶n̶t̶)̶ SOLD - Will add more soon when i feel like it xD Dm me ur offers here in forums or mail me ingame ign: MeetMew
    1 point
  15. Date: Friday, March 25th Time: 7 pm UTC | 3 pm EST Location: Mt Pyre Ch4 Duration: 1 hour for catching and 10 min to submit entry Pokemon accepted: Nature Bonus: Timid +3 Modest +3 All Scores are judged highest to lowest. You may submit 1 entry only (no prize for the worst) All Pokemon must have been caught within the event time. You will have one hour to catch your entry. Pokemon must be the player's OT. You must link your entry to a participating staff member via whisper to submit your entry. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined through the earliest catch time. Must be part of the team to participate (unless you talk to me beforehand). 1st Place Prize 1 mil  2nd Place Prize 500k Host Ploegy
    1 point
  16. Thank you all for attending my event!
    1 point
  17. man you got outplayed so hard damn
    1 point
  18. You didn't get destroyed at all. You got cheated, pretty much, by one of the most idiotic abilities in this game (and one of many reasons I stopped logging in). Absolutely not your fault, blame TC/ Devs. I'll give you a crab reaction because we don't have a cancer reaction yet, also a screenshot from one of my battles so you won't feel alone in the rng bullshit arena:
    1 point
  19. Something i'm doing is obtaining RP in groups of 1.5K. Ideally 3K RP at a time so I can just buy multiple 1Ks. If there happens to be a vanity, that's perfect. If not, i'll sell my RP. If you stock up on raw pokeyen rn, RP prices will just climb more so you will get less RP for the pokeyen you have on-hand
    1 point
  20. Of all the events to have a vanity item surely a 10th anniversary celebration would have a special vanity item.
    1 point
  21. -------------提交方式------------- Tips: 欢迎玩家们赞助中文分区的活动 点此查看如何赞助 日期 星期五 2022年3月25日 时间 北京时间 20:00 位置 关都地区 枯叶市 Ch.5 时长 1小时 抓捕 另外 10分钟 提交 计分方式 个体值总和+性格分数 = 最终成绩 有效的参赛精灵: 墨海马 性格加分: 胆小(Timid) +3 内敛(Modest) +2 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名, 需要提交一只总成绩最高的精灵宝可梦 要赢得非酋奖, 需要提交一只总成绩最低的精灵宝可梦 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内抓到, 你有1小时的抓捕时间 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样 (未训练、未进化等) 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家 你只能提交1只参赛精灵宝可梦 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给主持人的方式来提交 平局情况下, 最晚抓到的胜出 赞助人 UK InnocenceGirl xuwuqiaomiao zhaozhaoyang makabAKAS Aoffense 主持人 UK BoltBoy Lonemm Clara BigSmartJ 第1名 闪光1V母九尾  第2名 5V固执头巾混混 + 魔杖 第3名 4V0速悠闲帝陨质子坚果哑铃 + 胡桃夹子玩偶 非酋奖 闪光1V大尾狸 + 3V百变怪
    1 point
  22. Oh sweet summerchild. I got some bad news for you ?
    1 point
  23. 已协助修改标题及部分内容格式,以后请以此为模板。 活动通过,祝活动愉快!
    1 point
  24. cwjai

    1 point
  25. YiQiLaDB

    1 point
  26. Eyingsan

    1 point
  27. Neuzzz

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    (This image is for reference) Pirate Hat Pirate Coat Pirate One-Eyed Patch Pirate Hand Hook (like Torch vanity) The Mustache Proper release time: Halloween, Red/Blue Vanities
    1 point
  28. [ CZ ] 公会致力于打造Pokemmo世界中,让大家最快乐,最喜爱的公会! 会长:DXai 没人知道他每天都在忙些什么,但总能在pokemmo世界中发现他的身影,可能是喜欢在四大地区刻意偶遇他那些可爱的公会成员吧 副会长:wzryxk 人送外号:灰太狼,他是萌新之友,几年来,灰太狼帮助的萌新已经累计超过两千人,虽然他们有的或许已经退游,又或者已不在公会,但是对他们印象最深的,我猜就是灰太狼了吧 会长助理: GKGKTT 他热衷于孵蛋,目前已在蛋屋住了超过600个小时了,没错,他还在等他的小金龙某一天突然跳出来 对于CZ公会来说,活动可能很多,也可能很少,因为会长太懒了,又或者会长平时忙于工作,但一个月至少会有2次大型活动,小活动也很多,也有公会成员众筹起来的活动(会长真的超感动) 公会收人要求 ● 不接受任何态度不端,三观不正者 ● 遵守游戏规则,无违规行为者 ● 游戏时间最低100小时 ● 公会审核群:744751960,欢迎大家的加入 最后,我们希望带给[ CZ ] 公会的每一位成员快乐!欢迎大家的加入!
    1 point
  29. @Gengarious1 that software will help
    1 point
  30. 会长就是我们最好的老大哥???
    1 point
  31. 黄章鱼公会冲冲冲! ——会长夫人
    1 point
  32. Date: Saturday, 2nd April 2022 Time: 19:00 UTC | 15:00 ET | 16:00 BRT | 20:00 CET | Time Zone Converter Location: Kanto Indigo Plateau (outside Elite 4), Channel 1 Rules: You must be a team member of AIR. Battles will be singles format with each participant using 4 Untiered PvP Tier Pokemon under standard PvP clauses (Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO). Participants are allowed to modify teams in between battles (e.g. change mons and items). If the opponent is not ready within 5 minutes of the match start time, it will be considered a forfeiture. The bracket will be determined by a random generator and is double elimination (i.e. it takes 2 losses to be eliminated from the tournament). In the event of a loss a participant will enter the loser's bracket. The overall winner of the loser's bracket will fight the winner of the winner's bracket. A win against the winner of the winner's bracket will reset the bracket, and the winner of the loser's bracket must win one more time in order to get first place). Host: SaKuRaluv Sponsor: Masterkeyys - $2,000,000 1st Place Prize - Xairol $1,000,000 2nd Place Prize - xJani $500,000 3rd Place Prize - PCoookie $300,000 4th Place Prize - urCute $200,000 + Futou (Light Violet) Note there has been movement in the extremely popular Untiered PvP Tier! To UU from Untiered: Toxicroak To NU from Untiered: Ninjask Magneton Alomomola Serperior Braviary To Untiered from NU: Sceptile Exeggutor Aerodactyl Seismitoad Honchkrow Altaria Thank you everyone for participating!!!
    1 point
  33. apatea

    我是最最最最大的大帅批 (Gpai)
    1 point
  34. TTBilbo

    1 point
  35. TTBilbo

    1 point
  36. Diano

    Hello! I'm Nicolleon

    feliz un año
    1 point
  37. Hey Nicolleon and welcome c:
    1 point
  38. razimove

    Leaderboard for shinies

    Thdy all would fall short to jonulo, ladder would be something like 1)jonulo 2)jonulo alt 3)4)etc others While fun I dont think it means much as some just shiny hunt rares, while others just do hordes.
    1 point
  39. 春日减肥计划! 动感单车! (星期日, 3月20日 20:00) ❤ 合影留念 ❤
    1 point
  40. I don't find any post saying that shop is closed. Check him later, @DragoTamer. I'm planning to buy my own signature, so i will look for one Signature shop that are Open.
    1 point
  41. Excellent event Cute and ty for hosting ,honored to be one of the judges,congratulations to the winners^^
    1 point
  42. Quakkz

    PokeMMO 10th anniversary

    Make it 10k and I'm in
    1 point
  43. English The game has been around for years And many people stopped playing, For lack of evolution of the Game. Johto is a missing region for players to explore. New challenges, new Pokemons, new strategies. Please support me in this cause. If this suggestion gets enough votes, we will get a great achievement which is the Johto Region. Português Ja faz anos que o jogo existe E muitas pessoas pararam de jogar, Por falta de evolução do Jogo. Johto é uma região que falta para ser explorada pelos Players. Novos desafios, novos Pokémons, novas estratégias. Por favor me apoiem nessa causa. Se esta sugestão tiver bastante votos, conseguiremos uma grande conquista que é a Região de Johto.
    1 point
  44. Sounds like just adding inconveniences to get people to scatter. I gotta say, I don't really see a huge benefit other than 'unpopular areas might see the light of day a couple more times', but the hindrances to the player are certainly obvious. Is that really a worth tradeoff, to obstruct farming to this extent just to promote more obscure areas? To play to the strengths of an MMO, I'd think it's more interesting to add mechanics to encourage many people to farm together, rather than split them up -- even if it's at the cost of the little pond around the isle six ruins never being visited.
    1 point
  45. Gilan

    PokeMMO 10th anniversary

    what do you mean? Kyu is sitting on a beach drinking a pina colada. You think they actually do any work? It's just an emulator where they slapped on some multiplayer code and then released to the masses. Honestly, the whole project is just a cut and paste from various Stackoverflow answers. The only thing they actually work on, and by they I really mean Darkshade, is just some 10x10 pixel cosmetics every few months; not like they are painting the mona lisa constantly. Such lazy devs. Imagine if we actually had individuals who wanted to make a good game, and not just write 1 line of code and then reward themselves with watching 24 episodes of some shit anime show before writing another line of code. I've probably written more code in my Encounter Counter app in the last year than the devs have ever written for the entire PokeMMO game. /s
    1 point
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