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Pokemmo anticheat doesn't work, shiny rate is unfair and shiny block does exist.

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Posted (edited)

Hello my fellow poke trainers and pokemmo staff, I'm writing here due to the automated and no competent support system you have, also to talk about the pokemmo anticheat system, and the supposedly nonexistent reduced shiny odds which clearly exist and considering the automated nature of your poor anticheat system it makes shiny rate unfair for possibly too many people.

Before starting I want to make clear that honestly I'm not looking to get unbanned, but rather to make public my experience to make you reader think about the dark side of the game you playing.

You might be asking "why if he don't care to get unbanned he take the time to write this post?" That's why because the extremely "unusual" nature of how this ban occurred and how the support gave me a copy-paste answer make me a little pissed off, and trust me when I tell you I don't really care about losing my 2011 account which was created on beta with a value of more than 200m or even more, because this game is a dopamine trap and for somebody with ADD this game can be extremely highly addictive and can make you lose focus on your real life, so this ban was a bless for my integrity, but a hell to my addiction, and to make things fair to my addiction side of my personality I can't go away without sharing this experience to all of you.

Let's create some context, I work with python, c++, java, and coding tools, I do also have razer peripherals, if you have some idea of this, you might know that these can be used to create or run bots, scripts, macros and so on. Having this in consideration, I would never find entertaining using any of these softwares to take advantage over other players, because it would totally kill the entertainment for me and would rather no play the game than use a bot to play for me, also, the value of my account is not for having millions or millions of money, it's just because I have many day1 starters, when I came back to playing I also got a secret shiny riolu which is now a 3x31 2x29 OT secret shiny Lucario, a 4x31 1x30 OT shiny gyarados and 2x31 shiny magnemite which is my girl OT, all of them got bred by consistently farming leppas for months.

When I got my secret shiny Lucario I decided that I wanted to have a shiny competitive team and was working for it literally all days, all leppa farmer knows that it takes constancy to make good profit and you have to make it every day without failing to water your berries, otherwise you don't make profit and probably lose money. 

I started with gyarados, I got him at around 30k encounters, but after him I noticed that things are becoming exponentially harder, the next two ones were at around 120k encounters, I got a shiny tentacruel and shiny pelipper on same day, it was hard to get pelipper but I got it, sadly bad nature and ATK, sold the tentacruel to buy a shiny breeder, but decided to invest and bought a month of donator status and here is where I noticed something was wrong, at 150k encounters I asked my girl for help, she got a magnemite shiny at around 28k encounters on her pc and I was still dry, after that at around 200k encounters dry she found a poliwag at around 32k encounters, I finished the month of donator with 270k+ encounters, around 5 shiny charms and more than 20 shiny charm links. At that point, anybody would think that something is wrong with the shiny odds on its character?, I looked for information and found this post, 

 as Kyu stated there 


 That the anticheat check processes for third party tools and automatically reduce your odds. 

So considering all the information accumulated in that thread I decided to write directly to support and ask specifically for the process that should not be running while I'm shiny hunting to not get that shadow shiny ban, ticket in which I got a copy-paste answer. Screenshot_20230425-135056_Chrome.thumb.jpg.7cd1653ee215eba6953c927dfd82d0bb.jpg

Notice the dates


Support answered me a copy-paste, I answered back.




After that, they tagged the request as "invalid" and few hours later when I connected to water my leppas and I discovered I was banned. I made the corresponding appeal: 

 "First of all, I've been asking for support which ended in a ban of my account, I know perfectly the rules of the game and that macro, scripts, bots or client tampering result in a ban. In addition to this I know that pokemmo have access to my ram and automatically check for third party software which can trigger an an alert and flag my account for ban, also know that this is an automated process by the information given by kyu admin in forums. Why I do know that? First, because I know about coding because I use coding programs and it is part of my work and personal use, my clear intentions to be honest, give my perspective and directly risking everything to get a solution instead of creating hundreds of alts account and put them to bot (which is what bot users does) make profit and use low profile ways to send the money to their main accounts instead of berry harvest consistently to get a shiny breeder for their OT shinies?
I do really need this appeal to be reviewed by an objective admin, consider the nature of the ban, why I would create a ticket in which I ask directly to check my log if something is wrong only to get banned?

Also, in the hypothetical case that I was cheating for real, how many time would take your anticheat to ban me? What if I never asked support directly to check my log and tell me if something is wrong with my account? If I was cheating for real how much you would have waited to ban me? And how much I would have impacted the economy of the game before of me writing directly to you to check my log to tell you "hey! I'm cheating too much, please ban me!"
Please, be objective on this and take in consideration the way of how this ban occurred and how the two faces of the coin makes no sense for this ban. First of all, I've been asking for support which ended in a ban of my account, I know perfectly the rules of the game and that macro, scripts, bots or client tampering result in a ban. In addition to this I know that pokemmo have access to my ram and automatically check for third party software which can trigger an an alert and flag my account for ban, also know that this is an automated process by the information given by kyu admin in forums. Why I do know that? First, because I know about coding because I use coding programs and it is part of my work and personal use. In addition to this, I played this game on beta on 2011, then came back this year in 2023, I'm not a kid clearly and my perspective due to the accumulated knowledge I've its totally different from a average player. Considering all this, I'm perfectly aware that I've programs and processes that can trigger the alarm and flag my account for a ban due to the nature of pokemmo anticheat system, I use coding programs because it's part of my personal use, I work on python, also use stable diffusion which also use python, I do use razer peripherals which I've also read that the process can flag the account for ban. Having all this in consideration I noticed that my account shiny odds were totally ruined after a month of shiny hunting without any shiny after more than 270k encounters, which is almost impossible to happen, unless the account is flagged by the automated anticheat system. As being totally aware of all the information given before, I decided to ask for support, because after the amount of time spent in the game with no success of getting an OT shiny that I wanted I was clear that something is wrong with my account shiny odds, considering that the process is automated, the coding program that I use, and my razer peripherals I decided to write for support to clarify my situation and ask specifically for the process that should not be running while I'm shiny hunting with my account which is from beta and my main account, account which have a lot of value in the game, account that nobody with a little knowledge of pokemmo economy will risk to lose, nobody would even risk to lose a beta account full of day1 of server pokemon, secret shiny Lucario and more, why in the world a person will risk an account with this value to get ban? I think is just me, because I have a clear picture of what is happening and what is wrong and what could go possibly wrong with my account and what is actually going wrong with my account. I wrote for support being fully aware that my account could be flagged by the automated anticheat system, that's the main reason I wrote a support help, I play the game by the rules and I'm getting punished in my shiny odds by an automated system that is biased and can't difference between somebody who is botting, scripting, macroing or client tampering from somebody who is using coding platforms to do their personal business. That's the reason why I wrote for support, that's the reason I risk a ban of an account of that value, because it's my main account and I want my OT shiny team, which are breed by consistently harvesting leppa berries to make money to buy a breeder for my OT shinies. Don't you think if I was willing to cheat it wouldn't be better to create alts accounts with no value and put those accounts to bot or script like most of bot users does? you only depend on the automated system which is totally wrong from the perspective of fairness, I've seen massive amount of big scams and shinies in GTL with OT of extremely clear botting accounts "shinyfarmer07" "acc32" "fjfhhdkg" and so on, this make me clear that in game staff do not constantly control what is going through GTL or massive scams that go on daily basis in the game.
Having in consideration all what I've said, how your biased anticheat system works, the poor moderation in game, the reason why I wrote a support help even knowing that the biased anticheat system could have me flagged and the risk of writing to support to check my log and tell me which processes are triggering my shiny reduced odds with the main intention to kill those processes to stop wasting time trying to get a OT shiny that I would never get if the biased anticheat system keep flagging me for using coding platforms for personal use, my clear intentions to be honest, give my perspective and directly risking everything to get a solution instead of creating hundreds of alts account and put them to bot (which is what bot users does) make profit and use low profile ways to send the money to their main accounts instead of berry harvest consistently to get a shiny breeder for their OT shinies?
I do really need this appeal to be reviewed by an objective admin, consider the nature of the ban, why I would create a ticket in which I ask directly to check my log if something is wrong only to get banned?

Please, be objective on this and take in consideration the way of how this ban occurred."

They obviously didn't read anything and give me this answer and reject the appeal



Also, in the hypothetical case that I was cheating for real, how many time would take your anticheat to ban me? What if I never asked support directly to check my log and tell me if something is wrong with my account? If I was cheating for real how much you would have waited to ban me? And how much I would have impacted the economy of the game before of me writing directly to you to check my log to tell you "hey! I'm cheating too much, please ban me!"


Also, I'm pretty sure that this post will be removed almost immediately, but don't worry, I already backed up everything and other platforms do exist to spread information, so I hope I receive a human answer and not a copy-paste. 

Edited by xxorezxx
4 minutes ago, xxorezxx said:

Hello my fellow poke trainers and pokemmo staff, I'm writing here due to the automated and no competent support system you have, also to talk about the pokemmo anticheat system, and the supposedly nonexistent reduced shiny odds which clearly exist and considering the automated nature of your poor anticheat system it makes shiny rate unfair for possibly too many people.

Before starting I want to make clear that honestly I'm not looking to get unbanned, but rather to make public my experience to make you reader think about the dark side of the game you playing.

You might be asking "why if he don't care to get unbanned he take the time to write this post?" That's why because the extremely "unusual" nature of how this ban occurred and how the support gave me a copy-paste answer make me a little pissed off, and trust me when I tell you I don't really care about losing my 2011 account which was created on beta with a value of more than 200m or even more, because this game is a dopamine trap and for somebody with ADD this game can be extremely highly addictive and can make you lose focus on your real life, so this ban was a bless for my integrity, but a hell to my addiction, and to make things fair to my addiction side of my personality I can't go away without sharing this experience to all of you.

Let's create some context, I work with python, c++, java, and coding tools, I do also have razer peripherals, if you have some idea of this, you might know that these can be used to create or run bots, scripts, macros and so on. Having this in consideration, I would never find entertaining using any of these softwares to take advantage over other players, because it would totally kill the entertainment for me and would rather no play the game than use a bot to play for me, also, the value of my account is not for having millions or millions of money, it's just because I have many day1 starters, when I came back to playing I also got a secret shiny riolu which is now a 3x31 2x29 OT secret shiny Lucario, a 4x31 1x30 OT shiny gyarados and 2x31 shiny magnemite which is my girl OT, all of them got bred by consistently farming leppas for months.

When I got my secret shiny Lucario I decided that I wanted to have a shiny competitive team and was working for it literally all days, all leppa farmer knows that it takes constancy to make good profit and you have to make it every day without failing to water your berries, otherwise you don't make profit and probably lose money. 

I started with gyarados, I got him at around 30k encounters, but after him I noticed that things are becoming exponentially harder, the next two ones were at around 120k encounters, I got a shiny tentacruel and shiny pelipper on same day, it was hard to get pelipper but I got it, sadly bad nature and ATK, sold the tentacruel to buy a shiny breeder, but decided to invest and bought a month of donator status and here is where I noticed something was wrong, at 150k encounters I asked my girl for help, she got a magnemite shiny at around 28k encounters on her pc and I was still dry, after that at around 200k encounters dry she found a poliwag at around 32k encounters, I finished the month of donator with 270k+ encounters, around 5 shiny charms and more than 20 shiny charm links. At that point, anybody would think that something is wrong with the shiny odds on its character, I looked for information and found this post, 

 as Kyu stated there 


 That the anticheat check processes for third party tools and automatically reduce your odds. 

So considering all the information accumulated in that thread I decided to write directly to support and ask specifically for the process that should not be running while I'm shiny hunting to not get that shadow shiny ban, ticket in which I got a copy-paste answer. Screenshot_20230425-135056_Chrome.thumb.jpg.7cd1653ee215eba6953c927dfd82d0bb.jpg

Notice the dates


Support answered me a copy-paste, I answered back.




After that, they tagged the request as "invalid" and few hours later when I connected to water my leppas and I discovered I was banned. I made the corresponding appeal: 

 "First of all, I've been asking for support which ended in a ban of my account, I know perfectly the rules of the game and that macro, scripts, bots or client tampering result in a ban. In addition to this I know that pokemmo have access to my ram and automatically check for third party software which can trigger an an alert and flag my account for ban, also know that this is an automated process by the information given by kyu admin in forums. Why I do know that? First, because I know about coding because I use coding programs and it is part of my work and personal use, my clear intentions to be honest, give my perspective and directly risking everything to get a solution instead of creating hundreds of alts account and put them to bot (which is what bot users does) make profit and use low profile ways to send the money to their main accounts instead of berry harvest consistently to get a shiny breeder for their OT shinies?
I do really need this appeal to be reviewed by an objective admin, consider the nature of the ban, why I would create a ticket in which I ask directly to check my log if something is wrong only to get banned?

Also, in the hypothetical case that I was cheating for real, how many time would take your anticheat to ban me? What if I never asked support directly to check my log and tell me if something is wrong with my account? If I was cheating for real how much you would have waited to ban me? And how much I would have impacted the economy of the game before of me writing directly to you to check my log to tell you "hey! I'm cheating too much, please ban me!"
Please, be objective on this and take in consideration the way of how this ban occurred and how the two faces of the coin makes no sense for this ban. First of all, I've been asking for support which ended in a ban of my account, I know perfectly the rules of the game and that macro, scripts, bots or client tampering result in a ban. In addition to this I know that pokemmo have access to my ram and automatically check for third party software which can trigger an an alert and flag my account for ban, also know that this is an automated process by the information given by kyu admin in forums. Why I do know that? First, because I know about coding because I use coding programs and it is part of my work and personal use. In addition to this, I played this game on beta on 2011, then came back this year in 2023, I'm not a kid clearly and my perspective due to the accumulated knowledge I've its totally different from a average player. Considering all this, I'm perfectly aware that I've programs and processes that can trigger the alarm and flag my account for a ban due to the nature of pokemmo anticheat system, I use coding programs because it's part of my personal use, I work on python, also use stable diffusion which also use python, I do use razer peripherals which I've also read that the process can flag the account for ban. Having all this in consideration I noticed that my account shiny odds were totally ruined after a month of shiny hunting without any shiny after more than 270k encounters, which is almost impossible to happen, unless the account is flagged by the automated anticheat system. As being totally aware of all the information given before, I decided to ask for support, because after the amount of time spent in the game with no success of getting an OT shiny that I wanted I was clear that something is wrong with my account shiny odds, considering that the process is automated, the coding program that I use, and my razer peripherals I decided to write for support to clarify my situation and ask specifically for the process that should not be running while I'm shiny hunting with my account which is from beta and my main account, account which have a lot of value in the game, account that nobody with a little knowledge of pokemmo economy will risk to lose, nobody would even risk to lose a beta account full of day1 of server pokemon, secret shiny Lucario and more, why in the world a person will risk an account with this value to get ban? I think is just me, because I have a clear picture of what is happening and what is wrong and what could go possibly wrong with my account and what is actually going wrong with my account. I wrote for support being fully aware that my account could be flagged by the automated anticheat system, that's the main reason I wrote a support help, I play the game by the rules and I'm getting punished in my shiny odds by an automated system that is biased and can't difference between somebody who is botting, scripting, macroing or client tampering from somebody who is using coding platforms to do their personal business. That's the reason why I wrote for support, that's the reason I risk a ban of an account of that value, because it's my main account and I want my OT shiny team, which are breed by consistently harvesting leppa berries to make money to buy a breeder for my OT shinies. Don't you think if I was willing to cheat it wouldn't be better to create alts accounts with no value and put those accounts to bot or script like most of bot users does? you only depend on the automated system which is totally wrong from the perspective of fairness, I've seen massive amount of big scams and shinies in GTL with OT of extremely clear botting accounts "shinyfarmer07" "acc32" "fjfhhdkg" and so on, this make me clear that in game staff do not constantly control what is going through GTL or massive scams that go on daily basis in the game.
Having in consideration all what I've said, how your biased anticheat system works, the poor moderation in game, the reason why I wrote a support help even knowing that the biased anticheat system could have me flagged and the risk of writing to support to check my log and tell me which processes are triggering my shiny reduced odds with the main intention to kill those processes to stop wasting time trying to get a OT shiny that I would never get if the biased anticheat system keep flagging me for using coding platforms for personal use, my clear intentions to be honest, give my perspective and directly risking everything to get a solution instead of creating hundreds of alts account and put them to bot (which is what bot users does) make profit and use low profile ways to send the money to their main accounts instead of berry harvest consistently to get a shiny breeder for their OT shinies?
I do really need this appeal to be reviewed by an objective admin, consider the nature of the ban, why I would create a ticket in which I ask directly to check my log if something is wrong only to get banned?

Please, be objective on this and take in consideration the way of how this ban occurred."

They obviously didn't read anything and give me this answer and reject the appeal



Also, in the hypothetical case that I was cheating for real, how many time would take your anticheat to ban me? What if I never asked support directly to check my log and tell me if something is wrong with my account? If I was cheating for real how much you would have waited to ban me? And how much I would have impacted the economy of the game before of me writing directly to you to check my log to tell you "hey! I'm cheating too much, please ban me!"


Also, I'm pretty sure that this post will be removed almost immediately, but don't worry, I already backed up everything and other platforms do exist to spread information, so I hope I receive a human answer and not a copy-paste. 

Just to get facts clear to you:

- Anticheat doesn't check if you're using macros or something on PC, it check if are being used on MMO. This was sayed on other thread by... I don't recall if was Seth(Former GM) or Teddi(SGM): Devs don't care if you're using any program on other games, it only doesn't want you using them on MMO.

- Shinylock exist for very old accounts because in the past GMs could shinylock accounts. It was also confirmed on same thread iirc. Now they can't do that. And for check if your account is Shiny Locked, you can just call a friend with a shiny to battle and if you see the shiny, then your account isn't shinylocked.

- Shiny rate is same for all people: 1/30000. Donator Status with RP vouchers is a thing avaliable to everyone, but it's still a small increase. You can find a shiny on luck, literally go to a grass spot by accident or to train EVs and found on there a shiny, or you can hunt for months and don't find any shiny. Dedication is the key.


I've been playing for a long time, I have almost 1700 hours of play, I consider myself a shiny hunter, sometimes I spend hours spamming hordes looking for a shiny and I do this quite often and I never had any problems because I respect the rules of the server and I don't use anything strange or unrelated to the services offered by the server, honestly I do not think you will be banned for anything or simple speculation of the staff, they can see more than you think and have experience in these cases they are not stupid

Posted (edited)

It looks like they only banned the guy for asking about his programs running in the background, which only came to light when he mentioned them. Anticheat would've got him the moment the program interfered with his game, right? How come it took 10 years to kick in if that's the case? 


Also, I have screenshots of a staff member talking about his bot and I can name at least 3 players who use bots to flex expensive items. One of them just became CM recently. One got banned and after about a week they were back with the same name as a fresh spawn. A week after that they were back to normal so it's pretty clear anticheat isn't checking anything. The devs could probably combat the bot issue with something as simple as monitoring bulk sellers if they really wanted to, but I'd bet good money that killing bots would also kill the global market. They'd have to completely overhaul the game to survive without them. 

Order of events

I once was over 500k encounter dry and still got a shiny afterwards, some people get 3 in one hour. That's just luck. You are never garantied to get one. 


For the botting thing, I see alot of suspicious account and big stacks of items beeing sold. I have been around here for nearly 5 years now and while I know the community is growing it still feels and look weird seeing 99 stacks of everstones being put up for such a low price and 5-10 stacks in the same minute.


A quick Google search will get anyone who is willing to join a discord server a bot. 


While im not sure how often those bots get banned the pure existence of such things devalutes alot of farmable items. 



Shiny rate is fair and bots are getting out of control imo



You just have to take a look over the gtl to realize the serious problem that pokemmo currently suffers with the issue of bots,


One of the attractions of this game is the economy system that we have, unfortunately, it's done shit because of those who use bots and rmt,


I'm glad to see this type of post, at least the staff is aware of the problem and they are fighting it...


Honestly, I don't believe that the staff bans them without being 100% sure and regarding the shiny lock I want to think that it is nonsense


make a new account and this time play legal and enjoy the game, they are giving you the opportunity to do so


ChatGPT Summary of post:
The forum post is from a user who is frustrated with PokeMMO's automated support and anti-cheat system. The user experienced reduced shiny odds, which they believe is due to the system mistaking their coding tools and peripherals for cheating tools. They created a support ticket asking for help but received a generic response. After further discussion, their account was banned. The user is not seeking to be unbanned but wants to share their experience to expose the game's issues. They also filed an appeal, but it was rejected without a proper review, which further frustrated them.
After reading your post fully all I can do is send you my regards as a fellow programmer cuz it seems you are being treated unfairly. If your ban is justified there should definitely be a log of it in their anti-cheat logs or if it was manual there should be an audit log to determine who did it and why. Pretty much what im saying is the fact that you have not received a specific legitimate reason for why your account was banned, even as an OG player is simply unprofessional and concerning for me as a new player. I think this game is wonderful as it bridges all the old gen pokemons together but its so sad to hear and see issues like this not being treated with the care deserved. Im sure there are more egregious offenders that are doing way worse and getting away with it. Smh i hope you get unbanned (under the premise you are telling the truth which i believe you are)

7 minutes ago, 1337 said:

ChatGPT Summary of post:
The forum post is from a user who is frustrated with PokeMMO's automated support and anti-cheat system. The user experienced reduced shiny odds, which they believe is due to the system mistaking their coding tools and peripherals for cheating tools. They created a support ticket asking for help but received a generic response. After further discussion, their account was banned. The user is not seeking to be unbanned but wants to share their experience to expose the game's issues. They also filed an appeal, but it was rejected without a proper review, which further frustrated them.
After reading your post fully all I can do is send you my regards as a fellow programmer cuz it seems you are being treated unfairly. If your ban is justified there should definitely be a log of it in their anti-cheat logs or if it was manual there should be an audit log to determine who did it and why. Pretty much what im saying is the fact that you have not received a specific legitimate reason for why your account was banned, even as an OG player is simply unprofessional and concerning for me as a new pl

First of all, I'm sorry about the butchered quote. This website is unfriendly.


Second, that chat thing made a really good summary of this, that's interesting as hell. 


Finally, it looks to me like your summary is exactly why he was banned but who knows if he's lying or not. People say the game gives you a captcha if you're acting suspicious though and he didn't mention anything like that. I'd love to see a staff response to this because even if the guy was cheating it still needs some kind of investigation and summary when it's over public or not. 


Imagine going through so much irrelevant effort when you are in fact guilty. 


PS. Shiny lock doesn't exist - it's an excuse used by players who are impatient, unlucky or exaggerating their encounter quantity.

2 hours ago, VIVAJESTER said:

Also, I have screenshots of a staff member talking about his bot.

Believe it or not, there are bots outside of PokeMMO that people work on and maintain to benefit the community. A Discord bot in this situation.

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