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The Asian Team Tournament - General Thread

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Starting May 2024, I'd like to be part of hosting an unofficial version of the Team Tournament, specially targeted to Asian teams who can't access the usual official Team Tournaments due to time issues. This doesn't mean the tournament will be restricted: Everyone can join, this is just an alternative for Asian teams to be able to apply for playing a similar format than the held in the official Team Tournament.

With Queest's help, we'll try to expand this idea to the Asian-CN community in order to make the event more interesting and challenging.



- Up to 32 Teams per month

- Up to 15 participant players per team


Registration Thread

A registration thread will be opened on the same Thursday of the week the event will take place, at 11 AM GMT, in order for teams to register. Up to 32 teams will be registered.

We don't allow 2 alt teams at the same time. In case you want to participate with an academy team, you can't participate with the main one.




- About the standings 

   - 10 points for the champion

   - 5 points for the 2nd place

   - 3 points for the semi-finalists

   - 1 point for the quarter-finalists (if teams registered = or > 16)


The main idea is to follow the similar format and tiers than the official Team Tournament, so the monthly tiering will be the exact same than the official TT, even though we may contemplate adding LC in the future if the event has a good success.


Monthly Prizes:

1st Place Team

3k RP to split as the Captain wishes.


2nd Place Team

1.5k RP to split as the Captain wishes.


Yearly Prizes:

This is a work in progress, but I plan to hold a tournament similar to the Cup of the year between the 8 highest-standing teams, awarding the first one with a competitive shiny depending on what we have around.


Location and Time

Silph Co. Ch.4 (1st F) /11 AM GMT (Can slightly vary depending on circumstances)



Shadow, Queest



Shadow, TBD


Thread is up to be edited, looking for your feedback. 👌




Edited by Shadow
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Posted (edited)

After some deliberation, Queest and I concluded that the first edition of this event will be held on May, 18th, at 11 AM UTC/7 PM China time/1 PM UTC+2/Time Zone Converter

We will open a discord server on this weekend most likely to have a better insight of the event errands.

If you want to apply for being a referee or you want to donate let me know

Referees will be fined 250k for their service.


Edited by Shadow
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If chinese people didn't have problems participating in the official tts, I'm sure they would be #1 in the historical table, this is the bad ending


tambien hagan una tt donde prohiban a los mexicanos y colombianos, pasa piola

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4 hours ago, VelociRaptorr said:

En latan seria alrededor de 5:00 y 6:00 am

On Brazil and GMT -3 countrys, it's 8 AM. Bad, but since it's on Saturday we can still compete although not optimal.

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17 minutes ago, Jejejer said:

How many players needed for each tier? Is there a reg fee and what are the prizes? Tahnks

1 player per tier, no registration prize. As said in the general thread, 3k RP for the winning team, 1.5k for the 2nd team.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The next edition may take place on June, 15th. If we don't say otherwise, this will be the date, so expect registrations to be opened at June 13th, same time (11 AM GMT).
下一届可能会在 6 月 15 日举行。如果我们不另行说明,那就是这个日期,因此预计注册将于 6 月 13 日同一时间(格林威治标准时间上午 11 点)开放。

Edited by Shadow
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  • 1 month later...

Next edition might be held on July 20th. Due to some stuff (in which I include vacations of course and some burnout) we will probably have only 1 edition in Summer, this including august, under the name "Asian TT-Summer Edition", so unless I say otherwise, we won't have another edition until September at least.

下一届可能会在 7 月 20 日举行。由于某些原因(其中当然包括假期和一些倦怠),我们可能只会在夏季推出 1 个版本,其中包括 8 月,名称为“亚洲 TT 夏季版”,所以除非我另有说明,否则我们不会至少要到九月才会有另一个版本。

Tiers: OU/NU/Dubs

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4 hours ago, bobliu said:

it will be the same day as the official TT then.

After talking to Queest, we both agree on the fact that holding the TT the same day than the official one isn't the best idea, so we will move it for the day 27 instead.

We didn't expect they wouldn't make it on the last week of the month. If this is caused due to an update we will move this to August, but for now it will stay on July 27th.

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