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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/21 in all areas

  1. First encounter in this grass, Wasn't trying to hunt. With special guest star @Spxter's Smeargle.
    5 points
  2. 16th OT SRIF After months of on and off hunting this thing 47270 encounters GG
    5 points
  3. I figure I'm one of the first to criticize what I think is a bad move on their part, I'll give them credit when it's due. The new update for GTL with new icons and colors, as well as GTL price limits is fantastic. Well done with this one @Kyu and whoever else was involved in this decision making process. From Kyu's post: General Vanity items are now color coded depending on their rarity: Mart Items (Commons, Grey) PvP Items (Black) Gift Shop Items (Green) Seasonal Items (Blue) Event Items (Red) Limited Items (Gold) Where applicable, Mart prices are now shown for vanity items Players may no longer charge excessive prices for mart items on the GTL
    4 points
  4. 1st Place- ItsGray 2nd Place- Bearminator 3rd Place and 4th Place- Complutum Congrats all!
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. Quakkz

    closed topic

    thats the entire point and im glad that they finally fixed it
    3 points
  7. Features Lunar New Year 2021 Lunar New Year has returned to PokeMMO! A fortune teller has appeared in Celadon City, Slateport City, Hearthome City, and Nacrene City seeking assistance for the new year. Abundant Shrine is a 2-4 player co-op mission. Defeat as many enemies as possible and may good fortune shine upon you. This event will run from February 12th until February 21st 00:00-UTC+0 Lunar New Year 2021 features a leaderboard with an exclusive vanity item for the Top 25 teams, the Nian Hood General Vanity items are now color coded depending on their rarity: Mart Items (Commons, Grey) PvP Items (Black) Gift Shop Items (Green) Seasonal Items (Blue) Event Items (Red) Limited Items (Gold) Where applicable, Mart prices are now shown for vanity items Players may no longer charge excessive prices for mart items on the GTL Gift Shop The Golden Dragon Mask is now available for a limited time Seasonal Firework Particles have returned for Lunar New Year 2021 Seasonal Shiny Charms (+10%) have returned for Lunar New Year 2021 The Red Dragon Head, Tail, and Body vanities have returned for Lunar New Year 2021 The Winged Heart Backpack has returned for Valentine's Day 2021 Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where region-aware music tracks (e.g. legendary battles) would not playback correctly in some situations Fixed an issue where Metronome(Item) did not scale its damage upwards quickly enough Fixed an issue where shiny running/damage prompts would not display in Safari battles (Android) Fixed an issue where, when swiping from the PC to a Party, you could not return to the PC UI (ChromeOS) Fixed an issue where, when using the Linux(Beta) compatibility layer, players could not select rom files using the UI ChromeOS remains an unsupported platform with limited technical assistance Fixed an issue where bag subcategories would not always render the correct name Trick may no longer be used by holders of Mail items Fixed an issue where Ally Switch would not function correctly in Coop PvE Fixed an issue where, if reconnecting while your active team was Taunted & Tormented, a deadlock could occur where players were unable to select moves Fixed an issue with battle data processing which prevented tiering statistics being updated past February 1st Roar, Dragon Tail, and Circle Throw are now more explicit as to why wild battles ended (Android) Fixed Link HUD UIs not showing Upgrade Notes PokeMMO's "Compatibility Mode" software renderer has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Affected users are notified that "Compatibility mode is enabled. Performance will be degraded." on every game start. PokeMMO's desktop client now requires Java 11. Depending on your installation method, you may be required to manually upgrade your system to continue play. Expected compatibility is as follows: No action is required for these system configurations: Windows Installer (x86 & x64) Android Linux * Most modern distributions, including Ubuntu 18.04+ & Debian Stable macOS users using the previously released Optional macOS Launcher Update Action may be required for these system configurations: Windows Portable Zip Recommended Action: Install the game client via the Windows Installer instead Other Action: Install OpenJDK 11 from Azul Old Linux Distributions Recommended Action: Install OpenJDK 11 from your package manager and update the default java runtime environment for the system macOS users with the older launcher Required Action: Upgrade the macOS launcher as soon as it prompts for an upgrade This launcher upgrade increases the minimum macOS version from 10.9.5 to 10.11.6 Note: A previous iteration of this post indicated a minimum macOS version requirement of 10.13.6. This was adjusted with the latest macOS Launcher update on 18/02/2021.
    2 points
  8. Congratulations to the winners !
    2 points
  9. Kaspersky engines are flagging it as unsafe, though it's obviously a false positive. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/9e6700412497703e2fafd3781720eafcb25cd21a03f751fc1e1fc0c3c051dea3/detection We'll see what we can do about it, but the immediate solution is to either: Whitelist the executable in your Kaspersky UI Use another AV, such as Windows Defender
    2 points
  10. Just waiting for a weekend dubs tour with a usable shiny prize
    2 points
  11. Imperial

    What is this event?

    It's a dungeon like event similar to the Christmas one. You and your team choose 3 Pokemon - each Pokemon will have a fixed moveset (from what I'm aware) Like the Christmas event, you have to battle Pokemon in 'swarms', these usually appear in pairs. The more Pokemon you kill, the more swarms are cleared. You can change your Pokemon from a selected list during the swarms by going to the temple near the top of the dungeon. After a few swarms (not sure on the exact number) there's the boss you can battle, (fire type if I recall). After the boss the swarms get harder as the Pokemon call for help, similar to the elfbots. Regarding prizes, it wouldn't surprise me - after you beat the boss once you receive 8 red envelopes and 1 lucky red envelope (around 300 - 350k right now) Overall it should take around an hour for each run. Hope this helps.
    2 points
  12. Desu


    This is a visual only issue that we're looking into.
    2 points
  13. About 700 eggs (maybe more, idk i didn't count) 18th OT, without donator, and I still don't realize
    2 points
  14. 2x31, 3x25+ - 290k- natured 3x31, 2x25+ - 400k - natured 3x31, 3x25+ - 520k - natured 2x31, 3x30 - 540k - natured 4x31 - 450k - natured Genderless +100k Happiness and/or baby pokemon breeds +50k 27+ IVs +20k 29+ IVs +60k 21k genders +40k 9k genders +20k 3x31, 2x30 - 620k- natured 4x31, 1x30 - 715k- natured 5x31 (including 4x31, 1x0) - 950k- natured Genderless +200k Happiness and/or baby pokemon breeds +100k 21k gender +80k 9k gender +40k 0 IVs are counted as another 31 All egg moves are free Incense pokemon and/or volt tackle Pikachu - +50% of total cost I can breed an unnatured pokemon for half the price plus extras if needed (eg, gender or happiness/baby pokemon) I'll be more than happy to send you the final 2 pokemon to breed so you can have your own OT. I can breed HA's if you send a starter breeder Pokemon: IVs: Nature: Gender: Egg moves: HA?: Your OT?: 510 EVs- 25k 510 EVs and level 50- 45k LC EVs- 30k 50% off if bought with a breed! Training link available. Hope to see you soon! A huge thank you to SupaFlyNinjaGuy who created all the artwork and banners!
    1 point
  15. DinnoDoggo

    {guia} liga de teselia

    holi ^.^ os traigo una guia para que se os haga fácil la liga pokémon de teselia ^.^ de momento toda la historia se la pueden pasar con los pokes que quiera aqui te recomiendo lo mejores para la liga 1.antes de avanzar ah ciudad mayólica atrapa un sandile {habilidad:autoestima} {este es muy bueno te pasara como yo te hará todo el trabajo} 2. te recomiendo que te hayas pasado el mundo distorsión porque rotom {forma:refrigeradora} es la mejor opción para la historia 3.de inicial {si quieres capturalo en el bosque azulejo} puedes elegir ah snivy (opcional) para la aventura pero si elegistes otro siempre podrás atraparlo en el bosque azulejo 4.te recomiendo un pidgeot te servirá para los tipo lucha aunque sea normal {si tu pidgeot se debilita la mejor opción es sacar ah krookodile} 5.te recomiendo que tengas de inicial un torchic ya que es tipo fuego y lucha {el tipo fuego servirá contra el metagross tipo psíquico } 6.{deja espacio para zekrom} en el palacio de n sera difícil ganarle con este equipo si no levas hiperpociones {restaura todo y max poción } también revivir {oh revivir Max} si se pregunta NO no hay derrotar ah N y ghechis y después enfrentarse al campeón una vez le hayas ganado ah ghechis ya te habrás pasado la liga pokemon ♥{FELICIDADES!}♥
    1 point
  16. MatchaKunoichi


    To my love admins of pokeMMO
    1 point
  17. Yo what's up guys! My name is AFC Adinho, my friends call me Adinho, but if you're an E-Girl, you may call me tonight! <3 I am a long time competetive Pokemon PVP player (Started in Heart Gold Soul Silver Wifi Battles). To give you an idea of my skill, I peaked rank #15 on the PokemonShowdown gen 7 OU ladder and I've started creating Pokemon PvP content in 2018. The people mainly know me from other Pokemon MMO games. I always do live commentating through my videos to take you guys in my thought proces so my viewers could improve as well. Recently I started playing PokeMMO and I've been enjoying it so far. Because I am new to the game, I'll have to farm quite a bit to get my own PvP pokemon, but we are getting there! Now that I have a few PvP mons of my own I am able to hit the ranked ladder and if you are interested in watching some PokeMMO PvP Battles, then you should definitely check out my Youtube Channel! Youtube: (3) AFC Adinho - YouTube Twitch: Afc_adinho - Twitch Discord: https://discord.gg/frtDftK Instagram: AFC ADINHO (@afc_adinho) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
    1 point
  18. Who wants some fruit? Date: Monday, 22nd February 2021 Time: 6 PM CET | 5 PM UTC | 12 PM ET | Time Zone Converter Location: Route 120, Hoenn, Ch. 1 Duration: 1 hour for catching Another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring: Total sum of IVs + Species Bonus + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries: Tropius +5 Poochyena Zigzagoon Nature Bonus: Bold +5 Modest +3 Rules: To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win the 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry All pokemon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All pokemon must remain unchanged (untrained, unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed pokemon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the pokemon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determinated by the earliest catch time Participating Staff: xJoseee Sethsen BrokenBulb MrPeruano MPDH Lin 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Tropius Your choice of nature, 2 moves, 2 selectable IVs +4x25 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points  2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
    1 point
  19. Title. I think it'd be cool to have a trainer profile we can view without having to battle the person to see them and stuff.
    1 point
  20. 重点 2021 农历新年 新年活动已经回归PokeMMO! 一个算命师出现在彩虹市,凯那市, 家缘市 ,和七宝市寻求新年帮助。 丰饶之社有一个2-4人合作完成的任务。尽可能击败更多的敌人,祝好运。 这次活动将从2月12日持续到2月21日0:00(世界时) 2021农历新年活动会有一个排行榜,前25名的team?会获得一份特殊奖,Nian帽 一般更新 现在时装根据稀有程度进行颜色分类: 商店售卖的时装(常见,灰色) PvP获得的时装(黑色) 礼物商城售卖的时装(绿色) 季节性时装(蓝色) 活动限定时装(红色) 限时售卖的时装(金色) 在可应用的时候,时装会展示其售卖价格 玩家不能再把商店售卖的时装高价摆在交易行 礼物商城 金龙面具现在在礼物商城限时售卖 烟花质子返场 闪符返场 红暴鲤龙套装返场 飞翼爱心背包在 2021 情人节返场 Bug 修复 修复了在某些情况下,区域调用BGM错误(如联盟对战)的问题 修复了节拍器(道具)不能及时提高伤害的问题 修复了闪光特效问题 (手机端) 修复了从PC箱子查看精灵划到队伍后,无法返回查看PC箱子的问题 (ChromeOS) 修复了使用 Linux(Beta) 兼容时,玩家无法在界面选择ROM文件的问题 ChromeOS 仍然是一个技术援助有限的没有得到支持的平台 修复了袋子类道具有时无法呈现正确名称的问题 修复了持有邮件的精灵无法使用诡计的情况 修复了交换场地在组队PvE时无法正常生效的问题 修复了如果在受到挑衅/无理取闹状态重连时,玩家无法选择技能,导致死锁的问题 修复了战斗数据处理影响2月1日后分级更新数据的问题 吼叫, 龙尾,巴投 现在可以更直截了当地结束与野生精灵的战斗 (手机端) 修复了点击精灵雪碧图不显示精灵信息的问题 更新纪要 PokeMMO的“兼容模式”软件渲染器被弃用,并将在以后的更新中移除 受到影响的玩家每次登录游戏时会被提示“启用兼容模式,性能将会下降” PokeMMO的电脑客户端需要 Java 11. 根据安装方法的不同,可能需要手动升级系统才能继续游玩。兼容性预期如下: 以下系统配置不需要任何操作: Windows Installer (x86 & x64) Android Linux * 大多数的最新发行版,包括 Ubuntu 18.04+ & Debian Stable macOS 用户使用先前发布的可选MacOS启动程序更新 以下系统可能需要一些调整: Windows Portable Zip 推荐:通过 Windows Installer 安装游戏客户端 旧 Linux 发行版 推荐:安装 OpenJDK 11 并更新系统的默认java运行环境 使用旧启动器的 macOS 用户 必要操作:提示更新 macOS 时更新 此启动升级程序将最低可使用MacOS版本从10.9.5提高到10.13.6
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Porygoners won, was a good match
    1 point
  23. About damn time, congrats dood
    1 point
  24. Imperial

    closed topic

    I agree with Quakkz - this will also stop people abusing vanity items from the Pokemart (e.g. Teddy ears) The economy won't be affected by this at all, the economy is based around shinies, breeds and rare/event based vanity items - if you relied on Pokemart items for profit, that's really bad lol.
    1 point
  25. I've got- 6 dumplings 8 green fireworks 8 red fireworks 8 timer balls 6 lava cookies 3 carbos 3 stardust All in red envelopes
    1 point
  26. Probably already used up an entire years worth of luck on that sudowoodo raffle but bought 20 for this one too :)
    1 point
  27. KKpy


    兄弟 论坛碰到你了 哈哈哈 我是以前跟你一起那个
    1 point
  28. This thread has pointed out a few misunderstandings. As mentioned earlier, displaying our evidence to the banned player when it comes to more serious punishments like botting or RMT makes them aware of what to avoid the next time, if they attempt to do the same. Despite players coming to the forums and saying they were just banned for no reason, we do ban when evidence is enough to support it. Every piece of evidence we gather before and after issuing a punishment is reviewed by higher ranked staff, and the point of the appeals is to give these a re-revision in case something has been misinterpreted, along with a chance for players to admit their faults; needless to say the percentage of reversed punishments is very small. Letting the community know the names of the people answering the appeals will only foment harassment and hatred their way, specially in cases where the punishment could've been issued by mistake, because it is true that we make mistakes as well. If during investigation a mistake is found, or SGMs consider the ban to be out of place (Not only when GMs were the ones to issue it, but SGMs as well), the ban is then reversed. When it comes to automated responses: changing these or making them specialized, crafting them for each specific situation will not change the verdict or perspective of the user, if they made a mistake we're not here to flavor their denials, these give us time to focus on reviewing more appeals. The ban system has its flaws, the staff team can be flawed as well but rest assured everyone's given the benefit of the doubt where possible. We really appreciate your feedback and we'll do out best to improve upon this system.
    1 point
  29. oh and this "PokeMMO may suspend, modify, or delete any Account related to PokeMMO's Services at any time for any reason, or no reason, with or without notice to You, for any amount of time. For purposes of explanation, most account suspensions and modifications are the result of violation(s) with this Terms of Service." so basically it doesn't even matter if you are wrongly banned, they can ban you with no reason as well
    1 point
  30. Still don't you think its completely unreasonable for players who have spent time and money per say into the game to get wrongly banned and not even get a response with professionality. completely disregarding the games player base and just giving a half assed answer isn't a good way of handling bans in any perspective. running a game like this isn't supposed to be easy so why should caring about wrongful bans be too difficult ? just wondering
    1 point
  31. Yeah, but nobody else does. If the ban appeal states "Why did I get banned for RMT when I didn't commit RMT" and the response is, "RMT is forbidden". and the appeal gets closed. Well. This conversation doesn't really...logically or sequentially add up. So my next logical step, as a banned user, would be to make a new ban appeal, all like "excuse me but did you properly read my appeal? i don't think you understood my post", and then you get met with probably a copy paste of the first response and another closure... The responses aren't just brick-wall, they're also not very useful. It's one thing to communicate that they're never getting unbanned, it's another to do it convincingly and justifiedly.
    1 point
  32. Anyone know what the ids for Sinnoh are?
    1 point
  33. There's not really a way around 'not showing evidence to the players' for the devs. I think a lot of the tension comes from the fact that, the guy who reviews your appeal is probably the guy who banned you. Or that all the mods are on 'the same team'. If staff had one dude whose entire purpose, more or less, is exclusively to look at ban appeals and double-check. "Yes, this was definitely sufficient evidence to warrant a ban." or "Kinda ambiguous, unbanning." And people had faith in this person because they're not the person handing out bans and they're straight-up neutral like switzerland. Maybe it would work nicely? Anyways. The template response: ...is insufficient. Like, no shit it's against the rules. We know this when making the appeal. But you're not addressing the fact that he claims he didn't do it. Even if the response is something like "We definitely have evidence but we can't show it to you due to policies", well, it feels like their appeal was read, at least. Especially if it's written by a guy whose entire purpose is to double-check the evidence rather than hand out bans. As is, with the responses being so brick-wall and like 99% of ban appeals not being overturned because they're only for GMs making typos, well. May as well delete the section. Tell it how it is. If you get banned you're fucked. ...or change the response template to not be so ass, at least.
    1 point
  34. Shiny Gabite, idk encounters OT 49
    1 point
  35. FC

    Amulet Coin Rework

    This Idea is awesome but some people who are extremely fast at doing gym rematches might deny.
    1 point
  36. Negumiko


    I want Johto cause it is a beautiful region. plus we would get pokeball crafting, pokegear, and new legendary pokemon.
    1 point
  37. NetFreak


    I want Johto
    1 point
  38. Quakkz

    Value Advice

    they are untradeable.
    1 point
  39. TeamRocketHarry


    I've actually heard from an inside source that Johto will be implemented soon™
    1 point
  40. Teddiursa


    Hello! "Tomorrow" has been a meme for a while in the game, people used to say that about Sinnoh too. Johto is planned but there is no estimated time for it.
    1 point
  41. Dibz

    3DS Monster Icons

    1 point
  42. Eggplant

    3DS Monster Icons

    these simplistic, quality-upgrade mods are the type we need. my fucking hero. i snagged it already.
    1 point
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