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September-2022 Movement Discussion Thread

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Well, the NU tier can accept the test of Alakazam, but it can't accept Rhyperior. Just as I say, the Rhyperior with sword dance, earthquake, stone edge and metahorn is out of control. Nothing can counter it, and even there is few check.

Ban Rhyperior. Anybody that loves NU tier can't accept his coming. pls quick ban.

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3 minutes ago, Imperial said:

Really happy with the decision to ban Porygon-Z and Rhyperior - thank you.


Only downside is I can predict Gigalith and Spiritomb to return to NU next month and the return of Stoutland, but it's something I'm willing to accept.

I miss Spiritomb in NU. 

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2 minutes ago, Elpapadelos said:

Por que esta baneado Porygon Z y no pokemones como ferraligarth o Machamp que literalmente son pokemons que pueden vencer a todo un equipo con su uso porygon z muchas cosas lo detienen por lo menos a mi me parece un ban estúpido si llegan a hacerlo

With the rise of empoleon, only gigalith can resist Pz well, but the gigalith problem has no movement to cure. 

Machamp is more controllable spiritomb weezing crobat dusclops slowbro I don't see it so outstanding. 

Feraligart for me should observe it closely is a poke that when boosted can sweep an entire team. 

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7 hours ago, Imperial said:

Really happy with the decision to ban Porygon-Z and Rhyperior - thank you.


Only downside is I can predict Gigalith and Spiritomb to return to NU next month and the return of Stoutland, but it's something I'm willing to accept.

Is Gigalith that important for Stoutland to be prominent? There are other sand setters that can be used in NU and Stouts isn't around very much.


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28 minutes ago, RysPicz said:

Doesn't Haze Vaporeon win vs this moveset? Also it seems to be prone to hazards/ status. Is it really so good?

Generally yes, but it loses to an sd set, the problem with being able to analyze the initial ones with HA, is that we cannot have a large sample due to the high price of the patches and almost all of them are usually limited to a specific set, the dragon dance.



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Doesn't Haze Vaporeon win vs this moveset? Also it seems to be prone to hazards/ status. Is it really so good?

Just because having a few checks, feraligatr still are Bannable. Force basically the use of vaporeon to wall DD sets, but vaporeon have the chance of lose to a Swords Dance set, like Huargensy say. Basically he have few checks and the checks lose to specific things. For example, if you use Rotom-Mow, you can KO feraligatr with Leaf Storm.

252 SpA Rotom-Mow Leaf Storm vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Feraligatr: 224-266 (139.1 - 165.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

However, if Feraligatr Already setuped DD and your Rotom wasn't scarf, you take a easy outspeed(Speed: 214 Fera Jolly vs 151 Timid Rotom) and rotom lost to DD Fera's Ice Punch.

+1 252 Atk Life Orb Sheer Force Feraligatr Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Rotom-Mow: 177-211 (141.6 - 168.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

The things gets worse because if opposing Fera is Jolly and your Rotom is Modest, after setup your rotom even with Scarf cannot outspeed him.(Speed: 214 Fera Jolly vs 207 Modest + Scarf Rotom)

So, you'll need to rely on very specific sets in order to KO it.


Edited by caioxlive13
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5 hours ago, RysPicz said:

Is it seriously so good in UU? Which set actually causes the problem?

Life Orb Waterfall + Crunch is inherently extremely strong, whatever other moves you run just depend on what type of role you want it to have. Is it banworthy tho ? Idk
Dragon Dance gets handled by Vaporeon/Gastro/Poliwrath and struggles vs Foul Play (Mandibuzz/Umbreon) while Swords Dance has a hard time doing the job against teams that have strong Offensive water answers like Rotom-Mow, Roserade & Toxicroak. Just giving examples I'm not saying these are the only answers and/or the best ones

2 hours ago, epicdavenport said:

Is Gigalith that important for Stoutland to be prominent? There are other sand setters that can be used in NU and Stouts isn't around very much.

Yes the very good sand setter called "Hippopotas" lmao (there is no viable sand setter in NU right now, Gigalith is a great mon by itself AND provides sand, it's completely different)

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