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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/23 in all areas

  1. My shiny finally arrived, it's been 4 months looking for a shiny, 155k encouter, never give up the hunt
    7 points
  2. Hagene

    Pokemmo Inflation Crisis

    Hello everyone. The recent Halloween event and a look at GTL has made me think of an underlying problem that may affect the Pokemmo economy in the future. I noticed that we have a ton of ways to bring money into the system, but not many "sinks" to npcs that are super useful with the current game play... Our main money sinks are currently pokeballs, lures, gtl fees, harvesting tools and breeding. Personally I know when I do gym runs I know I can "Print" around 500k a day on one character, and I do not spend nearly that amount when doing anything outside the player economy in even a week. I fear this may cause more Inflation in the pokemmo economy then we already have. The devs have done a fantastic job so far with the economy, however I hope to bring more attention to this because based on the comparison to previous years vanities and many ways of getting yen, not as much is going as far. I understand people buy leppas and vanities late game, but that money is still circulating around the system. I would like to propose we have more npc money sinks, and have some ideas on some sinks that would be both beneficial to the community and economy. These ideas can be tweaked if you all feel its necessary. 1) I feel that a new NPC, the wandering merchant, can be created. This merchant would have tiers of items from common to legendary that he randomly spawns with once per week. This NPC would sell you untradable items ranging from exp candy to legendary lures to something like an exclusive starter lure that works to summon hordes of starters (you use the lure before sweet scenting and have a limited 30% chance of summoning a starter horde until the lure runs out) This could be worth 100k pokeyen or more to help keep starter rarity, and can only be bought one at a time. Due to the untradable nature of the items, they would control overuse. To access rarer items, you could pay to "upgrade" the merchant's caravan which would have a higher chance of rarer items and increase the amount of items the merchant has for sale. This can also be a static encounter that has a fixed location in each region and only shows up once per week or a similiar schedule. This could also include the possibility of doing quests for an npc if we decide to go that route with future post game content. 2) Rare mon zones: while the addition of lures has helped sink money into the system, I feel a more controlled safari zone like environment could be made that would house rare mons on a random cycle like altering cave could be added. Unlike safari zone, you would be able to use your mons and balls but limited to so many steps. Unlike altering cave, it could be one rare mon like a starter each day, and one common mon. Ex cubone+chikorita, totodile+marill. 3) Up the price of safari zone. I know what you all are thinking. Why? Well the problem here is look at the price of breeders for the dragon egg group. The safari zone makes grinding them cheap and provides access to alot of rare mons. All 3 of these are not going to fix the issue, but I feel they may be a step in the right direction to helping prevent us from going into runaway inflation. If you all want, we can come up a list of different npcs that we would spend pokeyen at on a regular basis to help remove some of the pokeyen from circulation. Thank you for reading!
    4 points
  3. Date Saturday, 2nd December 2023 Time 15:00 UTC | 10:00 ET | 12:00 BRT | 23:00 CST | Time Zone Converter Location Pokemon Mansion, Kanto, Channel 1 (Catching is allowed on any channel) Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total sum of IVs + Species Bonus + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Ditto +4 Growlithe +2 Vulpix +2 Rattata -1 Nature Bonus Timid +2 Adamant +2 Jolly +2 Nature Translation Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it Keep the pokemon in your team till results. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Every player that has access to the area event takes place in can participate and there are no registrations required Rules Translation Participating Staff Parke EnzoAbbacchio DeusBruno 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Rattata Lv. 1 Your choice of nature, 2 moves with 3 selectable IVs and 3x28 IV's & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points The prizes will be sent to the winners a few days after the event
    4 points
  4. Date Thursday, 30th November 2023 Time 17:00 UTC | 12:00 ET | 14:00 BRT | 18:00 CET | 01:00 CST (Friday, Dec 1st) | Time Zone Converter Location Safari Zone (Rocky Beach), Johto, Channel 1 (Catching is allowed on any channel) Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total sum of IVs + Species Bonus + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Lapras +7 Magikarp Poliwag -2 Poliwhirl -4 Nature Bonus Modest +2 Adamant +2 Timid -2 Jolly -2 Nature Translation Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it Keep the pokemon in your team till results. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Rules Translation Participating Staff DawnIceQueen Agrat Cosmooth DeusBruno 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Lapras Lv. 5 Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 3 selectable IVs & 3x28 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points The prizes will be sent to the winners a few days after the event
    4 points
  5. 30th OT, 22k encounters
    4 points
  6. Another phase in petalberg OT #22
    4 points
  7. 62.400 Eggs, OT 20# and 5th Rare Trio complete!
    4 points
  8. I don't want pop ups either, we just need an option similar to "Hatching animations" with the options "Enabled", "Only Friends", "Only Team" and "Disabled". Thanks.
    3 points
  9. Hey guys, new here but I have played pokemmo for quite sometime. And personally I m a shopoholic person(in game only 😅). So I was wondering if it's possible to add a Bank or banking system where we can save our hard earned money and get interests on it or get loans so that we can buy whatever we want and pay later, and do lots of other cool stuff. Hope this suggestion can get few upvotes 🙂🙂
    2 points
  10. Team Name: Soul Society Team Tag: SLSY Registered Players: KiwamiU, zMago, ErickECG, TristanGC, Gsmg, Preval, Kalfff, zDeviljho, Wolfangt, Jhydro, Gabuchox, xAkiles, isJhockre, Yemsil, NixxLeville Team Captain: Gabuchox
    2 points
  11. Equipo: ProjectBlueBeam [NWÖ] Capitán: zVelociRaptor Miembros: zVelociRaptor, TiburoncinDs, dariobaco,SecretPlayerz,WarriorPast,wBanw,BonClayman,BadbutG,PizzaG,Brakes,ManzaG,Mapchs,Hernjet,Goldrayer
    2 points
  12. Its in BL, if you want to make a case for testing it again you can, but I don't think haxorus has ever come up where it didn't almost unanimously get shot down.
    2 points
  13. 号被封掉了-怎么解决? 今年会有万圣节-圣诞节-春节-周年庆活动吗?? 想知道官方是怎么看待急金的 2015年圣诞节活动的北极到底长什么样子 游戏时间和现实时间的对照表 社区活动奖励大概多久发货? 手机能用主题吗?听说会封号? MMO中是否有“幻岛”这个设定? 管理员的分类 白银山要全国图鉴全绿还是成都就行? 水君我打输了是不是遇不到了? 梦特 我改了ID后我自己ID的精灵的训练师ID会跟着改变吗 删除角色次数 好奇头目精灵的孵蛋规则? 2019年因RMT被封的邮箱再创个新号正常玩还会被封吗? 图图犬怎么学习到破灭之愿? 七星级七星饭店孵蛋地点 蛋屋升级怎么算的? 闪光索罗亚对非闪光目标变身后是否是闪光的样子呢? 古代铜币和古代银币有什么用吗? [申请管理细节]你为什么被拒绝? pvp排位奖励的礼物宝可梦 PokeMMO刻名规则修改成什么样了? 一个人大小号怎么转资源 什么时候4字ID能崛起?{娱乐 关于捐赠对蛋闪概率加成 蓝鼻子工具箱为什么停用了? 时装返厂问题 mmo玩家什么时候能拥有神兽 分屏玩游戏是否违规? 关于愚人节跳跃石 新手上路应该干什么 以及之后的流程? 健忘背心买了真的值得买吗? 能使用虚拟机玩pokemmo吗? 论坛签名怎么设置? 关于天王的白嫖码是什么东西? 论坛昵称可否更改吗? 论看不见奇遇现象的BUG以及解决办法 求一张五个地区的徽章等级图 关于角色找回的小问题 请问下工单一般多久会回复? 困难南瓜王掉落与简单的有什么区别? 努力值刷错了怎么办,可以重新开始吗? 版主申请要求 有骗子在b站发视频要卖我的号 我要怎么办? 获取特性补丁的条件是什么? 改邮箱显示无权限修改邮箱
    2 points
  14. goldenweewee

    Second gloves option

    I think it's would be nice if we have second gloves option so we can use gloves and bone club, ghostly lantern and future vanities together. please upvote if you think the same.
    2 points
  15. Archetype is a custom user interface for the PokeMMO client. Feel like exploring? Give our encounter counter a try. Download: https://github.com/ssjshields/archetype Need help downloading as zip from GitHub? Features 🌱 total interface overhaul; new animations and windows ✂️ new icons (moveset, types, abilities, alpha, shiny, etc.) 🛠️ modular framework that allows control of the color palette 📚 multi-language support (utilizes Noto Sans.) Media Final Thoughts Many thanks to @AnonymousPoke and @realmadrid1809 for their contributions. Without them, Archetype would not exist. We hope our project inspires you to continue innovating within the community. Never stop looking forward.
    1 point
    1 point
  17. I can join you with 6 random Pidgeys
    1 point
  18. [ENIX] Phoenix Registered Players: zKupo LunaDarkrose, Astthian, CDomS RexRuin, GautSamm, Renpai, GoldenNovember, Smoogee, pongusjunior, DOKIgood, michielleus, SerpentLord, PolarPallas, NuraRikko Team Captain: zKupo
    1 point
  19. Team: [ORZL] OrnaZul Registered Players: Achiqui, DanHyu, Kleynnerkl, AJAHA, EltodopoderosoG, BenjaInmo. Team Captain: ObitoBlurt
    1 point
  20. i just bred two alphas and when they hatched in the animation they werent alphas even though they were, i appreciate adding this animation btw its great 🙂
    1 point
  21. Sergkn

    Giovanni xd

    Can you put Giovanni in the Viridian City Gim for rematching? It would be epic. Also would be nice in Aniversari event see him around and as other idea fighting him in some event with his Mewtwo in its robotic armour.
    1 point
  22. Whatever the feature is, they're using one server to test it rn (i know it cause the queue on every login). Soo...expect it in 2 weeks~ and be prepared to a new feature pvp related and something like the previous anniversary fight with red
    1 point
  23. I think icon markers would be a great way to manage your pc boxes! The only problem i can think of is that it, along with shinyness, HA and particles would clutter up a bit the space of the pokemon, so i don't really know how noticeable would a marker be along all of that A solution would be to have those icons as default marker options(which would be usable only if those criteria are met), and if a pokemon has more than one of those 3 attributes, have markers that represent any combo of the 3 (4 pointed yellow star for shiny+particle, yellow diamond for shiny HA, diamond and star on one icon for particle+HA, and yellow diamond+star for all 3?) maybe something like this would probably let you see the pokemon you want to use way faster, since you have to look at 1 icon instead of 4 or, just have markers be separate from the combined icons to make the boxes easier to read Either way, I'd love to see this suggestion implemented!
    1 point
  24. Looking forward to the store opening again, hahahaha. I really like your style UWU
    1 point
  25. No way especially with Bronzong in OU.
    1 point
  26. 你好,请修改标题。 标题格式: [ABC公会] [限时抓宠] ABC抓宠大作战 (星期一, 1月1日 11:00) 请注意标点符号均使用半角英标符号和字符中间插入的空格。
    1 point
  27. Just 20 away, keep going @Medjed !
    1 point
  28. i woudn't say remove it at all cause you might need it at some situation like noticing if any member on your friend list left or still in the team but I'd say we better have an option that we can turn on/off in settings
    1 point
  29. Heyy cuties, I'm back! Sorry for taking a bit longer, but here are the Results of my 3rd fashion contest! Thank you everyone for participating and don't be sad if you didn't reach the top 5, it was insanely hard to judge the entries :3 Also, thank you soo much to all the Judges and Sponsors, I couldn't have done it without you<3 But now for the part you're here for WINNERS: TO ALL THE WINNERS, PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME ON DISCORD "urcutemon" OR HERE ON FORUMS^-^ 1st Place @ChelseaTheWeeb (8m Pokéyen + a drawing of their in-game Character Grey Werewolf Mask) Really, really cute Screenshot with an amazing idea! If you wouldnt've won the Judge vote, you would also be first place in the community vote! Very deserved winner<3 2nd Place @Vartiou (6m Pokéyen + a drawing of their in-game Character Brown Werewolf Mask) Thats a really impressive screenshot with alot of people, I really like the location and the theme behind it! Well done 3rd Place @GrizLee (4m Pokéyen + a drawing of their in-game Character) Great usage of the new Mummy Outfit! Also a really relatable and funny joke relating the last pumpking boss! Great Job! Community Vote: 4th Place (Community Vote) @opmas (2m Pokéyen) First place in the community vote is Opmas, which is really funny since he also got 4th place in the judge vote, so it was a really close cut and I'm really happy to still see this entry in the top 5! :3 Really epic and well made screenshot and great usage of the new location! 5th Place (Community Vote) @LogyWorkin (1.5m Pokéyen) Last, but definetly not least we have LogyWorkin's entry! Great follower and outfit combo, combined with the perfect location, really, really great entry and a deserved 5th place! Thank you to everyone, I hope I will see you in my future events aswell! Also maybe consider joining my unofficial Event discord to promote and learn about new unofficial events!<3 CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE SERVER Thank youuuu!<3
    1 point
  30. maybe too late, but that would be sick
    1 point
  31. Indril

    Easy Request

    Bug Catcher hat simple elegant beautiful. I have a bug catching net but the outfit needs a bug catcher hat. Thank you Bug Catcher hat fan
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. kenjimAd

    🎂11th anniversary

    Since Halloween Event has Ended & only until November 14 of Exchanging Spooky Candies & finding more Cookies from Swarm, the Next Event will be 11th Anniversary Event! Since you save my Quote on Shadow's Chat, my next Prediction Lists is here for 3 Remaining Events: 1.) 11th Anniversary Event = 4th Week-End of November (Followed by Thanksgiving Day) 2.) Christmas Event = December 25-26 3.) Lunar New Year Event = Late January 2024 Idk if my Lists will be Right this time & I'm just Guessing here... #RoadTo11thAnniversaryEvent
    1 point
  34. These are great ideas, I have plans to create all the achievements in a list and send them here. In fact, vote for the idea so it can gain recognition :) These are great ideas, I have plans to create all the achievements in a list and send them here. In fact, vote for the idea so it can gain recognition :)
    1 point
  35. I noticed that the new Ghostly Lantern vanity glows during night time in game but sadly, it doesn't glow when you're in a cave. It would be super cool if it glowed in caves too.
    1 point
  36. Arthib

    Make events great again

    We didn't have the anniversary event we'd been teased with. Then now we have this Halloween event that's been exactly the same for years. Would it be too much to ask for something new? Or are you only interested in collecting money from those who take a few RPs to buy limited cosmetics? I've found the game deadly boring for some time now, and I was hoping this Halloween event would bring something new and interesting. I don't understand how you can offer such a lousy event several years in a row. That's why I'm suggesting we stop doing the same boring events over and over again and create new ones, with new gameplay mechanics. Why do we fight alone against a soulless pumpkin every year? Why the only community approach to this event is to share locations... (it's an mmorpg guys... MMOrpg) Why don't we all fight together in a huge raid to defend the regions from the invasions of an evil organization or something like this? Why don't we have a dungeon, a raid, a story, something, anything? The announcement of this event is what brought me back to the game. Seeing that there's nothing new is what made me run away again. Please, make events great again.
    1 point
  37. Arellus

    Wild Sleeping Pokemon

    If I encounter a pokemon that's already asleep, there is ZERO reason for me to get a "Can't Escape" It's literally asleep. Let me run from sleeping pokemon.
    1 point
  38. VDJM

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    Item Slot: Hat, Back and Top (Set). I love these two Pokemons and always wanted them to add some vanities related to them. I thought "if the game won't add them, then I'll make some". I hope you can add them 😄 @Darkshade Image of Item: UMBREON SET (NORMAL & SHINY) ESPEON SET (NORMAL & SHINY) I hope you like them as much as I liked making them! 😄 by: VDJM
    1 point
  39. Barrelztitor

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    Item Slot : Back Item Name : Plague Doctor's Flask
    1 point
  40. caioxlive13

    PC in Secret Bases

    I think not, most secret bases are very far away from grass or tiles that you can use to spawn hordes, some are close but this i don't think will be that harmful. ================= (Also this post proves exactly that people look of who posts and not on content of the post. This suggestion has 11 votes and only suggest adding PC on secret bases, while my post that suggest this, + reforming the whole secret base, that is much older(2 months), has 5 votes. This is complete bulls***)
    1 point
  41. hamizoss

    Update Kanto and Hoenn

    Agree with Kanto HGSS version but it will let hoenn alone with GBA graphic And having a hoenn ORAS version is a bad idea , then MMO will be a 3D game and it will ruin the game
    1 point
  42. Or sending some appropriate held items corresponding the strength of the generation like Magnets, Charcoal, Light Ball, among others
    1 point
  43. Caniogr

    Los Mejores Breeders

    Muy buen comienzo. Quizas sea buena idea dividir la guia por regiones. En cuanto lo que ya tienes listo, creo que para magikarp puede ser mas conveniente atraparlo siempre en una zona safari por el motivo de las pokebolas. Quedo pendiente para el resto de la guia!
    1 point
  44. awkways

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    @Darkshade pls its only a 3 pixel change but looks so much better. This way it would match the Bones cap too. What ninja mask doesn't cover the nose anyway?
    1 point
  45. 欢迎使用PokeMMO!这是PokeMMO行为准则,它规定了我们如何管理我们提供的各种服务(论坛、游戏中、IRC)。 在使用我们的论坛和玩游戏时,您必须遵守本行为准则: 1.“聊天”和与其他用户交流的相关的规则: 您不得对其他用户进行骚扰、威胁、刻薄、造成困扰或针对他人。这包括发布侮辱、冒犯或辱骂他人的评论,多次发送垃圾信息,恶意举报用户,基于种族、性取向、宗教和传统等原因攻击玩家。 您不得发垃圾帖子,多次或重复发布帖子。灌水和偏题的消息都属于垃圾帖子。 您不得冒充他人。 您不得在未经PokeMMO明确书面同意前,招揽、宣传或推广除PokeMMO以外的任何服务。 您不得上传、试图发送包含恶意软件、损坏数据或非法软件或数据的文件,或协助发布这类文件。 未经他人或PokeMMO管理员明确书面同意,请不要传送、发布或协助发布任何其他人的个人信息(姓名、账户名、电话号码、地址、照片等)。 您不得传播、公布、发链接或协助传播任何色情、毒品相关、政治、有害、威胁、辱骂、诽谤、侵权、淫秽、仇恨、粗俗、种族或族裔攻击性图像或内容。 在使用PokeMMO服务时,请遵循PokeMMO 工作人员的指示。 2.与游戏相关的规则: 您不得利用设计中的错误(“bug”)或未记录的功能来获取其他用户无法获得的访问权限或优于其他用户的优势,并且您不能向其他的PokeMMO用户公布任何可利用的漏洞。 您不得在参与玩家对战(PvP)的游戏时打假赛,打假赛是指为操纵比赛输赢的行为或改变、操纵任何官方比赛排名。 您不得使用作弊软件、自动化软件(通常称为“脚本”、“宏”或“机器人”)、黑客软件或任何可能损害其他用户体验的第三方软件,也不要向违规者寻求或转发这些作弊软件。 您不得在未经PokeMMO明确书面同意前,将游戏或任何服务用于任何商业目的,包括在其他平台收购或出售游戏内货币、物品、资源等(通常称为“现金交易”)。 您不得欺骗其他玩家的游戏内的货币、物品、资源或代刷、代练的服务(通常称为“诈骗”)。 3.用户名相关的规则: 当您选择角色名称、用户名或以其他方式创建可在使用我们的服务时被其他用户看到的标签时,您必须遵守以下准则。 您不得使用以下任何用户名或团队名称: 恶意冒充他人,包括PokeMMO管理员与其他的PokeMMO玩家。 对种族、国家、国家文化含有侮辱性。 包含偏见或憎恨。 性暗示或色情。 涉及任何形式的犯罪活动或毒品。 不恰当地提及人体构造或身体功能。 由乱码组成。 或使用上述任何准则的拼写错误或替代拼写。 这些准则可能不会涵盖所有不适当或不被允许的名称。PokeMMO保留自行决定拒绝不雅、淫秽、冒犯或以其他方式违反命名准则的任何名称的权利。 您不得试图或协助他人绕过玩家帐户或角色设置的任何限制; 利用漏洞(如本文档第 2 节 A 段所定义)必须在合理的时间内通过PokeMMO网站或电子邮件地址将漏洞告知PokeMMO的管理员:[email protected] 您不得使用任何未经授权的第三方软件来拦截或以其他方式从游戏或服务中收集信息,包括但不限于: 读取游戏使用的计算机随机存取存储器区域的任何软件; 或者读取并尝试操纵游戏客户端和游戏服务器之间的网络流量的任何软件。 您不得使用任何虚拟机软件运行游戏,包括以下: VMWare、VirtualBox、Hyper-V、KVM或任何其他桌面虚拟机软件。 BlueStacks、NoxPlayer、MEmu Player、Android虚拟设备(AVD)或任何其他Android模拟器。 您同意,在任何情况下,您都不会违反与您使用游戏或 PokeMMO 服务有关的任何适用法律或法规。 您不得扰乱或协助扰乱任何用于支持服务的计算机(每台“服务器”);或任何其他用户的体验。 5.论坛特别政策: 本节规则特别适用于https://forums.pokemmo.com/ 在使用PokeMMO英文论坛时,您必须使用英语。用其他语言写的帖子需要附上英文翻译。 6. 违规举报: 如果您在论坛上发现一名玩家违反了行为准则,请花点时间点击他们帖子下的“举报”按钮或他们个人资料中的“举报”按钮向我们举报。 如果您发现游戏中的玩家涉嫌违反了行为准则,请花时间在支持中心创建玩家举报的工单向我们举报:https://support.pokemmo.com/login/ 7.注意事项: 本版本简化了《PokeMMO行为准则》的某些段落。这些简化包括: “PokeMMO 的员工”和“PokeMMO 的志愿者”包含在“PokeMMO 的员工”一词中 您可以在 http://pokemmo.com/code_of_conduct/ 找到本文档完整、具有法律约束力的版本
    1 point
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