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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/23 in Posts

  1. No it is not. You are only making up random things to discuss nobody asked about. Outrage was a joke just in case you missed the point, we're not rly discussing it Now go pollute another thread thank you
    9 points
  2. It's good to see you're focused on details but the spirit of WC is pretty much dead from this World cup onwards. Even last WC felt more authentic, this feels more like a version of PSL. Whatever the flaws of the previous host, the floodgates to join whichever team you want were opened during this one. GL tho
    9 points
  3. "And so once again the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls...and of course their Pokemon!"
    9 points
  4. IGN: zMauri Fluff: He was manager in the first edition, reaching the final, unfortunately we could not win, I think the event is very fun, this time we are going to win. Discord: Mauri824#2251
    9 points
  5. Shiny kanto friends complete 🙂 11k eggs for bulbasaur
    8 points
  6. IGN : TehKharma tiers : VGC/monotype/untiered discord : fuck you (~~> Kharma)
    7 points
  7. Team Tag: [NORE] Team Name: NoRematch Team Captain: iRusher Players: 1.- iRusher [2023-02-11] 2.- CarolML [2023-07-16] 3.- Yezuke [2023-02-15] 4.- IHasvik [2023-05-25] 5.- YJos [2023-05-27] 6.- Alaniz [2023-03-06] 7.- Flacum [2023-09-17] 8.- Edstorm [2023-05-27] 9.- kiwikidd [2023-05-02] 10.- Pablobacas [2023-03-12] 11.- JorgeFirebolt [2023-08-01] 12.- Toxicz [2023-05-15] 13.- xxLazaro [2023-05-08] 14.- Titinn [2021-01-01] 15.- LeJovi [2018-11-02] 16.- UmbraMol [2020-12-14] 17.- QuinnW [2020-09-21] 18.- xLunethx [2022-08-06] 19.- Axoa [2019-08-11] 20.- MendeeZ [2021-11-20] 21.- EYL [2019-12-15] 22.- tMoi [2020-12-20] 23.- ZeknShooter [2023-08-26] 24.- YettoDie [2019-12-24] 25.- Luke [2023-02-04]
    6 points
  8. IGN: Axellgor Tier (s): Untiered, VGC, Monotype Discord: axellgor
    6 points
  9. IGN: NecasInTrouble Fluff: Here to meme and dream and be the best worst team known. Loved the first addition of the event and would love to be even more involved than I was last. Discord: necasintrouble
    6 points
  10. IGN: drifloo Tier (s): all Discord: carlosrhv
    5 points
  11. IGN: Sargeste Tiers: Randoms, UT, Monotype Discord: sargeste
    5 points
  12. Congratulations to all the winners! 1st Place ANDACP 183 points - 03:41:07 PM UTC 2nd Place Zhiko 179 points - 03:18:46 PM UTC 3rd Place GintokiSS 168 points - 03:32:21 PM UTC 4th Place TrashKitten 19 points - 03:52:01 PM UTC Special thanks to all my amazing referees @DeusBruno@Austin@EnzoAbbacchio@DawnIceQueen@Agratatta@Cosmooth@BabyTap@ZacC
    5 points
  13. 29th OT 18k encounters
    5 points
  14. IGN : Poufilou Tiers : Loser's game, randoms, catch/battle Discord: poufilou
    4 points
  15. IGN: Luke Tiers: Untiered Discord: heyayo
    4 points
  16. IGN: ArtOfKilling Tiers: All Discord: kvmui
    4 points
  17. E: I need to tag someone @Terresa
    4 points
  18. IGN: DarkQuiler Tiers: All Discord: Quiler#6901
    4 points
  19. TAG TEAM: Live TAG NAME: Little Veterans Players: zKuroko,iSouu, iWiriketchup, Mansterix, MrXehanort, LeoTSB, XueRuo, iHasvik, NotLess, StokesAG, Soumayukhira, CrissCy, sonickevinmp, CeresaWC,Jhonsy,Rottencorpse,Bund Cap: IWiriketchup
    4 points
  20. Remember guys when I said this?
    4 points
  21. Fvv


    MMO-【PVP入门指南】 hi 欢迎进入我的PVP入门指南 希望对你有帮助:) 如果你有好的建议,欢迎指出:) 基础小知识 pvp术语 pvp对战礼仪术语 一:宠物养成 宠物培养的完成度决定pvp的起步 一基础,三微调 基础: 种族值 微调: 个体值 性格 努力值 二属性克制-优势 属性所引出的克制和联防是宝可梦对战极为重要的一环 克制 优势 三:特性与招式 合理利用特性和招式全力压倒 招式分三类为:物理招式-物攻,特殊招式-特攻,变化招式-不造成伤害。 PoKeMMO也是开启了部分宝可梦(隐藏特性)梦特时代--所以不是都有,收集目前有特性的宝可梦,提前进行了解(认错特性会吃大亏 特性:有普通特性和隐藏特性,可以购买药丸互换 普通特性和隐藏特性 四:异常状态 负面buff 如果宝可梦陷入了一种异常状态,它就不会再陷入其他的异常状态,可以通过这种方式避免陷入其他异常状态 烧伤 :处于灼伤状态的宝可梦使用非固定伤害类物理招式的伤害会减半,并在回合结束时损失最大HP的1⁄16(火系免疫) 睡眠 :处于睡眠状态的宝可梦只能成功使出梦话和打鼾,没有携带则不能行动,第一回合绝对不会醒,第四回合绝对醒,中间递增。 麻痹 :每回合有可能无法使用招式-有减速效果(电系免疫) 冰冻 :处于冰冻状态的宝可梦只能成功使出解除冰冻状态的招式,使用其他招式时会失败。(冰系免疫)--晴天下宝可梦不会被冰冻(已冰冻的不会解除 中毒 :每回合结束时损失最大HP的8/1,剧毒则递增1/16,每回合递增1/16,最高15/16 (毒系和钢系免疫中毒) 混乱 :处于混乱状态的宝可梦每次使用招式前有1⁄3的几率无法使出,并且对自己造成一次威力为40的无属性物理伤害。处于混乱状态的宝可梦每次使出招式或者攻击自己后,混乱状态的持续回合就会减少1 五:道具效果 每个宝可梦可携带一个道具 对战双方无法查看对方道具 道具是最先需要判断明了的信息,也是对战制胜点 常见道具信息: 讲究围巾:携带该道具的宝可梦的速度提升50%,只能使用上场后使出的第一个招式 讲究头戴:携带该道具的宝可梦的攻击提升50%,只能使用上场后使出的第一个招式 讲究眼镜:携带该道具的宝可梦的特攻提升50%,只能使用上场后使出的第一个招式 强力道具-生命宝珠,剧毒宝珠,火焰宝珠,剩饭,文袖果,气势披带等等还有很多 六:能力等级 及时对对手强化进行反击------攻击 特攻 速度 特防 防御 命中率 除开hp,其他5项能力都可以得到强化 宝可梦下场能力等级清零 技能强化:龙舞,蝶舞,剑舞,阴谋 技能降低:冰冻之风,大声咆哮,广角破坏,清零技能:黑雾 ,吹飞,吼叫,龙尾 特性影响:威吓,不服输/好胜 七:天气系统 沙暴天气 下雪天气 雨天 晴天 八:搭配队伍 不要限制思维,同一个宝可梦,不同的可能性 队伍三要素:进攻 防御 辅助 首先,请选择你队伍的整体思路打法,天气队,空间队,受队等等,这样能够具体选择宝可梦 然后,你需要考虑以下 辅助:控速 - 回复 - 输出支持 - 行动控制 -增减益 炮台:终结 - 速攻 - 覆盖面输出 - 破盾 - 耐久 功能型输出:行动控制 - 速攻 - 场地控制 - 增减益- 破盾 轮流输出:联防 - 速攻 - 增减益 功能性盾牌:行动控制 - 控速 - 增减益 - 回复 - 耐久 输出支持 最后一位:可补强(强力宝可梦补强队伍-针对(用特化宝可梦应对环境 - 误导(迷惑对手,三方面选择宝可梦 -------新手玩家可复制其他大佬公开的队伍,通过不同的打法磨练,思路贯通,会得到自己的pvp心得 强者不一定是胜者,但是胜者一定是强者”。------- 能够在参与人数众多的比赛中脱颖而出,说明队伍的构筑具有相当的合理性和强度, 常见队伍例参考 九:对战 节奏:快攻 快攻型中速 稳健性中速 防守反击 绝对防御 知己:熟知自己队伍运作方式 例如:选择第一个出场的宝可梦 1:选出自己符合自己队伍计划的宝可梦,最为稳妥,不会因为预测失败,满盘被压制,可最好发挥队伍优势 2:选出针对对手游戏计划的宝可梦,有效针对可以获得巨大胜利 3.:赌狗 知彼:了解环境中常见的队伍 配置预测 在mmo中,你可以清晰的了解到目前主流宝可梦的持有物,主流特性,努力值分配,以及技能组。通过其中一个的肯定,来预测其他的。 十:辅助网站 神奇宝贝百科,关于宝可梦的百科全书 (52poke.com) 中文百科,收录了几乎所有你可能碰到的问题,比如宝可梦图鉴,属性,特性,能力,招式,属性克制表,性格修正表,道具效果等等。有问题,找百科,你碰到的问题,90%以上都能百科一下解决 每个人都有自己独立的对战方式和节奏,攻略是辅助,pvp有出其不意的瞬间,有惊心动魄的过程,有反败为胜的胜利,祝大家玩的愉快!
    3 points
  22. Date Thursday, October 19th, 2023 Time 6:00 pm EST | 22:00 UTC | Time Zone Converter Location Route 1 Kanto | Route 1 Unova | Route 101 Hoenn | Route 201 Sinnoh | Route 29 Johto (Catching is allowed on ANY channel) Grass encounters only You may choose any region to catch the following Pokemon | Must be within the Routes specified below. Only Route 1, 101, 29 & 201 Pokemon will be scored. Posted below are list of valid pokemon entries. Winners may claim their prizes in Vermillion Ch. 3 after the results have been announced! Route 1 Kanto Route 1 Unova Route 101 Hoenn Route 201 Sinnoh Route 29 Johto Duration 1 hour for catching 10 minutes for players to submit entries after catch phase | 15 minutes for scoring Scoring Total sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon Nature Bonus Adamant +3 | Modest +2 Participation All PokeMMO players may participate in this event! We welcome all NEW & Veteran players to attend this catching event. Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged [untrained/unevolved] Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it Keep the Pokemon in your team until results are announced In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Participating Judges highyo 🐲 SusPandaOwO 🐼 I will be streaming the event & the results for the event on my twitch channel! https://www.twitch.tv/realhighyo 🏆Prizes🏆 1st place prize🥇 ✨Shiny Mankey ✨ 2nd place prize🥈 Ocarina (you choose type) + 100 Reward Points 3rd place prize🥉 200 Reward Points
    3 points
  23. Team Tag: [Aw] Team Name: Asgard Warriors Team Captain: lLatios Players: 1.- Frags [2021-11-19] 2.- enchanteur [2021-11-19] 3.- Zhiko [2023-10-02] 4.- Lkrenz [2021-11-19] 5.- Arca [2023-04-09] 6.- TiTooo [2023-08-15] 7.- zMisaka [2023-06-20] 8.- zMauri [2022-11-23] 9.- lLatios [2022-11-23] 10.- DiositoSlurpuff [2023-08-22] 11.- lKillua [2023-02-20] 12.- Tawlaa [2023-08-03] 13.- RealDevilLegend [2023-08-02] 14.- AkaruKokuyo [2023-10-06] 15.- smbee [2023-10-06] 16.- chiminapio [2023-08-02] 17.- Kaspeer [2022-06-07] 18.- Legendl [2021-11-23] 19.- xFlorcita [2023-05-27] 20.- Sicklonerr [2022-04-13] 21.- Brumoso [2022-11-15] 22.- ZozoMgl [2022-05-03] 23.- lManjiro [2023-05-23] 24.- OoKingoO [2023-10-02] 25.- Axellgor [2022-05-21]
    3 points
  24. IGN: Flacusaurio Tiers: Randoms, Monotype, UT Discord: flacu.
    3 points
  25. Ign: SpartaFS Tiers: Losers Game,VGC,Catch and battle,Monotype,Random Battles Discord: SpartaFS
    3 points
  26. IGN: ChronoRike tiers: all main ut and monotype 🐐 discord: chronorike
    3 points
  27. Getting all this pokeyen to help feed the family Just saw the patrouski video, sorry for the late entry
    3 points
  28. You're missing the point, I just think there's no reason to buff it because it's neither broken nor too weak. It's already very valuable utility as is.
    3 points
  29. how to be annoying: tag somebody in every single pointless post you make
    3 points
  30. Team Name: läva Team Tag: läva Team Captain: GodXebec Players: KaynineXL PoseidonWrath 2019-11-21 Aerun 2023-03-06 Artofkilling 2022-02-23 Kriliin 2020-03-28 GodXebec 2021-10-26 xSparkie 2022-04-23 Wallarro 2023-02-20 Lactosoid 2023-04-13 DvGV 2023-08-02 HiddentrainerJ 2023-01-13 Meltdown 2019-12-28 Drtylergrey 2022-12-18 NestyMore 2023-07-25 Zornified 2022-12-04 largeflower 2020-06-16 aWallz 2023-09-14 Rigoox 2023-08-26 Skylux 2023-05-28 Wolfrozen 2023-09-07 zlithium 2023-03-17 Facursa 2023-02-07 Badbaarsito 2023-07-07 IjulianFnt 2022-10-20 Chjul 2023-07-29 Necroze 2023-09-30 Endiii 2020-08-09 Maslova 2023-06-18 StolenPlayer 2020-11-15 Seulang 2023-08-26 TranzMaster 2023-10-12 Spaintakula 2022-01-30 Neblinmamist 2023-07-23 Leehiii 2022-11-12 Wally 2020-04-19 Havsha 2020-06-18 Rakhmaninov 2021-01-08 Archonn 2022-12-02 GlazeQt 2022-08-19 trqstmeow 2022-09-16 Chillas 2020-08-24 Nyugenhuutai 2023-09-04 Manuelsalas 2023-07-16 XiaoyudianHO 2022-10-13 Weeb
    3 points
  31. 15,572 total eggs 2628 uncharmed eggs fifth egg shiny and rare MR RARES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    3 points
  32. In the distant past, where trouble struck the Johto region Three ancient samurai's gathered on sacred ground, seeking the blessing of a rainbow.
    3 points
  33. Hello! I am VelvetLlama. This is going to be my suggestion on bringing back the LC (Little Cup) tier Officially. I saw it was an Official Tier back Pre-2020. (Announcement was made stating they are ending the tier officially on Dec. 28th 2020) but I think enough time has passed and still see an active community in the Tier that it should be taken into consideration to bring it back. I have some reasons why I think we should bring it back officially. First one is because it is one of the unofficial formats that I have been seeing a lot about it again. We have the LCPL (Little Cup Premier League) tournaments that are held yearly with HUGE prize-pools, the PokeMMO World Cups, and also the LC club weekly tournaments. Along with the Recent Patrouski Video on covering the Multiverse Tournament that is coming up has shed a lot of light onto the semi forgotten tier. There has been some discussion about dilemmas and solutions of the tier in previous topics that are on the forums. Like example, “The LC tier had a lot of bans and even ability bans (Download). Devs do not like tiers with a lot of bans.” The most likely problem is that tiers with high ban-lists are difficult to control. So a solution is simple: Leave the LC still under the control of the LC Club. What club leaders or moderators of the club can do is notify the devs in case of Bans on the monthly movement thread when the next one opens like I assume the tier council already does for the other tiers. The LC tier did not have a large player base because devs did not give us LC matchmaking, so that's an easy fix as well. Will they most likely have a smaller player-base on start? Yes, I believe that it's normal with any introduction of something new. But the player-base will increase with time, especially when most lucrative tours are on LC, so a lot of players will want to play and go for these prizes. Like the Multiverse Tournament stated above. I don’t think it would impact the other tiers at all. As they all already have a decent player base. Some might say that The LC tier didn't have a very versatile meta-game and was always defined by very high usage mons that usually ended up banned. But isnt that how OU is currently is to a point? Take example Gallade and the sharpness ability. Was brought in, Banned instantly due to how overpowered it was and its usage, and now it has been nerfed hard. Each Tier has its ups and downs but overall I think bringing back this Tier officially would be a good thing for alot of people as it brings a more unique experience with PokeMMO and its PvP. Sources: https://forums.pokemmo.com/index.php?/topic/150842-little-cup-dilemma-possible-reasons-for-its-removal-and-possible-solutions/#comment-1947382 https://forums.pokemmo.com/index.php?/topic/131653-deprecation-of-little-cup-tier/#comment-1768413 https://forums.pokemmo.com/index.php?/topic/157378-the-official-multiverse-tournament-of-power-1billion-prize-poolsunday-5-november/ https://forums.pokemmo.com/index.php?/topic/150666-wc-6-pokemmo-world-cup-6th-edition-general-thread-july-23rd-2023-to-october-29th-2023/ https://forums.pokemmo.com/index.php?/topic/158552-pvp-where-to-play-little-cup/#comment-2012319 https://forums.pokemmo.com/index.php?/topic/158551-lc-little-cup-weekly-tournaments/#comment-2012312
    2 points
  34. Team Tag: RÓSE Team Name: BloodAndRoses Team Captain: zoruix Players: 1. DiabloRG [2022-10-21] 2. Derlisgamer [2022-07-11] 3. Novaniel [2023-01-21] 4. SrFigaro [2023-07-08] 5. Titimoura [2022-06-27] 6. Laoqdjej [2023-05-12] 7. Gazhiel [2022-10-26] 8. Kutsukishi [2023-05-12] 9. VegascoKS [2023-07-19] 10. Harlamgamer [2023-04-12] 11. BlakPedro [2023-08-08] 12. MarcoAAA [2023-08-07] 13. riuxd [2023-02-12] 14. MarleneD [2023-09-22] 15. Astthian [2023-06-05] 16. PokemonChile [2023-09-30] 17. zoruix [2022-10-21] 18. ManuCaceres [2022-12-13]
    2 points
  35. IGN: Dindra Tiers: Catch and battle, Untiered, Monotype and Randoms Discord:Dindra
    2 points
  36. When I meme on people my posts gets deleted in matter of minutes. This thread is still open smh.
    2 points
  37. IGN: tMoi Tier (s): Monotype Discord: aubo.
    2 points
  38. IGN: Yezuke tiers: Losers Game, Monotype, Random Battles Discord: iyas3r_
    2 points
  39. gbwead

    Report Thread

    @Huargensy has been removed permanently from the Betting Club.
    2 points
  40. 你好。 1. 如果在之前的封号申诉中你没有被禁止再次玩PokeMMO,那么你就可以创建新的游戏账号继续游玩。 如果你已经被告知不欢迎再次进入社区,那么就无法再次游玩。 2. 在PokeMMO上找到闪光的概率是1/30000,没有什么会对这个概率产生负面影响。我们不会实施影响你闪光概率的惩罚措施。 3. 被恶意举报不会导致封号。 恶意举报他人是一种违规行为。 希望能帮助到你。
    2 points
  41. 111 votes that will be completely ignored 😂😂
    2 points
  42. I am this close to suggest opening a PokeMMO kindercare/kindergarten - it's like people drop to the floor as toddlers crying because things aren't the way they wish it to be.
    2 points
  43. Since we are on the topic of buffing things and aren't no longer bounded to the OG mechanics, i want to suggest Knock off getting buffed/reworked: Either: 40 Base Power, 1,5x more damage if opponent helds item, and removes the item as normal. 60 Base Power, no buff if opponent holds item, and removes the item as normal.
    2 points
  44. Team Tag: [ENIX] Team Name: Phoenix Team Captain: zKupo Players: 1. zKupo 2022- 06-20 2. PolarPallas 2023-07-02 3. GoldenNovember 2023-10-15 4. DOKIgood 2023-08-04 5. LunaDarkrose 2022-07-26 6. GautSamm 2022-08-31 7. Michielleus 2023-04-06 8. Renpai 2023-03-01 9. CDomS 2023-05-16 10. LyanDawn 2023-05-14 11. CIaudy 2023-08-10 12. NuraRikko 2022-12-11 13. pongusjunior 2023-07-23 14. YoungAzio 2023-08-27 15. BackpfeifenBodo 2033-09-09
    2 points
  45. Ign:MonkeyDMathew Fluff: went 1-5 in lcpl 3
    2 points
  46. IGN: Incognition Fluff: Won the first season as a player now want to try again as a manager. I only want players who will be committed to this event. Discord: incognition
    2 points
  47. Again would like to apologize for all the confusion here. The SGMs say they’re gonna give out the prizes. Will see what happens with that. Otherwise we picked our winners and would like to thank each and everyone who participated! We had 22 participants!! Once I’m back situated we hope to come back for more contests 🙂 MOST ORIGINAL @Sycli DIGITAL @Furabia TRADITIONAL @Floruwu GAMERZOZO’s PICK @boleame Don’t have a timeline on when you should expect your winnings but the SGM @Teddiursa said they would take care of this and I would like to thank Teddi for doing this and keeping the Event from dying.
    2 points
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