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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/22 in Posts

  1. Date: Sunday, June 19th Time: 7AM UTC | 3AM ET | 12AM PT | 3PM CST | Time Zone Converter Location: Everywhere! Duration: Until all prizes are claimed! Rules: In order to participate you must sign up by either commenting, reacting to this post, or informing me through other means (sign up ends when the event begins) To win 1st-10th places you just have to be one of the first 10 people to get a shiny You can only submit one entry All shinies must be caught within the event time Egg hatches require proof to show that you didn't breed 2 shinies together You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating host by whisper, Discord DM, or commenting on this post Prizes: The Prize pool consists of 10 mystery boxes that each contain a shiny and a cosmetic item totaling in ~5mil in value. Each winner will select a number and that will determine which box they receive, each box will be assigned a random number. The first to find a shiny will select between 1-10, the second will select between 1-9, ect. Boxes: Claimed by Shaiaa! + Bunny Costume Claimed by Forgettingthings! + UFO Hat Claimed by Pcoookie! + Teddy Bear Claimed by byrntauu! + Brown Werewolf Mask Claimed by SsQZxc! + Turtle Gi Claimed by Mukel! + Cursed Mask Claimed by Ninnetales! + Motorcycle Claimed by SecreSwallowtail! + Proto Pack Claimed by Complutum! + Ninja Scarf Claimed by Jinmuwon! + Small Black Rat Hood Bonus Prizes: Bonus prizes will be awarded to the first ones to get a secret shiny, safari catch, egg hatch, or single encounter! Secret Shiny Bonus: Claimed by BangTheIII! Safari Bonus: Hatch Bonus: Claimed by Pcoookie! Single Bonus: First 3 people to catch a shiny from the banner image will receive 500RP! Options include: 500RP Claimed by SecreSwallowtail! 500RP Claimed by Mukel! 500RP Claimed by BulkyBogan! Host: Koltern (Me!), I'll be streaming during the event here! Also join my discord to show off your shinies and join the shiny hunter hall of fame! https://discord.gg/ZBWyWaC8cz
    18 points
  2. MustangCZ

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    Item Slot: Hat, Top and back. I know that we are already in the anniversary, but I was thinking of something that just by seeing it you would know that it is from pokemmo, that's where jumpeon came to my mind as a limited outfit with lighting effects and animations for the anniversary of the game. (Also, I think I'll stop doing vanities for a while because I feel like I'm spamming this forum.)Image of Item:
    7 points
  3. Hey wassup everybody I'm new to pokemmmo and have been a fan of all things Pokemon for over 25 years! I'm 29 and a father so of a 5 year old so sometimes my time will be limited but I'm excited to be here and hope to learn alot and also meet alot of chill people I'm really interested in PvP and giving back and helping other players as I learn more about the game hope to see you all in game appreciate you taking the time to read this have a blessed day!
    6 points
  4. Again ev training, why not secret?): 5th ot
    6 points
  5. Congratulations to the winners! 1st Place JuicyDj 173 points - 10:42:26 PM UTC  2nd Place ribbsss 172 points - 10:01:54 PM UTC 3rd Place Agrat 171 points - 10:51:08 PM UTC 4th Place Intercalairee 17 points - 10:04:34 PM UTC And a special thanks to my awesome referees: @Cosmooth@Alexggg@Revz@TechnoVortex
    5 points
  6. hannahtaylor

    what's this?

    you typed 'ww6.'
    4 points
  7. 11.7k Eggs, Charmander's next, lets do itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
    4 points
  8. 我想当资本家,我想体验站在巅峰的感觉,我想在交易行指点江山。 于是我从19年开始收急金,当时我对时装根本不感兴趣,它只不过是赚钱的工具罢了,我收了好多现在都是几千万的时装,可惜当时全卖了,我好悔啊! 现在我的囤了好多时装,他们大都跌了,我的梦想还是遥遥无期! 我要再熬十年,等你们都退游了,我就是新的资本家。 这是一个韭菜的自我救赎。
    3 points
  9. 我还记得我20年入的坑,通关后练级的时候闪了两个马,拿着卖这两个闪马的钱看66哥的视频做了天王队,还没打回本鬼蝉就改没了我直接退役? 今年又想玩了,氪了点rp当果农肝了很久才回血的
    3 points
  10. What kind of Ralts is this? ?
    3 points
  11. 18年6月18日入坑的,我从一开始就是奔着PVP去的。一开始的我心气很高傲,瞧不起不PVP的人,而且很容易被各种小丑行为激怒。四年过去了,遇到了,吃了很多亏,也懂了很多事,逐渐磨平了棱角,结交到了无数朋友。我再也不会瞧不起那些不PVP而且专注于赚钱的人,因为很多次他们在我被恶意针对一无所有的时候伸出了援手。我也能够用发展的眼光去看待新一代的球员,给予他们更大的宽容。尽管处处碰壁而且以前可能因为几年前过于激进伤害了很多身边的人,但是我始终保持着一颗纯粹的宝可梦对战的心。三年前我立下愿望要陪伴cn的mmo宝可梦对战一起达到世界最高峰,如今已经率队拿下世锦赛冠军,看着排行榜国人统治各个分级,我觉得我的目标实现了。往后的话,我会保持初心,继续陪伴cn的宝可梦对战前行,希望一直都是我们的春天。 最后对每一个和我有过矛盾的人,无论和解与否,说声对不起。对每一个为cn宝可梦对战事业发展做出贡献的训练家,说声感谢。对每一个愿意向他人伸出援手的,无论贫穷还是富有,说声感谢。 前途无尽美好,我们共同前行,世界尽在眼前。 写这段话的时候,脑海里浮现了太多太多名字,浮现了太多太多回忆。无论是好是坏,都是我这四年最深刻的回忆。那么就用这段话,纪念我自己来到mmo四年整。期待下一个四年。
    3 points
  12. 19年朋友推荐,第一次接触到这个游戏。当时还需要加速器才能玩,每天都要玩10多个小时,虽然那个时候什么都不懂。随着认识的朋友们一个个退坑,自己一个人玩也觉得没意思了,万圣节前就脱坑了,直到20年疫情才回坑了。(现在想想气死了,完美错过好几个活动!)回坑后闪了自己的第一只闪光直冲熊,后面也做了一次欧皇,开盲盒蛋闪了。在回坑后也慢慢认识了很多朋友,这个游戏的魅力也逐渐体现出来了。和朋友们交流刷闪的情况,一起参加社区活动和公会活动,一起通宵攻略万圣、圣诞、春节活动等等。对于我来说mmo已经不单单是游戏了,更像是朋友间的互动与交流的纽带,哪怕相隔千里甚至跨越国家也能够将我们的欢乐分享。(只有欢乐没有悲伤,别问为什么,问就是你的悲伤就是他们欢乐的源泉,比如我还没追梦成功/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~)我在mmo里认识一群志同道合的朋友,他们是我在mmo里最宝贵的收获,即使是这些朋友因为各种原因离开了这个游戏,然而我们之间的友谊也会一直长存。所以我不再是当初的我,现在的我会更加的喜爱着mmo。 o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ❤
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Date Sunday, 12th June 2022 Time 12:00 UTC | 08:00 ET | 09:00 BRT | 13:00 CET | (Time Zone Converter) Location Route 119, Hoenn, Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching. another 10 minutes for players to submit entries. Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus + Species Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries Treecko +5 Tropius +3 Gloom -2 Nature Bonus Adamant+5 Modest +3 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by a Randoms PvP battle Hosts AdamantSceptile Rythlai 1st Place Prize GIFT Sceptile Lv.46 4x31 1x30, Adamant Natured, 252 Atk EVs, 252 Spd EVs and 6 HP EVs & GIFT Shiny Vanilluxe Lv.100 1x31, Timid Natured with 252 SpAtk EVs, 252 Spd EVs and 6 HP EVs & W Cat Headphones Blue LED & Fly Ocarina & Leppa Berry x99  2nd Place Prize GIFT Oshawott Lv.1 2x31, Adamant Natured, with Egg Moves Sacred Sword and Night Slash & GIFT Shiny Reuniclus Lv.43 1x31, Jolly Natured with Random EVs & Retro Games Handheld & Ice Cream Hood (Dark Red) & Leppa Berry x99 3rd Place Prize Samurai Armor (Dark Red) & Torch & Leppa Berry x44 4th Place Prize Baseball Cap (Dark Red) & Torch & Leppa Berry x44
    2 points
  15. 最开始接触这个游戏的时候是18年,是我的好朋友推荐给我的,mmo是我玩的第一款神奇宝贝游戏,以前都是在那种老电视上面的点播台看的,因为点播要钱,都是别人点到神奇宝贝的时候才能看一集,所以玩mmo的时候啥也不懂,精灵也认不全,都是自己一步一步去探索的,也不知道有攻略这些,当时玩的时候抓到新的宝可梦打过一个道馆都会很开心,当时走着走着单遇闪了喵喵真的激动坏了,我当时甚至都不知道闪光是啥玩意儿(´-﹏-`;)都是问朋友才知道的,后边三通了就不知道做什么了,18年那时候还没有神奥,当我不知道干啥的时候万圣节就来了,当时加了个小工会,和朋友们一起讨论怎么打南瓜王,然后赚了点小钱钱做了我最爱的巨金,还有螳螂,我练孵蛋都不会,当时真的是做的头疼,学了好久才勉强做出来了,当时真的很开心,那时候的快乐真的很简单,后边慢慢的我朋友也不怎么玩了,因为他玩过很多宝可梦游戏,觉得这款马赛克画风游戏没意思了不想玩了,后边基本上没怎么上线,就我一个人断断续续的在玩,刷闪,搬砖,做自己喜欢的成品啥的,也喜欢和频道里的兄弟们聊天,那时候管理还很少,伊布也在很活跃很热情的帮萌新们回答各种问题,虽然有点小寂寞但是也还行吧,就这样慢慢的玩,后边新玩家越来越多了,伊布也忙着自己的事去了,退游了一段时间,mmo的东西炒作的很厉害,全是资本家炒作,感觉这游戏也有点变味了,后边工会也解散了,我也觉得有点累了,断断续续的在玩,经常都是上线不知道干啥,到处看看,挂会儿机就下线了,每次就万圣节的时候打打南瓜王玩,圣诞和春节的活动都感觉挺没意思的,都不用自己的精灵对战,开活动的时候我还是会经常叫我朋友一起玩,他也都是很不情愿的来玩会儿就下线了,还一起创了个巨金工会MG(metagross),我们说好等我闪了巨金,我们就开始招新拉人,只拉喜欢巨金怪的进工会,嘿嘿(◦˙▽˙◦),但是到现在我都还没闪巨金,所以现在工会还是只有我们两个(ー_ー)!! 孵蛋真的太累了,而且我也很非,3600=6,没一只稀有闪,听说这十周年了又回来玩玩,看见伊布大佬也回坑了,感觉又回到了以前的时候,mmo都已经十周年了,你还是当初的你们吗?
    2 points
  16. Such a Krabby pun really ? Explanation You will bring 3 Pokemon to this duel. You will both see each others 3 Pokemon in team preview and then select 1 Pokemon accordingly. This battle will be decided on the leading 1v1 meaning of course, no switching in battle is allowed. Focus Sash is banned. FR: ESP: Details Single Battle | 32 Players | 1v1 OU (Bring 3 Pokemon, select 1) | Best of 3 finals. Duel Request Example Standard OU duel request as shown in the spoiler. Location Silph Co. | Kanto | Channel 4 Date & Time Wednesday, 15th June 2022 | 6 PM UTC | 2 PM ET | 1 PM CT | Time Zone Converter Registration Registration will open 30 minutes prior to the tournament start. To register post an IGN in this thread. You may only register one person per user. Your registration will not count if done before the 30 minute registration period and the first 64 players will take priority in claiming a bracket spot. Edited posts will NOT be accepted as a valid registration. Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO Tournament Clauses Explained Banned Items Focus Sash Eject button Red Card Banned Moves Circle Throw Dragon Tail Roar Whirlwind Metronome Volt Switch Uturn Teleport Baton Pass 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Krabby Lvl 1 Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 3 selectable IVs (0-31) and 3x28 IVs & 750 Reward Points  2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd Place Prize 250 Reward Points The prizes will be sent to the winners a few days after the event Notes Disconnecting during a match results in a DQ if the player is unable to reconnect. Do not block the Staff running the event. If you disregard requests for you to unblock staff members, you will be disqualified. Once your match is called you will have 10 minutes to report to the table. No time extensions will be given. Host: KaynineXL Ref: xJoseee, Cosmooth
    2 points
  17. Shadow

    a question?

    He's free to raffle whatever he wants, as long as he's not exchanging the raffle prize for an in real life active (cash, etc) Hope this helps.
    2 points
  18. -------------提交方式------------- Tips: 欢迎玩家们赞助中文分区的活动 点此查看如何赞助 日期 星期日 2022年6月12日 时间 北京时间 19:00 位置 神奥地区 山谷发电厂 Ch.1 时长 1小时 抓捕 另外 10分钟 提交 计分方式 个体值总和 = 最终成绩 有效的参赛精灵 无壳海兔 萌新活动特殊福利(仅萌新抓宠活动存在的特殊福利 ) 在该帖下方回复: ID+活动精灵截图 活动结束后一个小时截止回复后抽取幸运楼层赠送萌新大礼包 附:参与萌新抽奖活动的玩家 截图的精灵不要放生或者卖掉 中奖后会有主持人联系你LINK你截图的精灵然后选取萌新礼包(最下方有礼包详情) 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名, 需要提交一只总成绩最高的精灵宝可梦 要赢得非酋奖, 需要提交一只总成绩最低的精灵宝可梦 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内抓到, 你有1小时的抓捕时间 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样 (未训练、未进化等) 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家 你只能提交1只参赛精灵宝可梦 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给主持人的方式来提交,邮件提交无效 提交后,请将其暂时带在队伍中并不要下线,否则成绩无效。如有希望获奖,请务必与主持人确认是否收到 平局情况下, 最后抓到的胜出 公布成绩10分钟内可以提出异议,并重新审查 最终的成绩以帖子公布为准。如果异议前被告知获奖但因重审后被挤掉名次,将会视情况决定是否予以补偿 主持人 CaptainXIANYU OvO ZHM Happyiex Lonemm 第1名 礼物的闪光无壳海兔 由你指定性格,2个技能,个体值3x31,3x28的位置 & 500 奖励点 第2名 500奖励点 第3名 500奖励点 非酋奖 500奖励点 萌新礼包1 精灵球*50+超级球*15+伤药*50+解毒药*10+解麻药*10+烧伤药*10+离洞绳*10+活力碎片*10 萌新礼包2 精灵球*99+伤药*99+超级球*99 萌新礼包3 超级球*99+高级球*33 萌新礼包4 好伤药*99+厉害伤药*33 以上礼包任选一个
    2 points
  19. thank you for immortalizing me being victim of such a serious crime
    2 points
  20. 18年开始玩,当时是在YT(油管)接触到这游戏,6月5号才庆祝了游玩四周年,给自己做了只成品叉字蝠当礼物。 现在有是看看好友列表底层,好友们退的退,封的封,现在基本都是自己和几个几年前公会的朋友在玩,也没人来陪我组队玩丰源对战塔华丽大赛,稍微有点孤独。 差不多三千小时了,十几只闪,没有稀有闪,虽然我也有只12年的闪鬼斯,也是挺稀有的,当时一位朋友1.8m卖我嘿嘿。那位朋友几年前也送过我一只小孩百变,一直没卖,可以说是白嫖10m了。嘿嘿 最近在专研UU,搞了两只尚算可用的成品闪风速狗和超甲狂犀,现在就在匹配练习,有试过被皮卡丘推队,也试过被精英训练家赞我厉害,实力也不知道怎么形容,下个赛季争取当个天王哈哈。 资产的话,看着这几年物价飙升,贵点的时装都买不了。号里最贵的,应该是我前几个月赌到的183个体闪母风速狗,可惜不对性,迟点可能看看有没有机会搞个方闪搞性格吧。 希望在座各位也不忘初心,我们喜欢的,是宝可梦,玩这游戏的目的不是赚钱和搞时装,对吧! PokeMMO十周年快乐!
    2 points
  21. 好怀念 12年开始玩,当时搬砖2小时20万500RP, 被黑心商人30万收3v百变怪,遇到有趣的墨西哥人,18年出第一支闪,现在就上线搬搬砖 看看交易行后下线
    2 points
  22. 游戏不给人活路啊,喜欢打天王的被和谐成6小时,做闪光吧过两年贬值的贬值,遗传的烂大街,时装没买资本家当不了,现在摆烂了呜呜呜
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. the hype for the secret shiny is too much in my opinion, if you already have the seasonals you can choose to buy a shiny with the particle selling only the RP. They are dropping in price like crazy, and in a month we will probably see them at 30M for the "commons".
    2 points
  25. 我是一位从19年就知道mmo了的一名玩家,当时玩绿宝石等GBA模拟器玩腻了,想和玩家对战,从悟饭游戏厅知道了一个叫“口袋妖怪在线版”的一个玩意(其实就是MMO)。我尝试了下载,辛辛苦苦看了好久攻略,用了一天半才载入ROM(别问我为什么那么笨...)好不容易载入完了却因为没有办法创建账号而失望,后来到了21年3月13日,我又一次将目光看向了MMO,百度了官网后看了下视频,看起来蛮好玩的样子,我就贼麻烦的创建了邮箱,15日终于入坑辣,当时什么也不懂,只不过幸亏GBA和NDS玩太多了攻略基本上不看(偶尔也有忘记剧情的时候...)当时很肝,但是很笨....62h才一通关都......现在的我喜欢pvp却很穷(懒癌患者)励志成为上榜滴人儿,希望以后我会把肝儿弄回来好好肝一把,争取早日上榜一!这游戏真的带给我了太多快乐,我会一直玩下去不退游的,希望我不是海贼王中的布鲁克,不会见证太多人的生死......
    2 points
  26. Fue complicado, la verdad es muy difícil Lo llamo (el vigilante)
    2 points
  27. It is not only the comparison with Conkeldurr that is the reason for the ban, it has a broader background, first because it has few defensive responses, in fact I will provide some calculations towards the majority of pokes that could even control machamp 252+ Atk Guts Machamp Facade (140 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Musharna: 106-125 (47.7 - 56.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery 252+ Atk Guts Machamp Facade (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowking: 109-129 (53.9 - 63.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 252+ Atk Guts Machamp Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Golbat: 112-134 (61.5 - 73.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO In fact dusknoir would consider a count of this but its use is almost nil, the other 2 cannot get 2 hits and what makes it even more complicated is that they have a low speed to be able to heal before and be a good control, in fact at least golbat could be considered in a certain sense, it is faster and could heal(Doing the calculations I also saw that bold nidoqueen could be a good control with RH damage and power to be faster, but it still takes a lot of damage) Well, that's something that he always did since before the update, being a wallbreak, the problem falls when getting mach punch it just makes the problem of being able to be revenged more hardly, the problem is aggravated when unlike UU, here the majority of common sweeps are weak or neutral to fighting, taking a lot of damage from mach punch (Immune and resistant to mach are highlighted in red in the image, pink are neutral or effective). 252+ Atk Guts Machamp Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Blaziken: 76-90 (49 - 58%) -- 95.3% chance to 2HKO 252+ Atk Guts Machamp Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Sceptile: 81-96 (55.8 - 66.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 252+ Atk Guts Machamp Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Hitmonchan: 69-82 (55.2 - 65.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Now, add to that the fact that there are a lot of sinisters on the level that can be combined with machamp to take out ghosts and psychics that resist mach or could take a couple of hits, there's no need to even suspect or machamp to realize that he has no justification for staying.
    2 points
  28. 5/6 Kings caught No crab-emotes for me, thanks
    2 points
  29. Welcome 😄 If you want something trained up and you dont want to do it yourself, for what ever reason, you have come to the right place! Shop is currently: [CLOSED] My Status: [x] Current Job(s): Meet Neon, my EV Trainer: Also, Now Blue: Butterfree handles the Bulk orders. Dragonite handles Quick and Amnesia orders. [NEW] New Player? Totally new player to the MMO? As a welcome gift, I will EV train one of your Pokemon for FREE. As long as you have less than 80 hours total playtime, you qualify! It wont be levelled high so you can still use it in the early game. I'd need to see your in game character list, and trainer card. You can Mail me IG with your Order But do NOT send anything until I say so I also take orders here in thread, by DM's or by Discord: [NDGO or LAVA] Servers ONLY. I ONLY play in Ch.2 if you would like to trade them. For Mailed Pokemon: Money will need to be paid upfront. This is only because once I am done I can mail it back straight away. Do NOT set me a time limit that your Pokemon must be completed by. I'm not training 24/7 and I complete orders by Earliest first. Next Promotion Milestone: 1000 Congratulations to urCute's fashion contest winners! LordQuostoninost x5 Tear x2 LaMikotoMikasa x1 TwiceF x5 Shookan x5 Deploic x5 Craneo x5 Knightee x5 Whenever you need anything trained. Message me here or in game and I will train for you! Current Completed Jobs: 553 Milestones Beat: 50 11/04/2022 100 20/04/2022 250 21/05/2022 500 05/08/2022 If you prefer your Pokemon not to be listed here, please let me know after I have completed your job. Amnesia Brace Jobs are shown here: [NEW] Shiny Showcase
    1 point
  30. The first anniversary update has opened Anville Town and Black city, and we're all happy. Sure, Black city is a bit empty, but that's Game Freak's fault. Anville town, however, was different. Much more like the game, that is: now, however, after the second update for the anniversary, the train looks like this: and if that's not enough, talking to the NPC's (which have increased throughout Unova, including Anville Town) you will find a worker who says, in the exact words: I believe, in short, that the event has to do with travels into the future, and perhaps perhaps in other regions that are not only distant in space but also in time ..... like b / w 2 or HG / SS. In any case, congratulations on the solution, curious to see how it will be managed!
    1 point
  31. Created by Tear Date Friday, 17th June 2022 Time 2PM UTC | 10AM ET | 11AM BRT | 10PM CST | Time Zone Converter Location Route 4, Unova, Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Species Bonus + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Scraggy +3 Sandile Nature Bonus Adamant +2 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Participating Staff Xi Cosmooth Edwardinho 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Scraggy Lv.1 Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 3 selectable IVs + 3x28 IVs & 1000 Reward Points  2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points The prizes will be sent to the winners a few days after the event
    1 point
  32. IGN: Neutrinozoid Feels like great event, though if I win it will be my first shiny.
    1 point
  33. I will be checking the monsters that they are legit before the tournament starts I will also showcase mine
    1 point
  34. IGN: Lynet Good luck to everyone participating!!
    1 point
  35. Perish song will not be a tie, the faster pokemon is the one that faints first iirc
    1 point
  36. Oldenman


    If you listen closely, you can hear Poufilou weeping.
    1 point
  37. For VGC can be doing the same thing. Both send the Poképast with their name, and the host announce the mons. So, both players give to host 2 of 6 mons and after both do this, they have 10 seconds to start battle.
    1 point
  38. De los mejores Shinys ojalá me saliera uno en el juego xD
    1 point
  39. You might actually want to drop your discord or something because tournaments and stuffs go on all the time I do not think pvp players will actually reveal such delicate information on forums since ev spread on a comp mon is a secret, there is always the issue of being scouted.
    1 point
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