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Why so many people are leaving the game

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I love the game and have praised the dev team many times in the past, but I think the recent choices have been counter productive on players retention.


- 1) Alphas were supposed to be a way to get or breed COMPs and semi-COMPs in an easier way, and it was a great idea! 

but honestly I think the catching rate has became ridiculous now, it just takes way too much time, cost too much money in balls, and at the end the alpha will just kill itself with struggle, even after 25 balls while asleep at 1HP  I play since 2013 and I find it ridiculous so I can't imagine how a new player would feel.

Every time players find new strategy it gets immediately nerfed.

I made a suggestion about making players able to craft masterball, it could be a nice way to add value to items in the economy and new things to farm.


2) Legendaries : they were something that was promised long ago, and sadly instead of raids or dungeons all we got is some kind of shiny hunting tutorial. But going left-right ad aeternam isn't really fun gameplay.

3v1 boss fights with other players would have made more sense IMHO 

The encounter rate is too low and players get burn out quickly.


I think PokeMMO should focus more on guilds, team play(outside of seasonal events), and PvP (like bringing back lc and introducing stuff like monotype tier or pika cup)


For the PvE part, since like 80% of players leave after finishing storyline, I think a Nuzlocke or Hardcore or Monotype or  Soul link or speedrun or All at once would be a nice way to go, looking at content that works on twitch and youtube


For PvP an automated clan war would be super nice, and automated team tournament also.


DISCLAIMER I love the game and the community, I am just trying to bring constructive ideas, please don't roast me like the time I said Johto region is useless except pokeathlon



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There's not much to do in the game, except play pvp and spend hours on stupid farms with ridiculous rates (mysteriously, despite ridiculous rates, you have the gtl full of x999 items for sale xD)


It would be nice to implement things that are not behind a probability, combat missions to obtain such objects, something more dependent on the player's skill and not luck,


it is an MMO we do not have dungeon raids like other MMOs.


Implementing objects and things behind an insanely low probability only encourages you to install a bot lmao


People get bored and leave, then come back when there is something new, at the end of the day the game is good

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Alphas are fine the way they are, the Pokémon market has already taken a huge hit as it is. 

Legendaries are difficult to balance because this is an MMO so you cannot make it too easy to get a legendary Pokémon, otherwise their value will sink hard. 

They should add new content, you’re right, but the player base is still buying RP at a high rate and the owners of this game are making bank every day. If you want new content maybe stop buying RP so the devs will be forced to update their game and bring back players and/or keep them interested. 

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1-I would bet that 10% of them got falsely banned by RMT,
2-Devs take months to create simple changes, i can literally do their job of a year in one month. The problem its that they are just fans making a game, not game devs.
3-Poorly chosen random algorithm. Indeed they should use different algos like most modern MMO games do, for different things.
4-There is not enhance and destroy items system like in all other MMOS, thats the only way to not have the market full of items at some point.
I mean like you can upgrade an item with X chance of getting it destroyed while upgrading for example.
5-There is no system to delete lvl 100 pokimons, at some point the market will be overflood of them.
6-Temporary legendaries should be random like Raikou, since the system its being abused to only share the leg pokimon with your friends when you catch it, and keep farming BP, making BP nonesenseless to farm, making PVP nonesense, and a lot of items that you can get with BP useless.
7-They focused in Alpha events instead of upgrading the game mechanics, that obviously overflood the market of alphas and EXP CANDYS making those loots useless too to farm. And they have not balanced the drops from alphas, making alpha farm useless since you get more money from doing repetitive farming.

8-They dont want other devs to join to the team.
9-Mediocrity and apathy.

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46 minutes ago, KiritoHakz said:

1-I would bet that 10% of them got falsely banned by RMT,
2-Devs take months to create simple changes, i can literally do their job of a year in one month. The problem its that they are just fans making a game, not game devs.
3-Poorly chosen random algorithm. Indeed they should use different algos like most modern MMO games do, for different things.
4-There is not enhance and destroy items system like in all other MMOS, thats the only way to not have the market full of items at some point.
I mean like you can upgrade an item with X chance of getting it destroyed while upgrading for example.
5-There is no system to delete lvl 100 pokimons, at some point the market will be overflood of them.
6-Temporary legendaries should be random like Raikou, since the system its being abused to only share the leg pokimon with your friends when you catch it, and keep farming BP, making BP nonesenseless to farm, making PVP nonesense, and a lot of items that you can get with BP useless.
7-They focused in Alpha events instead of upgrading the game mechanics, that obviously overflood the market of alphas and EXP CANDYS making those loots useless too to farm. And they have not balanced the drops from alphas, making alpha farm useless since you get more money from doing repetitive farming.

8-They dont want other devs to join to the team.
9-Mediocrity and apathy.

True facts tbh

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IMO Alphas are fine. My issue at this time is how roaming legendaries are acquired, it’s just egregious. In my personal experience I’ve always had to waste a minimum of 30h just doing boring plain encounters before obtaining anything and last month I couldn’t even get Zapdos after spending hundreds of lures and committing several hours a day. I’m probably just very unlucky but then again I really don’t think it should be up to luck. I really hope this is going to be addressed with raids just like for what they did for Shaymin this year which was perfect- 12 challenging raids for a legendary as a reward, the grind was not tedious and required actual strategies.


The game does lack endgame content and mmo features. I am really eager to get raids as permanent features though. I just wish there were more features surrounding in-game teams, ie: team banks, team leaderboard or something, anything to give them a purpose. I miss 2016-17 North Pole dungeon-like map..

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Hi there,




I think that PokéMMO has undergone significant changes over the years and its worth write some suggestions below. I have implemented as well a few personal desires I have that could improve its overall appeal to the game:


  • ECONOMIC BOOST - I propose sending 500,000 Pokeyen via email to all active players. This injection of currency could invigorate our in-game economy and create more opportunities for trading and transactions.
  • Stackable Riches Charms with amulet coin: Enabling the Riches Charm to stack with the Amulet Coin would optimize the benefits of these items, enhancing our overall grind and resource gathering.
  • Tweaking odds to find Alpha Encounters: Making alphas more rare and adjusting their catch mechanics (make easier), as well such as removing exp candy rewards and nerf the 2 maximized IVs, whice are not necessary) would add excitement  changes to the game.
  • Legendary Encounter Adjustments: Apart from refraining from drop IV modifiers (such rainbow quil) upon catching legendaries, I hope you can make them truly rare, more rarer tham shinies.
  • Random Tier Adjustments: The current implementation of Random Tier doesn't feel quite right, as it introduces Pokémon that players don't necessarily own. I propose a revision where the system uses random Pokémon from your PC instead. To participate, players would need to have a substantial number of Pokémon stored in their PC. The system could temporarily adjust the moves of these owned Pokémon, maintaining fairness and ensuring that participants use their own Pokémon in battles.
  • Shiny Charm Availability On Event Drops: Adding the Shiny Charm to loot drops from Red Envelopes, Lucky Red Envelopes, Pumpkin Bags, and Santa Presents would make these events even more rewarding. Additionally, modifying shiny charms from the gift shop to provide a 20% boost to shiny encounter rates could excite collectors and shiny hunters.
  • Provide a Preview of Upcoming Events: It would be beneficial if we could get a preview of upcoming events to anticipate the challenges ahead. Last year's Christmas event was quite different from what we expected, which caught many of us by surprise. Instead, it would be great if you could give us a heads-up beforehand about any alterations or different events you have prepared.


Best regards,


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Posted (edited)
On 5/6/2024 at 7:32 PM, awkways said:

Couldn't agree more - bring back the 2016/2017 north pole event, make xmas great again

This doesnt sound too bad.


Edited by MightyMichele
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Posted (edited)
On 5/6/2024 at 11:33 PM, DHDHDanghong said:

On the second item, I think the legendary encounter rate is appropriate. If the encounter rate is reduced, it will lead to flooding and the price may become very low

Thats an awesome commentary! I agree and I hope that the encounter rate for legendaries can become more challengeling as well for the prices not keep very low as you mentioned

Edited by MightyMichele
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imo, there should also be an incentivized way to get rid of legendaries similar to how the prismatic pearl stuff works for shinies. I dunno exactly what kind of reward one should get for turning in legendaries as opposed to just selling them, but I feel there should be something there, because as far as I've noticed they kinda have nowhere else to go but the GTL or trade areas when you get duplicates of the legendaries in question. Seems a bit problematic for the long term if they want them to retain any sort of value.

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I don't know which post is funnier, BrazilGPT proposing printing money to improve the economy or the true randomness guy complaining about devs not letting him join the dev team, getting banned for RMT and of course randomness not being random enough.


The game is fine, we're just coming out of an event-heavy season. Johto dropped, then Halloween, then Christmas, then CNY. A lot of people stop playing until there's an event when said event season is over. Shiny hunters will still stare at their screen for the funny looking pixels and PvPers will still bash their heads. It's been like this for years, we'll survive.


Expect a massive return by the time devs drop the new, updated raids as well, whenever that happens. Or when (if) the anniversary event drops.

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19 hours ago, UTR said:

Oh my god, Michelle looks like a bot

I've noticed it's mainly you who mentions my messages seeming like a bot. Remember, I hope it has nothing to do because I removed you from my friend list in the game last year after you received a permanent ban in your account HeartLifeOT. I simply didn't want to keep shady players on my list. Bringing that up now on forums to fun at me seems rather childish.


9 hours ago, Doctor said:

I don't know which post is funnier, BrazilGPT proposing printing money to improve the economy or the true randomness guy complaining about devs not letting him join the dev team, getting banned for RMT and of course randomness not being random enough.


The game is fine, we're just coming out of an event-heavy season. Johto dropped, then Halloween, then Christmas, then CNY. A lot of people stop playing until there's an event when said event season is over. Shiny hunters will still stare at their screen for the funny looking pixels and PvPers will still bash their heads. It's been like this for years, we'll survive.


Expect a massive return by the time devs drop the new, updated raids as well, whenever that happens. Or when (if) the anniversary event drops.

Hello, I'm glad you found my commentary enjoyable. However, I would prefer if you and HeartLifeOT (same person always) refrained from referring to me in a way that I don't appreciate.

I like to hear your optimism about the game's future and think that you're correct that the game is just "fine". However they could make more revisions to further improve the game and make it epic.

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On 5/6/2024 at 9:24 AM, razimove said:

People leave cause the game lacks an end game, its literally this simple. Shiny hunting is boring and if you say otherwise, please seek professional help. And comp wise you can find a better environment elsewhere where there is a functional TC and environment. Other than that you just chat technically, and you can do that elsewhere too

People who stay solely stay because of the team & community aspect tbh, like you said, everything else is superior in other games/platforms. 

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Posted (edited)

i can agree with a lot thats being said, besides the alphas being too hard to catch, just use spinda with contrary and skill swap and hypnosis witha wide lens, then i personally use my shiny crobat and shiny bidoof with Super Fang that when used first hit get any enemy to half hp even alphas, it works wonders. then i use a smeargle and 2 brelooms in the back to keep sporing and throwing timer balls. i havent had any probelms catching alphas with that strat. BUT i think this game has a ton of potential and i think the devs are working at getting more end game content into the game, for example them teasing Raids which if i heard correctly will become added permanently. unfortunately complaining about the lack of end game content is not going to make them work any faster. all we can do is be patient and see what the future holds for PokeMMO and see if they deliver on what the community has been craving now that johto has been released. hopefully the main prioity for the devs is now working on more end game content. Much love to you all!

Edited by PumpActionWang
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Posted (edited)

Idk if people are leaving the game that much, the game is bigger than ever. The reality is even with the miniscule updates in comparison to many modern MMO's it's still more updates than we have ever gotten before lol. This game has been known for a lack of updates, my main issue is the lack of transparency honestly. It does not take much to fill us in on the 4 updates a year you plan on doing.


There's another Pokemon MMO I don't even think I'm allowed to mention, but they are worse than PokeMMO in every single aspect EXCEPT how fluid and actually fun the grind for dailies are, PMMO really needs to just copy their system imo. Cos the content is a barren wasteland outside of the team aspect which is the USP of the game..


They need to double down on everything relative to teams as that is the best aspect of the game. More tournaments related to teams, more collaboration, more team mechanics. Etc.

Edited by Luke
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