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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/19 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. You’re not jice
    8 points
  3. gbwead

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    I suggest giving the white plague mask, a white hat instead of a black hat. The black hat is nice with the black plague mask, but really looks odd on the white plague mask imo.
    6 points
  4. drdray

    [PSLXII] Betting Thread

    Welcome to the PSL Betting Thread Also thanks to eggroll for this amazing og banner. Alright uguues... None of the rules changed But since everyone is gonna ignore this, it doesn't matter lol Rules: PLEASE READ BEFORE TAKING OR MAKING BETS -Tied matches are void (does not include matches with tie-breakers) -Unplayed matches are void* -All activity win bets are void* -Matches that have been changed due to subbed players are void -Bets over 250k may be mailed to me (or a CM/GM) as a middleman if any one of the two players feel its necessary -Bets must be posted before the matches are played -No betting against yourself (you can bet for yourself to win) -Bets with a player who has been banned are void unless/until that player is unbanned* -No new bets until old betting debts are cleared -Players that do not comply with these rules will be added to a BLACK LIST - Once you take a bet you may NOT retract that bet for whatever reason -The only way you can have a bet retracted is if BOTH players agree on retracting the bet -When making bets that go throughout the whole season, please be cautious and make sure you have what you bet by the end of the season -I'm not keeping up with everyone's bets cuz I'm too lazy so its your job to keep track of your bets and who wins what *This rule does not apply when betting on teams Disclaimer: Take each bet with risk! Although unlikely, it is possible you can get scammed and I won't be held responsible to pay unpaid debts. Though players that do not comply will be added to BLACK LIST and all players will be warned when betting with those players because... they dont pay their debts Players can bet with players on the blacklist however the blacklist is only there to warn them How to Bet: When you are betting, provide the following info: 1. Your IGN 2. What match(es) and which player(s) you are betting on 3. What are you wagering Black List: Sejuani (Briste lol) NotArchon (150k to zhiko) TiToooo (3m to Linken) GengarPlox ( 300k to emfana) Zaiaiel (300k to emfana) EpicVerde (200k to Drayyton)
    5 points
  5. Thuman


    应伊布的要求,来补充一下中文分区缺少的本质内容,稍微讲一讲当前环境下OU精灵的基础用法,想到哪说到哪,看心情更新。 玩了也挺久的,做了不少PM,光OU就有两箱多 际上拿出来用的只是极小部分,但是看着像衣柜一样舒服。 惯例还是这张OU表格,从第一行第一只PM开始吧。
    3 points
  6. hannahtaylor


    kinda in the name 'untradeable limited time'
    3 points
  7. Trust me, nothing is easy about Amnesia Brace. It doesn't transfer EVs like Exp. Share and you will have to make the untrained pokemon be in battle first, and then switch to the horde killer which might die itself first cause of the 5 turns of the horde pokemons, and even if it survives, still extremely time consuming. And due to this bs way of it transfering EVs, you cannot train more than one LC pokemon at a time if relying on Amnesia Brace.
    3 points
  8. take my manager is poo
    3 points
  9. DarylDixon

    Christmas xd

    xdddddddddddddddddd ever how no xmas event devs u nab -.- no happy jajas why? ._. @Desu @Kyu stop saying soontm lo. or report
    3 points
  10. MullenYu


    0.前言 双打版: 1.简介 对战设施是从水晶版本以来每个正统续作都会有的,提供玩家与NPC进行对战的一种PVE系统 PokeMMO中的对战塔是对战设施的其中一种,位于丰缘地区的右下角城市的北部 根据绿宝石为蓝本,因此对战塔中的精灵编号不会超过386 2.收获 1)战斗点数,即BP 对战塔每轮需要连续对战7个NPC,每个NPC结束后有回复 成功挑战一轮后可获得少许BP,每轮能获得的BP数大概为: 1:300+ 2:500+ 3:700+ 4:1000+ 5:1200+ 6:1400+ 7:1600+ 第8轮开始,每轮:2000+ BP可在对战塔左下角的房间内兑换战斗道具、秘密基地家具、学习特殊技能等等 2)纪念奖章 第8轮开始,每轮挑战成功后可给参与挑战的每只精灵佩戴 分别有50级挑战和100级挑战两种 3)神兽图鉴 目前三圣兽(雷公、炎帝、水君)的图鉴只能在对战塔中获取 4)对pvp的帮助 熟悉精灵伤害范围(pvp中最好还是按计算器再做决定) 提高大局观水平(在反复的练习中学习精灵对位的优劣,为胜利需要保留的核心精灵等等) 注:NPC的读换习惯千万不要代入PVP中 3.目前成绩 50级挑战623连胜(保持中),100级挑战370连胜(已中断) 4.成员 先锋 - 沙漠蜻蜓(磨血收割舍我其谁) 固执性格,5v缺特攻 道具:讲究围巾 252物攻 252速度 6物防 配招:龙爪,尖石攻击,地震,急速折返 大将 - 水晶灯火灵(四攻炮台摧枯拉朽) 胆小性格,5v缺物攻 道具:讲究眼镜 252特攻 252速度 6物防 配招:暗影球,精神强念,喷射火焰,能量球 后盾 - 坚果哑铃(脏活累活都是我的) 自大性格,4v缺特攻速度(5V缺特攻也可以,性格+某防-特攻 或 +某防-速度。努力分配需要重新计算) 道具:吃剩的东西 252hp 150物防 108特防 配招:寄生种子,守住,强力鞭打,剧毒 5.基本打法 首发沙漠蜻蜓,遇见能秒的则秒,否则使用ut或者选择精灵换人(俗称“手换”) 对手非火系和非格斗系的基本换上坚果哑铃吃伤害,再用保护试探技能 没有威胁的技能站场对攻,hp低就丢寄生种子,否则剧毒 火系和格斗系的则换上水晶灯火灵对攻 NPC AI特点以及精灵配置: 1.大概率使用能对你的精灵造成最大伤害的技能(也就是不预判你换精灵) 2.技能的PP值都是基础数值 3.至少有一个本系技能,同属性的技能最多一个(比如喷射火焰和大字爆炎只会携带其中的一个,特例:特攻向暴飞龙会携带龙星群和龙之波动) 综合以上3个特点,当沙漠蜻蜓首发对上一只黑鲁加时,由于龙系抵抗火,对手不会使用火系技能 我方换人可以换上坚果哑铃,如果保护试探出黑鲁加的火系技能为大字爆炎(PP为5) 通过守住 --> 手换水晶灯火灵 --> 手换坚果哑铃再守住,如此反复操作数回合,打空大字爆炎的PP后 坚果哑铃就能对着黑鲁加大胆站场点技能消耗了 6.特殊对位(附弱势情况或注意事项): 需要点急速折返的精灵(格斗系对位均换水晶灯火灵,其他无特殊说明则换上坚果哑铃): 1.所有水系、冰系精灵 2.尼多后 - 地震需压血到90%,否则可能被冰光反杀 3.九尾 - 气势披带道具 + 觉醒冰(换水晶灯火灵对攻,触发引火就用喷射火焰对攻) 4.风速狗 - 威吓的盾向狗(换水晶灯火灵对攻) 5.胡地 - 气势披带道具 6.怪力 - 冰拳/爆炸拳 7.大食花 - 草之宝石道具 + 强力鞭打 8.隆隆岩 - 结实特性 + 释陀果道具 + 自爆 9.三合一磁怪 - 结实特性 + 觉醒冰 10.钻角犀兽 - 冰冻拳 11.魔墙人偶 - 气势披带道具 12.迷唇姐 - 气势披带道具 13.暴鲤龙 - 水之宝石道具 + 攀瀑 14.急冻鸟 - 石刃不能确1 15.快龙 - 多重鳞片特性(需压血到80%;如果是盾向快龙,需要压血到50%左右) 16.太阳伊布 - 地震不能确1,遇到携带特攻果的可能被反杀 17.梦妖 - 留意虫返打的血量,如果掉10%+就换水晶灯火灵(受向会使用鬼火),20%+就换坚果哑铃 18.黑鲁加 - 气势披带道具 + 觉醒冰(紧张感特性的可地震秒) 19.刺龙王 - 龙爪需要压血到88% 20.炎帝 - 地震需要压血到90%(换水晶灯火灵吃神圣火焰,再换回沙漠蜻蜓;如果炎帝用的是觉醒冰,水晶灯火灵留场对攻) 21.班基拉斯 - 冰光 22.爆音怪 - 冰光 23.铁掌力士 - 冰拳/近身战 24.波士可多拉 - 结实特性 + 钢之宝石道具 + 铁尾 25.恰雷姆 - 冰拳 26.巨牙鲨 - 气势披带道具 + 冰牙 27.沙漠蜻蜓 - 龙爪需压血到98% 28.七夕青鸟 - 龙爪需压血到92% 29.念力土偶 - 冰光 30.暴飞龙 - 龙爪需压血到89% 31.雷吉斯奇鲁 - 冰拳 32.拉迪亚斯 - 龙爪需压血到86.4% 33.拉帝欧斯 - 龙爪需压血到98% 需要手换的精灵: 1.拉普拉斯 - 冰砾(换坚果哑铃消耗) 2.闪电鸟 - 静电特性、觉醒冰、热风 ( 换水晶灯火灵试探,可能出现下面3种情况 情况1:使用剧毒 - 换坚果哑铃,骗热风上水晶灯火灵触发引火,喷射火焰秒 情况2:使用热风 - 换回沙漠蜻蜓一直石刃,保守点可以在沙漠蜻蜓和水晶灯火灵之间反复换人。耗光10发热风pp后上坚果哑铃消耗 情况3:使用觉醒冰 - 这种情况最麻烦,需要换回沙漠蜻蜓吃十万,再换坚果哑铃吃觉醒冰,最后换水晶灯火灵吃热风。耗光10发热风pp后上坚果哑铃消耗 ) 3.顿甲 - 冰砾(换坚果哑铃消耗) 4.长毛猪 - 冰砾(特性可能为厚脂肪,换水晶灯火灵用能量球秒) 5.脱壳忍者 - 换坚果哑铃触发特性秒杀 1.怪力 - 精神强念打252hp努力的需压血到90% 2.铁掌力士 - 精神强念打252hp努力的需压血到80% 3.雷吉洛克 - 能量球打252hp努力的需压血到89% 4.雷吉斯奇鲁 - 喷射火焰打252hp努力的需压血到94% 1.所有火系、格斗系精灵 2.切记多用保护试探,鸟类精灵可能携带热风补盲,技能池贫瘠的精灵很可能携带觉醒火补盲 7.演示视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av7798696
    2 points
  11. The plan was quite simple. Just turn myself into a shiny Magikarp, so he went to underwater The Home Depot to purchase some golden paint. Once the paint was obtained, he then started to paint himself and added a few sparkles to his appearance. The plan worked and he is now out of the water being shown off to people in Vermilion City!
    2 points
  12. Gunthug

    [PSLXII] Betting Thread

    I’m putting 5m on frags team to win, I want 2:1 odds (if he wins I get 10m). One taker only...for now
    2 points
  13. 1. Introduction. 2. Vanity Items 3. Training Services 4. Witch's Broomstick Lottery (Completed) 5. TrippyAfro's [Art Shop] INTRODUCTION ☜(˚▽˚)☞ Welcome potential customers. http://s16.postimg.org/5kn7t3jf9/Untitled_1.png In Memory of Akshit's Daycare
    1 point
  14. ------------------------------------------------------------ RETO LA FABRICA / CHALLENGE THE FACTORY Prize/Premio : 50,000,000 + 10000 RP + 50 Rare Candy + Gengar Shiny Semi-Comp Timid/Miedoso ----------------------------------------------------------- (Para un amigo) + 5,000,000 + 1000 RP (For a Friend) The ProfesorEinstein wanted, people to get money by playing at the battle frontier. So now HE is giving you a challenge! The challenge would be, being the highest record at the "FACTORY AT LEVEL 100" which is located at the Battle Frontier. El ProfesorEinstein quizo que las personas ganaran dinero jugando en el frente de batalla. Así que ahora ÉL te ésta retando! El reto será, ser el récord más alto de la "FÁBRICA A NIVEL 100", ubicada en el Frente de batalla. La Fabrica se eligió por que cualquiera puede participar, los pokemons competitivos no son requeridos debido a que en la fábrica, te prestaran 3 pokemon con los cuales deberás pelear y ganar. Cualquiera puede participar en este evento, solo ve a la fabrica y da lo mejor de ti! The Factory was chosen because anyone can participate, the competitive pokemons are not required because in the factory, they will give you the option of picking 3 pokemons which you would use in the battles. Anyone can participate in this event, just go to the factory and give your best! THE FIRST ONE TO BEAT THE RECORD WOULD WIN THE PRIZE. Right know the record its of 49 consecutive battles without losing, if you crown yourself as the new number one, with 50 consecutive battles or more, you must take a picture of your name in the top of the table and send it to "ProfesorEinstein" in game by sending a mail with the link of the photo. Be fast because other could do it before you. EL PRIMERO EN ROMPER EL RECORD GANARA EL PREMIO. Ahora mismo el récord es de 49 peleas consecutivas sin perder, si te coronas como el nuevo número uno con 50 peleas consecutivas o más, deberás tomar una foto y enviar el link de la foto al correo del "ProfesorEinstein" dentro del juego. Se rápido porque otros podrían hacerlo antes que tu. The Challenge will finish when someone beats the record of 50 consecutive battles or more. What happens first. 50 million, 50 battles, Fair enough huh? Good Luck ! El Reto terminara cuando alguien rompa el record de 50 batallas consecutivas o mas. Lo que pase primero. 50 millones, 50 peleas, Es justo no lo creen? Buena Suerte ! ------------------------------------------------------------ RETO LA FABRICA / CHALLENGE THE FACTORY Prize/Premio : 50,000,000 + 10000 RP + 50 Rare Candy + Gengar Shiny Semi-Comp Timid/Miedoso ----------------------------------------------------------- (Para un amigo) + 5,000,000 + 1000 RP (For a Friend)
    1 point
  15. Introduction: Hello everyone! My name is BattleApple. I'm newly starting up as a leveling business owner! I sat and thought about luxurious problems to make money from as I am as broke as a wild Trubbish. Suddenly, a thought came to me. Everyone needs to level their pokémon from time to time, right? Oh, ow many times I dreamt about swapping out one of my pokémon, but didn't bother because I had to level up again. I'll solve that problem for you. In addition, I'll do my First 10 pokémon 25% OFF as a start-up offer! EV Training Service: 252 EVs any stat = 15k Maximum EVs = 25k Maximum EVs + Level 50 = 35k Note: EV Trained pokémon can reach level 50+ if not specified Leveling Service: You can even pay me after the service is completed if you meet me in person in game. If you mail however, you will have to pay in advance, but this does not make it any less fruitful. ;) Level up to 50 = 15k Level up to 100 = 150k Note: EVs will not be considered with the purchase of a leveling service alone Contact Information: You can reach me in game. My in-game name is BattleApple. You can also reach me on Discord, and my tag is DustyDee#3900 I'm looking forward to working with you!
    1 point
  16. mackx

    Pokemon Breeder

    IGN: Makx 2x31 3x28 + Natu =400k (21k breeders +100k / evs + lvl 50 + 60k) mov egg +15k 3x31 2x28 + Natu= 500k ( 21k breeder +100k/ evs + lvl 50 + 60k) mov egg + 15k 2x31 3x30 + Natu = 600k (21k breeder +120k /evs + lvl 50 + 60k) mov egg + 15k 3x31 2x30 + Natu= 750k (21k breeder + 140k/ evs + lvl 50 + 60k) mov egg free 5x31 * Natu = 1m (21k breeder + 200k/ evs + lvl 50 + 60k) mov egg free * While im breeding ur requested pokemon, if the female specie bred is shiny you get the request for free./ si la cria me sale shiny el encargo te sale gratis For more info whis me or pm me ^^
    1 point
  17. 各位玩家好! 为方便玩家提交,我们已经更改了社区活动的提交方式。详细说明如下: -------------提交方式------------- Tips: 欢迎玩家们赞助中文分区的活动 点此查看如何赞助 背景故事 时间 2019年12月8日 星期日 北京时间 20:00 地点 关都地区,双子岛,频道5 时长 20:00-21:00 抓捕 (在此期间也可以提交成绩) 21:00-21:10 在游戏中私聊主持人提交成绩 评分 个体值总和 + 种族分数 + 性格分数 = 最终成绩 有效的参赛精灵宝可梦 迷唇姐 +10 小海狮 可达鸭 呆呆兽 性格加分 大胆 + 5 奖励 第一名:1V闪光猫头鹰 第二名:500k游戏币 第三名:250k游戏币 总分110奖: 神秘人的礼物 ---- 恭喜你获得了神秘人的好感,获得神秘礼物一份 豆芽特制奖 (个体为9/7/0/9/1/4,顺序无妨):闪光5U小拳石 规则 只能提交一只参赛精灵宝可梦 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内遭遇和捕捉,但可以去其他频道抓 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样(未训练、未进化等) 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛 你必须是精灵宝可梦的OT 平局情况下,越后抓捕排名越前按照规定时间开始抓捕,禁止提前抓捕并拖延战斗时间 抓捕时间相同的,先提交的胜出 豆芽特制奖由最后抓捕到精灵个体为9/7/0/9/1/4(顺序无妨,带有这六个数值即可)的玩家获得 主持人: NewCPlayer LUbEnWEiII(实习)
    1 point
  18. JohanSquishy


    This one too.
    1 point
  19. ... evolving into mighty gyarados in old-fashion way- climbing the graceful waterfall! He started to think, where to find any waterfall when ___
    1 point
  20. Unfortunately due to the nature of Vermilion City. It started raining and the paint all got washed off. The little karp now had to think of another way to brighten up his appearance. Which was__
    1 point
  21. A simple warning dialog can explain a lot more and gets more mileage than adding new mechanics to address this issue. The warning would be given any time you attempt to go to a region with a level cap higher than your cap region. There really isn't a need to add a new mechanic to fix an issue with an existing mechanic when the existing mechanic could simply be explained better. Extra items and mechanics add extra complexity which raises barrier of entry for newer players to understand the game. The gameplay should be challenging, but understanding the mechanics shouldn't be equally difficult. That suggestion states that it was a recent addition to the series to allow Rare Candies to evolve level 100s. If that is the case, it would make sense to allow that functionality here. Even if not, that is something that still makes sense.
    1 point
  22. You could try submitting a support request using this link: https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/47-support-request/
    1 point
  23. Akshit


    Old players had a way to do that, get time limited vanity items during those years. A badge or icon as a reward, now, after so many years, for being just another player from that time period seems kinda unnecessary, + biased and unfair to newer players since no pre-registration perks were announced for joining early on back then. And since everything is fair in this game, doubt this will ever happen. Also, I think it's sad that a long time player would actually need a badge to show that they are 'long time player'. A proper longtime player would already be known to the core community.
    1 point
  24. This dude leveled my larvesta from lvl 46 to 100 in less than 24 hours! Very fast and very professional, I higly raccomend this service!
    1 point
  25. Welcome to new members lsaaBex & Fredcar! Also, wb @darkdavi12
    1 point
  26. Sebat

    [PSLXII] Betting Thread

    I'll have it when we win the psl
    1 point
  27. the best value for money ! Fast efficient and cheap <3
    1 point
  28. The little karp gazed upon the life outside of the pond, where most karps would spend their lives in. Only few among the many were able to leave, if caught by a trainer. But this karp was different. Unlike others, it wanted to be out as if it was its destiny. So it came up with a plan______
    1 point
  29. Digifanatic

    Christmas xd

    To be honest i don´t want a christmas event, i prefer to see the new region (sinnoh) implemented and se if the hidden abilities are ready on that update. The game needs more content and events, but the new region for me its a priorty.
    1 point
  30. Great service, fast, reliable prices. When you uses it once, you will go back for more.
    1 point
  31. oh rip. maybe i'll take a look at the mod this weekend and see if there's anything that needs updated. i do believe i'm already using johto music for the isles. like azalea town in isle 5 or so. isles 1-3 just happen to normally have viridian city, which may be why you didn't notice.
    1 point
  32. 2nd: The Squirtle Crew - solid, but they dont have a huge advantage over the rest 3rd: The Pretentious Pachirisus - not as bad as people are saying, fear ahpool 4th: No Shaymin Losing - some big hitters, well rounded team 5th: Frag Squad - should be easy if you manage to schedule while frags is asleep 6th: Eternatus' Pain - luneth has to carry, julian isnt knowledgeable in anything but dubs, gonna be tough 7th: The Soaring Staraptors - astounding draft 8th: The Knights of Corviknight - gl sweet
    1 point
  33. Mfw he tells me my opponent specializes in grass types then gives me 5/6 mons weak to grass
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 23rd OT Shiny, 5th Shiny Rapidash, caught at 6,673h, 265h since last shiny catch.
    1 point
  36. when npcs are harder than mm pvp.
    1 point
  37. Phase 7 searching shiny bulbasaur idk encounters 14 OT LussyNL (Alt account)
    1 point
  38. I most honestly got no idea who came up with this, but "No Shaymin losing" is brilliant
    1 point
  39. FInals: The Pretentious Pachirisus vs Frag Squad 3rd: The Soaring Staraptors vs The Knights of Corviknight 4th: Delicious Donphan's 5th : No Shaymin Losing 6th Eternatus' Pain 7th: The Squirtle Crew
    1 point
  40. Teams No Shaymin Losing - @MaatthewMLG Eternatus' Pain - @FNTCZ The Knights of Corviknight - @isi1993 The Pretentious Pachirisus - @calidubstep Frag Squad - @Frag The Squirtle Crew - @Mlhawk Delicious Donphan's - @Laz The Soaring Staraptors - @Lvkee
    1 point
  41. Ryu

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    Name:Onimusha Mask Type:face
    1 point
  42. Well ok, it was shit because it was LC.
    1 point
  43. awkways

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    @Darkshade with the new PTS coming, I suggest you release the vanities that you guys teased for us in the unova PTS nearly 2 years ago: ^Bones Cap + Uniform ^Whatever lovely suit Shu is wearing here
    1 point
  44. DiixY

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    Item Slot:EyesImages of Item: Credits to @SyaChan
    1 point
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