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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/22 in Posts

  1. Phase 4 with 27k encounters. Scyther next pleaseeeeeeee
    16 points
  2. Dear SGM,pokemmo has become more and more popular in China recently, and there is a growing call to beautify the Android client. Therefore, I would like to put forward my opinion: we can use a more simpler way to import the homemade UI android interface, just like the PC side. I hope you can consider my suggestion,thanks.
    5 points
  3. Details Automated Tournament | Double Battle | 64 Players | 6v6 Doubles Date Sunday, 27th March 2022 Time 14:00 UTC | 11:00 BRT | 16:00 CEST | 22:00 CST | Time Zone Converter Registration Registrations will open 15 minutes prior to the tournament. You can register by clicking on the PvP menu option (Masterball icon) and then select "Tournament Signup". You may only enter on one account. Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO Tournament Clauses Explained 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Lotad Lv.1 Your choice of gender, nature, 2 moves, with 3 selectable IVs + 3x28 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
    4 points
  4. 6th Shiny In Iron Island came after going 71k dry. As the saying goes 7th time is the charm, riolu next for sure
    4 points
  5. wtf? this totally destroy a big part of the game, it's always been an important thing to me, both having some evasive pokemon, and moves that never miss, like aerial ace, shock wave etc i've also just spent a lot of money breeding pokemons based on that strategy, and i just discovered they cant be used in pvp what's the problem? luck based? then why dont also exclude fire blast, blizzard, sleep powder, every move that has not 100% accuracy? but also flamethrower, thunderbolt, with 10% of deal a status that's luck based, not to mention critical hits, are you serious? if that's strategy is overpowered to you it's just because you are just bad at probabilistic calculation, you should play chess instead of destroy the pokemon game, ridicolous that toxic spikes and stealth rock are not considered over powered instead
    3 points
  6. Date Saturday, 12th March 2022 Time 20:00 UTC | 15:00 ET | 17:00 BRT | 21:00 CET | Time Zone Converter Location Route 3, Kanto, Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total sum of IVs + Species Bonus + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Sandshrew + 3 Mankey Nature Bonus Impish +5 Jolly +3 Adamant +3 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Participating Staff Cosmooth DeusBruno xJoseee 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Sandshrew Lv. 1 Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 3 selectable IVs + 3x28 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
    3 points
  7. IGN: Blue Blue after his long year journey as a Pokemon trainer, achieved everything and decided it's time he retires. Using his pension, he bought a ship and got ready for a new journey. A wild Pelipper, which was nearby, almost lost his sh.. I mean lucky egg after hearing Blue screaming out loud : I AM GONNA BECOME THE KING OF PIRATES!!!!
    3 points
  8. Quitezy (Leo) won 2-0 against Endiii
    2 points
  9. Competition alley > Unofficial tournaments. Host your own stuff with your own rules and hope people participate in it. But not too much hope either. Cos evasion is the opposite of both competitive and fun so good luck finding people to play with.
    2 points
  10. This one was actually so hard (rip my money). Items Used: X Sp. Def x3 X Special x3 X Speed Moomoo Milk x6 Antidote x2 Full Restore x2 Super Potion Revival Herb bubble beam blaster
    2 points
  11. IGN: LockeBack Kinda late, but this is such an amazing contest, with so many great outfits, that I just couldn't sit out of it. Hope someone likes my Iceboy Costume and my Icelady Frosty.
    2 points
  12. Quinn010

    Smeargle Sets Guides

    where is the kingsrock set to destroy walls ?
    2 points
  13. TMXI

    [合众] 剧情图文攻略

    感谢喵哒的授权许可。由我进行转载。 本帖是合众(黑/白)的一般走法,新手按此教程即可在 PokeMMO 合众通关。 合众参考攻略 刚开始时是老规矩,决定角色改好名字后就会进入游戏。 想容易一点选其他两个精灵 一开始出现在主角家中,裘伦说有紫杉博士送的宝可梦,三选一(新人喜欢选草蛇,草蛇开局) 电脑版向前对着礼物盒按Z Lv5 (地狱难度) 刚选完,贝尔一言不合就放在开战,两劲敌轮番上阵 战斗结束,家里一片凌乱,三人赶紧下楼相约博士研究所门前见主角从妈妈那里收到实况接收器 出门去鹿子镇左下的贝尔家找她,原来是个叛逆少女 然后去左上角红色房子,三人进了研究所,获得宝可梦图鉴,博士先行前往1号路 出门主角妈妈送三人各一幅地图 1号路上博士亲身示范如何捕捉宝可梦,还送5个精灵球 因为草蛇开局,先捉一只家门狗(小约克)备用 Emmm ... 出门20 万到手..... 旅程正式开始,向上到达唐草镇时博士打来电话,前往宝可梦中心,略微介绍了下各种设施(本作中心和商店合并了) 回去先草丛 出来左走看到一群人赶集参加活动,原来是等离子团哥吉斯的演讲,大家叫解放宝柯林斯梦 演说完成后出现一个神秘人N,嘲笑过后直接开战 PM 信息: 索罗亚 5级 扒手猫5级 2 号道路遇见麻麻给鞋子,按一下X(B键)就可以跑啦! 在2号道路顺便练一下级 补好状态,离开唐草镇后经2号路前往三曜市,中途遇到贝尔的挑战 PM 信息: Lv6 Lv7 获胜后进入三曜市,宝可梦中心隔壁的宝可梦学校遇到裘伦切议 PM 信息: 暖暖猪10级 扒手猫8级 打完去三曜市左上角梦之遗迹打NPC升级,问NPC顺便获得冷水猿 接下来去挑战道馆,机关是克制窗帘的地上图标,分别踩水,草,火。 三曜道馆 PM信息: 爆香猴 14级 小约克 13级 获胜后得到三角徽章和TM83-自我激励(TM 只能用一次,HM可以用无限次,切记) 出了道馆遇到博士助手真菰,拉进家里送HM01-居合斩,令委托主角前往梦之遗迹跑个腿 再次来到梦之遗迹遇到贝尔,发现食梦梦,突然出现等离子团,两方开火 打败喽啰后出现哥吉斯,原来是梦梦蚀让众人产生梦境,此时真菰赶来,一番对话后获得装置和好友手册 继续,三曜市左边来到3号路,途中有个宝可梦培育屋和幼稚园,没走几步裘伦又上来开打 PM 信息: 扒手猫12级 暖暖猪14级 获胜后看到等离子团急匆匆跑过,后面贝尔和一小孩紧追不舍,原来是偷了小孩的宝可梦 跟随裘伦大哥深入地下脉络,痛扁等离子团,抢回宝可梦 回去小孩送上治愈球,继续向下出发,又遇到裘伦,了解到深色的草丛可以遇到两只宝可梦 把石丸子放首位,练级3 号路尽头就是七宝市宝可梦中心上方是博物馆兼道馆,刚想进去又碰到N PM 信息: 搬运小匠14级 豆豆鸽14级 圆蝌蚪14级 索罗亚16级 失败后的N自言自语一番,博物馆里有工作人员可以复活化石 博物馆内部就是道馆馆,机关是爬书架找书,很简单,最后打开机关可以地下道 阿罗埃 PM信息: 步哨鼠18级 哈约克16级 差不多娃娃16级 获胜后得到基础徽章和TM67-报仇 突然阿罗埃老公跑进来大喊大叫,原来是龙骨被等离子团抢走了 主角紧追出来,认识了飞云道馆馆主阿缇,同时从贝尔那里获得道具探测器 前往矢车森林路上获得TM94-碎岩和阿缇兵分两路深入矢车森林,伊布可以在这里进化为叶伊布 森林深处打到偷龙骨的小偷,随后自称七贤者之一的阿斯拉来到,阿罗埃和阿缇也随后赶来 对话一番后阿斯拉离开,阿罗埃赋予主角月之石表示感谢 穿过长长的桥终于到达伊修地区最繁华的都市,飞云市 入口处下方的拇指码头可以拿到三只猴子进化用的石头 进入飞云大厦,上电梯,先上47层再到55层,打败白领和老太后获得学习装置 顺便找人交易进化庞岩怪(先小石头进化地幔岩) 城市最上方的飞云广场有一个舞者要求组队,主角帮他找两个舞者一个在苗条街内,街内一大叔突然跳出来送TM70-闪光 另外一个在苗条街下方的联合码头(左边开始数第二个码头),三人聚集后获得护身金币前往道馆 认识等离子团又出来闹事了来到黎明码头,原来是贝尔的宝可梦被抢走了,同时等离子团小喽啰出现后赶紧溜走 往道馆街方向追捕,解决门口的手下进入大厅,七贤者高谈阔论的讲述宝可梦与伊修关系 七贤者把宝可梦还给贝尔后离开了,终于可以去挑战道馆了 道馆采用穿墙和踩按钮的机关,把所以按钮全踩下就行 阿缇 PM信息: 车轮球22级 保姆虫23级 宝包茧21级 石居蟹21级 获胜后得到甲虫徽章和TM76-虫之抵抗 刚出道馆贝尔电话过来约战,向上4号路离开飞云市,贝尔已经等候多时了 PM 信息: 双刃丸21级 爆香猴19级 食梦梦19级 哈约克19级 打发完贝尔又来裘伦 PM信息: 炒炒猪22级 花椰猴20级 酷豹20级 豆豆鸽20级 打完博士又来电话,说相约雷文市然后4号道路左拐去荒野名胜区捉一只黑眼鳄,一只象征鸟 经过沙暴满天的4号路来到雷文市,从博士那里拿到10个高级球后进入城市 两个等离子团又在抢别人宝可梦,教训后获得自行车贝尔突然出现,说要去看音乐会 跟上去,在会场里获得装饰盒,随便给宝可梦装饰一番 出来时贝尔爸爸要拉贝尔回去,关键时刻道馆训练家前来开导了贝尔爸爸 精灵中心左上的一间房子里获得HM04-怪力刚想去 挑战道馆就碰到N,拉着主角去坐摩天轮(两个男的一起坐摩天轮,画面喜人) 落地后N发起挑战(新手卡关点) PM 信息: 索罗亚 26 级 滑滑小子 23 级 象征鸟 24 级 黑眼鳄 23 级 火红不到翁 23 级 有庞岩怪直接可以一打五了,接下来可以去挑战道馆了,道馆采用坐过山车和踩踏更换路线的机关 卡米兹蕾 PM 信息: 电电虫 25 级 雷电斑马27 级 电飞鼠25 级 电飞鼠25 级 获得伏特徽章和TM72-伏特替换刚到5号道路,裘伦又上来挑战 PM 信息: Lv24小拉达Lv24咕咕鸽 Lv24花耶猴Lv26炒炒猪 同时在5号路上结识了伊修联盟的冠军阿迪克,裘伦似乎掩藏了怎么变强的执念中去了。 卡米兹蕾命令放下了帆卷吊桥通过帆卷吊桥来到帆卷市 为了去挑战道馆必须先抓住等离子团,来到城市下方的冷冻集装箱里找到犯人 一番对战后亚空赶来押走了等离子团前往道馆途中七贤者出现救命被被抓的人然后去挑战道馆,道馆采用左右升降键的前进方式 亚空 PM信息: 龙头地鼠31级(难点) 蓝蟾蜍28级 混混鳄29级 泥偶小人29级 获得地震徽章,亚空叫主角在6号路等他一下 离开帆卷市之前贝尔赶来挑战 LV27 LV27 LV27 LV29 获胜后得到HM02-飞天 6号道路稍微把鸟儿跟庞岩练一下,要不然很难受,切记! 6 号道路顺路捉一只哎呀球菇升到24级学习甜甜香气,备用(深绿色草丛有27级的) 来到6号路尽头的电气石表面,亚空打开了门口的蜘蛛网,教主角技能TM78-压路一进洞就故人重逢, 先后看到N和贝尔以及紫杉博士,寒暄后深入顶内部,击败等离子团喽啰后遇到N,开战 PM 信息: 索罗亚克 30级 齿轮儿 28级 种子铁球 28级 地幔岩 28级 电电虫 28级 获胜后博士和贝尔赶来,不过N好像相当讨厌紫杉博士出了电气石上面来到吹寄市 宝可梦中心隔壁的屋子里有回忆和忘却技能的NPC 宝可梦中心旁边遇到博士的父亲和吹寄道馆馆主弗洛,不过弗洛要先往7号路的天堂之塔,主角追了上去 到达天堂之塔,杀到高层,找到弗洛,敲钟,随后回道馆挑战,道馆在吹寄市左走(买一个冰光给冷水猿) 与道馆馆主弗洛开战 PM 信息: 舞天鹅34级 心蝙蝠32级 高傲雉鸡32级 象征鸟32级 咕咕鸽32级 获得喷流徽章和TM62-杂技道馆出来碰到N,认识他要寻找两块神奇的石头来召唤英雄,离开吹寄市,往7号路另一头来到螺旋山, 果然裘伦又来了 PM 信息: 武炎王 36 级 花椰猿 34 级 高傲雉鸡34 级 酷豹 34 级 地幔岩 34 级 对战后阿迪克出现,送上HM03-冲浪 学习装置给鳄鱼,进入螺旋山,原来是亚空的地盘,出山前遇到裘伦与等离子团看到这么多人就是出口了 先给冷水猴学个劈瓦 去挑战道馆,道馆采用冰面旋转舞蹈和踩机关改变旋转方向哈奇克 PM 信息: 冰原熊 39级 几何雪花 37级 白海狮 36级 双倍多多冰37级 魔海狮 36级 获得冰柱徽章和TM-79冰息 打完道馆出来受到等离子团埋伏,发现N相约主角在龙螺旋塔, 就在城市上方尽头看到紫杉博士父亲得到森之羊羹 进入塔里,一路向上,击败无数等离子团喽啰 其中一层更被四个人围攻 历经无数战役后终于爬到最顶层,看到N和一只黑色的巨大宝可梦在一起 原来N已经苏醒并收服了捷克罗姆/白版为莱西拉姆,再次相约主角决战于宝可梦联盟 出塔后为了苏醒另外一只神龙对抗N,众人决定前往古代之城寻找白昼之石 来到4号路的观光沙漠区,深处找到古代之城入口 沙漠底下可以获得两种化石分别为和 一直往流沙里走(流沙区不要跑步不要骑车就能过),进入最下层 最底下再次遇到哥吉斯,并期待主角与N的约定 哥吉斯走后紫杉博士打来电话,在七宝市已经找到白昼之石,赶紧飞过去取货 顺便进去把化石孵一下 然后不过剧情,先去吹寄市往下走吹寄洞穴捉一只个体尽量攻速有20+的牙牙 地点:6号道路补给屋往右走冲浪,记得买好球 这种也可以,然后我会选择去鲤鱼王去孵蛋一下 先点高级搜索 然后去邮箱拿 3号道路找老爷爷 孵蛋! 然后继续推主线 为了了解莱西拉姆和捷克罗姆的故事,从雪华市底下出发前往双龙市,中途久违的贝尔前来挑战 PM信息: 功夫鼬 38级(带燕返) 爆香猿 38级(带草系打草结) 大剑鬼 40级 梦梦蚀 38级 长毛狗 38级(带火焰牙) 途经圆桶桥再遇哥吉斯,又废话一篇 来到9号路一出来就收到TM56-掷物,前方就是双龙市了 刚进城市碰到阿迪克,又遇到哥吉斯演讲会 完了前往夏加和艾莉丝的家里获悉两只神龙的故事 双龙道馆用的是启动龙爪和龙首,然后前进的机关 艾莉丝 PM信息: 双斧战龙 45级 双首暴龙 42级 赤面龙 43级 双斧龙 42级 七夕青鸟 42级 获得传说徽章和TM81-龙之尾 打联盟之前开始练习级给鳄鱼买个地震,柔软的沙子在沙漠名胜区一个黑色NPC对话获得 鳄鱼有40级后带齐精灵来到9号道路,给牙牙一个学习装置,开始刷经验+努力值 刷够252 点攻击努力值可以去螺旋龙之塔冲浪甜甜香气刷速度努力值鲈鱼 集齐8个徽章后可以去挑战宝可梦联盟了,从同时博士紫杉 那里得到大师球过道里收到通知7号路天气异常,10号路重新出发,快到联盟前裘伦发起挑战 PM 信息: 酷豹44级 庞岩怪44级 武炎王46级 花椰猿44级 高傲雉鸡44级 经过8重大门,终于来到之冠军路人往高处走 挑战四天王之前准备(牙牙等级不够去刷灰尘山,进化到双斧巨龙学地震自己群怪) 56 级双斧巨龙(带龙牙)配招:地震,十字剪,龙爪,龙舞 56 级流氓鳄(没有黑色眼镜,带柔软沙子)配招:地震,欺诈,其余随意 其他4只随意 补10个厉害伤药,出发 四天王分别是:恶,幽灵,超能,格斗 精灵一览(交易行7000捡了一只太阳岩): 幽灵天王:(流氓鳄首位) PM 信息: 泥偶巨人50级(欺诈秒) 水晶灯火灵53级(地震秒) 死神棺50级(不对攻击性格个体24,252努力值秒不了) 恶天王:(双斧巨龙鳄首位) PM 信息: 酷豹50 级 流氓鳄50 级 劈斩司令53 级 头巾混混50 级 阿勃梭鲁50 级 开局龙舞 十字切直接带走 龙爪带走头巾混混 被威吓,十字剪流氓鳄残血补龙舞 继续十字剪带走 劈斩司令直接地震带走 灾兽十字切,完毕 超能天王:双斧巨龙首位 PM 信息: 巨金怪50 级 哥德小姐53 级 象征鸟50 级 人造细胞卵50 级 梦梦蚀50 级 开场龙舞 地震收掉 象征鸟没克制,直接龙爪收掉 人造细胞卵,十字剪收掉 哥德小姐也是十字剪 梦梦蚀也是十字剪 格斗天王:(双斧巨龙首位) PM 信息: 修建老匠50 级 打击鬼50 级 路卡利欧50 级 师傅鼬53 级 投摔鬼50 级 同样开局龙舞 龙爪直接带走 投掷鬼特性满血不会频死,换蛇炮灰 再上流氓鳄地震,对面换炮灰秒掉 卢卡先手打不死,继续地震,秒掉 对表面打击鬼,继续地震残血没死,换太阳岩给双斧奶一下然后大爆炸 没死残血换龙龙舞,然后龙爪不死,继续龙爪 投摔鬼龙爪,结束 击败四天王后调查中间的石像进入地下,进入最终的殿堂发现阿迪克已经被N打败了 随后N召唤出了等离子之城(打N失败可以从医院的离子团小兵传送回去)只见一座宏伟的城墙从地底冒出,无数黑锁连上了殿堂N 先行撤退,主角赶紧追上,遇到六贤者以多欺少,随后道馆训练家们赶到进入N的城堡第一层第二间房子可以恢复体力第二层第一间房子可以使用电脑(身上最好只携带5只宝可梦)第三层则有N的房间(小屁孩的房间)进入最上方,N召唤出雷希拉姆同时白昼之石有了反应,捷克罗姆苏醒,对战收服它(之前先找个精灵带护符金币,要不然最后少很多钱) 之后会自动划分宝可梦最后一位 用普通球就行,收服莱西拉姆后N正式发起战斗 PM 信息: 始祖大鸟50级 索罗亚克51级 肋骨海龟50级 双倍多多冰50级 莱希拉姆52级 齿轮怪51级 老规矩龙舞 十字剪收掉 直接龙爪 继续龙爪 海龟用地震残血,补龙舞继续地震秒 龙爪莱西拉姆 地震齿轮怪结束 N 被打败后,哥吉斯气急败坏,原来他才是真正的幕后黑手,终于和哥吉斯第一次交手了 PM 信息: 三首巨龙53级(难点) 蟾蜍王51级 爆炸头水牛51级 死神棺51级 麻麻鳗鱼王51级 劈斩司令52级炮灰一只精灵上冷水猴急冻光束,上捷克罗姆龙爪收 蟾蜍王继续龙爪,死了换双斧龙爪收 爆炸头水牛强行龙舞提伤害,龙爪秒 死神官血厚换精灵补血炮灰 麻麻鳗鱼王用龙爪秒掉,地震对它无效 地震劈斩司令,秒掉 死神镊子直接龙牙,结束 伴随哥吉斯被打败,一切尘埃落定,阿迪克和裘伦押走哥吉斯 一周目结束,神兽变回了巨型手办
    1 point
  14. Elenzard

    [GUI] Umbreon Shiny

    A Greeting to All The People Who Pass by My Post. I Present You My First THEME. -Information: the sources used are not mine. -For those who have liked my topic and want to contribute, a donation will be well received and appreciated. My nickname: Elenzard Link: https://mega.nz/#!IwJEhYqa!halrbTxf38GKfgUTEVMrzGBjRFdmFpv3pEBQPmYz49M -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Un Saludo ah todas las Personitas que se pasan por mi Post. LES PRESENTO MI PRIMER TEMA -Información: las fuentes usadas no son mías. -Para quienes les gusta la canción y el tema. Mi nick: Elenzard. Link:https://mega.nz/#!IwJEhYqa!halrbTxf38GKfgUTEVMrzGBjRFdmFpv3pEBQPmYz49M Login Screen: Battle: Trainer Card:
    1 point
  15. katto


    如下图,烈焰马*5怪群的经验值(含经验护符)为8700+ 在第二次战斗的时候,地震只击杀了4只烈焰马,但是如果烈焰马用了猛撞并且因此被反伤死了,则依旧可以在地震后一口气获得了8700+的经验值而不是分段获取经验值,并且烈焰马自杀后无经验值结算文本信息与动画。 这样就形成了一种预知未来的错觉,在烈焰马还没撞死的时候,惊角鹿就因为对面即将撞死而获得经验值了。薛定谔的烈焰马(大雾) ps:如果没撞死获得经验就是正常的烈焰马*4的经验值。 那么虽然没什么用, 但是有个问题,假设我的精灵正好需要“烈焰马*5”的经验才能升级到56级, 而此时遇到如图这个情况,击杀4只烈焰马并获得“烈焰马*5”的经验值并升级了。 那么,烈焰马对你的猛撞是以56级的能力值进行结算的呢,还是55级能力值进行结算的? (答案:55级。因为经验值的结算其实依旧在本回合的最后进行,只是画面和语言文本显示提前了。其佐证就是在升级的时候,己方宝可梦不会立刻提高自己的HP上线)
    1 point
  16. Hunt for Shiny Ralts until 18-03-2022! Rules - You have 1 week to catch a shiny Ralts. - It has to be caught between 11-03-2022 and 18-03-2022. - It has to be your OT. Prizes 1st person to catch shiny Ralts: Lucky Red Envelope x5 + Ice cream clerk uniform + any unclaimed prizes Claimed by Breehzy, congratz! 2nd person to catch shiny Ralts: Lucky Red Envelope x3 + Xmas present x5 + Donation from Breehzy: $500k + 4x31 timid Magnemite 3rd person to catch shiny Ralts: Lucky Red Envelope x1 + Xmas present x3 First shiny Bibarel: 2x31 Calm Unown + RageCandyBar x1 Event host: BuurmanTim Post screenshots of your catch in a reply to this topic or link it in game to claim your prize! Donations are welcome, send them to my in-game mail and I will credit you in the prize list.
    1 point
  17. English The game has been around for years And many people stopped playing, For lack of evolution of the Game. Johto is a missing region for players to explore. New challenges, new Pokemons, new strategies. Please support me in this cause. If this suggestion gets enough votes, we will get a great achievement which is the Johto Region. Português Ja faz anos que o jogo existe E muitas pessoas pararam de jogar, Por falta de evolução do Jogo. Johto é uma região que falta para ser explorada pelos Players. Novos desafios, novos Pokémons, novas estratégias. Por favor me apoiem nessa causa. Se esta sugestão tiver bastante votos, conseguiremos uma grande conquista que é a Região de Johto.
    1 point
  18. Like if people over farm karps in one location the encounter rate of karps actually decreases. The opposite would happend if people dont hunt a poke in a specific area. This would actually encourage people to try farming pokes in different areas of the game. Areas they normally wouldnt go to. If you're afraid karps would be over farmed and go extinct you could set like a minimum encounter rate which a poke's encounter rate doesnt go below no matter how much its farmed OR you could set a reset timer to change the encounter rates to normal after a specific period. The minimum encounter rate should be significant enough to discourage people from farming the pokes anyway despite it being lowered. Same goes for the reset timer it shouldnt be so frequent people dont notice the encounter rate drop/increase.
    1 point
  19. Hey im new please give me 100m and a shiny cyndaquil, thanks alot!!!!!!!
    1 point
  20. Turning Poke MMO into web app would open the door to iOS, and make it more accessible to the public. I know it's possible because PokeMMO can run on kindle fire, but a kindle fire can't run ds games, and I currently run a web app nds emulator for iOS that blew me out of the water. Lmk if this seems like a viable option ?
    1 point
  21. Date Sunday, 13th March 2022 Time 7 PM UTC | 4 PM BRT | 2 PM ET Time Zone Converter Location Relic Castle, Unova, Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total sum of IVs + Species Bonus + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Larvesta +8 Cofagrigus Krokorok Nature Bonus Modest +5 Timid +3 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Participating Staff DeusBruno Seth Cosmooth 1st Place Prize GIFT Volcarona Lv. 60 Your choice of nature, 4 moves, with 6 selectable IVs & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
    1 point
  22. This event will start in 50min, good luck everyone!
    1 point
  23. MedioMuerto Won 2-0
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I hope they add this to the game. It adds a little more customization to story reruns. Its certainly something that most pve players would enjoy.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Ra

    Let's Create a new meta

    People acually do this by agreeing to terms before a battle. But I like battling with wild caught OT shinys. This creates a similar meta game but the wild shiny OT makes other pokemon more rare It also encourages random IV pokemon because breaded pokemon are almost nothing but 30-31 Looking for people who do the same and train wild caught OT pokemon. I have 3 of them so far(had 6 but stuff happend)
    1 point
  28. Shhhhh

    Let's Create a new meta

    1 point
  29. nice event ❤️ my lonely pokemon and me ign: PCoookie
    1 point
  30. The Underbelly of Castelia What's a RatGod without his Rats?
    1 point
  31. Thanks for the info! Am I correct in assuming that the jump stone allows you to jump in place?
    1 point
  32. i don't think that staff will consideir their ban for now. He recently has been banned from UU, so staff need some time to avaliate if really dugtrio are broken or not in OU. Acorrding to their usage, and the argument used on suggest of King's Rock Ban(If a mon doesn't have 6% usage, then isn't viable), dugtrio in moment, isn't viable on tier because had 3% usage. "But community recognize that mon is anticompetitive and don't use the mon". Well, this can happen with Top Ranked Players, but novices doesn't have this good sense, and spam everything that players of here says that are "OverPowered". I need to remember Porygon-Z UU? That in first month, had 11% usage, and after one year, and a huge amount of players talking that mon are "OP" in UU, he are spammed by novices until reach on 20% Usage? Or King's Rock Cloyster, that before the post asking their ban, had 2% usage, and after post(the post, at least until the moment that i write this, idk if staff will ban item in future, didn't have the expected results.) starts to being spammed until become the most used item on cloyster
    1 point
  33. I don't know how to update, if anyone knows and wants to do it, please do.
    1 point
  34. Chase your dreams! You wanna read a short story? "Obstacles are opportunities", they say. My Salamence understood that. My green friend Bagon always wanted to fly: he trained so hard that he made a mess as you can see. He achieved it. He taught me not to give up. Now I fly too. Now we are living our lives. If you read this, please chase your dreams. Even if we get hurt, we should never abandon them. You can Fly with us too... We are ready to fight with no surrender! IGN: DragonTamerBEFV
    1 point
  35. when reading necro threads is more interesting that logging in
    1 point
  36. With great power comes great responsibility Players have all the right to complain about whatever especially in a game where they invested time and/or money. The game being free and good is not relevant.
    1 point
  37. 6.6补档 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QP3wF3wO7s9SDakzgMBELg 提取码: mgpt 超极巨喵喵Ver0109 (楼下已更新新版本)
    1 point
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