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January 2023- Movement Discussion

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2 hours ago, caioxlive13 said:

The one that i've suggested isn't better? Like, don't need to desync OU <--> UU movements with UU <---> NU movements if basically High ladder usage will be the only with value on usage table, and we know that High ladder use basically same/simmilar teams and the variety is low, so with time, drop movements will low at the point of rarely exists. The stability starts on OU, pass to UU until reach NU. The only thing that could create chaos is new HAs.

Valuing usage on high ladder has been suggested several times already. It's nothing new, but since it's entirely out of our hands, we can't do anything about it.

What I am suggesting doesn't require any work from devs or staff. It's a simple decision that has to be made by TC and that's it.

22 minutes ago, gbwead said:

Valuing usage on high ladder has been suggested several times already. It's nothing new, but since it's entirely out of our hands, we can't do anything about it.

What I am suggesting doesn't require any work from devs or staff. It's a simple decision that has to be made by TC and that's it.

I'm seeing that 6,7%/1,7% system of before HA will be vanished. We will never return to normal...

5 hours ago, Makarovs said:

I get your point and agreed about the check part. It just feels like mamoswine is one of those mons that would be back to UU next month just like crobat did, but with the old system back we'll need at least 3 months.

I think Crobat dropped to UU mostly because it lost in viability because of poison heal Gliscor. This will definitely not be a similar case for Mamoswine. Right now, it's better than ever in OU because of all these Gliscor/Garchomp/Dragonite/Breloom dominating the meta


My eyes on salamence now that mamoswine will be gone.

Defensively it can still be stopped with the ways that were presented before that still apply to it. But with the pokemon that forced it out offensively gone from the tier, offensive style of play seems helpless against it. One can argue that cloyster can be the ice sharder that forces salamence out but cloyster is not in a state in the current UU meta that can be a commonly used Pokemon.

I think we need to look into it a bit .

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Umbramol said:

My eyes on salamence now that mamoswine will be gone.

Defensively it can still be stopped with the ways that were presented before that still apply to it. But with the pokemon that forced it out offensively gone from the tier, offensive style of play seems helpless against it. One can argue that cloyster can be the ice sharder that forces salamence out but cloyster is not in a state in the current UU meta that can be a commonly used Pokemon.

I think we need to look into it a bit .

At the moment i've only see two possible offensive checks to Mence, that would be staples on UU: Mirror(Your own mence) and Nidoking(Showed calcs before). But the problem isn't Mence itself, is the necessity of prepare for it, and Crawdaunt/Feraligatr. 

Edited by caioxlive13
Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, razimove said:

Amonguss will be considered for OU with HA now, right? And even then regen mons feels like a mistake 

Regen clasule to 2023 meta?

 Regenerator Clasule: You can't have 2 or more mons with ability Regenerator and/or Poison Heal, on your team.

Only solution to prevent several matches hitting the limit of 1 hour and being resolved on Tie-break- That have main criteria favorable to stall. And, at the same time, allowing regen mons since someones could be legitimale and not complety Unhealty. I'm seeing Amoongus as a good answer to Serperior.

Edited by caioxlive13
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Rache said:

Banned Moody, thanks for the reminder.

Froslass's both abilities are also anticomptitive(not too much than Glalie Moody, but Snow Cloak and Cursed Body are abilities that everyone complain). Isn't easier remove Snover line's HA and release other HA mon to replace it, even if are a trash one?

Edited by caioxlive13
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, suigin said:

I agree, ban cursed body

Is easier. Snow Cloak was more acceptable than Cursed Body on frosslass because nobody runs Hail, and i doubt who runs Hail will use Frosslass
Cursed body can be problematic especially if your anti-lead is Choice and you don't clicked U-Turn/Volt Switch, if activate. Instead of this, why not release a less problematic HA?

Edited by caioxlive13
28 minutes ago, Kanzo said:

Da hell is all this talks

Pvp bann is pve bann?

"Release a less problematic ha?"


Wtf am i reading...

Modern era forum discussion on tier changes. Obvi. 


You skipped over the drop Milotic just cuz posts.

  • Munya unfeatured this topic

@Munya @TC    


The recent addition of Regenerator on Amoongus has severely increased the amount of abuse of the 1 hour time limit clause. Would it be possible to ask TC to amend the 1 hour time limit clause?


Imo, a simple solution would be to not take into account Regenerator mons when the timer reaches 1 hour. For instance, if player A is stalling with 4 mons and player B is stalling with 5 mons (including 2 regenerator mons), player A should be the winner because, if we don't consider regenerator mons, player A is stalling with 4 mons and player B is stalling with 3 mons.

I believe this would be fair since player B by playing 2 regenerator mons is forcing the duel to last longer and therefore should be penalized for doing so. It's insanely easy to stall for hours with multiple Regenerator mons and this should be consider an exploit.

Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, gbwead said:

@Munya @TC    


The recent addition of Regenerator on Amoongus has severely increased the amount of abuse of the 1 hour time limit clause. Would it be possible to ask TC to amend the 1 hour time limit clause?


Imo, a simple solution would be to not take into account Regenerator mons when the timer reaches 1 hour. For instance, if player A is stalling with 4 mons and player B is stalling with 5 mons (including 2 regenerator mons), player A should be the winner because, if we don't consider regenerator mons, player A is stalling with 4 mons and player B is stalling with 3 mons.

I believe this would be fair since player B by playing 2 regenerator mons is forcing the duel to last longer and therefore should be penalized for doing so. It's insanely easy to stall for hours with multiple Regenerator mons and this should be consider an exploit.

I'm warned to add a Regen Clasule. ANYONE HEAR ME? no, they laugh of what i've talked.
Well, now this are a legit probblem, because using regen mons, not only Regenerator but also Poison Heal, can lead to 1h match even with one of players without stall team. If one of player use a Stall/Semistall and other use a Balanced with enough longevity, 1h matches is sure. Also, most part of teams on high ladder bring or Ammongus or Gliscor, if not both. So, it's scare a bit.

Edited by caioxlive13
9 minutes ago, caioxlive13 said:

I'm warned to add a Regen Clasule. ANYONE HEAR ME? no, they laugh of what i've talked.
Well, now this are a legit probblem, because using regen mons, not only Regenerator but also Poison Heal, can lead to 1h match even with one of players without stall team. If one of player use a Stall/Semistall and other use a Balanced with enough longevity, 1h matches is sure. Also, most part of teams on high ladder bring or Ammongus or Gliscor, if not both. So, it's scare a bit.

there are differences between a good suggestion and a meme suggestion, think about it, maybe that's what the laughs are about 

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