Popular Post Gilan Posted January 2, 2015 Popular Post Posted January 2, 2015 *Not so new anymore kek What is the goal of this guide? 1. To explain the basics of the new breeding system. 2. To explain how to acheive a perfect 6x31, correct nature pokemon, and how much it will cost (on a monetary level). 3. To also provide a more "economical" approach to the breeding system. 4. If you wanna know how much breeding might cost you, check out OldKeith's Guide What is NOT the goal of this guide? 1. To argue about whether or not the breeding system should be changed. 2. To complain about losing pokemon in the process. 3. To vent anger at the system. 4. i.e. Anything not related to receiving/giving help with breeding Disclaimer: This is a TEXT HEAVY, Graphic Minimal guide. If you just want to know the basics of the new breeding, then read the numbered list below. If you want to know how to breed what you want, then delve into the sea of text in any of the following three sections. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Basic Breeding Video (Highly recommend watching, especially if you don't like to read): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, here are the most important mechanics in the new breeding system: 1. Both parent pokemon are traded away to the daycare couple and will NOT be given back to the player. 2. Two parent pokemon will produce ONE egg (no more, no less). 3. An egg will hatch over a period of time (no steps or flags anymore). 4. One can give an everstone to a parent with a desireable nature to have a 100% chance of passing that nature down to the offspring (the everstone WILL be consumed along with the parents). 5. Three IVs are passed down directly from the parents to the child. The other three IVs are then calculated by the averages of the parents, which are rounded down. 6. One can use a brace, which can be bought from a NPC who resides in each daycare for 10k each, and these braces can be given to a parent to ensure that a specific IV of your choice is passed down to the child (this DOES count as one of the three directly inherited IVs for the child). 7. If a pokemon has two potential abilities, then there is an 80% chance that the mother's ability is passed to the offspring. 8. The player is capable of switching a pokemon's ability with a consumable item; thus ability breeding is not a concern at the moment (mechanics for abilities will change in the future as stated here). 9. You can choose the gender of the egg for a fee, listed in the spoiler below, which scales with the species' gender ratio (the more unbalanced the ratio, the more expensive). Spoiler 75% = 9,000 - 5,000 50% = 5,000 - 5,000 25% = 5,000 - 9,000 12.5% = 5,000 - 21,000 %'s represent chance of being female. Blue = Cost for Male Pink = Cost for Female Credit to Munya & DS 10. Genderless pokemon of the same evolution line (i.e. a magnemite and a magneton) can breed together. Note that you still cannot breed two dittos together (but ditto still can breed with any other pokemon). 11. Hidden Power breeding is mostly pointless, since you can get a 6x31 pokemon with any hidden power you want thanks to typed gems (look up mysterious gems). 12. This is a useful guide for egg move breeding. 13. You can shiny breed in this game. 2 regular parents give normal (1/30,000 + modifiers) odds of getting a shiny. You cannot breed a normal pokemon with a shiny pokemon. If you breed 2 shiny pokemon together, the offspring will be shiny. The IV's are passed in the following manner: 2 IVs are randomly selected, but can be dictated by Breeding Braces 2 IVs are randomly selected, but they choose a stat (of which cannot already be selected by the previous bullet point), and then picks the higher IV between the two parents the remaining 2 IVs are averaged between the two parents. Bred shiny pokemon's OT is determined differently than regular breeding. If the offspring pokemon is of the same evolution line as your OT shiny, then the offspring will have your OT. So, for example, you have a male shiny Charmeleon, and you breed with a random OT shiny female Charizard. Even though the female parent isn't your OT, the offspring Charmander will have your OT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -credit to RacheLucario This section lists out step by step how to get a perfect 6x31 pokemon with the correct nature. Open the spoiler below (WARNING: prepare yourself for a wall of text and numbers) Spoiler TOTAL REQUIREMENTS Spoiler · Money - Open the spoiler below to see how much a 6x31 would cost at a minimum, how much a natured 6x31 would cost at a minimum, how much a 5x31 would cost at a minimum, etc. (note: the costs will be much more than the minimums due to gender correcting and pokeballs) Spoiler 6x31 - 930,000 Natured 6x31 - 1,800,000 5x31 - 480,000 Natured 5x31 - 855,000 4x31 - 210,000 Natured 4x31 - 390,000 3x31 - 90,000 Natured 3x31 - 165,000 2x31 - 30,000 Natured 2x31 - 60,000 1x31 - *catch it* Natured 1x31 - 15,000 · 1x31 Pokemon - We will be using sixty-three 1x31 pokemon (Open the spoiler below to see the ratios that you need) Spoiler You must catch/obtain the following ratio of 1x31 Pokemon (the order does not matter, but how it is presented will be in alignment with this guide's example): Presented in this format: " HP : ATK : DEF : SPATK : SPDEF : SPD " 6 : 15 : 20 : 15 : 6 : 1 When I say "order does not matter", I mean that a spread of: 1 : 20 : 15 : 15 : 6 : 6 would also work. · Natured Pokemon - We will only need one correct nature pokemon and you don't need to worry about its IVs. · Everstones - We will need 6-7 everstones (depends on gender correcting) · Braces - We will need a minumum of 120 braces (depends on gender correcting) Now, let's get to it. (Note: we are starting from complete scratch, and in most cases it would be better to trade for a necessary pokemon rather than catch and breed yourself, as genders can really mess things up, which makes the process much longer and much more expensive than originally planned) PART 1 - Perfectionists Requirements: Spoiler · Money - AT LEAST 626,400 (620,000 for braces and 6,400+ for pokeballs) This is the absolute minimum, and is nearly statistically impossible. You will likely be spending around 900,000 for this part if you catch your own pokemon. · 1x31 Pokemon - you will need thirty-two 1x31 pokemon, some specific ones will be needed more than others, however I highly suggest keeping any and all 1x31 pokemon you catch. Spoiler You will need a spread that looks like, but not necessarily in the same order, as: 1 : 5 : 10 : 10 : 5 : 1 Note that the example given in this section will be using the ratio given above. If you use a different ordered ratio, then make adjustments accordingly · Everstones - None. Part one is constructed so that if you get lucky (a 1/25 chance) you won't have to do part 2. · Braces - 62 braces are needed for Part 1. Step 1: (You will need AT LEAST 2 pokeballs, almost certainly more, and 20k pokeyen to buy the two braces) You need to go out to the wild and start catching a pokemon that you would like to breed. Keep catching this pokemon until you have caught two with at least one 31 in differing stats. In this example, my first pokemon look like this: 31/0/0/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 Now take them to the daycare, put a brace on each of them and then get the egg and it should turn out to look like: 31/31/0/0/0/0 Step 2: (You will need AT LEAST 2 pokeballs, and 20k for the braces) Repeat step 1, but this time you need to catch a pokemon with a 31 IV in one of the stats that you got in step one, and a pokemon that has a 31 IV in a stat that you have yet to get. So for this example it would look like: 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 Do the same thing you did in Step 1, an the child should come out looking like this: 0/31/31/0/0/0 Step 3: (You need 20k for the braces in this step) Now we have two 2x31 pokemon. Let's breed them together to make a 3x31 pokemon. For this example we have: 31/31/0/0/0/0 0/31/31/0/0/0 Put the braces on the two IVs that do NOT overlap for the two parents, and then breed the two together. In this example the child turns out looking like: 31/31/31/0/0/0 Step 4: (You will need 4+ pokeballs and 60k for the 6 braces) Repeat steps 1-3, except make sure that your new 3x31 will have exactly two 31's that overlap with the 3x31 pokemon we made in Step 3. So for this example: The pokemon we would catch would look like: 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 After breeding our caught pokemon, we would have: 0/31/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 After breeding our two 2x31's, we would end up with this 3x31: 0/31/31/31/0/0 Step 5: (You will need 20k for the braces again) We are now going to breed the two 3x31 pokemon. Once again, put the braces on the two stats that do not overlap. For this example we have: 31/31/31/0/0/0 0/31/31/31/0/0 Once we put the braces on the two and breed them together, the baby will look like: 31/31/31/31/0/0 (a 4x31 pokemon) Step 6: (You will need 8+ pokeballs and 140k for the 14 braces) Repeat steps 1-5, except make sure that your resulting 4x31 pokemon will have precisely three 31 IVs that overlap with the 4x31 pokemon we made in Step 5. For this example it will look like: The pokemon we catch will look like this: 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/0/0/31/0 Once we breed our caught pokemon, they will turn out like this: 0/31/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 0/0/0/31/31/0 Now we breed the 2x31's together to get the 3x31's: 0/31/31/31/0/0 0/0/31/31/31/0 Now we breed the two 3x31's together to get the 4x31: 0/31/31/31/31/0 Step 7: (20k for the braces) Breed the two 4x31's together and make sure you put the braces on the non-overlapping IVs (like I need to tell you at this point anyways). For this example our two 4x31's look like this: 31/31/31/31/0/0 0/31/31/31/31/0 When we breed them together with the braces we get: 31/31/31/31/31/0 (a 5x31) Note: many breeders will be able to stop here as most pokemon only need to be a 5x31 and have no need for that sixth stat. These people may skip to step 10. But if you are a perfectionist, continue to the next step. Step 8: (16+ pokeballs and 300k for the 30 braces) Repeat steps 1-7 and ensure that the resulting 5x31 has precisely four 31's that overlap with the 5x31 pokemon we produced in Step 7. For this example it's going to look like this: The pokemon we need to catch: 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/0/0/31/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/0/0/31/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/0/0/31/0 0/0/0/0/31/0 0/0/0/0/0/31 Now let's breed all of these together: 0/31/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 0/0/0/31/31/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 0/0/0/31/31/0 0/0/0/31/31/0 0/0/0/0/31/31 Now let's breed these 2x31's together to make some 3x31's: 0/31/31/31/0/0 0/0/31/31/31/0 0/0/31/31/31/0 0/0/0/31/31/31 Let's convert these 3x31's into 4x31's: 0/31/31/31/31/0 0/0/31/31/31/31 Now let's make the 5x31: 0/31/31/31/31/31 Step 9: (20k for the 2 braces) We can finally make the 6x31 from our two 5x31's. Make sure you do NOT forget the braces!!! In this example our two 5x31's look like: 31/31/31/31/31/0 0/31/31/31/31/31 When we breed them together with the braces we get: 31/31/31/31/31/31 (our 6x31 pokemon!) Note: this may or may not have the right nature, that is why we make this guy first. If you got lucky, then you are done! If it does not have the right nature, continue on. PART 2 - Getting Hardy Requirements: Spoiler · Money - AT LEAST 586,400 (580,000 from braces and 6,400+ from pokeballs) Again, this will cost you much more, unless you are the luckiest thing in the universe · 1x31 Pokemon - You will need to catch a total of thirty-one 1x31 pokemon. You will need some specific 1x31's more than others, so I suggest you catch these as you go. I will suggest again, that you should keep any and all 1x31 pokemon that you catch. Spoiler You should have a ratio similar to, but not necessarily in the same order, as: 5 : 10 : 10 : 5 : 1 : 0 Note that the following example uses the ratio given above. If you use a differently ordered ratio, then make changes accordingly · Natured Pokemon - You need only catch ONE correctly natured pokemon, and you do not need to care about its IVs. · Everstones - You will need 6 of these stones, and their monetary cost is negligible as you should get them from wild geodudes and gravelers. · Braces - You will need 58 braces for this part. Step 10: (2+ pokeballs, 1 everstone, 1 brace) Now our goal is to get the right nature. So we need to catch a pokemon with the right nature (Hardy for this guide) and a 1x31 pokemon. In this example we get: Hardy - 0/0/0/0/0/0 31/0/0/0/0/0 When you go to trade these two pokemon to the old couple you will need to give an everstone to the natured pokemon and a brace to the 1x31 pokemon. In this example we put the everstone on the Hardy pokemon and the brace on the 1x31 pokemon, an this will give us: Hardy - 31/0/0/0/0/0 Step 11 (repeat of Step 1): (2+ pokeballs, 2 braces) We now need to make a 2x31 pokemon (don't worry about the nature of this one). This 2x31 pokemon needs to have precisely one IV that overlaps with our natured 1x31 pokemon. So in this example we catch two pokemon that look like: 31/0/0/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 and when we breed them together (using braces) we get: 31/31/0/0/0/0 (Sounding repetitive yet?) Step 12: (1 everstone, 1 brace) Now we are going to breed the natured 1x31 together with the 2x31 pokemon. You will need to give the natured 1x31 pokemon an everstone, and you will need to give the 2x31 pokemon a brace on the IV that does NOT overlap. So in this example we have: Hardy - 31/0/0/0/0/0 31/31/0/0/0/0 When we breed the two together, we get: Hardy - 31/31/0/0/0/0 Step 13: (4+ pokeballs, 6 braces) Time to make a 3x31 pokemon... again. Take a look back at step 11. We are going to do this step twice. The first time you repeat this step you will be making the exact same 2x31 that you use in step 12. The second time you repeat step 11 you will want to make a 2x31 that has precisely one overlapping IV with the other 2x31. So in this example it looks like this: We catch: 31/0/0/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 We then breed them to make a pair of 2x31's: 31/31/0/0/0/0 0/31/31/0/0/0 We then breed these two together to make the 3x31: 31/31/31/0/0/0 Step 14: (1 everstone, 1 brace) Now you want to breed the natured 2x31 and the 3x31 together. Make sure to put the everstone on the natured 2x31 and a brace for the non-overlapping IV for the 3x31 pokemon. In this example we have: Hardy - 31/31/0/0/0/0 31/31/31/0/0/0 When we breed these two together with the correct items, we get: Hardy - 31/31/31/0/0/0 Step 15: (8+ pokeballs, 14 braces) This is going to be a double repeat of Step 13. You want to make the exact same 3x31 as you used in step 14, and then you will make a 3x31 that has precisely two IVs that overlap with the other 3x31. Make sure to use braces when appropriate! So in this example it looks like this: We catch these pokemon: 31/0/0/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 We breed these pokemon together to make our batch of 2x31's: 31/31/0/0/0/0 0/31/31/0/0/0 0/31/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 We then breed these to make a pair of 3x31's: 31/31/31/0/0/0 0/31/31/31/0/0 We now breed these two to make our 4x31: 31/31/31/31/0/0 Step 16: (1 everstone, 1 brace) Time to make our natured 4x31 pokemon. Remember to give your natured 3x31 an everstone and to give your 4x31 a brace for that non-overlapping IV. In this example we have: Hardy - 31/31/31/0/0/0 31/31/31/31/0/0 When we breed these two together, we get: Hardy - 31/31/31/31/0/0 You are almost there! Just one long step to go! Step 17: (16+ pokeballs, 30 braces) This step is going to be a double repeat of Step 15. You will make the exact same 4x31 that you used in Step 16, and you will make a 4x31 that has precisely three 31 IV's that overlap. So for this example it's going to look like this: The pokemon that we catch: 31/0/0/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/31/0/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/31/0/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/0/31/0/0 0/0/0/0/31/0 We breed all of these together (Don't forget about the braces!) to get these: 31/31/0/0/0/0 0/31/31/0/0/0 0/31/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 0/31/31/0/0/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 0/0/31/31/0/0 0/0/0/31/31/0 We then breed these 2x31's together to get some 3x31's: 31/31/31/0/0/0 0/31/31/31/0/0 0/31/31/31/0/0 0/0/31/31/31/0 We then breed these together to get some 4x31's: 31/31/31/31/0/0 0/31/31/31/31/0 We can now breed these together to make the 5x31 (You really don't want to forget about the braces here): 31/31/31/31/31/0 Woohoo! You are done with the hard stuff! The rest is easy, just make sure you don't mess up with everstones and braces! Step 18: (1 everstone, 1 brace) We can now tackle the final few tasks necessary to make our natured 6x31 pokemon. Grab your natured 4x31 pokemon and give it an everstone. Then get your 5x31 pokemon and put a brace on it so that it covers the non-overlapping 31 IV. Then breed them together! In this example we have: Hardy - 31/31/31/31/0/0 31/31/31/31/31/0 When we breed these two together with the right items we get: Hardy - 31/31/31/31/31/0 You now have your natured 5x31 pokemon (which many will be content with, but for those perfectionists, continue on) Step 19: (1 everstone, 1 brace) We can finally make the natured 6x31 pokemon that you always dreamed of! First and foremost, DO NOT FORGET ABOUT ITEMS OR YOU WILL BECOME VERY SAD! Grab your natured 5x31 pokemon and put an everstone on it. Then go get that 6x31 pokemon that we made earlier, put a brace on it to ensure that the non-overlapping IV gets passed on to our final product. In this example we have: Hardy - 31/31/31/31/31/0 31/31/31/31/31/31 When we breed these two together with the correct items, we get: Hardy - 31/31/31/31/31/31 WOOHOO!!! You did it! You made a perfect IV and nature pokemon! Note that I presented the process in this order simply so that people can understand what's going on better. But, the most efficient way to breed natured 6x31's is to breed a 6x31, then a 5x31, then a 4x31, etc.. Then get a natured version and breed it up to the 6x31. This way, you maximize your benefit from getting the nature you want randomly (i.e. if the 4x31 randomly get's the nature you want, then you don't have to worry about breeding a 3x31 natured version). Just food for thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section is to give an example to a budget breeder's guide to breeding for a competitive pokemon. The goal is to get as close to a 31 speed and 5x25+ pokemon as possible with the least amount of money. This will use a lot less braces than the 6x31 section. Spoiler You will not be getting the best-of-the-best Competitive Pokemon from this guide, and it is also not a very fast process. Budget breeding requires patience and realism. You need to be able and willing to hunt for hours for good catchmmo pokemon, and to be willing to settle for a Pokemon that just meets your needs (not something that goes above and beyond). Since we assume that we are working with a finite amount of Pokeyen in this section, the first and most important concept to understand is cost per IV point. What exactly do I mean by this? Well, generally when breeding to achieve a higher stat pokemon in this new refinement system, you want to look at the IV spread pokemon as a whole. To do this, we are going to simply add all the IVs of each Pokemon individually together to get an IV Sum. If you've taken any amount of statistics, or higher level mathematics, then you would likely know that when you look at all the possible IV Sums in the game of Pokemon, you would be looking at a nice Bell Curve that has finite endings. For those of you who don't have a clue what I'm talking about, here's a picture to help you understand, but instead of Rainfall think about Pokemon (keep reading, it will make more sense along the way): credit to patiohomedecor.tk What this represents is the probability of getting a certain IV Sum. The higher the point, the more likely you are to receive that IV Sum for a given Pokemon. Can you guess what the highest point on that Bell Curve is (i.e. which IV Sum value is the most likely to be found)? Well that would simply be (6x31)/2, or 93. This means that when you catch a random wild Pokemon, it will most likely have an IV spread that sums up to 93. The best IV Sum in the game is 6x31 = 186 , and the worst IV Sum is 6x0 = 0 (both have the exact same, super low chance of appearing in the wild). OK, OK, Gilan we get it. You're good at math, no need to brag. Just hurry up and tell me how to breed efficiently already! - That's what you're probably thinking right now (or you want to hurt me for throwing math at your face). Don't worry. Let's get to it. The first step to efficient breeding is to catch a good base pokemon. This pokemon should have the nature that you want and should be better/close-to-average. Now, for some pokemon you won't care about a specific stat (i.e. special attack for a Zangoose), so we are going to have to take this into account. To figure out if your caught pokemon is better-than-average, then add all of the relevant IVs together. So for a Zangoose, we would add HP, ATTK, DEF, SP. DEF, and SPEED together. Then compare that to X*31/2 (round up), where "X" is the number of relevant IVs that you care about (so in Zangoose's case, X=5). If your caught pokemon is better than the average and it has the nature you want and 31 speed, then you should use it as the baseline for your breed. If you are having trouble getting 31 speed and your nature together, then breed a natured pokemon with a pokemon with 31 speed while using an everstone and a speed brace to create your base pokemon (this will likely be below, average, but at least you can work with it). The odds of getting a 31 speed pokemon with the nature you want is 1/800 (Can be significantly reduced by using a synchronize pokemon in your first party slot with the nature you want), so if you don't feel like spending the time to look for that, then definitely do the short easy route and settle for the below-average base (you will just need to catch more better pokemon later on). The next step is to determine what you want your final Pokemon to look like. This is very important, as you will need to lay out specifics, otherwise you might end up blowing your budget, which is not good. So, for example, I would want my Zangoose to have as close to 25/25/25/x/25/31 as possible, and 31 speed is a non-negotiable condition. This is an IV Sum of 131. Let's say I go on a Zangoose hunting spree, and I catch an Adamant Male Zangoose with 12/9/14/x/12/31 (which is an average IV Sum pokemon of 78). Wait, Gilan, isn't this a budget breeding guide? Aren't we suppose to talk about money? Yes, yes we are. Let's also say that Gilan is poor after buying some aesthetically pleasing Shinies, and all the money he has left is what he won from being a boss at Zehkar's Hide n' Seek events. This totals to 150k. Assuming that Gilan will farm his own everstones and he already has a lot of pokeballs, and he wants to use a brace for each breed, then he will only be able to afford 7 breeds. as 150k/19k = 7.89. (factors in gender selection). This means that in order to get as close as possible to an IV Sum of 131, he will need to increase the IV Sum of his original Zangoose by at least 8 each breed. The next step is to go out and catch a Zangoose with an Average IV Sum greater than 96, and a Ditto with around the same IV Sum or greater, and with 31 speed (the 31 speed could be on the Zangoose as well). So in my example, I go out and catch a Male Zangoose with an IV spread of 23/12/16/x/27/31 (an IV Sum of 109), and a ditto with an IV spread of 24/31/20/x/23/4 (an IV Sum of 102). When we breed these two together with two braces, since that 31 Attack is really tempting, the offspring pops out to look something like: 23/31/16/x/25/31 (an IV Sum of 126), please note that the defense is 16 instead of 18 because the 3rd directly inherited IV was chosen from the Defense IV of the Zangoose parent. We also chose to make this Zangoose Female. So we now breed this Zangoose with the Base Zangoose, where we put an everstone on the Base and an Attack brace on the New (since speed will average to 31 anyways) and we choose it's gender to be female, so that we can get easier-to-catch field egg group breeders next time. Our new Base Zangoose will look something like: Female Adamant 17/31/15/x/18/31 (an IV Sum of 112. So we increased the IV Sum by 24!). We now have 121k left, but we already have a pretty nice Zangoose, and we are more than half way to an IV Sum of 131. Gilan will continue this process until he runs out of funds or he gets a Zangoose that he is satisfied with. It will also now be easier, as he can catch rattatas or other easy-to-find / easy-to-catch field egg group breeders to use. This is how I generally go about budget breeding. You simply just need to know how much money you have, and the minimum for what will work for you, and then you can plan steps to reach that goal without breaking your budget. This isn't a very complex concept (I mean, seriously, it's basically just like "go out and catch a good pokemon, then go and catch even better pokemon to breed with it"), but it is important nonetheless. Quint, EGuy, TLT96 and 126 others 116 12 1
Popular Post Gilan Posted January 2, 2015 Author Popular Post Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) A useful visual provided by TheNameRater for making a 5x31 natured: Also, shout out to MeLANcholy and Bearminator, who provided a very useful visual that helped many players out. Unfortunately, the image's link broke and it is no longer accessible. Edited May 30, 2019 by Gilan Replaced link (it was no longer available) Kornelio, AKSHAYPRANAV, Durrheim and 36 others 32 6 1
FlareBlitzz Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Damnit Gilan, Amazing Work ! You could add a "Requirements" section to mention how many 1x31 Pokemons we need etc to make it simpler ? Also put headings nicely so it looks nicely arranged. It's awesome anyway :) Gilan, ChampionAshMan, Edimion and 1 other 4
Parke Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Needs more gibberish... nah srs nice guide though, made me understand it really well! good job. Feari and Gilan 2
Gilan Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 Damnit Gilan, Amazing Work ! You could add a "Requirements" section to mention how many 1x31 Pokemons we need etc to make it simpler ? Also put headings nicely so it looks nicely arranged. It's awesome anyway :) Yeah I plan to. I just wrote all of that on my iPhone 4S, so all the "pretty" stuff won't come around until I make it back to my desktop in a couple days.
OrangeManiac Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 As much as I don't want this to pass it exactly like they have presented it to be, really nice work explaining it very clearly to everyone. Gilan 1
Eggplant Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 I've figured this much out. I'm really stuck at guaranteeing a nature passing to the 6x31, though. So I'm really hyped for the next part of this guide. :p Nice initiative! Gilan 1
FlareBlitzz Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 This breeding update was seeming hopeless but now I know how to get a 6x31 out of trash and not by wasting two of my 5x31s I spent weeks on.. :P Thanks Gilan 1
TheBloo Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) Dammit fam you suppose to not make a guide on this. Let the smart people prosper and the slightly slower people fail Ps. There is a way to guarantee nature along with hidden power. Edited January 2, 2015 by TheBloo KaynineXL 1
meLANcholy Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Just trying to brainstorm those steps all in your head, it seems that you had a hard time sleeping.... Great Job. kabutoTSH 1
Hassan Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Amazing guide, this should answer a lot of questions about this new breeding system. Gilan 1
FlareBlitzz Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 I'm just worried about the amount of money spent on just 1 6x31.. So many Braces :/
Gilan Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) There is a way to guarantee nature along with hidden power.Of course. If you want a 30 in a specific stat rather than 31, then just go through the same steps and substitute the 30 in for 31 for the necessary stats. Just trying to brainstorm those steps all in your head, it seems that you had a hard time sleeping.... Great Job. You hit the bullseye. I stayed awake lying in bed till two in the morning last night thinking only of the breeding mechanics... Edited January 2, 2015 by xGilanx Kiwito and Chogan 2
Gilan Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 Extra note that should be added: Don't get greedy and keep your 4x31 uguu Nothing about this guide is based on luck, besides wild encounters. So, being greedy just means you will spend a lot more money.
Kazooka Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Good god this will take me 5 years but seriously nice guide, it helps a lot! 10/10
Gilan Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 Good god this will take me 5 years but seriously nice guide, it helps a lot! 10/10 haha, just wait till you breed for the right nature >=) (I'll write that part in a couple hours. I already figured it all out on paper, but I developed a headache from it, so I'm taking a little break). Kazooka 1
Uroko Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Theres no need for the IV passing spreadsheet that was done last night with this now, but if you want to use this for nature passing feel free to.use https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19n1XAN14JnFxe-WtOKbvhx0eUjjxZL9ZJC3eLuQLqBs/pubhtml Also nice guide, I wouldn't have ever done it. Mostly because I would have never been able to explain it. Gilan 1
Darkshade Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Thank you! However, I'm going to need that post slot, so if a mod could delete MrAnonymous's post I would be grateful (or move this post above his). I forgot to make reserves. Muh bad. Request completed. I stayed awake lying in bed till two in the morning last night thinking only of the breeding mechanics... Welcome to my world. jayfeatskydd, DoubleJ, Beldore and 5 others 8
Kiliminati Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Awesome guide Gilan (I only skimmed over it, will read it in its entirety later on!) Now I don't feel pressured to remake my old guide anymore, ily LOL <3 Gilan 1
Gilan Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 OK, I finished part 2. If I missed anything or something should be subtracted/changed, that has not already been stated, I would appreciate it!
Beldore Posted January 3, 2015 Posted January 3, 2015 Bookmarking this for sure for the future update, good job on the guide gilan [spoiler]Ranger's Apprentice is awesome [/spoiler] Gilan 1
Gilan Posted January 3, 2015 Author Posted January 3, 2015 OK I added in requirements (this includes the costs). I calculated that breeding a perfect natured 6x31 will cost, at a minimum, 3,012,800 pokeyen. This assumes that you only use standard pokeballs, ans that you catch exactly what you need and nothing you don't need. Therefore, I think the monetary costs will near 4,000,000 pokeyen, but that is my complete guess. I will start cleaning up and making it look spiffy starting on Sunday.
Uroko Posted January 3, 2015 Posted January 3, 2015 (edited) You should do a list of all the different combinations possible, I really wouldn't know where to begin being accurate doing it. What I mean is like, in that test I did. I used 1x31 in Stat 1 16x31 in Stat 2 6x31 in Stat 3 4x31 in Stat3 4x31 in Stat4 1x31 in Stat5 Really the only thing that would be needed is 1, 1, 4, 4, 6, 16 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 16(if this one is possible) so on so forth. If they can all be figured out then a spreadsheet could be done for each to make sure people never mess up. Maybe not even a spreadsheet but just a very very very specific guide with no real room for failure. Edited January 3, 2015 by Uroko
Gilan Posted January 3, 2015 Author Posted January 3, 2015 (edited) You should do a list of all the different combinations possible, I really wouldn't know where to begin being accurate doing it. What I mean is like, in that test I did. I used 1x31 in Stat 1 16x31 in Stat 2 6x31 in Stat 3 4x31 in Stat3 4x31 in Stat4 1x31 in Stat5 Really the only thing that would be needed is 1, 1, 4, 4, 6, 16 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 16(if this one is possible) so on so forth. If they can all be figured out then a spreadsheet could be done for each to make sure people never mess up. Maybe not even a spreadsheet but just a very very very specific guide with no real room for failure.I think I see what you are saying. If I'm not wrong, you are saying to include a section that makes a list of all of the possible cominations of the 1x31's that could work for making a 6x31 pokemon. I will add something like this when I have time. I have a feeling it's going to be a lot of combinations, so I'm going to have to go about it systematically. edit: I also need to add a section for dealing with gender issues (assuming we get to choose the gender of the egg) and a section for how best to go about getting the ability you want on your finished product (assuming 80% rule). edit 2: I also need to add a clause to Step 1 about breeding your perfect pokemon with eggmoves, but that's pretty simple. Edited January 3, 2015 by xGilanx Uroko 1
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