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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/21 in Posts

  1. One day we will have monotype tournament, I believe
    4 points
  2. 解决办法我开篇直接写出来吧,很简单,保证背包中没有白玉宝珠和金刚宝珠。要么你将两种宝珠全部交给精灵携带然后放进电脑箱子,要么你将两种宝珠全部卖掉或者销毁 那么为什么会这样?上神百 众所周知pokemmo就那么几种神兽可抓,当然帝牙卢卡和帕路奇亚不在内,所以这条遇到帝牙卢卡或帕路奇亚可以等于摆设,但是明明遇不到两种神兽,原版的地图改变mmo倒是还原了,如下这是当背包中仅存在金刚宝珠或是两者都存在的情况,蓝色晶体代表帝牙卢卡,当然即使对话也没法触发与帝牙卢卡的战斗这是背包中仅存在白玉宝珠的情况,代表帕路奇亚 虽然没法触发战斗,但仍然存在晶体,这导致了枪柱地图改变。我们将原本什么都没有的枪柱地图称为地图A,蓝色晶体为地图B,粉红晶体为地图C,而枪柱的明雷(如大名鼎鼎的巨金怪)只出现在地图A,当玩家因背包存在宝珠进入了地图B或地图C,自然就看不到只存在于地图A的明雷了。故我们需要保证背包中不存在宝珠,才能进入地图A
    2 points
  3. We actually do know which decisions should not be made. Because, well, we play the game. Not like most of you, who used to play the game. TC is quite active? All due respect JJ, last time I saw Zeb being actually active was like 4-5 years ago. Blueboi despite being a good friend of mine doesn't play either, same for Tyrone who isn't doing any comp. While I don't blame them as my own activity is on a decline due to unreasonable decisions, lack of interesting updates and general situation of the game, TC just has to consist of people who know what they are dealing with and they don't just theorymon. I don't have much insight about yourself as I don't have you on friendlist but I do see you in tours or MM (and as a side note, I hugely appreciate the fact that you actually communicate with us), Stelian, Pachi, MK and Lunarck are active, logging in daily, usually go quite far in tours and know what they are doing, so this makes 5/8 TC members who actually are actively logging in if I count yourself. I like the activity requirement, however I feel that this will quickly turn TC upside down- not like this will change much though. About the slow tier changes- honestly, it's not the slow changes that are irritating us the most, but the decisions themselves and the fact that they are being made by people who do not even play the game. We were very vocal when it came to Lucario dropping to UU and if you would read the discussion, you'd see that majority of players (and we are talking about players who actually play the game a lot, not 400 elo novice trainers) was absolutely against this move, myself include, yet you as TC decide to drop Lucario to UU, despite our strong voice of disagreement. Slow changes are another thing but not the one that is most irritating. The only suspect test thread we received was for PZ in March (!!) and even then, TC didn't participate in discussion aside from you and Pachi. We didn't get a suspect test for Dugtrio which was being discussed very actively, Pory2 which appears problematic as well isn't being discussed either. It seems like whatever we do or say is completely irrelevant and you don't care at all about what people who play more and are more experienced have to say and do the same thing devs do- unreasonable decisions which drive us away from playing this game competitively. Also randbats ftw.
    2 points
  4. Hello pokemmo players! I hope my walkthrough guide will help you know what to do during the story and where you can find all the items and hidden items. This guide has all the items and hidden items written.Each hidden item has a blue text and a picture if you click on it. Optional trainers who give 800$ per poke in a battle are also included.Those trainers i wrote to fight and those who give less i wrote to avoid. To avoid a trainer you have to walk when he is not looking at you. You can do ctrl+f to find a specific item.There is no space in the item name.For example : rarecandy ppup amuletcoin. This guide was written mostly as a way to complete the story fast while getting all the items and hidden items. Some areas are not visited early game because you have to visit them more than once and i did not want to waste time going there many times. For example i dont visit north of island1 after gym7.I visit it after e4 so i dont have to go there 2 times. Make sure to read the guide from start to end as some early events need to be completed for some future events to be done. Enjoy the guide ! Last time this guide was updated = 15 september 2023 Important notes *** johto walkthrough is finished. Items that have the color purple means that there was never an item there in the original games. For kanto story because there is some items that you need to own certain amount of pokemon to get I have put them at the end of the walkthrough. Those items are oldamber , everstone , itemfinder , leftovers , leftovers , amuletcoin , exp.share , machobrace , ppmax , soothebell. Make sure you look at the end of the walkthrough for kanto right away if you would like to get them as soon in the story as possible. For hoenn story if you would like to get soothebell as soon as possible in the story make sure to check at the end of the walkthrough as well. If you want to get amuletcoin as soon as possible you need to get 5th badge in petalburg city and talk to your mom. If you want to get exp.share as soon as possible you need to give the letter to steven in dewford town and then talk to president of pokenav in rustboro city. If your doing the story on your main character you should fight all story trainers that might get in your way in the future. Avoiding trainers in the guide is realy the effective thing to do if your doing a story run on alternative characters to skip them due to low money. If you want to know the complete list of important trainers moves and held items during story you can look up @Bestfriends guide with all that info. HOENN COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH KANTO COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH JOHTO COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH SINNOH COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH UNOVA COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH
    1 point
  5. MullenYu


    0.前言 双打版: 1.简介 对战设施是从水晶版本以来每个正统续作都会有的,提供玩家与NPC进行对战的一种PVE系统 PokeMMO中的对战塔是对战设施的其中一种,位于丰缘地区的右下角城市的北部 根据绿宝石为蓝本,因此对战塔中的精灵编号不会超过386 2.收获 1)战斗点数,即BP 对战塔每轮需要连续对战7个NPC,每个NPC结束后有回复 成功挑战一轮后可获得少许BP,每轮能获得的BP数大概为: 1:300+ 2:500+ 3:700+ 4:1000+ 5:1200+ 6:1400+ 7:1600+ 第8轮开始,每轮:2000+ BP可在对战塔左下角的房间内兑换战斗道具、秘密基地家具、学习特殊技能等等 2)纪念奖章 第8轮开始,每轮挑战成功后可给参与挑战的每只精灵佩戴 分别有50级挑战和100级挑战两种 3)神兽图鉴 目前三圣兽(雷公、炎帝、水君)的图鉴只能在对战塔中获取 4)对pvp的帮助 熟悉精灵伤害范围(pvp中最好还是按计算器再做决定) 提高大局观水平(在反复的练习中学习精灵对位的优劣,为胜利需要保留的核心精灵等等) 注:NPC的读换习惯千万不要代入PVP中 3.目前成绩 50级挑战623连胜(保持中),100级挑战370连胜(已中断) 4.成员 先锋 - 沙漠蜻蜓(磨血收割舍我其谁) 固执性格,5v缺特攻 道具:讲究围巾 252物攻 252速度 6物防 配招:龙爪,尖石攻击,地震,急速折返 大将 - 水晶灯火灵(四攻炮台摧枯拉朽) 胆小性格,5v缺物攻 道具:讲究眼镜 252特攻 252速度 6物防 配招:暗影球,精神强念,喷射火焰,能量球 后盾 - 坚果哑铃(脏活累活都是我的) 自大性格,4v缺特攻速度(5V缺特攻也可以,性格+某防-特攻 或 +某防-速度。努力分配需要重新计算) 道具:吃剩的东西 252hp 150物防 108特防 配招:寄生种子,守住,强力鞭打,剧毒 5.基本打法 首发沙漠蜻蜓,遇见能秒的则秒,否则使用ut或者选择精灵换人(俗称“手换”) 对手非火系和非格斗系的基本换上坚果哑铃吃伤害,再用保护试探技能 没有威胁的技能站场对攻,hp低就丢寄生种子,否则剧毒 火系和格斗系的则换上水晶灯火灵对攻 NPC AI特点以及精灵配置: 1.大概率使用能对你的精灵造成最大伤害的技能(也就是不预判你换精灵) 2.技能的PP值都是基础数值 3.至少有一个本系技能,同属性的技能最多一个(比如喷射火焰和大字爆炎只会携带其中的一个,特例:特攻向暴飞龙会携带龙星群和龙之波动) 综合以上3个特点,当沙漠蜻蜓首发对上一只黑鲁加时,由于龙系抵抗火,对手不会使用火系技能 我方换人可以换上坚果哑铃,如果保护试探出黑鲁加的火系技能为大字爆炎(PP为5) 通过守住 --> 手换水晶灯火灵 --> 手换坚果哑铃再守住,如此反复操作数回合,打空大字爆炎的PP后 坚果哑铃就能对着黑鲁加大胆站场点技能消耗了 6.特殊对位(附弱势情况或注意事项): 需要点急速折返的精灵(格斗系对位均换水晶灯火灵,其他无特殊说明则换上坚果哑铃): 1.所有水系、冰系精灵 2.尼多后 - 地震需压血到90%,否则可能被冰光反杀 3.九尾 - 气势披带道具 + 觉醒冰(换水晶灯火灵对攻,触发引火就用喷射火焰对攻) 4.风速狗 - 威吓的盾向狗(换水晶灯火灵对攻) 5.胡地 - 气势披带道具 6.怪力 - 冰拳/爆炸拳 7.大食花 - 草之宝石道具 + 强力鞭打 8.隆隆岩 - 结实特性 + 释陀果道具 + 自爆 9.三合一磁怪 - 结实特性 + 觉醒冰 10.钻角犀兽 - 冰冻拳 11.魔墙人偶 - 气势披带道具 12.迷唇姐 - 气势披带道具 13.暴鲤龙 - 水之宝石道具 + 攀瀑 14.急冻鸟 - 石刃不能确1 15.快龙 - 多重鳞片特性(需压血到80%;如果是盾向快龙,需要压血到50%左右) 16.太阳伊布 - 地震不能确1,遇到携带特攻果的可能被反杀 17.梦妖 - 留意虫返打的血量,如果掉10%+就换水晶灯火灵(受向会使用鬼火),20%+就换坚果哑铃 18.黑鲁加 - 气势披带道具 + 觉醒冰(紧张感特性的可地震秒) 19.刺龙王 - 龙爪需要压血到88% 20.炎帝 - 地震需要压血到90%(换水晶灯火灵吃神圣火焰,再换回沙漠蜻蜓;如果炎帝用的是觉醒冰,水晶灯火灵留场对攻) 21.班基拉斯 - 冰光 22.爆音怪 - 冰光 23.铁掌力士 - 冰拳/近身战 24.波士可多拉 - 结实特性 + 钢之宝石道具 + 铁尾 25.恰雷姆 - 冰拳 26.巨牙鲨 - 气势披带道具 + 冰牙 27.沙漠蜻蜓 - 龙爪需压血到98% 28.七夕青鸟 - 龙爪需压血到92% 29.念力土偶 - 冰光 30.暴飞龙 - 龙爪需压血到89% 31.雷吉斯奇鲁 - 冰拳 32.拉迪亚斯 - 龙爪需压血到86.4% 33.拉帝欧斯 - 龙爪需压血到98% 需要手换的精灵: 1.拉普拉斯 - 冰砾(换坚果哑铃消耗) 2.闪电鸟 - 静电特性、觉醒冰、热风 ( 换水晶灯火灵试探,可能出现下面3种情况 情况1:使用剧毒 - 换坚果哑铃,骗热风上水晶灯火灵触发引火,喷射火焰秒 情况2:使用热风 - 换回沙漠蜻蜓一直石刃,保守点可以在沙漠蜻蜓和水晶灯火灵之间反复换人。耗光10发热风pp后上坚果哑铃消耗 情况3:使用觉醒冰 - 这种情况最麻烦,需要换回沙漠蜻蜓吃十万,再换坚果哑铃吃觉醒冰,最后换水晶灯火灵吃热风。耗光10发热风pp后上坚果哑铃消耗 ) 3.顿甲 - 冰砾(换坚果哑铃消耗) 4.长毛猪 - 冰砾(特性可能为厚脂肪,换水晶灯火灵用能量球秒) 5.脱壳忍者 - 换坚果哑铃触发特性秒杀 1.怪力 - 精神强念打252hp努力的需压血到90% 2.铁掌力士 - 精神强念打252hp努力的需压血到80% 3.雷吉洛克 - 能量球打252hp努力的需压血到89% 4.雷吉斯奇鲁 - 喷射火焰打252hp努力的需压血到94% 1.所有火系、格斗系精灵 2.切记多用保护试探,鸟类精灵可能携带热风补盲,技能池贫瘠的精灵很可能携带觉醒火补盲 7.演示视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av7798696
    1 point
  6. Verdep

    [MOD] Switch items

    Switch items - SWORD & SHIELD This is an alternative mod of HD items. Is a "lite" version with no Dream World style icons, this only contains the item icons updated from the last Gen (Sworld and Shield). Sprites has better outline and color and some are totally new respect to Gen V. Download 1.3 Normal version 🡣 White Outline version 🡣 (like Sword/Shield games) Update 1.3 - 08/09/2023 -Added all Jotho key items -Added Normal Lures Let's Go sprites -Added Exp. Candies Sworld/Shield sprites -White Outline: Added white outline to all new items -Withe Outline: (fix) Removed withe outline from items with yellow aura Comparison Old updates
    1 point
  7. -------------提交方式------------- Tips: 欢迎玩家们赞助中文分区的活动 点此查看如何赞助 日期 星期三, 2021年10月6日 时间 北京时间 20:00 地点 丰缘地区,橙华森林 Ch.5 时长 1小时抓捕 另外10分钟提交 计分方式 个体值总和 +性别加分 = 最终成绩 有效的参赛精灵 蘑蘑菇 性别加分 母体+3 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名, 需要提交一只总成绩最高的精灵宝可梦 要赢得非酋奖, 需要提交一只总成绩最低的精灵宝可梦 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内抓到, 你有1小时的抓捕时间 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样 (未训练、未进化等) 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家 你只能提交一只参赛精灵宝可梦 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给主持人的方式来提交 平局情况下, 最后抓到的胜出 赞助人 ettindi 主持人 OvO Clara Lonemm WurenBB 第1名 2v闪光毽子棉 + 闪光三首恶龙 + 闪光轻飘飘 + 闪光青绵鸟 + 闪光喷火驼 + 闪光烈焰马 + 闪光木棉球  第2名 15只成品宝可梦 第3名 一套陶笛 + 一套讲究 非酋奖 冰机器套 + 泰迪熊 + 复古游戏掌机 + 一套讲究
    1 point
  8. Get those good rods ready! Date Monday, 4th October 2021 Time 9PM UTC | 5 AM CST | 5 PM ET | 2 PM PDT | 4 PM CDT | Time Zone Converter Location Route 218, Sinnoh, Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries: Finneon Magikarp Nature Bonus Timid +5 Docile + 3 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Participating Staff TechnoVortex Cosmooth MPDH 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Finneon Lv.1 Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 2 selectable IVs + 4x25 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points  2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
    1 point
  9. Date Friday, 1st October 2021 Time 1 PM UTC | 9AM ET | 3PM CEST | Time Zone Converter Location Dragonspiral Tower (just outside), Unova, Channel 3 Fishing rod/Super Rod is needed which is post game content for Unova Duration 1 hour for catching another 15 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Dratini Dragonair + 7 Nature Bonus Adamant+5 Jolly+3 Rash+3 Rules This event is for members of the ENIX Discord Server ONLY To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to IGN: Atlewis to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time 1st Place Prize 500k 2nd Place Prize 250k 3rd-4th Place Prize 125k This event is hosted and sponsored by: @atlewis (IGN: Atlewis)
    1 point
  10. The usage of Weavile in UU last season doesn't matter. It had more than 4,36% usage in OU that season and that is all that mattered for it to go up to OU. And Lucario just made enough usage to stay in OU. Neither of these mons had been on any banlist that season nor are they at the moment. Weavile is OU by usage and will stay there because 6,76% of people use it there. Atm Lucario has less than 4,36% usage and that's why it will go down.
    1 point
  11. Best breeder in the game, fast and reliable!
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Coulrophobia Details Automated Tournament | Double Battle | 64 Players | 6v6 Doubles Date Monday, 27th September 2021 Time 4 PM GMT | 12 PM ET | 9 AM PST | Time Zone Converter Registration Registrations will open 15 minutes prior to the tournament. You can register by clicking on the PvP menu option (Masterball icon) and then select "Tournament Signup". You may only enter on one account. Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO Tournament Clauses Explained 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Mr. Mime Lv. 1 Your choice of gender, nature, 2 moves, with 2 selectable IVs + 4x25 & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
    1 point
  14. Sebat

    LC PL Betting Thread

    zzz taking these
    1 point
  15. Tiering isn't about being viable or not, it is decided by usage.
    1 point
  16. Munya

    Event Suggestions & Feedback

    It is believed to not be a good tournament style format due to the nature of it being random afaik, idk if there is more to it. I'll pass this thread along though.
    1 point
  17. Munya

    Event Suggestions & Feedback

    It was decided to not be a thing
    1 point
  18. 你好,活动标题请使用公会简称。请尽快修改。
    1 point
  19. Munya

    Event Suggestions & Feedback

    They will not
    1 point
  20. jorgemaximo

    LC PL Betting Thread

    500k Charmanders ganan @Poseidón Ira
    1 point
  21. Oh my god, you actually solved my problem. Thank you very much!
    1 point
  22. Zigh

    LC PL Betting Thread

    Doubles: Gasyflour vs imabetheverybest 100k
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. E4 Event has been postponed to Sunday 3rd of October because of personal reasons. Apologies to all, I'm disappointed myself too. Anyways you got one extra week more time so use it wisely!
    1 point
  25. What about without just P2. Also, this literally does not matter its just a dex update for the tier and doesn't change what is useable but. Up to NU Down to Untiered Slowking Serperior Miltank Stoutland Altaria Bronzor Magmortar Hitmonchan Omastar
    1 point
  26. Item Slot: handsImage of Item:
    1 point
  27. A few anti-fun builds that boost both defenses without boosting an offensive stat or powering up a move have been disabled. Some of them will return next update with tweaks to make them more tolerable, but right now they just make the game worse. -- This drifts a bit too far from the intended randomness. Preventing you from getting an entire team of garbage is okay, but making sure you get something great to make up for whatever garbage you do get is taking it a bit too far. It's okay to get lucky or unlucky at the start of a match, it's arguably the point. The moment you start deleting fully evolved Pokemon just because they're bad is the moment you completely abandon the premise of the format.
    1 point
  28. #9. ShayTheGymLeader
    1 point
  29. What I was basically asking that some staff member would point out in the forums or something that the tournament is supposed to happen as intended, it just doesn't appear in the in-game calendar yet for whatever reason. Being kept completely in the dark just hurts the most - we can't know if the seasonals are purposely postponed to fix any bug issues with the latest update or anything. As they are supposed to appear long before in the calendar, you would think this is enough time to see something is wrong.
    1 point
  30. 82nd OT Cute Charm failed again.
    1 point
  31. 4th OT, 390 hours and 49,990 encounters Longest shunt yet
    1 point
  32. after a month of being cursed by woobat, my chatot has come home
    1 point
  33. 32. StingFlash ?
    1 point
  34. Hurricane's base power was 120 in gen 5. For the most part, moves and mechanics abide by gen 8 with the exception of knock off which is gen 3-5 and outrage which is gen 2-3
    1 point
  35. Not true. Gen 8 learnset, with any moves available from Generations I-V. With some move adjustments to for example Baton pass, Knock Off... An example we do NOT have gen5 stats is Rapid Spin, which does 50 dmg and raises speed here which it only got from Gen 8, Hurricane Base Power 110 instead of 120 from Gen 6 onwards and so on... We are missing Hidden Abilities though. Soon™.
    1 point
  36. Number 15 please My Name is LaraMarie
    1 point
  37. ohhh an elite 4 thingy with weird type thingy. Good luck on the team event peeps! (you guys should have lower than lvl 100 team -_- koffing doesn't like that
    1 point
  38. #36 IGNPokemonPocher
    1 point
  39. Davlene

    Team AiR Lottery #5

    52. Davlene
    1 point
  40. Already posted this in season end discussion but here Season end finale needs an overhaul. What's the point if anyone outside of top100 can still get in. Make it top 100 only, priority seating based on rank. Make the tournament 32 players double elimination, that would be a vast improvement.
    1 point
  41. Gunthug

    Event Suggestions & Feedback

    Well you see if the devs allow for a huge commitment to a competitive tournament to potentially net a non-tradeable shiny, it could flood the shiny market (even though they're non tradeable) and have an effect on the economy What's this...I'm getting a report that Jonulo has caught two shinies since I started typing this post. Hm.
    1 point
  42. Squirtle

    The Hall of Fame Thread

    Player of the Year 2019 1st Place - gbwead  2nd Place - enchanteur  3rd Place - Stelian Bracket ~ Ranking Player of the Month 2019 January ~ 1st Place Lkrenz - 2nd Place getovaherez (Brackets) February ~ 1st Place Zhiko - 2nd Place getovaherez (Brackets) March ~ 1st Place Stelian - 2nd Place enchanteur (Brackets) April ~ 1st Place Frags - 2nd Place gbwead (Brackets) May ~ 1st Place Haazuu - 2nd Place LifeStyle (Brackets) June ~ 1st Place Blue - 2nd Place OrangeManiac (Brackets) July ~ 1st Place Tawla - 2nd Place Rynners (Brackets) August ~ 1st Place NoWall - 2nd Place Mkns (Brackets) September ~ 1st Place MullenYu - 2nd Place RealDevilLegend (Brackets) October ~ 1st Place OscarFail - 2nd Place YEYOxD (Brackets)  November ~ 1st Place dinofish - 2nd Place Santiii (Brackets)  December ~ 1st Place YUBELLLLLLLLLLLL - 2nd Place Pirlo (Brackets) 
    1 point
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