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June 2024 Movement Discussion Thread

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27 minutes ago, Munya said:

We will also be banning AT on Dugtrio under Uncompetitive/Unhealthy characteristics, where it will be placed after its ability is banned is currently being discussed.

Is the discussion being around AT as a whole?

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Posted (edited)

Great decision. Thanks for listening to the playerbase. I am concerned that people will actually try stuff with Diglett although this worry is quite low right now lmao, guess we can cross that bridge when we come to it. Overall, great decision 👍

Edited by Luke
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2 minutes ago, HiImRainer said:

Is the discussion being around AT as a whole?

No its about where we will be placing Dugtrio without Arena Trap being usable.

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I had stated it before it gets dropped and will state it again that shaymin is a good addition to the meta.

It's good against rain, sun is good against it, so it balances out the weather wars.

It can be used both offensively and defensively so it can either threaten fatter cores or cancel offensive threats.

It's whole versatility adds value to many teams and styles. And yes it's strong but it's not overpowered, in my eyes it balances out the whole meta.

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7 minutes ago, Luke said:

Great decision. Thanks for listening to the playerbase. I am concerned that people will actually try stuff with Diglett although this worry is quite low right now lmao, guess we can cross that bridge when we come to it. Overall, great decision 👍

Big difference from my experience is that Reversal damage on Diglet is not a guarantee for KOs in important bulky targets, alongside it's dependance on Endeavor for a lot of KOs and it's speedtier doesn't let it trap certain utility/offensive Pokémon (fast Ninetales, Scarf Ttar to name a few)

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15 hours ago, Munya said:

Also if anybody has any feedback on the Shaymin test currently going on in UU

I feel like ladder wise most players haven't adapted yet so we can't rly say if Shaymin is broken or not there. UU is a bit dead lately so it doesn't rly help 😞 
From what I have seen in tournaments & PSL, Shaymin seems to be an extremely versatile pokemon that will likely gain a lot of usage (above 15%) without being overwhelming as all sets have some sort of fatal flaw. Shaymin is rly looking like a jack of all trades in this metagame.


Defensive variants have good survivability but could be seen as somewhat passive due to a limited support movepool (mainly leech seeds, aromatherapy, toxic)

It also has to chose only one coverage option between : Earth Power, HP Ice, HP Fire, Psychic which imply a lot of mons are gonna be able to switch in easily or even setup against it once the coverage option is revealed.


For Offensive variants, while Life Orb can be a killing machine against slower offensive mons, it still relies a lot on RNG with drops and misses for beating more balanced/stally team which are really meta currently. It's far from being one of the best wallbreakers available but it still provides some good stability. Other offensive variants like Scarf/AV/Leftovers provide quite interesting options that I don't find gamebreaker at all. The damages on these sets are not sufficient to wallbreak under normal conditions even with some decent RNG.


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14 hours ago, ArtOfKilling said:

Prevents the current UU meta to be shifted due to Gastro/Jellicent/Bronzong having 4.00+ usages in OU.

Next month is gonna be a mess if UU loses Bronzong/Gastro and gains Blissey 😢 Let's pray !

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