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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/20 in all areas

  1. @Zigh @iJulian @Sashaolin @hannahtaylor @CHUCKunso @SweeTforU @YEYOxD @gbwead I'm terribly sorry guys that it took so long, but I got your sigs. I really did my best with them although graphically I'm a total no-skill... I hope you like them anyway! :)
    8 points
    8 points
  3. Shiny Gyarados is like what, under 2,5 million at this point? Couldn't have you guys made at least this one a shiny?
    7 points
  4. Me vs @Xigbar in Yu-Gi-Oh Nexus (coin toss/dice decks) BO3
    4 points
  5. But I still say…they’re flowers. Date Sunday, 27 September 2020 Time 4AM UTC | 12AM EDT | 1AM BRT | 12PM CHN | Time Zone Converter Location Lostlorn Forest, Unova, Channel.5 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries: Petilil Nature Bonus Calm +5 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest. To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location. All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...). Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry. You must be the OT of the Pokémon. You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time. Participating Staff White RevzSM Mikyii 1st Place Prize Shiny GIFT - Petilil Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 2 selectable IVs + 4x25 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points  2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd and 4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
    3 points
  6. Blue Blob Bob! Date Saturday, 26th September 2020 Time 4PM CEST | 2PM UTC | 10AM ET | Time Zone Converter Location Desert Underpass (Fallarbor Town), Hoenn, Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries Ditto Nature Bonus Adamant +5 Jolly +3 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Participating Staff Sethsen MPDH White 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Ditto Your choice of nature with 2 selectable IVs + 4x25 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points  2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
    3 points
  7. Thank you for your patience! We are ready with the results! I hope it was both fun attending and viewing these amazing cosplays.. And now to announce the winners: 1st Place @Magmar (Magmar)  2nd Place @Ultrajesus (xUltrajesusx) 3rd Place @Flori (MFlor) Lastly, thank you to everyone who decided to take part in this It's Cosplay Time screenshot contest - and congratulations to the amazing winners! We are really impressed with the entries. A special thanks to the most amazing judges: @Mikyii, @Lin, @Teddi, @BrokenBulb & @RevzSM <3 I will be looking forward to similar contests in future! Take care out there - and remember to take care of each other. Have a pleasant weekend!
    3 points
  8. Your shiny rat is looking weird
    3 points
  9. dorybo


    英文分区的果农攻略相当古老(但好在也有后续更新),而中文这边则是还没有一份完整的、包含流程的果农攻略。基于这样的现状我在今年8月底撰写了一份以树果为中心的果农种树攻略。我认为已经是相当详细,但可能需要带着耐心读完才能让不同层次的人都有所收获。攻略已经在贴吧发布,应好友之邀搬运来论坛。下面正式开始。 这一楼的内容是攻略的前言和目录部分,以及先行回答几个最常被问到的问题。 ⚠️2021.9.23:此次更新有两点涉及果农,一是神奥地区土地开放,二是降低木子粉售价至400。后者给果农盈利带来了极大影响,但是并不能纯粹地说这是坏事。目前攻略中提到的所有操作方式都要在市场稳定之后重新考量,过一段时间会再来撰写,本文目前除了种子配方、种植流程等基础信息,其它信息都建议暂不参考。神奥地区土地分布已列在附录。 种树攻略 本攻略在标注作者信息的前提下可以直接转载。禁止商用。 前言 MMO 中的树果系统极尽丰富,种植功能也非常完善,自然产生以种树赚钱的职业,曰果农。果农的启动资金门槛不算高,在时间方面,整体耗时不长,主要是要把握对固定时间段的抽取(按时浇水),是一种很有特色并适合大家接触的赚钱方式。本篇攻略将由浅入深,从最基础的各类要素开始,同时包含相关游戏机制内容,介绍数个果农赚钱的模式与流程。希望对各位对种树感兴趣的萌新有所帮助。攻略(初版)撰写时间为 2020 年 8 月,如有游戏更新,请留意内容与当前版本是否相符。 目录 一、基本知识 田在哪? 水壶与采摘器 种子 树果 二、入门流程——以樱子果为例 播种 定时浇水 收获 采集种子 盈利 总结 三、进阶教程 木子果与基础果 分解理论 PP果种植——浅析自循环 67果与树果粉 四、拓展 其他树果介绍 如何计算利润 种子套 多开 市场竞争 五、附录 宝可方块 树果信息大全 自然之恩 相关词语外语对照 神奥地区土地分布(新增) 经典问题 1.现在种树还赚钱吗? 果农经历过数次削弱,19年7.24之前,种植龙火果一类的67果然后卖给npc盈利的方法非常盛行,单号日利润30w。站在货币产出和通货膨胀的风口,果农惨遭大砍。削弱后物价水平降低,树果和种子价格也降低,现在的果农已经没有那个时代这么赚钱了。 那么现阶段果农盈利力度如何?以木子果为例,两天一轮,种满合众,利润30万。需要播种和收获各一次,期间浇水4(3)次左右,每次下地如耗费10分钟,那整个流程大概需要投入(分散的)1小时时间。这样计算的话,种树的时薪就算30w。各位可以和其他赚钱方法对比,看果农能否达到“赚钱”的标准。你可以把种树利润当做每天的额外零花钱,也可以把种树当做专职——通过多开小号突破时间限制,成倍增加利润,当然也可以放弃果农,这个因人而异。 2.种什么树最赚钱? 很多人上来就会问这个问题,但是这确实难以回答。如果最赚钱的树果是出售给npc的,那么这必然成为玩家无脑首选,货币总量巨幅增加,最后会导致物价上升,游戏社区本身会极力避免这种事情。所以最赚钱的树果一般是出售给玩家使用的,但是如果其能够成为主流,也会存在市场竞争的情况,价格会慢慢趋于稳定而且不会是最高。 这样推理,最赚钱的树果应该是玩家之间交易的一种消耗品,而且它市场较小,比较冷门,慢慢出售时利润很高。考虑到市场调节滞后,如果先有突然增加的需求,价格提高,理论利润暴涨,一时间全体果农加大投入种植这种树果,也有可能出现供过于求,导致市场价降低,利润减少的情况。因此,既然这一答案是一类波动的冷门树果之一,这里也没法直接给出答案,只能留待有心人观察市场捞一桶金了。 不过可以放心,目前市场上的主流树果和接下来攻略要介绍的树果,它们的利润都能让人接受,而且差距不大。这些树果的参考利润也有列出,在后文各位可以很清晰地比较出主流树果中各树果的利润高低。 3.为什么我会越种越穷? 攻略既然说要种树赚钱,那越种越穷当然是反常情况,这里列出几点可能原因,可以排除一下。 在自循环流程中用来下一次种植的种子的价值没有计算,导致看起来在亏本。(一般自循环要到第三次才能开始盈利,赚够留种的钱) 出售树果/种子的价格过低。有可能是手贱交易行摆错了价格,或者是市场竞争激烈导致不得不以超低价出售。 种树途中失误。超过浇水时间或者超过收获时间,导致果树枯死或者大规模减产。 树果处理方式不当。比如应当按市场价卖给玩家的树果卖给了npc,或者本来应该直接卖的果子被分解成了种子/压榨成了树果粉。 市场需求太低。市场需求极少或已过饱和,导致货物积压,难以周转资金。 以上就是对经常被问到的问题的解答。接下来会按照目录的顺序开始介绍。
    2 points
  10. Date Wednesday, 23rd September 2020 Time 8PM UTC | 4PM ET Time Zone Converter Location Safari Zone, Hoenn / Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries Totodile Chikorita Cyndaquil Nature Bonus Brave +5 Hasty -5 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest. To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location. All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...). Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry. You must be the OT of the Pokémon. You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time. Participating Staff BrokenBulb Sethsen MPDH 1st Place Prize or or Gift Totodile or Chikorita or Cyndaquil (Depending on the Pokemon submitted) Your choice of nature, 4 moves, with 6 selectable IVs & 1,000 Reward Points  2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd and 4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
    2 points
  11. Tyrone

    Ban Quick claw & Kings rock

    I'd rather also see this (and kings rock) banned again and have expressed that in the TC. But the change was made higher up. Sure, it's not broken. But it's unfun and doesn't improve the state of the competitive metagame, actually it probably has a net negative effect on it honestly. It takes away agency from the opposing player. They can not outplay/predict a quick claw / kings rock proc. Having agency as a player is what makes competitive games fun.
    2 points
  12. Hello pokemmo players! I hope my walkthrough guide will help you know what to do during the story and where you can find all the items and hidden items. This guide has all the items and hidden items written.Each hidden item has a blue text and a picture if you click on it. Optional trainers who give 800$ per poke in a battle are also included.Those trainers i wrote to fight and those who give less i wrote to avoid. To avoid a trainer you have to walk when he is not looking at you. You can do ctrl+f to find a specific item.There is no space in the item name.For example : rarecandy ppup amuletcoin. This guide was written mostly as a way to complete the story fast while getting all the items and hidden items. Some areas are not visited early game because you have to visit them more than once and i did not want to waste time going there many times. For example i dont visit north of island1 after gym7.I visit it after e4 so i dont have to go there 2 times. Make sure to read the guide from start to end as some early events need to be completed for some future events to be done. Enjoy the guide ! Last time this guide was updated = 15 september 2023 Important notes *** johto walkthrough is finished. Items that have the color purple means that there was never an item there in the original games. For kanto story because there is some items that you need to own certain amount of pokemon to get I have put them at the end of the walkthrough. Those items are oldamber , everstone , itemfinder , leftovers , leftovers , amuletcoin , exp.share , machobrace , ppmax , soothebell. Make sure you look at the end of the walkthrough for kanto right away if you would like to get them as soon in the story as possible. For hoenn story if you would like to get soothebell as soon as possible in the story make sure to check at the end of the walkthrough as well. If you want to get amuletcoin as soon as possible you need to get 5th badge in petalburg city and talk to your mom. If you want to get exp.share as soon as possible you need to give the letter to steven in dewford town and then talk to president of pokenav in rustboro city. If your doing the story on your main character you should fight all story trainers that might get in your way in the future. Avoiding trainers in the guide is realy the effective thing to do if your doing a story run on alternative characters to skip them due to low money. If you want to know the complete list of important trainers moves and held items during story you can look up @Bestfriends guide with all that info. HOENN COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH KANTO COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH JOHTO COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH SINNOH COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH UNOVA COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH
    1 point
  13. 老实说,我已经不玩mmo好久了 现在估计也没啥人认识我了 但是还是有很多朋友加我求mod和反映失效问题 我就来一波补档,顺带小幅更新了一下个人最喜欢的BW风megaMOD
    1 point
  14. Desu

    Mod file extension

    The update today added support for loading mods that end in .mod instead of .zip Mod creators are encouraged to utilize the new file extension when publishing mods to avoid the confusion of whether to extract the mod or not. You can still use .zip to test/create your mods and legacy mods ending .zip will still function just fine.
    1 point
  15. Hi all, this is my first guide on PokeMMO. Well first of all thanks to the creators of this awesome game. You have a long way to go and keep up the good work. So without further ado let’s start! Purpose So, this guide is for all those people out there who are struggling while battling gyms and are dying to the harsh Gym Leaders. I attempted to make a team that can be used for all the gym leaders and I haven’t found any flaws yet. If any exist please don’t hesitate to tell me about them. Team The 6 Pokemon that I have chosen are : 1 ) Typhlosion @ Charcoal Ability: Blaze EVs: 252 SpA / 6 Hp / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 3 x 31 Hp, Sp Atk and Spe - Eruption - Solar Beam - Extrasensory - Flamethrower The most used Pokemon for Gym Rebattles. Because of its access to Eruption through levelling up it is widely used. Pairing it with drought makes it almost unstoppable in gym rebattles. If used with Drought it can take care of its weaknesses. Extrasensory is not at all necessary but it does help a bit for coverage. I don’t have Extrasensory on my Typhlosion but it would be a nice option. You can get it as an egg move from Vulpix or Nuzleaf. Choice specs is a good item but in some gyms it might be irritating. 2 ) Torkoal @ Heat Rock Ability: Drought EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 3 x 31 Hp, Sp Atk and Spe - Eruption - Solar Beam - Shell Smash - Earth Power The only Drought setter in PokeMMO. So give it a heat rock to prolong the drought effect. Shell smash is on this set for those times where Typhosion is enough to kill the two pokes. The shell smash boost makes Torkoal strong. Earth power is not necessary, I don’t have it on my Torkoal, it just provides coverage. 3 ) Braviary (M) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Sheer Force EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Rock Slide - Brave Bird - Superpower - U-turn Braivary is a really good birb. I chose it cause of its access to both U-turn and Rock Slide. You can use Archeops instead of its place but defeatist sucks. However even with defeatist it performs extremely well. Keen Eye sucks. Sheer Force is better but Keen Eye works as well. Both abilities are ok. This is an Alternative set for Archeops since breeding Braviary is a pain. Archeops @ Choice Band Ability: Defeatist EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Aqua Tail - Rock Slide - U-turn - Earthquake Archeops has Choice band bcoz of its speed which doesn’t need much boost but with choice band its attack jumps massively which is good for it. Choice scarf is mainly on Braviary to break Air balloons which I will explain later. 4 ) Flygon @ Soft Sand Ability: Levitate EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Dragon Claw - Earthquake - Crunch - Rock Slide It is amazing due to levitate and I prefer it Adamant over Jolly coz if it outspeeds Braviary / Archeops then you are screwed. 5 ) Kingdra @ Mystic Water Ability: Sniper / Swift Swim EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Blizzard - Hydro Pump - Muddy Water - Dragon Pulse He is a dope mon with only one weakness. Blizzard is good on him. I’ll explain why it is used instead of ice beam later. H Pump is for situation when Water absorb Sesmitoad or Storm drain Gastrodon or Cradily. Muddy water is good for attacking those opposing pokes and it also lowers their accuracy. Dragon pulse for stab and pesky dragons. 6 ) Vanilluxe @ Life Orb Ability: Snow Warning EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Blizzard - Ice Beam These are the only two moves you will need. If you want you can give it Hyper Voice for coverage but not necessary. It is the main Dragon killers and blizzard gets 100 Acc in hail so thus snow warning. Stratergies So these are the Strategies / Pairs you can use to start with. 1 ) Drought + Eruption Torkoal and Typhlosion the most used team for gyms bcoz of its raw power. Even it takes care of Water gym coz of Solar Beam. Tips: Occasionally for Water gyms when Empoleon appears feel free to make Torkoal use Eruption to break Empoleon’s teammate’s item if any. Gyms which it is good for: Grass, Water, Bug, Normal, Ice, Steel. 2) BirbEQ (pronounced like Barbeque ) Use Flygon and Braviary together. Braviary has the Choice scarf to break the air balloons which the foes have. Rock slide goes first and then EQ sweeps the rest. If Eq goes first then the Air balloon won’t be broken. Tips : In case Levitate or flying type mons come use double Rock Slide or STAB moves. Gyms which it is good for: Steel, Fire, Rock, Electric,Poison. 3) Double Rock Slide In this strategy both the starting Pokes should use Rock Slide. This has a good chance of flinch and is very good. One of my favourite starting pairs. Gyms which it is good for: Fire, Flying, Bug, Ice, Normal 4) Muddy Water + Snow Warning Blizzard This set is great for Rock and Ground types. Gyms which it is good for: Rock, Flying, Ground 5) Blizzard Spam This the ultimate dragon killing pair. Really strong pair. Gyms which it is good for: Dragon, Flying, Grass, Rock ( to an extent only ), Ground The Pairs that I use to start 1) Fire Gyms I personally use the BirbEQ stratergy. The double intimidate stratergy used sometimes by iirc Chili using Stoutand and Arcanine is irritating but you should be able to pull it off. If any one dies I switch to Kingdra for Dragon Pulse and H Pump/ Muddy water. 2) Water Gyms I use the Torkoal and Typhlosion together. It manages to do the job. If anyone dies I switch to Braviary and then Kingdra for their coverage Rock Slide and Dragon pulse. As I had mentioned earlier you can use the Eruption if Empoleon comes. 3) Grass Gyms I use the Drought stratergy again for Grass Gym. You can also start with Braviary and Typhlosion and use U-Turn to get a kill. If they die use Braviary and Vanilluxe. 4) Bug Gyms I use the Drought technique. Usually Burgh starts with Ferrothorn and Crustle which Typhlosion should be able to deal with. If they die you can also switch to the Double Rock Slide technique. 5) Rock Gyms I use the BirbEQ technique for this. Ocassionally Braviary either gets KOed or Flinched which sucks. Then you can switch to the Muddy water stratergy. 6) Ground Gyms I start with the BirbEQ stratergy and if they die then I switch to Muddy water or Blizzard depending on the opponent’s pokes. Using the Blizzard strat also works since Clay also starts with Gliscor and Torterra sometimes. 7) Steel Gyms I use the BirbEQ strat since steel Gyms have many steel / rock mons.You can also use the Typhlosion later if anyone dies. 8) Electric Gyms I use the BirbEQ strat again. Only the occasional Rotom- Wash and Elektross pose a problem but they die to rock slide. 9) Poison Gyms I haven’t been to Koga (iirc) since I haven’t been to kanto and I don’t know much about him but the BirbEQ strat should work. 10) Psychic Gyms I use the BirbEQ, Rock Slide here also. The only reason I choose this over Typhlosion is the occasional Claydol evo that comes. 11) Fighting Gyms I use the Birb Eq and gradually move over to the typhlosion. You might see pokemon dies since fighting mons often have Rock coverage. 12) Ghost Gyms I use typhlosion and torkoal. I don’t use BirbEQ her bcoz of Mismagius’ Levitate and others. 13) Dragon Gyms This is probably the most hardest gym but I start with Blizzard Spam and gradually go to the double Rock slide. The rock slides take care of thhe Dragon/ Flying mons like Dragonite, Altaria and Salamence. 14) Flying Gyms I use the Double rock slide and then the Blizzard spamming. 15) Normal Gyms I use double rock slide or birbEQ rather than Tuphlosion coz of the occasional dragonite in Lenora’s team. But this is for Unova. For hoenn there are like 3-4 intimidates in 1 set of Norman’s so I use the Typhlosion for Norman in Hoenn. Also Norman has the thunder Slacking occasionally and Sawsbuck. 16) Ice Gyms I use the Typhlosion starting and then switch to others. Rock slide also deals substantial damage. End Once again, would like to thank all PokeMMO makers for this game and I wish everyone good luck with their rebattles. If I have made any mistake please don’t hesitate to notify me.
    1 point
  16. Time: 4PM UTC Every Saturday. Details: The purpose of this weekly event is to give training to the members looking to represent [ENIX] in future, you can still come along to watch or have some casual battles. All-Tiers allowed | Tournament Mode | 1 hour approximately. (it's your responsibility to keep tabs on W/L ratio.) Location: Accumula Town Ch.3 | Vermillion City Ch.3. (Will rotate) Rewards: Possible Role update, Flexing powers & pride. Hosts: Kupokun Variasa Commissar
    1 point
  17. 我是一个刚通关合众地区的萌新,一次路过螺丝山,就闪了,但是我是萌新,其他地区没通关,我觉得闪光对我来说没什么用,想换成钱,这样合适吗?如果合适的话出多少比较合理呢?
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Hi, time for some matches for fun. Nincadas With Attitude vs. Just Blaziken It Co: Parke vs LifeStyle - tbd Manager: imabe (1) vs LeJovi (2) - BO3 Showdown Randoms The Trashtalking Taillows vs. The Vermilion Villains Co: Forfiter vs Axoa - tbd Manager: YettoDie vs Lotus – Chess 15 + 10, 11am GMT+2 Empoleon Bonapartists vs. Sailor Lunatones Co: Zenor vs Spaintakula – Tier Shift (2 OU, 2UU, 2NU mons) Manager: Jaawax (2) vs zDaryl (0) - BO3 Monotype Gen 8 Devil Bats vs. The Ruthless Rotoms Co: Califlour (1) vs Naga (2) - BO3 VGC Series 6 Manager: Sebat (2) vs RDL (0) - BO3 Showdown Randoms Host match: Pachi vs ThinkNice - OU, UU, NU Wager matches: Doctor PBC (2) vs (1) Julian - BO3 Showdown Randoms Have fun, make sure to announce your matches in the thread well before they start so people can join in on the #hype.
    1 point
  20. Only 10? Or whitout limit like yetto?
    1 point
  21. Time to waste all my money
    1 point
  22. Announcement of Winners 19th September (Saturday) Judges Sethsen, BrokenBulb, RevzSM, Mikyii, Teddi & Lin If you have any questions, please contact me or the judges. Thank you! Prizes 1st Place Shiny GIFT Buneary Your choice of nature with 2 moves, 2 selectable IVs + 4x25 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points  2nd Place 700 Reward Points 3rd Place 300 Reward Points
    1 point
  23. If you want to participate in this event, don't forget to send me an in game mail like this one with 50k attached:
    1 point
  24. Good guide.Best team for gym rematches means you can clear a gym in 3 turns since the goal is to win as fast as possible for better money. Its the most important factor even tho other stuff like having to heal as little as possible and pick the best specific route on your team to heal as little as possible is important too. But having the goal to try to win in 3 turns is most important and since this guide says its best team for gyms you should post how many turns it takes for each gym. Can also post specifics like 100% 3 turns guarantee or non-100% guarantee 3 turns since a strategy might require a 95% or 90% accuracy move and it can miss. Can also be 3 turns 4 out of 5 gym specific set and 1 annoying hard set is 4 turns.For example sabrina furret protect is almost impossible to win in 3 turns unless u have a poke with feint or something.
    1 point
  25. -------------提交方式------------- 日期 星期六, 2020年9月19日 时间 北京时间 19:00 地点 合众地区, 9号道路 - ch.5 计分方式 个体值总和 = 最终成绩 有效的参赛精灵 歌德小童 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名, 需要提交一只总成绩最高的精灵宝可梦 要赢得非酋奖, 需要提交一只总成绩最低的精灵宝可梦 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内抓到, 你有1小时的抓捕时间 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样 (未训练、未进化等) 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家 你只能提交一只参赛精灵宝可梦 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给主持人的方式来提交 平局情况下, 最先抓到的胜出 主持人 Hibikl - 直播间 KKkangaroo TMXI 第1名 闪光礼物:歌德小童 由你指定性格,2个技能,个体值2x31,4x25的位置 & 700 奖励点  第2名 5V胆小歌德宝宝 - Hibikl赞助 & 500奖励点 第3名 500奖励点 非酋奖 300奖励点
    1 point
  26. 建议你留着。可能很久很久都不会遇到第二只了。
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 感谢建议,这个功能应该是有的 如果这不满足你的需求,可以进一步详细的和我说明一下
    1 point
  29. 希望能在检索中增加蛋组检索,方便技能遗传和串组孵蛋,感谢了
    1 point
  30. YanceyDawg


    Enen no Shouboutai >)
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Title. Feel free to pm here or in-game. IGN is KenDude
    1 point
  33. Never thought I'd say that but I completely agree with daryl this needs to go
    1 point
  34. You can still change it ;p
    1 point
  35. ok this is the real hype content
    1 point
  36. Matching with the shiny, very nice
    1 point
  37. YumiJerza

    Ban Quick claw & Kings rock

    people kill each other for the fast claw, if it is forbidden, how to compensate for a very slow pokemon? Note that the fast claw does not guarantee 100% touch. I think penalizing players because there are haters is not the best way to balance.
    1 point
  38. This is such a terrible argument I really had to re-read your comments multiple times to make sure you weren't joking. Alright, first of all there is a ban criteria for "uncompetitiveness" so by that alone you're wrong. But even just speaking intuitively - does this make any sense? You weren't be able to ban clearly overpowered Pokemon if they relied on a move that isn't 100%? You weren't able to ban OHKO moves because despite completely harmful to a competitive game, they might not always work? I don't think this thread should have even continued after Nik's first comment but there's always just that one person who finds the need to comment with "ur mad cuz bad" despite people having actually good arguments to improve the game.
    1 point
  39. Yes, there is a reason for removing quick claw even if it does not allow the holder to move first - it does nothing but promote luck over skill. The entire premise behind creating a competitive environment was to foster the skillful strategies that Gamefreak offered us while at the same time not being held down by the luck-based elements that Gamefreak created as well. You sound like someone who has zero competitive experience, so let me inform you that we have clauses in PvP here. You can find a list of clauses in this thread: Some of these clauses would literally turn pokemon battles into a coinflip or just incredibly stupid battles, like if we didn't have sleep clause, evasion clause etc. In order to make the game more "fair" we have these clauses. You are not wrong regarding the part I bolded, but what you're missing is that Quick Claw's traditional function is in and of itself problematic. Quick Claw was once one of the items that was banned under the "Hax Items" clause that was listed in the thread because of its inherently luck-based feature, but it was then brought back, which is why this thread was created. Maybe you should realize that you're the one in the dark. There is a logical foundation for this change and I've explained it in the first post of my thread as well. The entire purpose of the suggestion box is to "bother" devs with potentially meaningful changes and it's a win-win situation because the changes we suggest would make us want to play the game more and that aligns with the devs' goals of wanting to maintain its existing playerbase. You're not the devs' spokesperson so I have no idea why you want to label someone's suggestion as "wasting the devs' time." None of us have the ability to stop someone else from using the item, hence why we're complaining about it. Why don't you show us the way then? In fact, why don't you choose a date and time of your convenience to challenge me to a game and if you beat me, I will listen to you. If there are much smarter + experienced competitive players that haven't figured out a way to counter quick-claw users, then you can see why I'd have difficulty in just taking your statement at face value. It's simply a dressed-up version of "Get good". So I'm giving you this opportunity of showing me how I can be a better player at a date and time of your choosing (you can PM me this if you wish). If you win, I'm all ears as to your strategy on how to beat quick-claw users. I can also provide you with a detailed battle-like scenario of why the item is problematic, but it'd be much better if I tried explaining this to you in practice. The reason we don't ban around every single thing that is luck-based is because 1) it would change the entire meaning of actually playing Pokemon because there are some luck-based elements we shouldn't remove and 2) not every randomisation takes away from player autonomy. I'm just going to focus on the last point because that is what is most important. If a pokemon is using Scald with 30% chance to burn, you can switch in your Natural Cure user to absorb the burn, a Magic Guard pokemon to absorb the burn, you can equip your pokemon with items like Lum Berry to heal the burn, or run moves such as Heal Bell or Aromatherapy to heal the burn. In other words, there is some control over these luck-based elements such that even if they do arise, there is a way to counter it or deal with it. The same goes with flinching. Rock Slide has a 30% chance to flinch, but the only way you will be flinching something is if you are slower than the rock-slide user. So we can avoid being flinched as long as our pokemon is faster than the rock-slide user, or run rock-resists such that even if flinches do occur, then it isn't game-changing. To repeat again, even though Rock Slide has the chance to flinch, I still have reasonable control over my choices in order to be prepared against it. This does not happen with Quick Claw users. Sometimes it is impossible to live an attack from a strong boosted pokemon, and so the only way to beat it is by outspeeding and killing it first. If your only, but reliable, way of defeating a +2 Rhyperior is by using a Surf Starmie, and it uses Quick Claw and attacks first, you then proceed to lose the game. You have no absolutely no control over this because you cannot pick and choose when Quick Claw will trigger, and you have no reasonable way to prepare for it. Simply put, my entire strategy was nullified by something that I have zero control over. This is why Quick Claw is problematic.
    1 point
  40. I hatched this lovely Pokemon today. 4540 eggs. Mr Rares>>>>>>>>>>
    1 point
  41. Teddiursa


    Hi! As I mentioned on your previous thread, it's because we didn't implement their function here.
    1 point
  42. 100420 encounters, my longest hunt yet..
    1 point
  43. yakusu

    [MOD] Moemon Enhanced

    the mod doesn't work in my launcher
    1 point
  44. TUWieZ

    [MOD] Moemon Enhanced

    Had this same issue. Took a peek into the .mod files of "Moemon 2.0" and "Moemon Enhanced" and found the problem: "Moemon Enhanced" uses an unfinished edit of the "Moemon 2.0" Bronzor sprite, and the edit doesn't have transparency; which causes a crash any time the game attempts to load in Bronzor. (in both stats and encounters) Not to mention, aside from this unfinished sprite lacking transparency, it's also flipped in the wrong horizonal orientation - and has no shiny variant (the shiny version is from "Moemon 2.0" while the normal version is the bugged edit) Original: Edit from Moemon Enhanced: (crash culprit; lacked transparency, correct horizontal orientation, or shiny variant) Comparison between original and enhancement edit (zoomed in and flipped to same orientation) This bug kills a playthrough of Sinnoh region since there are many Bronzor encounters, so I took the liberty of fixing the bug myself by putting the original "Moemon 2.0" Bronzor sprite back into "Moemon Enhanced". You can grab my hotfix here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/15koqcw6qy4delc/Moemon_Enhanced_-_Bronzor_Hotfix.mod/file Make sure to disable the old mod while enabling this one, because if the bugged mod has priority over the fix, you will get the same crash. Hope Raichuforyou will release an official update with a proper working version of his Bronzor sprite edit, as well as a shiny variant. I think Raichuforyou's edit of Bronzor looks very nice and would like to see it in a working official release. (Also noticable while playing through Sinnoh, both gender variants of Shellos are the same color; not sure if this is just a placeholder or if it's something that needs to be fixed.)
    1 point
  45. Shiny paras, shiny paras, shiny paras
    1 point
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