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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/20 in Posts

  1. 1st Time Played:105hrs Encounters:30293 SRIF
    10 points
  2. Shiny grimer <3 easy and free hunt in celadon city
    5 points
  3. Correct, the judges won't take the likes in consideration ^^
    3 points
  4. PrincessDia


    This is Pokémon world equivalent of sending this letter to government; "I think it would be good if people could pay a small fee to get past some exams because they lack knowledge in that field." If your Pokémon is weak or lower leveled, you are not supposed to get past that Gym to begin with. If you do, you will be even more underleveled for the next content. Gyms serve as a checkpoint to lesser experienced trainers. Their primary purpose is to point out when the training is lacking and make it obvious for the trainer if his team has a serious flaw against a type. I'm against the idea of a feature that prevents healthy progression of a trainer.
    3 points
  5. Perfect Disguise Date & Time Friday, 27th March 2020 23:00 UTC - 23:00 GMT - 19:00 EDT - 20:00 BRT Time Zone Converter Location Route 123, Hoenn - Channel 3 **To get there you must Fly all the way to Lilycove City, then go back Route 121, then down Route 122** Duration 1 hour for catching Another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Species Bonus + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries: Azumarill Surskit +3 Lotad +3 Nature Bonus: Timid +5 Modest +3 First Place Prize SHINY GIFT Lotad Your choice of nature, 2 moves with IVs 2x31, 4x25 & 1,000 Reward Points Second Place Prize 700 Reward Points Third PlacePrize 300 Reward Points Rules To win this event you need to submit an entry that scores the highest. All Pokemon must have been caught within the event time. You will have one hour to catch your entry. Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokemon will not be accepted as a valid entry. All Pokemon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...). Pokemon must be the player's OT. You can only submit one entry. You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit your entry. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined through the earliest catch time. Participating Staff: CommanderBlue MPDH White BrokenBulb
    2 points
  6. You can't force people to do thing like you do, it's personal choice, you are diligent and got time? Feel free to grind forever. No one ever stops you from that, but don't ever force people do the same just because it seems right to you, that's dictatorship. Being "lazy" has nothing to do with "play it smart", just because you spent more time grinding will never prove you've chosen smart decision, after all, the creativity of people mind cannot be estimated by your own experience. Your so called "effort", is grinding, and mine, is "think and do thing differently", when there are demands, there come supplies, that's market, learn it. If they can beat the game with just one Meowth, that's way so smart and worth praising for their excellent skills, being salty over that won't get you anywhere anw
    2 points
  7. Roster: RMW SêVí SIÂ VGC DgTs LYLE NORE läva BSDO Live LØRÐ HDLM RØSE BR ÁvE VVVV Reserves: LËM NöyP Pâst DXZ] , God of death (lack of team tag), AW (lack of edit) AURA with that weird A (alt team, and I mostly write it here cause I miss Daryl) Team RE is not counted on last spot on reserves, because it was originally a post that contained "....ds" ds is not a team tag, or team name. And as I've made it in rules: "Entry must include team tag. Entries without at least team tag that are later edited, will be not taken into consideration even for reserves "
    2 points
  8. shiningluck


    It's simply an idea to help lazy Trainers who don't want to level up their current mons to beat the Gym/ or have enough money to buy some mons from GTL for gym clearing. Do this and I'm 100% fine with that idea: rental pokemons can't receive exp. from battle (just like holding an Amnesia Brace), can't be traded/ released/ bred and all have a "timer" countdown to auto-return to their owner after 1 hour of receiving (by mail, of course)
    2 points
  9. It's all good. SGMs deal with countless appeals daily, and their everyday duties keep them busy most of the time. So don't worry about it, I'm sure you weren't left out. :)
    2 points
  10. Team Name: KingCheerios Team Tag: LYLE Registered Players: Artemiseta, NikhilR, Senjutsuka, Demeter, BurntZebra, Kanzo, DoubleJ, Pablobacas Team Captain: Artemiseta
    2 points
  11. And who is "we"?
    2 points
  12. This mod is an HD version of 3ds sprites. Download 0.9.10 Update 0.9.10 - 02/03/2024 -Added Moltres sprites (Normal Back, Shiny Front and Shiny Back) -Added Moltres to table-summary -Optimization: Removed duplicated frames from rest of Gen 5 Backsprites -Resize proportion fixes Front: Moltres: -1% Shiny Hunters Version Current progress Front/Back Sprites: ▪️ Gen 1-5✔️ ▪️ Shiny Sprites✔️ ▪️ Alternative Forms✔️ ▪️ Female Sprites⚠️ Old updates Credits to Magnus (@TilableToast) to create these HD sprites for Gen 1-4 and Shiny Gen 5. Also credits and special thanks to @Insensitivity for making and sharing the Gen 5 HD normal sprites and all Backsprites.
    1 point
  13. PokeDex (PokeMMO Version) Troubleshooting Credits: Thank you @LeZenor and @YIBU for trying to help me with this PokeDex Guide. Number 63 (abra) was giving me quite a bit of some trouble. As of the time of making this guide, I had to split pokemon data into sets of 25 pokemon per post with certain exceptions. Thank you @Deviluke for cleaning up the Guide's extra posts and @SecretDjinn for moving this guide to the Guide Tavern. Thank you @Rynner for your contribution to the Burmy→Wormadam wild location and evolution line. Thank you @JuliusMarch for showing me the Mobile "Find in Page" feature on the mobile devices. Thank you @ty76hj for giving us an early look into Johto Locations. I added them into the guide. Hello, welcome to the PokeDex Guide for PokeMMO! People asked me where to catch certain pokemon for their Dex, so I decided to make a guide to refer people to (not to mention, you also need to at least see all the pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex in order to be given the National Dex in game which can let you access areas that would of been gated off otherwise). This guide would like to make life easier for those who either need to document a certain pokemon or for a Breeder who would like to have quick hand knowledge of what Egg Group a pokemon is in. Here is how I plan on applying the information: Ie: -------------------------------------------------- Beta Concept: 304. Pokemon (Egg Group) New Concept: I would like to thank @YIBU for consulting me on a better way to document the Dex information. So now this Dex project is a joint venture! - 2/25/2020 Also, thank you @JuliusMarch for showing me the search option on mobile devices! - 4/22/2021 Note: The exterior will remain the same, but the interior (or the Spoiler of the Guide) is going to be quite different. -------------------------------------------------- To make life a bit easier, I would like to list all the Egg Groups so you can copy and paste them into your CNTL + F search tool on laptop or if you are on mobile, copy the egg group in your clipboard and click on the three dots to the top right of your device, then click on "Find In Page": Monster Water A Bug Flying Field Fairy Plant Humanoid Mineral Water C Chaos Water B Ditto Dragon Cannot Breed Genderless Note: Pokemon in the "Genderless" Egg Groups can breed with themselves as long as they are in the same evolution line like Metang and Metagross. I wish everyone well with their Dex Completion or Breeding Projects. For anyone that wants more detail on how to Breed here on PokeMMO, then you can either check out the Guide version of the process or my self help video that I made with @Lin about the topic. If you would like to see a list of Pokemon based upon their respective Egg Group, then feel free to check out the Pokemon Egg Group Index (PokeMMO Version). Feel free to check out the ItemDex Guide for the available item list for a pokemon and Egg Moves for certain Pokemon can be listed in the Egg Move Index Guide. If you would like to know Swarm information, then you can check out the Swarms in PokeMMO Guide (2nd Edition). If you would like to know the different Phenomenon Locations and Types, then feel free to check out @MightyBoxer's Phenomenon Locations Guide. If you would like to know the mechanics of Lures and Pokemon Lure Locations, then feel free to check out @MustangCZ's Lure Guide. If you would like to know more about Shaymin, then feel free to check out @Edwardinho's Shaymin Guide. If you would like to know more about Suicune, Raikou, and Entei, then feel free to check out @Damian's Legendary Beasts FAQ. If you would like to know more about all the Legendaries, then feel free to check out @Amitai's Completing the PokeDex: Legendary Pokemon Guide. If you would like to see only the Encounters in each route, then feel free to check out the Pokemon Encounters for PokeMMO Guide. If you would like to see the Experience Types for each Pokemon listed, then I have a Pokemon Experience Level Index for PokeMMO. For an entire list of all the Abilities and what Pokemon can have them, then feel free to check out the PokeMMO Ability Index. For an entire list of the Pokemon's Base Stats, then feel free to check out the Pokemon Base Stat Index for PokeMMO. For an entire list of all the Pokemon Evolutions, then feel free to check out the Pokemon Evolution Index for PokeMMO. For a list of some useful Items a wild pokemon could hold, then feel free to check out my PokeMMO Item Dex (2nd Edition) Guide.
    1 point
  14. 研究进展: 下面开始正文内容: 一、基本规则: 这是官方更新公告以及游戏内孵蛋预览界面(点击个体)可以看到的官方对闪蛋孵化机制的英文解释: 中文翻译: 孵蛋时若父母都是闪光, 子代也为闪光. 在培育闪光精灵时, 子代的个体继承情况与普通精灵表现不同, 规律大致为: 有4项个体会直接遗传. 直接遗传之中, 2项一定取父母的较高值, 另外2项正常计算. 2项取平均. 解释: “直接遗传”: 子代在某一项上取父方或母方的个体, 有50%概率遗传较高的一方, 50%遗传较低一方, 一定不是平均值. “平均值”: 父母个体相加, 再除以2, 如有小数点则向下取整. 但是, 从大量实例出发得到的规律稍有差异. 如果根据父母携带项圈数量给个体继承分类, 情况如下: 携带两个项圈时, 锁定两项个体, 然后剩下四项个体随机取两项, 它们取最高值. 剩下两项取父母个体的平均值. 只带一个项圈, 锁定一项个体, (另一只精灵带了不变之石), 剩下五项随机三项取最高值, 剩下两项取平均值. 不携带项圈时, 随机三项个体取最高值, 剩下随机两项个体取平均值, 剩下一项个体随机, 取大取小的概率都为50%. 如果以原文对比这三条结论: 两圈完全符合. 一圈中有一项个体并不是必定最大. 无圈中有一项个体不是必定最大. 随机个体取大取小可能不是五五开. 显然是有出入的, 但我们还是采纳了根据实验观测得到的结果导出的结论. 对于这些"出入", 可以看最开头的"研究进展"部分, 或者参照后续回复帖的内容. 二、实例教学: 这是两只闪光精灵, 都携带项圈, 让他们生蛋. 他们的个体如下. HP 物攻 防御 特攻 特防 速度 17 29 7 13 31 31 A精灵 锁定特防 31 21 31 27 17 14 B精灵 锁定防御 项圈锁定双防. 接下来会随机两项, 子代直接继承父母较高的一方. 若随机的两项恰为双攻(都非V), 则最终子代只有2V. 若随机的两项为一个V项和一个非V项, 则子代会是带有HP和速度之一, 再加上双防的3V. 若随机的两项恰为HP和速度, 则子代为4V. 实际结果为: 24 29 31 20 31 31 锁定双防后, 随机的最大项为物攻和速度, 取到平均值的位置是特攻和HP. 结果为3V. "四项中取两项"共有6种组合, 其中4种情形对应3V, 而2V与4V各对应一种, 所以3V的概率为2/3. 不错项的2+2孵蛋结果也为3v, 结果对赌博来说不亏. 注: 这里的实例以及下面的概率演算全部按照古典概型基础, 通过组合知识进行理论上的概率计算. 计算结果仅供参考. 如有错误还劳烦指正. 攻略不治脸黑. 三、细节与补充: 21年9月的更新之后, 孵蛋界面的个体概率正常显示, 而且闪蛋规则有了官方的描述( 尽管和本帖在2020年的结论不尽相同, 可能后续还需要实验), 故对前文做了一些补充. 在游戏里的孵蛋预览界面, 点击/指针悬浮在个体栏上会显示个体继承规则, 以及这一项个体对三种情况的可能概率. 需要注意的是, 游戏展示的是特定一项个体的遗传情况, 和下文对于精灵个体出V的个数概率型估算是两回事. 最下面的“概率演算”部分按照父母个体情况,从低v到高v进行排列, 列出分别锁定两项时和锁定一项时对应子代可能的个体情况. “锁定一项”的推算数据是按照五项中三项个体取最大来处理的. 再次说明, 如果要按照原文理解, 有一项随机项不是必定最大, 而且它的概率依然是模糊的. 可惜的是我们仍未看到这样的实例发生. 如果您认为这一假设极其不合理, 可以先行无视这一部分. 默认项圈锁定的是含V的个体. 有些特殊要求的个体(如速度0)视作V即可同理处理. 另外也提醒各位孵蛋前仔细检查. 数字代表个体V的数量. 重项和错项指的是父母V的位置是重合或者错开. 因为个体的波动范围不看来源, 只看位置和高低, 所以父母的每项个体是可以相互交换的. 意思就是说假如父本的某一项V给到母本原本非V的地方, 对子代的概率型是没有影响的. 知道这一点可以做出很多等效运算, 比如3+3和4+2就是等效的. 如果有发现有遗漏的条目也可以依此法处理. 帮蓝鼻子打个广告,在他制作的工具箱里也添加了闪蛋个体估算工具, 非常方便. 既有闪光孵蛋也有非闪孵蛋. 在他的网站的留言帖里也对目前的进度做了详细的叙述,欢迎移步前往阅读. 再次感谢一些卖素材给我的大佬, 还有直接资助我的蓝鼻子大佬, 以及乐意分享孵闪过程的大佬. 也特别感谢能回复、指正此帖的YIBU大佬. 感谢各位阅读, 希望对大家有所帮助. 附: 部分概率演算展示 1.锁定两项 2.锁定一项 By.dorybo(是一个没钱孵蛋, 但是喜欢乱算的萌新)
    1 point
  15. Download 0.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5whyket2j2t7jba Version 0.1 - 08/12/19: If you have any problems with the mod please let me know here or on Discord. Please phrase any messages for me in English as i do not understand others.
    1 point
  16. 目前流行的戏法队,破壳队,66队等都能稳定三搬,熟练后药耗都偏低,具体攻略贴吧自寻。 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/14DvNHtwpIaGrwM4J4dljCA 提取码:s2cc (四地区天王阵容图以及配置收录表格,最后一次更新,且行且珍惜。)
    1 point
  17. Members Only + Lottery is Free Expiring date: April 30th 2020 Prize Fancy Butterfly Wings Details Select 1 number and post your number and your ign, After date expires i will randomly Select a winner, with a random number Gen selector. 1 mightyboxer 2 3 4 Kamowanthere 5 6 7 Tactics 8 9 Areille 10 Jaafri 11 Dibz 12 13 MurkyHope 14 15 TechnoVortex 16 17 18 Kuplion 19 Archfey 20 Pyroslay 21 Brokenbulb 22 NouGatine 23 DoubleDee 24 Thegreatguy1 25 26 27 MrJesusS 28 Aaereon 29 30 31 32 Fixedgaming 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 AlphaKru 43 44 45 Hannah 46 47 48 49 deemoaaron 50 XXJorelXX 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Willfer 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 ZorNiFieD 75 76 77 78 79 Taystee 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 rainaaa 89 90
    1 point
  18. -------------提交方式------------- Tips: 欢迎玩家们赞助中文分区的活动 点此查看如何赞助 日期 星期日, 2020年4月5日 时间 北京时间 20:00 地点 神奥地区, 209/208号道路 - ch.5 计分方式 个体值总和 + 性格分数 = 最终成绩 有效的参赛精灵 拉鲁拉丝+5 毒蔷薇+3 姆克儿 性格加分 胆小+5 爽朗+5 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名, 需要提交一只总成绩最高的精灵宝可梦 要赢得非酋奖, 需要提交一只总成绩最低的精灵宝可梦 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内抓到, 你有1小时的抓捕时间 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样 (未训练、未进化等) 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家 你只能提交一只参赛精灵宝可梦 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给主持人的方式来提交 平局情况下, 最先抓到的胜出 第1名 斑蝶羽翼x1(原价1,500奖励点,活动开始时已经绝版)  第2名 寿星KaItsit刻名:拉鲁拉丝 5v的个体,性格胆小,适合进化沙奈朵 第3名 10个新年大红包(2020年) 绝杀奖(最后十分钟内的最高分,与前三名的奖励不冲突) 寿星Mousaier刻名:拉鲁拉丝 5v的个体,性格爽朗,适合进化艾路雷朵,遗传了影子偷袭 & 一个进化用的进化觉醒之石 闪光奖(活动期间抓到闪光精灵) 恶臭质子x1(无限供应) 主持人 Hibikl- 直播间 KaItsit 感谢本次活动的赞助人!Mousaier,KaItsit,希望大家可以享受本次活动!活动时也可以观看直播关注活动状况噢! 当然要祝两位生日快乐!!! KaItsit ☆寿星☆-4月6日 Mousaier ☆寿星☆-4月4日 活动的标题翻译:未来由你自己把握!这句话送给两个月要高考的各位! 两个月不长也不短,至少现在再努力也不迟! 适当的放下游戏吧,参与完这次活动,认真拼搏一把,心仪的大学再朝你们招手!
    1 point
  19. We got a report about huge and powerful monsters at Resort Area beating all pokemons and scaring the tourists away. We need help to end with this! Are you brave and strong enough to join this task force? WARNING Do not join the task force if you're scared or aren't strong enough! These monsters feel the smell of fear and weakness and they will crush you mercilessly before you can blink. WE CAN'T GUARANTEE YOUR SAFETY! What is needed to join the task force? Access to the location Super Rod If you don't have your Super Rod, please talk to the fisherman at Fight Area. Where was the monster seen? Resort Area (Sinnoh), at the lake by the Pokemon Center. Me and Lin will be at channel 1. When are we gathering for this task? On 29th March at 9pm UTC. Timezone Converter What do I need to do? This task is not easy, so we will split it in 3 rounds: Round 1 You'll have 1 hour to catch the strongest lake monster and show it to me or @Lin, the staff members who is responsible for this task force. Your entry must be: Wild lvl. 100 Magikarp. After the time limit, you'll have 10 minutes to link your entry to us. The winner will be decided according to the entry with higher IVs. If there's a draw, the prize will go to the earlier catch. If no lvl. 100 Magikarps are caught, we'll move to Round 2. Round 2 More 30 minutes will be given to catch a lvl. 100 Magikarp. The first person linking one to me or Lin will be the winner. If more than one is linked in this time, the earlier whisper will be the winner. If there's a draw, the earlier catch between them will win. If there are still no lvl. 100 Magikarps, we'll move to round 3. Round 3 You'll have 15 minutes to link the best Magikarp you caught during the first or second round to me or Lin. Lvl. 100's won't guarantee the prize anymore. Points will be calculated by: Total IVs + Level = Total points. If there's a draw, the earlier catch will be the winner. Rules The OT must be yours. The Magikarps must remain untrained, trained ones won't be accepted. It must have been caught during the event time, starting when I announce on Global EN chat. Any players found to have started the hunt before the event begins will be disqualified. Your entry must be made through whisper for me or @Lin. Mailed entries or entries submitted to other Staff members won't be accepted. Prize Lvl. 100 Shiny GIFT Magikarp IVs 2x31 and 4x25 Your choice of Nature and 2 moves Hosts: Teddi and Lin
    1 point
  20. SISTEMA DE PLANTAÇÃO E VENDA DE BERRIES NO MART. Português Prezados participantes, jogadores de pokemmo e também os administradores dessa plataforma. O sistema de venda de BERRIES sofreu uma forte redução no preço de sua venda no MART, no ano de 2019. Devido a essa redução no preço das vendas, tornou-se inviável o plantil e o comércio das berries por partes dos jogadores que tinham como renda principal o comércio das mesmas. Segundo o sistema do jogo, essa medida visa balancear a economia. Todavia, o resultado atual dessa medida não contempla a ideia planejada, haja vista que o custo de compra de sementes se faz maior que o lucro com a venda das berries. Ademais, a consequência desse problema reflete na impossibilidade de muitos jogadores participarem do mundo competitivo do jogo. Sem a renda principal, com a venda junta das berries, mais jogadores perdem o interesse de contribuir com a economia do pokemmo. Com isso cabe uma mudança nos valores éticos e administrativos VISANDO UM EQUILÍBRIO EFICAZ. Dessa forma, cabe aos responsáveis pelas mudanças dos sistemas do jogo reavaliarem esse problema, e tornar acessível e justo a venda de berries pelo preço que estas valiam antes. EXEMPLO: ( A imagem segue anexada abaixo ) Observação: O exemplo foi usado com 1 tipo de berrie e pode ser aplicado com qualquer outra. Inglês SYSTEM OF PLANTING AND SALE OF BERRIES IN MART. Dear participants, pokemmo players and also the administrators of that platform. The BERRIES sales system suffered a strong reduction in the price of its sale in MART, in the year 2019. Due to this reduction in the price of sales, the stock and the trade of berries by the players who had as main income trade in them. According to the game system, this measure aims to balance the economy. However, the current result of this measure does not include the planned idea, given that the cost of buying seeds is greater than the profit from the sale of berries. Furthermore, the consequence of this problem reflects the impossibility of many players to participate in the competitive world of the game. Without the main income, with the joint sale of berries, more players lose interest in contributing to the pokemmo economy. With that, a change in the ethical and administrative values is AIMED FOR EFFECTIVE BALANCE. Thus, it is up to those responsible for the changes in the game systems to reevaluate this problem, and make the sale of berries affordable and fair at the price they were worth before. EXAMPLE: (The image is attached below) Note: The example was used with 1 type of berber and can be applied with any other.
    1 point
  21. Starts in 1 hour! See you all there o/
    1 point
  22. Good service, good store, good lucky!.
    1 point
  23. Game is fine, no need, stop being lazy, berries arent preventing anything.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Hi, Sorry, but we do not plan to ever support JP GBA FireRed/Emerald roms. It is difficult to do so, and we don't think it is worth the time. We will support JP HG/SS later on.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 为什么我的闪都木有变大,就加了跟随mod啊
    1 point
  28. 会 会 不会 会 不会
    1 point
  29. FighterChamp


    It's Not such a bad opinion But as Kupokun said, Problem will come while returning the poke. Suppose You took a magikarp For 2 hrs as rent, then you released the pokemon. Now here problem comes. But Still a this opinion will be very helpful for newbie trainer.
    1 point
  30. Team name: Pokemon Aura Team tag: AURA with that weird A Registered players: Forfiter, JimmyPowka, ForfiXXX Team captain: DarylDixonTWD
    1 point
  31. Team Name: LåLïgäFílípínâ Team Tag: [NöyP] Registered Players: QueenDinz, Singhot, buangka, LilBlackx, SenpaiShiro, Phenobarbital, Xerophobia, LJake, JustRimuru, Beebam, TheAlmightyKreed, Natnitx, xHermanox, AeonRed Team Captain: TheAlmightyKreed
    1 point
  32. Team Name: GuardiansoftRose Team Tag: [RØSE] Registered Players: CuervoSabio, azzazz, InuYashaL, xShandow, Yeikochu, iFreddyRodriguez, GasaiYunoSan, branYT, ninamik, JorgeFirebolt, CristhianArce, OscarCrespo, TSLuluAylen, EXCALlBUR Team Captain: JorgeFirebolt
    1 point
  33. 19th - 1.5k Leppas ~ This is never gonna leave my party lmao
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. For God sake , stop asking for jhoto!
    1 point
  36. Quakkz

    We Need a few things in PokeMMO

    i dont think you know what the word "need" means
    1 point
  37. Kyu

    Changelog: 17/03/2020

    Update 2 Bug Fixes Fixed battle icons not displaying faint status in Team Preview matches Fixed chat server reconnecting in client Fixed blocklist enforcement
    1 point
  38. "Infernape's Determination!" A little more. -A little more- I kept saying, waiting for my Infernape to get up. We managed to get to that point, the point where I, Playnerx, could become Sinnoh's Champion, where I could show everyone that I had overcome all my fears. Cynthia's Garchomp, still resistant, kept his eyes on Infernape, who was struggling to stand up, waiting to end that fateful combat. "Infernape uses Flare Blitz!" I shouted. But seeing the situation, I seemed to understand that nothing but the silence that filled the room was happening. "Come on, Infernape! Get up!" I continued to shout, while my face began to show signs of perplexity. -We have faced many battles, this will not be the last-, I repeated to myself, bringing to my mind the memory of the first time we met, of his willpower and his stubbornness. . . That was exactly how Chimchar seemed to me that day when, together with my friend Formiichina, we ventured into Eterna Forest. Suddenly, as we went into the woods, we heard a noise coming from the back of a tree, and curiously I tried to get closer. "Don't get too close, you don't even have a pokémon with you!" Formiichina yelled at me. "But you do!" I replied. From the tree, in an instant, a pokémon that looked like a moth, with yellow eyes propped up, and with green wings came out. "Stop!" screamed Formiichina. "It's a dustox!" She concluded. We watched the pokémon go towards us, and in a moment Formiichina freed Piplup on the field, ready for the battle. "Piplup, use Bubble Beam!" Formiichina exclaimed, while watery bubbles came out of Piplup's beak at great speed. Dustox dodged the attack, and began to launch a toxic liquid on Piplup, which a few moments later found himself K.O. "Oh no, Piplup!" Formiichina exclaimed, while Dustox approached me threateningly. As soon as he started to repeat the same move on me, a small shape emerged from the bushes, a Chimchar, I tought, recognizing it from the tuft of fur creating the shape of a flame. But how could it be possible to found there, in Eterna Forest, a Chimchar, if Chimchars used to be nearby Valor Lakefront ?. As I asked myself these questions, Dustox stopped, and as soon as he looked away from me, Chimchar rotated in a whirlwind of fire straight to Dustox, knocking him out. "T-Thanks," I said, seeing a serious and determined look on his part. It was in that moment I realized nothing could stop us. "Infernape! I know you can do it! I've always known!" I yelled, while Garchomp seemed to cheer over the apparent victory. "Let's finish Garchomp! Use Dragon Rush!" said Cynthia. Garchomp wrapped himself in an electric blue light, and prepared to slingshot on my Infernape. "Show me the strength and courage of our first meeting, Infernape!" I shouted puzzled, urging him on. Suddenly, Infernape seemed to get up and release, first quietly and then tangibly, a red fire, which was now taking on the bluish colors, heading furiously towards Garchomp. A moment, just a moment, then there was nothing but the impetus of an explosion that brought me and Cynthia to the ground. I shielded myself from the smoke with my hand, rising impatiently, already convinced that I hoped in vain for my victory. But as soon as the smoke dissolved, I saw him: Infernape, previously aching, was now illuminated by an immense fury, which had put him back on the ground. Garchomp, on the other hand, was completely K.O. No sign, nothing at all for a few seconds except the realization that after so many battles an fights, I had won the war. And all thanks to Infernape.
    1 point
  39. Kuritustianu


    Hi, I have a proxy configuration at my place, at my work actually, it´s a proxy http with user and pass, is there a way that I can configure Pokemon MMO to play through that proxy? Help and very thanks
    1 point
  40. Did you even read my post? Where did I write anything about dual stab Hera? Where did I mention Stone Edge? How the hell Jelli, Clops and Weezing are answers to +2 guts boosted Facade and N-Slash? Do you play UU my dude?
    1 point
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